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Show stake house. Retired council Vickie Rose, Jeanette Rotkelley, members were honored and pre- Rick E. Gibson, Linda and Dab sented with a gift. They were, bia Lynch and tha guast of honNEWS LAJLK VIEW WARD Harold Johnson, who i now or: They spent the eftamooa stake High Priest president; playing games and sating eake Baptismal sdnrices will b Mr. Jack Pritchett and small Lloyd Berrett and J. Kay Nelson and ica craatn. held Saturday ovsnlng t the daughter, Shelly flew to St. who ar eno longer members MR. AND MRS. Roger Lynch Lakt View Ward. Louia, Mo., to spend the holidays of the stake. and family attended a family with her husband who is on a Beginning Jan. 17, the Lake six month tour of duty with the Seventeen members of the party at Bountiful recently. Spe-ci- View Ward will hold their SacHolmes family, armed forces. She will return W. Eugene guest of honor was Santa rament sevices at 8 instead p.m. folhome next week. which included the grandchil- who had gifts for everyone, of 7:30 aa they have been held deliciols a lowed sons supper. by dren, great grandparents, , Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bambrough and daughters and inlaws were The 12 and 13 year old boys Mrs. Mr. Ora and have been visiting with Mrs. Maughan surprised with a visit from San- were pleasantly surprised Mon- and girls in Alan Petersona SunBambrougha mother, Mrs. Ann ta Claus Christmas eve.. He Russell and her brother and evening when some old day School class enjoyed a hay-ridgifts and sang with day in-law party last week, and ended from Cache Valley dropfriends Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rus- the family and later left many with refreshments and games up visit. The a In for sell in San Bernadino, Calif. holiday delightful and useful gifts for ped welcome-guest- s Mr. and in the Rulon P. Peterson barn. were Mrs. W. Eugene Holmes was the whole group who stayed over Mrs. Fred Tithing settlement will be Woodward, Mr. and hostess to the annual Christmas night. Mrs. Marvin Larsen and Mr. and held Saturday, Sunday and Mon party of Ladies Study Group at Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blanch Mrs. Iven Spence all of Wells-vill- day at the home of the bishop. her home Monday afternoon. As- and thier two sons, Kent and FIRST WARD sisting her were Mrs. George Chris of Klamath Falls, Ore., New time schedules set up L. SchoAmos Mr. Mrs. and Buckway Jr. and Mrs. Floyd daughter and of Mr. Farnsworth. Gifts were exchang- and Mrs. Holmes, returned field have been very busy peo- is as follows; Priesthood 8.45 a.m. ed and an auction on white ele- home Christmas Tuesday morning after ple this past week. SchooL 10:15 a.m. Sunday Andere-soDr. Mrs. items deliwas Juel eve and held. A phant visiting with parents and friends Fast it Testimony 12 p.m. visited cious luncheon was served to in of Calif., Pasadena, Ogden and Roy since ThanksSacrament meeting 7 p.m. the following members. their home. Mrs. Andereson is giving. On the first Sunday of the Mrs. Schofield's sister. ChristMrs. Lester Bell, Mrs. Ferrel month and ward priesthood and Mrs. Mr. Allen and were Schofields mas the Larry day Carter, Mrs. Alfred Creamer, teachers report meeting will be Mrs. Henry DeRyke, Mrs. Wil-alr- son of Las Vegas, Nef., are dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Al- Leslie Spencer of Clearfield. combined and will begin at 8:30 Doxey, Mrs. Marlowe Hal- guests , Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday they visited with Mr. ajn. this Sunday only. lens parents, Mrs. verson, Royal Harrop, Mrs. Larsen. and Mrs. Clark and Draayer Melvin' Holmes, Mrs. Lorenzo Sacrament meeting next Sunson Lloyd of South Ogden. Capt. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon CrittenPeterson, Mrs. Lou Roberts, Mrs. day evening will be under the Elliot Sampson, Mrs. S. J. den and family spent Christmas Lloyd Draayer is spending the direction o fthe Genealogical Schoffield, Mrs. Milton H. Shurt-liff- , at the Leo Crittenden home at holidays with his parents. He is Committee and will begin at a jet pilot trainer at BeeviRe, 7 Mrs. N. Russell Tanner, Coalville. p.m. Texas. Monday the Schofields Mrs. Howard Taylor, Mrs. Spending Christmas at Hyrum The MIA will convene Jan. 4 LesMrs. Mr. and Wardle, and the hostesses. were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Homer accompanied, a