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Show STILL ANOTHER PRODUCER IS COMING SOON TO THE BIG CARBON DISTRICT (Continued From Fill Bis.) in the morning end 1 to 4:30 of the afternoon to show all visitor through and explain its purpose. Spring Canyon properties are operating from two to four day's a week with Storrs going about six. Kenilworth is working four days a week lately with au average production of two thousand tons every twenty-four hours. Great Western mines up in the Gordon Creek district of Carbon county, managed by George A. Storrs, are about ready to begin shipments. Three tons of coal are to be given for the lest name suggested for the product. lrn it e States Fuel company rsmy are working aluiut two days weekly. These are Heiner, Mohrlaml, Hiawatha and Went Hiawatha. The new steel tipple at the latter, costing close ton hundred thousand dollars, is just ulmut complete. Lee J. Sandridge, one of the very best known coal operators in West Virginia and prominent in democratic politics, was shot near Phillippi that state last Tuesday while en route to the Meridian mines to reopen oie ran basis. Two men tions on a accompanying him also were wounded. The assailant fired from the underline h along the road. The aae in the United States district court in which the United States seeks cancellation of rights of way granted the Denver and Rio Grande Western in Salina Canyon on the ground that the right has been forfeited through failure to develop and operate a line, was concluded before Judge Tillman D. Johnson last Monday at Salt Lake City and taken wider advisement non-unio- CONTEST ON LOCAL LANDS IN THE FEDERAL COURT The case in whirh the United States seeks to recover title to land grants approximating five thousand five hundred acres in Carbon county was begun before Judge Tillman D. Johnson in the United States district court at Sail Lake City last Friday. The defendants for argument on the dismissal of the suit are the Carbon Comity Ltind coiuian.v, the Independent Coal and Coke company and Carlton coun ty. The couiihcI for the defense, Hah-lo- n E. Wilson, was heard Friday and continued his argument the next day. S. W. Williams, siecial assistant to the attorney general, is counsel for the government. The state executed contracts of sale to the lands to Stanley B., Truth A. and Ilarley 0 Milner and Samuel II. Gilson, according to the government. A suit was instituted against them and the county to cancel the contracts because of the lands being mineral in character instead of agriculture, as the state had selected them. It is alleged that the plaintiff waa the owner and entitled to their possession, a court order decreed. The state was not made a party to the suit. Judgment waa affirmed on appeal. While the other defendants claim an interest, the state is said to have issued patent to the Carlmn County Land company. The court now lias the ease under advisement. the stage door bothering tonight, give him this mote," said Elsie Fartvn, the aiar of the cast. Tim grunted surlily, tor Mr. Harrilost their lives as a result of an ex- son, a gilded youth la his early twenplosion there September 21st and con- ties, had been bothering him nightly siderable damage waa done to the in- about Mias F siren, and slipping him terior workings of the property. Be- five and tena, which bothered him fore the mine is opened for produc- more; for Tim was torn between the tion all stopings along entries where love of a tip and his duties as watchmen are employed must be made fire- dog. Elsie Farren smiled. Mr. Uarrlsoa proof and permanent, dust must be loaded out, wet. down or roekdusted waa ao very ingenuous In hi notes to such an extent as to render it inert. profeasing eternal adoration. She bad The rhanges will be made under the not the heart to turn him away altodirection of B. W. Dyer, chief mine gether. Oh, if yon think It's worth while, inspector of the state. The preliminary work necessary to opening the my. dear, said her chum, Nellie James, when ahe broached the suggestion. mine already is under way. That night young Mr. Harrison, DIRECT AND SPECIFIC COUNTS sacking liis cane, waa amased and IN THE LONG RUN to receive the little note from Tim: Dear Mr. Harrison: I am much touched by yonr letters, and though I No farmer or miner would wait to act his goods from a mail cant come out to dinner with yon, aa order house If a nearby merchant you suggest, I shall be pleased if you would take the same trouble to will take dinner with me and my talk about his merchandise as siterilically and as directly as the friend, MIm James, In our little apartIt takes something catalogue. ment.' with a definite and sound appeal Dinner with a beautiful star la her to attract dollars from th conown apartment! What could be betsumer. Approach them with a ter? He did not think much about language they understand and they'll buy at home or In Jericho. Mias James. He wawit bothering about her. He rushed around to a florist's and tilled the car with flower. FALL'S COLORFUL BLOUSES So that the heavily veiled Mia Far-re- a stepped Into a little den of perp fumery when aha emerged from the theater. Not much waa Kid there waa not much to aay during the drive to Mias Farm's little apartment. It