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Show 4 ttttaea )TT 3.1: - . & ' ESCRIBE SAV iPo fr v AND GET . fv-- i r;--- UTAH ng r! UJa t 'wrwrwJ gARLY 4; .vi SPANISH FORK, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4,1893. 3L.1. LOCAL h, JOTTINC9. ii63Kc! lM1 lumber at $1.50 to $8.00 par ,,t Jex& Sons. ,Dd the lacture intbe rneetiDg bouaa as it will ba of j,j. Dont fail, 'jtnaflt to all. & Som keep jKBin that Jox and fresh lime in coneetion iij , lumbering business, Bobley, our genial druggist, ,o weeks sojourn in the east, night as bail as ever. Third ward Y. M. M. I, A. dance DLleshall on Tuesday evening -- md lucccss, and Jan enjoyable au spent by those present. Co-o- p. took stock rtung Mens j tod considering the present see, the institution is in a pro-i- , on 7- - g- - 3 UK, novo Filt condition the Mtfllins IliHistory, Tamper, meeting house on ,j night. This is in the interest bt Sunday schools, Admission, ousliel r . ,'t fail to attend ad Lectures of ad Ocean at the f.tt, ,ti; children 10 cents. Jake Aroyle gave asocial on ssdty night last to her friends, s or twenty participated in the ties and after songs and a nice ..at game of high five was indulged .1 after which lunch was served and i glass of grapes in liquid form, clock was the termination of the &s. wood loieu on A. W. Johnson snd Goo. prior diiectors. II. Tuttle was made the secretary and treasurer. Adjourned till the 2.th inst. Thus ended a sessiou of six hours for the West Field Irrigating company . THE GUSTS I3-80- to. alt That Struck Us and the Dam ase Cone- - Faculty of the Mind. The Water Company Held a Long Session and Kleot Officer instructive Leo ture By Prof. Brim hall. Ofeeurieyou may now say that Spanish Fork is a blizzard town after such a sweep as we had on Monday ntgbt Inst, but it is tha first stiff wind we have hud this winter. This hurienne done considerable damage in different parte of the city, but fortunately no lives were lost or serious injuries sustaihed as far as ws learn; but we must feel to acknowledge that was a blizzard, having been given birth by the mother of blizzards Spanish Fork canyon and took its procedure over our city. The damrge first to mention was the gables blowing in and roof off of the house of Mr. Ogan Beckstrum, on the Bench. This occured about 11 oclock, when the household was but retiring A panic ensued in which no one was materially injured, notwithstanding the upper portion of the bouse b lig The inconvenience and stripped off damage dime Mr. Bcckstrum will reach irobably $200. The partly finished frame building half block north of The Son office was completely blnwu down, not an obstruc-tiobeing left standing to tell the tale. Buildings 1 along to Williams A Jons and is a complete wreck. Damage about new-bor- n of the Democratic club in the Court IIouso on Monday last the fullownig committees were ed to canvass the wardi: 1st, John .Drum, John C. Ilolt, liyruiu Halts; Jos. Patterson, Frederick Lewis, rJcx; fid, J. J. Banks, Ben E. inn, D. A. Banka; 4th, Hans Olson, m Christianson, Goo, F. Bowen, club then adjourned to meet to (Saturday), when the e'ection of rs will take place. , special missionaries appointed to inthe interest of the Sunday school Spanish Fork a visit oa Monday md in the evening held meeting gave some valuable instructions to sized congregation. Spoke of the its of the Sabbath school and the chaining of the young. They were rsL. 0. Davies, G. F. Merley, of xte Stake. gram) eu prise party wai given Mr. 11 Davie, jr., on Tueaday evening in honor of his 21th hr did ay. First the partaking of a bounteous supper which the tables were ladened with. .n all bad satisfied the inner mnn the ung was spent singing songs and si chat until a late hour. Among is present were, Mr. and Mrs. Howell vie, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chappel, 'jhChappel and wife, David Hubert-- i md wife, Mrs. Adlinda Kojle, Miss tburii and Mr. Harry Davis. club met at aiE Ludies residence of David Malcolm on tdntulay nigbt. Meeting called to by President Jane Finch, who read election entitled Club Life for Wo a. Miss Amelia Heesa read a poem, tout