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Show The Bulletin Page 4 union these difficulties can be arbiAnna Bertrom Koch, 75, died at trated without loss of life, time and the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. property which are the result of a W. Wright of 1510 South Tenth THE BULLETIN Published by COMMERCIAL PRINTING CO. strike. The disaster of the burning of he ship Morro Castle was the work of. an international radical organ-zatlo- South 11th East Salt Lake City, Utah 2044 n. One Year 91.50 Subscription: 6 Months 75c 3 Months 50c on Request Rates Advertising ' Advertising and Circulation H. C. Young, Manager Editorial Department Agnes B. Smith - We hope that the Utah Federa- East street Sunday of illness incident to old age. The deceased was a native of Germany and has lived in Salt Lako for the past thirty years. tion of Labor will always be kept free from the radical element, and be able to settle all disputes by arbitration. - The New Home Washing Service PRICE LOW QUALITY HIGH PEERLESS LAUNDRY ELDER MELVIN 31ILLER Snow White Clothes STRICT SANITATION 1184 East 21st South Hy. 2182 - 2183 R. Louise Cluff RICHARDS Copy for news items, social and ; SEWING MACHINE sport activities, must be. in the of flee not later than noon Thursday, for pqblication in the following issue of The Bulletin. Parts and Supplies The Bulletin circulation mail box distribution in this district is approximate three miles long by The Genealogical Society held their first meeting of 1 the season two miles wide. Machines Bought and Sold EDITORIAL hall NOT A THING That you need for your Fall and Cleaning, but can be furnished At Home at the very lowest prices consistent with abso- lute quality. Re-novix- 959 E. 21st South Hy. 7932 ATTENTION Post Office distribution .in the A splendid program has been arRural routes make it absolutely necessary that the forms of The ranged for the testimonial for Ralph Bulletin be closed not later than Lake to be held Sunday evening. A large crewd is expected to be in Thursday noon. attendance. 4 t Holmes Exchange Monday evening. Call Hyland 364 commenced their For Editorial Department of The The Primary winter's work Tuesday afternoon. Bulletin, With news items, social and other events of interest to people of the Southeast and they will receive Thursday evening the Charter was presented to the Richards prompt attention. Camp, sons of Utah Pioneers at a social held in the Ware amusement DIRECTORY REPAIRING President Anthony W. Ivins will be the speaker at yxe services on 23rd. and September Sugarhouse Our Experts Will Call The farewell testimonial in honor of Elder Melvin M. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Miller will take place, Sunday evening, September 16th, at 6:30 p. m. It will be held In the Forest Dale Ward The program is in charge Chapel. of the ward recreation committee. Elder Miller is leaving soon for Let's the Eastern States Mission. all be at the farewell. Phone Hyland 8739 WE BRIGHTEN THE EARTH Your School Needs , . The Young Mens Mutual has been It is pleasing to note the whole reorganized with Glen Thomsen as some attitude of the labor federation president, Kessler Powell, 1st coun- FUNERAL FOR COASTER VICTIM expressed during the four day con- selor and Claude Bird, a new memas" counselor. 2nd vention of the Utah Federation of ber of the ward, Labor held this week. Services were held Sunday at Utah has been exceptionally free 12:30 in Lincoln Ward Chapel for from the work of agitators and Leo Thomas Lefavor, 18 year old communists except the short uprisson of Mr. and Mrs. William LeLOCAL ing in Carbon County. favor, 1988 Eighth East Street In other parts of the United Young Lefavor died Friday from States, partlculary on the sea coasts, injuries he received when thrown where emigrants are smuggled into from the roller coaster at Lagoon evade the emigration laws, strife is on Monday. Nib in the afternoon Wednesday constantly being stirred up and ley Park Ward chapel funeral servHe is survived by his parents, honest workers are heckled and ri- ices were held . Bisters and one brother. V. L. three for diculed until they are finally led to Veenendaal, 2291. Sixth' East street, believe they are being overburdened who died from the effects of burns and someone else is getting what received when her apron caught The Irving Confectionery at 1201 should be their profit It is true, fire from sparks from a kitchen East Twenty-fir- st South street is of course, that there are many inBurial was in the Wasatch now under the