was a wonderful place, filled with Oriental wonderful pillows, ruga, divans, aplaahea of ararlet, gold and blue. A great fan of peacocks' feathers stood In front of tha gaa log. "Now, Mr. Harrison, said MIm Farren, T want to thank you very much for admiring me. Bhe threw back her veil, disclosing, to young Mr. Ilarriaon'a dismay, th features of an elderly woman. MIm Farren waa perhaps fifty, her hair waa silvery under the very obvious wig, and she she waa simpering I aha Come, take me Into dinner, Mid, taking Ills arm, aa the maid Juat then announced that dinner waa ready. In a miserable dream young Mr. Harrison escorted Mis Farren into the dining mini. It waa done in Chinese Chippendale, but young Mr. Harrison hardly noticed that. This elderly themselves below the elbow the Mouse woman was gushing at hla side: shown here will commend Itself to Do tell me how you came to admire many youthful wearers. It is simple me first, Mr. Harrison I And do you and pretty with a lattice decoration of narrow rlblion and trimming of val think I look young on the stage? They lace, and affords the most convenient tell me I don't look a day over twenty-firmeans of dressing up a bit. For this and I'm nearer forty than thirty. purpose nothing quite equals blouses Ami MIm Farren tittered. similar In atyla to this one. They are MIm Jamaa threw Mr. Harrison a made uaually of crepe de chine in lively colors, but crepe aatln and novelcommlsersttog glance from time to ty silks are also uaed. Some of them time, which only added to hla unhappiera bead embroidered, hut just now front panels and emplacements of ness. fine, wide felt lace and val edgings They adjourned into the living-roomakes up a popular style note In decMIm Farm aat down very orations on them. Neck lines show again. dor to Mr. Harrison on the lounge. considerable diversity. Do yon knowi ahe tittered, how NOTICE FOR I'l'HMCATION secluded we atage people really Uve? of the Interior, United States Land Office at Salt Lake City, Ifa ever ao long since I had a young Utah, October S. 124. Notice la here- man who really admired me. Oh, Mr. by given that Rasmus Frandaen of Harrison" she ctaoped her hands Price, I tali, who on April 21, 1121, "those letters of I shall alwaya made Homestead Entry No. 01142 cherish them. I yours read them whenever for WHNEfc, KfcNWti, SW14NW14, 8W14. Sec. 4; E14NE14, Sec. 8; NW14, I fael lonely. I didn't dream that such Sec. 9. Twp. IS South, Range 8 East. devotion really existed In this world. Salt Lake meridian, has filed notice of I want us alwsys to be warm friends. Intention to make three-yeproof, to establish claim to the land above de- Premise me !" Mr. Harrison promised, and, as soon scribed, before the clerk of the district rouit at Price. Utah, on the 12th as decency permitted, arose to go. . or Cluimant day November, 1824. Moat you reuily go? pleaded MIm names as witnesses A. E. Gibson, N. Aubert, Nephi Gunderson and John Alfa guerre. all of Price. Utah. ELI F. CARD OF THANKS TAllXIlt, Register. To the many friends who so kindly First pub.. Opt. 16; last Nov. 7. 1924. SMUMtcd us during our sadness anil with the beautiful floral There is no auch a thing as luck for bereavement and expressions of comfort offerings fellow the who think he ia Always and cheer we extend our heartfelt unlucky. gratitude and sincere appreciation. iSignedt, Mr. and Mrs. Keren Uapq Wedding announcements. The Sun. and Family. e, IIK-partm- ar AN ATTEMPT MADE TO WRECK OKLAHOMA PROPERTY M 'ALESTF.lt, Okia., Oct. to Mine No. 12 of the Rock Island Coal Mining company near llart-nborn- e, were dynamited last night and an attempt was made to burn two railroad trestles leading to it. Damage was slight, hut the incident has aroused the mining field. While a force from the office of Sheriff Anderson of Pittsburg county was investigating the blast at the gateways fires were started at the trestles, neither of which was more than half a mile away. The officers extinguished the blaze. Both trestles appeared to have been soaked in oiL The mine has been operating part time, employing approximately three hundred and fifty men. The company has been paying the 1924 wage scale, 'approved by the miners union, but had announced its intention of opening other nmpertiei which hare lieen closed during a wage dispute and operating on an open shop basis. With all its mines working the company planned to employ about twelve hundred men. Bloodhounds from the Oklahoma state ?Mnitcntiary sre being nsed in an effort to trace the persons responsible for the explosions and fires. Lauda to Bs Leased. Notice that approximately a huntj red and sixty seres of eoal land in ' rand rounty will bp leased at auc- on on November 17tb. on petition of hn Adams and others, was sent out at Tuesday by Eli F. Taylor, regis-- ; r of the tJnited States land office Salt Lake City. The land will be seed at a royalty of ten cents a ton ine run; minimum annual produe-- , n requirement sixteen hundred tons, mmeneing the fourth year, while, g ree thousand dollars must le the first three years.' card will be to the bidder offering t highest bonne. j ; invest-durin- I Extensive Safety work. the Car- Zojnplete rehabilitation of Rams in mine at a i Fuel company state the favored is by