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Show Tins SPANISH FORK PRE23, SPANISH FORK, UTAH, ' PASSEO ON IN APPEAL of criw Thirty-twmembers CO DOWN TO DEATH WHEN . VESSEL BREAKS IN TWO. o MOTHER JONES BENT FROM TRIN. IOAO BY TRAIN ON WHICH SHE ARRIVED. ClgHt Mtmbare ef Craw Rescued by Steamer Which Cama to tha Raicua and It la Poaalbla Tan Othara May Hava Eacapad. Military Authorities Take Action to Prevent Aged Womgn From Ex hortlng Strikers, Deeming Her Presence Unocelrable, New York. Tb ll tank ateamer Oklahoma broke In two amldNtitna without warning at 7:30 o'clock Sun dny morning couth of Randy Hook and a large number of her craw aotnn forty man perished. Tha atern aectlon. In which waa situated all tha heavy machinery of tha veaceL and on which them wera thirty two members of tha crew, sank Immediately. Eight members' of tha H'PVNhU crew were rescued by the Hamburg' American line ateamer llavarla. whose captain aays some of tha Oklahoma's SEARCH FOB LOPEZ IN men told him they saw an open boat of tha Oklahoma put away from tha MINE PROVES FAILURE wreck with ten men In It This Information was contained Trinidad, Colo. Acting tinder or dvrs from AdJL Gen. John Chase, on Sunday a detail of the state nillltU met "Mother" Mary Jonea upon her arrival here from HI Paso, ordered her to return aboard the train and arcom. 'panb her as fur aa Walsenburg. the limit of the military son. "Mother Jones In Trinidad purchased ticket for Denver. She offered no remon trance and no demonstration occurred. The military authorities had learn ed that "Mother" Jonea Intended to top in Trinidad to exhort the atrlk era, and deeming her presence undo-slrahl-e In the city. General Chase or drred her deported. Should she reshe turn, said General Chase, will be arrested by military authorities and held Incommunicado. The deportation of "Mother" Jones caused much anger on the part of the strikers and strike leaders here, and there were many urgent requests forwarded to Denver that she return to Trinidad at once, assuring her protection from any number of troops or citizens. Many strike lead era. Including John McLennon. president of tbe Colorado Federation of labor, were present at the station when "Mother" Jones arrived, but the military officers would not permit her to speak to any of them. rjr FEDERATION UNDER BAN OF MICHIGAN MINE OWNERS In a wireless dispatch received Mondiy night by the I lamburg American line Sheriff Admits That Mealcan , here from Captain Graalfs of tha Haa Escaped and Withdraws steamer llavarla, which la proceeding Guardi From Mining Property. to lloston with tha eight survivors of the tanker on hoard. Bingham, Utah. The search for CARDEN TO BE TRANSFERRED. Rafael Lopei In tha mine haa been abandoned. Sheriff Smith British Minister Who Is Regarded as has withdrawn all the deputies, exWill Leave Mealca. cept two, that have been guarding the London. 8lr Lionel Carden, llrlt-Is- property, and baa admitted tbe posminister to Mexico, la shortly to sibility of the escape of tbe Mexican. A complete search of tbe under ba transferred to Rio da Janeiro as minister to RrazIL Ha was appoint ground workings has been made, ed to Mexico July 18, 1813, to suc- without finding Lopei'a body, or any trace of hla recent presence In the ceed Francis William Strong. Tha successor to Lionel Carden at mine. Sheriff Smith will now mall circulars broadcast throughout the Mexico City will probably Murray Marling, senior counselor In country. Those circulars will con tha British diplomatic aervlca, now tain as complete a description aa possible of the Mexican, and will an accredited to Turkey. Sir Lionel Carden's transfer, which nounce the $1,009 reward which la ofis a promotion as far as salary Is con- fered for hla capture, dead or alive. In statement Issued Saturday cerned, although tha two legations Sheriff Smith aald: "I do not ntgbL sama sertn tha possess tha standing vice, would hava occurred soma time care to take the responsibility of pub ago except for tha fact that tha British ting the county to further expense In foreign office would not make the proving absolutely that Lopeg Is not change while the minister was under In the mine. The result of our search Are for the alleged Interviews In has given ua but little reason to bewhich ha was made to reflect on tha lieve that be might still be there. On ' policy of tha United States toward the other hand there baa never been clew discovered to hla possible Mexico. whereabouts outside of the mine. RAILWAY FOR SOUTHERN UTAH "For my own