Sum Music, Miss June Bowen, and Eliza ng by MUses Ella tnell IwMmn. Mis Amelia Rees recited Read 'vitelimiina Christmas Story. J by Miss Ada Melior. Song by Miss Snell. Heading by Mrs. Mary Her. Adjourned, to meet on tbe first 'ilncidav in March. Tharo Itemed to in umtMial largo turnout and many members signed the roll. mooting i :o l)!i- - '1, an w Mf A 14 v meneray-pfrimme- r. For soma time wa have missed tbs wtnceof that genial Dr. Msneray, A npls of weeks ago we rectuved a notice 0m San Diego, California, which read : Da. P. A. Mb neb at, Emma L, Pfrimmkr MARRIED Jan 4, 1393, at 8 p. m. Bar Dieoo, Cal. Toe Sun congratulate! the d ctor and nli his speady return with hie life1 Wednesday, hearty and voyage do We, when wo will grin him den hi heart with- bon - r. J!i ' V. Dory, ol Warsaw, 111., wa ro,iblcd with rheumatiem and tried mbsr of different remedial, but sayi of them eeemad to do biin any good that ha got hold af on 91 finally "ud cured him. He wai much with, and felt eure that others ollarly etllcted would like to buow t the remedy wee that cured him Hates for the ltensfll of tha public it is ceiled Cbemborlein'a Pain ', n. For aale by E.B. Sorley Wanttd. Poultry of all kiods. olnliig nflice . A Apply at the halo old mae, Mr. Jas Wilson, 'leiii Bprlajs, ill., who Is oyer I have in wy lio nofoge, siyi: great many msdlelnii, iotas of wljmt quality; but never before did find any that would ao completely d that Is claimed for It as Chamberlain' r'c. l, u NO. 35 vyiyiiimiw 2 en mHE suM Cholera and Diarrhoea Hatuady truly ft wonderful mcdialae." For Barley. $20. Maggie Brown a millinery store near the Boyack, was relieved of its front gable and cornice, it being laid nicely Loss, $100. id front of the store. The east half of the roof of D. R. Evans was lifted iroin the houso and carried into the yard. Damage and lots $150. The new brick bouse of Robert Dudley The was the scene of another calamity. brick came tumbling in upon tbe ccilng "like a thousand of brick," but fortuont hurt. Damage, $200. Many more minor damages occured in diff rent parts of the city, snd the total damage and inconvenience will probably reach $1,500, Never in the history of winds in this city has anyone escaped Injury from ao many demoliiiei. Had not this strictly religious weekly been located in the depths of a basement it surelv would have been among the unfortunate, but hsppy to say we are careful enough to get at low down as we can in order that wo may net be disappointed In our plans and specifications. P. 8. We also learn that Lake Shore got it in the neck. pjy no oue w.-i- t West Field Irrfeatlns Co. The West Field Irrigating company held their animal meeting oa Wedues-dalust for tiie purpose of electing officers aud the ir.usactiog of other itu.a, of which the principal was the water running in the fiulut in the winter eeaeon. The meeting wee called to order by John P. Joucj. President John P. Jones made quite a lengthy Statement of tbs water running in the liig Sect in the Winter, laying at diffcreul linn a the water bad flooded the railroad end tbe water company was threatened to be sued by the railroad company if some action wasnt taken for ite prevention. Mr. Joues explained the matter to tha meeting In a thorough manner. Iu regard to tha water rnmng in the field in the winter then gave vvut to the meeting end oearly two hour, wai occupied in diecutring tha question. W. J. Tlmmas said that if we could was get along with water in winter bo in favor of it. Thos. Jarvis was in favor of water in winter sbd said if neCessary would be willing to pay a watermaater tha year round, and lLat w needed water in the wiutcr as well as in summer. II. Tuttle was in fsyor of putting in good galas with lock snd let water run throagh tlio ditch according to tbe wisliee of the At tide juucture A. A. Dahlo moved that the company eliut off Ilia water in tha winter season, snd Uioss that wishai tlio water pay tor It nd tbit they At bs hsld responsible for damages. cooflaberation was this point quite indulged In by Mr. Wm. Thomas snd Ben Willtms in regard to tha flooding of tha field. Amendment was mad by U. Tuttle