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Show THE U N I O il . i Published every Saturday at St George, Washington Co., Utah, BY 3001 TT. Oorrxxtxy EDITOR PBOPBIETOB. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year, W gjj. One copy, six months, One copy, three months, tyLocal notices In reading type, ten eents a Hoe, each insertion. ISTNotices of articles lost or found, consisting ol flvs Unas or less, will be Inserted In-serted lor our subscribers, free of charge. ' t-Ratea of other advertising furnished on application. ' HTWe respectfully request that contributors con-tributors will hand in the general reading read-ing matter that they desire to appear in the ensuing issue, not later than Wednesday Wed-nesday morning, and local items not later than Friday evening, of each week. Address all commnnfcatlons to THE UNION, Box512, BT. GEORGE, Washington Co., ' UTAH. Saturday, February 8, 1896. |