satisfaction I think that I shall have a responsible man Sale of Kalbab Timber Makes Build- search the mine In Ita minutest deing of Read Possible. tail at my own expense. This does Washington. Sale of a billion fet not Imply that the searching haa been of timber from tha Kalbab national done In any but an expert fashion. forest In southern Utah and northern But It la true end la acknowledged Arisons, with authority for tha con by all who have been engaged In the struotlon by the purchasers of 200 searching that there are numberless miles of railroad through one of tbo holes and crannies In the place richest sections of tha west, waa ap- wherein the man might have crawled proved ilonday by Secretary Hous- and died, and so far undiscovered by ton of tha department of agriculture. the search we have made." Hide will be received up to the midPotsoffice Receipts Over $4,000,000. dle of June this year, then three years New York. The grose receipts of will be allowed the contractors for building the railway. The timber will the New York postofflce for the year be cut gradually over a period of Just ended exceeded by more than twenty-flvfl.000,000 the figuree for the twelve years. months preceding, according to a re- Johnson Candldats for Governor. port made by Postmaster Morgan. Sacramento. Cal. IHram W. John Five Killed at Crossing. son announced Tuesday that he would aa governor of Call seek Memphis, Tenn. Five persons were fornla. He said personally he would killed and several others Injured prefer to be a candidate for the United when a freight train struck a street States senatorshlp, but he had decid car at a grade crossing, near tare on ed to seek the governorship again Sunday. guided by what he believed to be the GASTON D0MERGUE wish of the majority of his followers. Mur-dare- Utah-Ape- x n h i e Double Tragedy. , Sharon, Pa. Because they had not seen any member of the family for almost two days, neighbors on Monday broke Into the house of Harry Husband and found the bodleb'of and hla wife. Both had been shot to death.. IluBband, It Is bellev ed, killed hla wife and then shot him, Hue-ban- I self.. d o V Boston. The Calumet A Heels Mining company will continue to refuse recognition to the Western Federation or Miners or to employ Ita members, officers of the company aid In a statement Saturday night regarding the strike at their mines. The copper country," tbe statement said, "has for fifty years enjoyed Industrial peace and our relations with our men have been mutually satisfactory. We have never discriminated, and do not now. In the EMINENT JURIST CALLED. employment between thoee who do Bot e,onS to ls7r nrf.lfrllo U10 Judge Orlande W. Power Succumbs We have, however, during tbe pending strike refused. , Sa,t Lake City. Orlando W. Powera, and must continue to refuse to give relate Justice of the su recognition to tbe Western Federa- - ormer tlon of Miners or to employ Its "mem- - P""1 court of Utah under appointment bera for reasons peculiar to that or- of President Cleveland and one of tbe most emlrient jurists of Utah, died ganization." A: 15 at hla home, The statement severely arraigned Friday morning at the policy of the federatlon, adding: Ungerlonger," In Popperton Place. The great majority of the em- Death waa due to pneumonia, followployes have voluntarily- - and spon- ing an Illness of a few days. Judge horn at Pultneyrllle, N. taneoualy petitioned us never to rec-- Powr ' 1851- - He had gained June ognlze this organization or employ Ita tlonal reputation aa a lawyer, and was a leader In tho Domecratlc party. Bern-asr- r t Minnesota. Minn. After having Crookston. emptied hla rifle and then fought desperately with bis knife, killing nine wolves, the balance of the 'hungry pack closed In on a lone and unidentified Indian on Lake of the Woods, thirty-fiv- e miles from Warroad, and Ida bonea were found Tuesday stripped of flesh. The nine carcasses of the wolves which he had killed, were lying within a radius of a few rods. Wolves are starving because of the fine weather and lack of snow. Aa a result they are traveling In packs, averaging between thirty and forty, (t la aald there are more wolves this beaten. Edward Byrne Is temporary mayor of the new town of Copperfield In upper Blnghgm canyon and E. J. Sullivan, James S. Wilken, Charles Pierce as Jr, and George Bowen are trustees the reault of action by the county commissioners. The Salt take police are still unable to solve the mysterious disappearance of Sadie Brannlng, 14 years of age, her slater Mary Brannlng, n