thSt wa maka good kind gates and that tht principal watvrmsstsr hava control and all parties using water in winter bs responeibla sod pay wsttrmasfer Tb 3in it Jarvis hero trots with anger tod poured hot ihot Into tb tntetiug nJ laid sonctrnlcg lb amendmsnt, whatever we don tbs company Would he responsible and uot a few loulviJJela who chsnce to bast land along ditch Mr. Jarsls then mda ao amendment to tha amendment that tin watennester turn the water at thscompsnyi expense Mr. Jarvle imanduieat was lost ao! Mr. Tolttii carried. bust-noi- l After thru or fair tours on tin C Mr. officers of election begin. S. O, Davis was sleeted president; J. y lsod-owoer- Thom, e. Blow u, Thk Wagon and Machine Co. have this week received the largest consignment of plows and harrows ever This company WSf. CRSER, bought to Utah county. certiinly mean busir.es, and are predicting a prosperous season in the ngrieul-- t tural busints, This shipment of plows I and hnfrow number about 125, and oc-- ! cu pied a car. It seems to us when an auction outfit , comes to town people will rush to it and think they are buying goods cheap, but after the wear of auction goods they soon tell the quality. Wo dont approve of Muction concerns coming in our midst end eelling client) Johns gn'mls, It people would go to our merchants with the Cash and wnbt goods, we think they can get a better bargain, But somehow people in this community would rather go to (hat shining auction sale up the etreet and pay their money for same bankrupt stock of a fourth class clothing store in Provo, thit could not possibly be disposed eff there, and brought out in a smaller town, thinking the people here wonld have poor judgment. We say to those who want cheap bargains pitronize'our home merchants. Look to this motto: "Ouf homes, our country and our friends." Following is a I riel lecture dulivered by Prof. Brimhall in the meeting house Jauuary 22, 1893. Memory is the faculty of tha mind by which it retains the knowledge of piev lous thoughts and event-.- . Thera are two classes of attention, vi Spontaneous and Foice. Spontaneous or attractive, is when the niinti is drawn bv a ccitaiu power of inducement from the subject on which it is put. attention is when the mind is united to a subject and when the whole soul is concentrated on it. Attention is the very soul of genius. Interest may be called the mother of t at motion which, in return, supports interest. It is said of Sir Walter Scott, that when we come dowa to hard study, it seamed aa if his memory whs in a button, lie was to spill against the best spellers Hi in school for the championship. antagonist noticed wheie his attention was and just before the spelling lesson he cut the button front off Scotts coat. Congratulates. The spelling Jay enmeon, and they stood To the Chairman of Vie Ladies U publican like two little her ; a Imrd word whs Club of Spanish Foi k : giveu Walter anil finding his souice of I wish to congratulate you on tho memory gone, bo lost. progress you have made since the rapid is three sub divided into Memory ot your club and in behalf or;ani7Htioft classes: (1) Receiving, (2) Retaining (3) the of club, wish to thank you McKinley Recollection or Recognition. Receiving will continue irt the ia the act of paying attention to that hII, and :hoping you havo so earnestly woik that yon good which is told u, and to (tore ft tip in And I am eatisfiod that you our minds. Retaining knowledge means started. in tho right place in to bold it there as a reserve. Recollec- have the right lady Finch ei pres Mrs. the of person Joseph tion or Recognition is the powr of David Malcolm. ideut. w bringing forth tha knowledge which Pres. McKinley Republican Club. hive in our own minds. We aio ps-ese- d of another atrong power called Wa abut our eyes aud Imagination. are able to call up persona before us, because wa have their likenest iu our minds by laws of association we are able to bring forth knowladgo. Thpra are four : Itws of (1) lb semblance, (2) Contrast, (3) Contignity, (4) Correia tion. We see a rabbit running a ml by its ears we think of a donkey, this is Geo. D. Gfio. O. Gilbert