management of Benrange. stances where capital docs prey oi Lawn cemetery. anMr. Dolczal jamin Dolezal. labor, but with a strong labor Mrs. Veenendaal is survived by nounces that he will of a line carry BBSUmSUMBBBBBmM husband, three daughters and five confections and soft drinks as well as a line of school supplies. The Paint Pot H. Van Harten Brief cases. Fountain Pens Pencils, Looseleaf Note BARBER SHOP Books Ask About the Official Reading Course of the M. I. A. We Have the Books 1107 East 21st South For Excellent Service To make your old shoes like new depends on expert Workmanship. THE PROGRESS SHOE DESERET BOOK COMPANY REBUILDERS 44 East on South Temple Have you read the latest We have it. Novel? 1059 East 21st South FRESH Welding? Are Experts NEWS Mrs.-Mari- step-childre- PAINT SPECIAL Sept. 10th to 20th INTERIOR GLOSS FINISH Ots 87c Gal. GRANITE FLOOR ENAMEL Gal. Qts. $2.95 88c t ALL PURPOSE SPAR VARNISH Pints Qts. 90c 55c FLOOR and TRIM VARNISH Pints 49c Qts. 79c SUGAR HOUSE LUMBER HARDWARE CO. 8 "IS It Goes in the Bu3dihgt We Sell It 1164 East 21st So. Hy. 555 Idaho spent Sunin day Sugarhouse with relatives and friends. L. A. Ward of Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson ana daughter, Ffey, of Los Angeles, California, returned home the fore part of the week after spending ten days with friends and relatives In the southeast Max Vigil, 2520 Chadwick 2021 South 11th E. -- 1986 South 11th E. Hy. 2111 Lawn Mowers Sharpened the 25c Factory Way. Our Work Guaranteed STORE SHOE BEE-HIV- E Recent reports from the: Holy Cross Hospital concerning George Weldon, 14, who was Injured in a accident last week, were to the effect that his condition was fairly good. Young Weldon, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Weldon, 1998 Windsor street suffered a broken leg and numerous cuts and bruises wh-.-the bicycle he was riding near South on Fourteenth Twmty-fircollided with an autostreet Eart mobile driven by Alfred J. Limb, 17, of 1557 Redondo Avenue. 1069 East 21st South REBUILDERS John Sugarhouse st Street 1L , Sainger, Prop. We Rebuild Your Shoes and Make Them New. 1133 East 21st South bicycle-automobi- le market and that it is not injurious to peoples health, but rather since it contains a quanity Hy. 458 Ideal Repair Shop UNITED ....The elementary achool registration CONDITION OF INJURED showed a drop of 680 compared YOUTH REPORTED FAIR with last year. Junior high registration increased' 102 and senior high increased 116. Granite Welding & Wire Works 15 per lb. 5-- 10 Acme Quality $2.77 n. Just Bring In The Pieces CHOCOLATE DROPS e F. W. KIEPE of mineral salts, is healthful. All well water is harder, according to Mr. Knight, as it has a greater quanity of calcium, magnesium and mineral salts than snow TAILORING The Tailor Who Knows How to Remodel Clothes for Ladies and Gentlemen Cleaning and Pressing water. has returned home after spending the summer in Logan. NEW WELLS SUPPLY HARDER WATER TO rrlvate funeral services were con SOUTHEAST HOMES ducted at the family residence for three-mont- h Paul Ronald Burdett, old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Burto numerous calls dett of 1215 Laird Avenue, who In response in the southeast askresidents from died at a local hospital following a ing the cause of the extreme hard short Illness from pneumonia. water in the city mains, The Bulletin contacted A. G. Knight of the Carl Veater was laid to final rest city water department this week. Mr. Knight stated that the change in the Wasatch Lawn , cemetery water came about when the rein services funeral Tuesday following Mr. cently sunken wells were turned in-t-o held in the Wasatch Ward. the mains but as soon as the Veater, who was fifty-on- e years of a in died Age, heavy demand for water slackens Wyoming following water will again be drawn from his with resided He heart attack. family at 1352 East Seventeenth Cottonwood lakes which is much South Street and was well known softer. However, Mr. Knight stated that among livestock men of Utah. water can be softened by using and are the a son, George, Surviving three daughters, Mrs. Cleo Hatch, a few spoonfuls of some of the commercial water softeners on the Myrtle and June Veater, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The IRVING CONFECTIONERY Seeks to accomodate the people of this community Complete New Stock SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM TOBACCOS CANDIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES GROCERIES 1201 East 21st South SUGARHOUSE B. F. DOLEZAL, , Proprietor |