two week vacation. after to Provo and visited MISS DIXIE Russell, daughter and children Jed, Jan, and lie Spencer Relief Blaine Mrs. Society will be held and with Bishop of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell and Kelly. re- Tuesday Jan. 5 beginning at 9:30 on their and Hourtz family Miss Sharon Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Atkinson a.m. Visiting teachers report Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allen have spent Christmas at Malad, Idaho turn they were entertained at will be first with Alvin Mrs. and meeting of Mr. home the employment in Los Angeles and visiting relatives. Follett giving the message Schofield of Salt Lake. have gone there to live. to go Birthday greetings at 10 a.m. Ona Venable will Mrs. Joseph L. Peterson was Brent Crittenden who celebrat-hi- s SHAUNA BANGEKTER of the Theology lesson. New give hostess t,o the Caseworkers second birthday on the 30th Bountiful is spending some time districts and partners will be Linda Alumni group at her apartment of Dec. Little Brent is the son visiting her cousin Lynch. at the report meetinb Miss Paula Olcson is spend- given at the Hotel Ben Lomond last of Mr. nad Mrs. Sheldon Critfor the coming year. week. Their annual Christmas tenden. ing the Christmas holidays at Primary will begin Thursday Idaho was held and Mountain visiting Mr. Home, gifts party Spending Christmas with 7. A junior Jan. Primary will A delicious dinner was and Mrs. Darrell Wood were at the Ronald Carter home. be started at this time with the served to 12 members. Attend- Donald Keele of Dugway and Christinas day guests at the Sunbeams, Stars, Rainbows, and ing from Sunset and Roy were Mrs. Pearl Keele of Payson. Mrs. Edwin Beitz home were Mr. and t groups meeting at 3 Mrs. A. E. Brown and Mrs. Roy- Keele stayed on and will spend Mrs. John Steidley and sons 7 years and older will meet p.m. al Harrop. a few weeks here in Roy with Perry and Merrill, Mrs. Elmer at 3.45 p.m. or regular Primary Lake View Stake High Coun- her daughter and family. Perry of Rockland, Idaho; Bish- time. Anyone wishing transporcil members and their wives Guests Sunday at the home op and Mrs. Herbert Thorne and tation for their children due enjoyed a holiday dinner and of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Critten- daughter Marilyn of Murtugh, to this contact change please program Monday night at the den were Mr. and Mrs. Heber Idaho, Mrs. Mrytle Perry of Poworker. Primary Mrs. Leo Welde and Mr. and catello, Tdaho and Miss Diane SECOND WARD Crittenden. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wintle of North Ogden. Mr. My The Teachers Quorum was Porof Carter and four children rle Perry remained at the Beitz Sunday. Released REMODELING terville were their dinner guests. home until Monday visiting his was Dale Bird, president; StewGerry Lynch celebrated his son. art Greenwood, 1st counselor; 9th birthday Dec. 17. Ills mothMr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibby Dean Barton, 2nd counselor and er honored him with a party at- traveled to Tremonton to spend Kenneth Bauerle as secretary tending were Jimmy Johnson, Christmas. They returned home Sustained and set apart as the BUILDING Douglas Young, Sandra Young, Saturday after visiting at the new was Stewart presidency Leland Woodfruff and Alfred Grrenwood, president; Kenneth no.MES John homes. Bauerle as 1st counselor and JULIUS BROWN is at home Larry Brown as 2nd counselor. GARAGES now recuperating following a Dale, Baird was ordained at stone operation. gall FENCES Sunday by Bishop Aldou priest Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade arc Johnson. a of arrival FARM BUILDINGS rejoicing over the A new time schedule will be new daughter bor nDec. 26. This in effect starting Jan. 1st. So evens things up for them at two keep the change in mind. PriestFOR FREE ESTIMATE and two. hood 8 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nielsen CALL EX 4 7408 Sunday School 9 15 a m. and children spent the holidays Fast and Testimony 10 15 a m. at Preston, Idaho and Hyrum. There will be baptismal servUtah, visiting relatives. ices held Saturday Jan 2. at Traveling from Reno, Nev., 5.45 p.m. to spend the holidays with the Tithing Settlement will be Keith Gale family were Mr. and held Soutrday Jan. 2 from to Mrs .Darwin Gale and children. 