Fnell, resemblance. When we are in r. dirk President. li h f wh i, of we tbiok place, I). E. Morey Cashier. w feel a we smooth thing ia conthink of a rough object, this tracts. By the law of contignity we are oltda to judge of one thing, by soother. We seo a mans (log in a -- OFchurch and we have a idea that the owner is near, Coirelution, or siirn wa aee the nitional When SPANISH FORK to tha breeze we think of the veterans of the Revolution. While the pcis n lias li I attention nvited on the him, subject a tire btirus within Directors Geo. D. Snell, John Jones his outward appearaoce may be co'd. John Rockhill, J. 8. Thomas, Geo. O indifferent, apparently without an aim Gilbert. or intent,' bat eotnetimes it will burst Transact a general banking business. forth like a ray of ednlight after a and foreign exchange bought Domestic shower of rain, like volcanic fires or like and sold. cloud. front breaks the that lighting Interest paid on time deposits. If we expect to retain knowledge, let us UTAH . SPANISH FORK, put it into our minds to stay there; but do not overburden your mind; do uot try to commit to memory ell you rend; but atop studying at tho point of aid while we aro studying we should pom all our anergy into tho subject io that we will not need repeat ur lessons over again. Mapoboa bad so studied his lessons that he tore the leaf which be had prtrioully studied and cast it into the bre, saying, "I have no As time to read the same things twice. the years tolled on they allow strength, jsjy growth, intelligence, freedom art,' and Und our as Bo wide, however, culture. LOCAL TIME CARD. and vast our population way our minds)expana so that all wa beer that is IN EFFECT JANUARY 1, 1810. worth bearing snd its that which is BAST WEST HOUNI BOUND. worth seeing may lie stored in our minds a. in. STATIONS. m. ready fot instant practicd. , J. 10:30 Ar. Lake. Salt .05 Lv. I Alfrid Reb.s, 8:55 Provo. 5.80 Eighth GrsJe Com- Jane E. Kqwr, 8:40 5:88 Springville. f Annie Rowe. 8.28 8:42 Spanish Fork 8:15 8:56 Mr, C. E, Davis, editor of thi Bloom Psyson. 7:10 Eureka. . 7:10 flsld, lows, former, says : "I can ra Lv. G .55 commend Cbamherlain'e Cough Remedy Silver City. 7:85 Ar. to all suffcreri with colda and croup. I No. hava used it la my family for tha past No; 27 two year and hava fonnd it tha best I Westward, fT At IONS. have ever uied for tha purposta for 8:45 E. m. 5 '33 p. lit Fpringville which it is intended. 50 cent bottles 7:05 5:10 Fork Sp, for isle by E. B. Borlty. 4:44 7:33 Psyson 3 (10 Eureka The cast of Halts Bro's V'. 9. G.) John 10:1? s in cams up before Judge J. L. Hales n. Bennett, J. ami ajury on WsdiniJay Last. N. Smith Genl Phm. Agent proiceoteJ and E. II. Johnson defeuded. Tha cast was brought to collact 50 cents It cost tha defendtat over $21 .00. SPANISH l u & Manufacturers of -- Dears in T ((MM!,, GROCERIES. FORK, - - CAPITAL U Boots and Shoes, BAN'K-- v d U AMI e-- se.-in- John jonks, rmiutrfy Hardware, Clothing, $25,000 Fancy Notions .Farming Implements, Roller Mill Flour, Grain, Etc. SVM6h Grande Fur-nitu- re, MALG0LM & HUGHES, Western lRAILWAY'j Mr. Albert Fayorits, of Arkansas City Kin, wishes to give our readers the tensllt of his txpeiicnce with colds. lie ays; "I contracted a enhl early last spring that isttlsd on tuy lungs, and hue hardly rscovsrod train it when I caught another that bung on all summer tod left m with a bioking cough which I thought I ntver would get rid of. I line usd Chsmherlsln'a Cough Remedy some fourteen years sgo with much success, snd concluded to try it a gain. Whto I had get through with my bottle my cough had left n!e, and I hava tot tuf fired with t lough nr fold slnco. I have rscommendid it to otters, snd nil ipeax 30 Clot lottlss for isle by well of it. E.B. Sot ley. DKAI.r.KA DC (EJLWMIGm umoi? PA6IFI 0 SYSTEM Boots, Shoes, Hats, Oo.ps, TLM53 CJLXUD Etc., EtC; 4IINO NORTE ttoixo south. No. 3. No. I. No. 2. No. 4 m. stations. , . m. p. m t. in. p. 4:33 7:40 Lv. tu.lt Lake. Ar. 10 00 8:17 7:03 10 DO Ar. Sp. Fork, Lt. 7:15 8:47 Ar ff.20 1:45 Juah. :10 11 :59 Lv. D. E. Bcrlry, Gen'IAgeut, Salt Lake IN Main Street; SPANISH FORK |