ring Canyon ustrial commission in a resolution men used last Tuesday. Six machine j j 571 DEEMQMENT STORES STOKE NO. IS, lKICE, UTAH Men's Flannel Shirts Exceptional Quality at See these shirts. a Low Price Feel their weight. Note how well theyre made. For men who want the most in qsality. For men who know they must have serviceable ahirts for satisfactory wear, warmth, comfort and protection In the weather. coldest Mads from Cantos U. S. Army Govaramaat Standard Fla a L Each shirt carries a labsl la thia affect. PM-Oan- ca Remarkable Quality For Only $3.98 Cut full and roomy throughout aleevea as well aa body. Long sleeve. No ikimping of materials. irw J) f ( VA Sundy-Mo- n d MATINEES BOTH DATS An Grade Pupil AU High School 8tndenta and Adnlfta B-W- - UfRH EVENING SHOWS Sunday, Continuous from Monday at .7:00ui Admission 25c and YOU presents See heart-shakin- TOU that have found in tha lud AMERICA at least a better ah than in any other land, not part no, not perfect, but at least than bafore. Coma and aaa how thia country haa giten yon shelter waa midi Boo how it, with its precious fn waa gained through tears and fic and Borrow. Como, for yon win find there lui tor, tremendous thrills, and yon tee the greatest sacrifices of first Americans, their sorrows triumphs, and yon will see how wailed by their walls of mon at Valley Forge, Lexington Bunker Hill, and how they, Americana, arose to the heights that yon have arisen The country they made, for alL Thia country la now youn u wan i theirs. Ton must help to keep it that tl lights of freedom may not dia out Help to keep this land of Amaru free from Intolerance, from hat a refuge for all the oppressed ever and ever; yonr land, tha of all people: AMERICA! ANB ICA1 AMERICA! the wild riding Virgin-Ian- s immortal lovers on horseback, who saved the day fer General Washington, and routed Americas most astonishing villain. See Morgan's Riflemen, Thrill tritfc them . J M ad Advettfura Dazzling Romance , nd. that have embittered tha ear with yonr tears. YOU that have wept by the waflii walls of Jerusalem; and the on - nations of the earth have made m take these walla with you where? yon journey, ao that your bitt tears have watered tha lands of lands of the world, from east g Ride with them rein-thousa- 8 YOU ride of Paul Revere-- the most famous dramatic scene in the century the that have suffered for . . With this wonderful epic of tha ago the Star Theater will give to its patrons special music, in addltk to the regular Star orchestra. Treat yonraelf to thia picture, as it ia really a treat. Farren, following him Into tha dimly lighted little hall. She stood very clow to Mm, looking up at him. And there waa only on thing to do. Young Mr. Harrison kissed her. Oood-- y; I'll coma again soon," he said, and fairly flew. Poor young man, what a shame I said Nellie James, aa Elsla washed ; and shook the away the grease-pain- t powder out of her hair, revealing tf! charming young woman of twenty-fivOh, well, llieyve got to have their linn uni wav. said Elsie. SECONDHAND WASHERS b FOR SALE e. ' Some fifty players and rooters for the high football team went to Green River on Friday last, where a frame was pulled oil ogainut that city. The wore resulted in sixty-on- e to nothing in favor of the Price team. The week liefore the high school de-- 1 feated Salina on the Price grounds by to nothing. Price goes seventy-on- e to Muab this week to play with the Ligh school of that town. j , -- t The Sun this week had a letter frenl Mm. Benton Randolph, a former resident at Price and at Winter Quarters and for some time located at Xnrota, Cala. AU the family, she sava. are 1 ?ndLen-j,.vinf- f the Golden' State, tor husband, a former manager for the Wasatch Store roiriiany and a commissioner in Carlmn countv, is prospering in the chicken business. Thomas Rowley, an old and resect-e- d citizen of this section of the state, died at Standardville last Friday. The remains were interred at Huntington Sunday, where he at one time lived anfi had relatives. The body was1 cared for at Price bv Wallace & liar- ' mon, the local morticians. He was 75 years of age. , , Certificates were issued last at and rev- ity cn teachers. Among the- - are Jensen and Victor K. Williams, Mary both of Price high aeh.s.1 diploma, and nt Kenilworth and Lila McCullough out nt Harper a grammar grade ditdoma. Carlon countys To suit your own prices while they last. Mon-- 1 tbc tnte hoard of education ooV Salt Lake ( to a hundred school conxim i to be taken between the 15th and the 31st of thia month. This ia state law. Reports mmt be filed with the superintendent of. public instruction tor I tah just after Noveinlier 30th. . Each session of the. emigres !wav seems to be the bmit. but the next one proves that it wasnt. Some real bargains. We also have a supply of Automatic and machines new from the factory. One-Minu- : te None better on earth and none more reasonable in price. At $88.50 and up to suit any purpose. If Mine men ran their wives like they do their business the divorce courts would be even busier. Eastern Utah Electric 1,a become (,f the oldfasbloned man who went ,j i,.,., shop to read the Police Wholesale - Cra;-ite- ? Wedding annuancem-nt.- i, Th Sun Co. Retail Price, Utah |