5.30 and Jan. 3 from Sunday June Heiser is somewhat re- 12 to 5 p.m. covered from her reeent illness. Released Sunday evening as CONTRACTOR Linda Nelson daughter of Mr. secretary of the YWMIA was and Mrs. Chester Nelson has the Erma Chase and as Attendance mlmps for the holidays and her Secretary. Flora Ogan Sustainmother has been ill with the ed was LaRenp Nielson as secflu. Our wishes for a quick re- retary and Marla Olmstead as covery for both of them. attendance secretary. TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES NOW Spending Saturday at the Lyle Cyphers a recent convert z Richard Crockett home were was approved Sunday for ordiand Mrs. A. B. Crockett, Mr. nation of a Deacon. 2 3 Mr. Convenient Budget Terms and Mrs. Ronald Crockett and Sacrament meeting will be m 2j- - children and Mrs. Amelia Ball- held Sunday Jan. 3 at 5 p m., 2 UP TO 15 MONTHS TO PAY AT ing all of Logan. and will be based on genealogical theme. Relief Society will be held Wednesday Jan. 6 beginning with visiting teachers report at M m 1 0a.m. and theology to follow authorised Clou moil Highway 91, Roy "We sell nothing but quality service m 10.30 a.m at tr 5 At toy, Utah The ward Christmas party was a real success with Santa Claus the special guest. Primary will begin again Jan. 5 at 3.45 p.m. FOURTH WARD Fast and testimony meeting will be held Sunday Jan. 3 at 4:30 pm. at the Rov Junior High. As we welcome another We want to welcome Elder Charles Thomas back to the ward following a two and one New Year, we extend to a'l half year mission to the Netherlands. our customers and friends Tithing Settlement will begin Sunday Jan. 3 at 12:30 p.m. at the Roy Junior High. our very best w'shes Sunday Thomas Howes was ordained a priest by his father Kenneth Howes. for success, health and Bishop LaVar McMillan, Ben Fowler and David Bingham took PAGE TWO Church Nows - ROY here-to-for- e sister-- . e. son-in-la- n d Ru-lo- Ra-Na- or the Aaronlc Priesthunting Wednesday the boys of hood rabbit at Snowville. Primary will begin again Jan. 4 at 4 p.m. - n SIXTH WARD Ronald Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young was ordained a Priest Sunday. Speakers at Sacrament .meeting Sunday were Stanley Ben-nioand Charles Goff of the Stake High Council. The;: topics were very much enjoyed. Beginning Jan. 17 Sacrament meeting time will be changed from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All other meetings will be their regular times. Tithing settlement will be held Jan. 2, 2 to 5 p.m. and Jan. 3 1 to 4 p.m. and Sunday evening after 6 p.m. Primary will start again on the 7th of January. It will be held at 4 p.m. at Kanesville. The Aaronie Priesthood boys have built a skating pond. Now with more freezing weather well have a nice pond for every skating enthusiast. The Relief Society will resume meetings again Jan. 6. The theology and testimony meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. The lesson will be given by Joan Moser. Visiting teachers report will begin at 12 p.m. SEVEN Tn WARD There will be no evening meeting Sunday Jan. 3. Fast and testimony meeting will be held beginning at 12 p.m. at the Lakeview School. A new meeting time has been set up for our sacrament meetings starting gin at 4 30 house. Jan. 17 it will bepm. at the stake Relief Society next week will be' held Wednesday. Dec. 6 at 10 a.m. with Bunny Terry giving the visiting teachers lesson and Lynile Buehler giung the Theology lesson. p.m- - On Jan. 12, starting 10 a.m., will be the work at at 1 day meeting. Virginia Anderson is work director,. Virginia Jack-sothe teacher. On the third Tuesday, Jan. 19, Mrs. McGuire will give hte literature lesson, and the Social' Science lesson n AN ORDINANCE TO GOVERN EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1960 BY THE CITY OF ROY, UTAH. n New 1960 0LDSM0BILE Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section Utah Code, Annoted, 1953, funds are hereby appropriated for the municipal expenditures of the City of Roy for the year 1960. Administration Fund $32,016.00 Street and Public IMMEDIATELY DELIVERY Improicments 4-99- 22 $27,879.00 Bond Interest axsarj . ROY AUTO PARTS . Accessories PHONE EX II Recoidi r Madge New Just Rebuilt and Repainted GARDNER'S Parker In the Rear Gibson FIX-I- T Like New PHONE EX 2 6276 WORK SHOES Rubber Soles kil l ANC A NYLON STRETCH CHILDREN'S Ktg SIZE 511.39 -- 1- 1,118 -3 98 CHILDREN'S SIZE 4-6- x $1.09 , GIRL'S SIZE 7 - 10 Rig SI 69 $1.19 NOW GIRL'S SIZE 12 - 14 ... j Reg 1 98 NOW $1.49 Casaul Shoes Rubber Soles WOMEN'S SIZE 64 Size ""no- w- $1.89 to 12 $5.25 e$mCkiomtle Itsy Bitsy . Triple Roll J In his work meets many Bobby Sox Sox Reg. $1.09 pair ALCOHOL Ethyl Type Pint Size G L 29c 70 Free Brush with Each Purchase of 69c Size $1.39 Value happiness throughout 1960. Pair Reg. $1.49 Now Hot Water Bottle 98c 4 SEASON'S HAND Guarantee Reg. $1.49 and 98c BODY LOTION Ironing Board Pad Combination Att. and Cover Set Reg. $1.98 2for$1.00 May this be a year Non-Bindin- Reg. 59c TOOTH PASTE Contains 4 ea RUBBING Gleem . Children Stretch Nylon-Cotto- 79c . Boby Sox Stretch Sox 'aiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiimmiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiim 88c $2.49 Value - Used Parts SHOP 5616 Sn. 19G0 W., Roy TIGHTS 1 DAVErS SERVICE! & USED BICYCLES SEAL ATTEST Dean Mayor 5316 So. 1900 West, Roy 4 9639 USED TRICYCLES January O Brake Shoe Exchange Auto Glass Installed 1, 1960. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect on the 1st day of January, 1960. Passed, adopted and published this 29th day of December. 1959. on t Any Price Any Model & . : Plenty of Good Used Cars . $30,372.00 Redemption Water & Sewer Operating . Fund $180,850.00 TOTAL BUDGET $349,300.00 Section 2. That in the opinion of the City Council of the City of Roy, a public emergency exists in connevtion with the matters herein contained, and that it is necessary to the peace, safety and general welfare of inhabitants of the City of Roy that ths iOrdinance take effect iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr I wiU Total General Fund $138,078.00 Elen s WaJcoms Oleson G. R. j Fahncke a Wago cell with basket ef gifts... and friendly greetings from our religious, civic and business Waders. If you, sir ethers yoa know, are moving, be sure to phono Welcome Wagon. At your Convenience Cemetery and Parks $8,793.00 Cemetery and Parks Public Safety (Police and Fire Dept.) $35,390.00 $25,000.00 Municipal Aeres B&C Road Fund . $9,000.00 J Hostess at your home Coll EX J to town.. Ywr 10-12- Demonstration When you move : Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Roy, Utah, . ; dance at the stake house, start- will be given on the last TuesDonna" Child. ing at 9 p.m. Budget tickets will day, by be honored. TED ANDERSON, son of Mayor and Mrs. G. Edwin Anderson, ward be a baptisThere will a Christmas vacation. mal Saturday, Jan. 2 at 7 p.m. at is here for is in the Army stationed Ted font. ward the baptismal at Fort Ord,- Calif. Ted is an Tithing settlement will be aiting sergeant, in charge of 45 held Jan. 3 from 3 till 6:30 p.m. fellows. He is happy to visit and on Jan. 5 from 6 till 9 p.m. at home, but doesnt mind the service life. Relief Society will be resumed on Jan. 5 at 1:30 p.m. Doris Woodbury will give the Theology . lesson. Teachers report meeting will be held that day Johnny Marston Is in Siver-dal- e area to visit during the Christmas season. Johnny has ROY THIRD WARD spent his service time and is now Tithing settlement will be going into the photography busiheld Saturday, Sunday and Mon- ness. He is eStablihing a photoday at Bishop Hislops home. graphy shop at Orange, Calif. John was in the Marines branch FIFTH WARD At Sacramdnt meeting last of service and learned much Sunday evening Thomas Harris about photography while there. and Wayne Kimber were the HARMON Pfobst, Riverdale guest speakers and spoke on missionary, is fiack at home, havresolutions. ing filled an honrable mission. For those wh want to celePrimary will resume its work brate the coming-iof the new 4 Jan. 5th at Tuesday p.m. Wednesday Jan. 6 the Relief year in a sensible fashion and Society will begin its visiting sitll be assured of having a lot teachers report meeting at 10:30 of rael FUN, keep in mind the a.m. Mary Porter will give the Riverdale Stake New Years Eve lesson at 11 a.m. the theology meeting will be held with Mar- ORDINANCE NO. 148 ietta Parsons presenting the lesson. Thursday December 31, 1959 The Riverdale News 1.49 5 Children Reg. $2 Size $1.00 v Rubber you'll long remember LINK MATS for its many (Protect Your Floors) satisfactions. $1.98 Reg. $2.98 Value 4s the old year bows out we take$casure in wishing all our friends a successful MALT BAILS Bag 106s New Year. DEMON DRUG ,39c Mads With Borden's WESTERN AUTO a- Malted-Mrl- w- tie I 4 S 110 . V 4 . 'A: ii . fflt znTtiuinb rt nm.nj. mniiil mm - (MlHiSRV0 |