yeir older, who left the Brannlng girls' home. December 31, for n slegh ride In company with two youths. The art of hardening and tempering copper, known to the ancients, but Iron Minors May Quit Detroit, Mich. Unless the federal winter than have been seen for years lost for thousands of years, baa been if .the experiments of rediscovered, government Intervenes In the copper along tbe Canadian boundary. Robert J. Cunningham, Henry W. country strike the Western Federation Hooton and J. S. Barrett of Ogden Auto Races for tha West members of the United Mine Workers mea 1 the Michigan Iron fields will of America, charged with rioting and lF down their tools, according to New York. For the first time In withstand the final teats. In connection with the Color- - olutlons adopted Friday y the Negau-ad- the Despite the fact that Salt take spent history of America automobile miners' strike, were sent out of nee nd Ishpemlng unions of tbe n racing the grand prize and Vanderbilt $26, 536.76 for modern fire ' fighting Saturday by the Routt County ganlzatlon. cup events will be held this year west equipment In 1313 the fire lose per Taxpayers' league. The league then. of the Mississippi river. The two ma-o- capita laBt year was $2.37 as against Issued a proclamation announcing that motor contests were avrded to 85 cents per capita for 1312 when the Frightened to Death, every miner In the county must find Mass. After 211 i Loa Angeles on Tuesday by the Motor department wassuslng what was said Worchester, work or leave. Frank Gamier, a state hours of unconsciousness. Miss Anna Cups Holding association. The races to he "out of date apparatus. organizer of the United Mine Workers, Wheeler, daughter of Dr. Charles D. wilt be run on the famous Santa MonThe sugar factory near Monroe closent a telegram to President Wilson, Wheeler, died Saturday in the city ica track on February 21 and 23, the ed last week after n very successful run of about seventy-fiv- e against the action of the pltal. The hospital physlclana declare grand prize on the latter date. days. The league. that the gtrl8 waa frightened to death average dally run waa better than In African Strike Callea Off. l whlch ,h waa thousand five previous years. Forty-siCARRANZA PLAYS SANTA CLAUS. of 33,000 hunJreff and fifty tons of beets were A strike riding on day waa struck Johanesburg. South African state railway employes cut hnd manufactured Into sugar. Belated Chrstmaa Gifts Mads to Poor I by a trol,ejr car-bhas been called as a protest against That tho chase after Rafael Lopez . Rebel Leader. Campalgn Against Postal Schemers dismissal of some of the em will cost Salt Lake county between the HermoBlUo, Sonora, Mexico. A be-Loss of $129.000.0F00 ployea under the administration's $13,000 and $20,000 is Indicated by lated New Year . benefaction to the iL, Washington. two yeari by the unsuspecting pule policy of retrenchment Attempt! the fact that already bills aggregat" Tlermoslllo on Sun- 1Ic through iwlndHng operations car- - have been made during the last week ing $11,673.40 hav been paid or are la ' rled on by use of the United States to settle the dispute, but the govern- the auditor's office ready for payment ,Carf?nza' f constitutionalist revolu malls haa stirred the author!-tlon- . ment has refused to reinstate the with probably only half the bills prea. the donor. Christmas is pure- - Lee to a drastic postal men. As the Natal coal miners are sented. campaign against ly a religious feast In Mexico. fraudulent schemers. still on strike, the situation is grave. Mrs. Margaret Zane Witcher, former More than 1.000 unfortunates, beg- clerk of Salt Lake county, ant Otto ALFRED G. VANDERBILT Rev. Billy Sunday va. Bar Tenders. Philip Cherdron, of the I MRS. Lynch-CannoPa. company, When Rev. Billy Engineering Pittsburg, farmer of Coalhulla stood at the base Sunday came here recently to clean were married at Salt Lake last week, of the bandstand In the city plaza, and up Pittsburg," the Bar Tenders union Mrs. Witcher had the dlstlnctloa of from hla hands they received clothing rew excited and ' offered $3,000 for being the only woman presidential and blankets. the privilege of having ita business elector ever elected. Martin Tries to Break Jail. Clarence Larson, a former resident secretary debate with the evangelist on the question: "Who is getting tha of Ephraum, suicided on a Salt Lake Ogden, Utah. The most damaging evidence which has yet been secured coin Billy Sunday or us?" Mr. Sun- route train near Salt Lake, cutting his pointing to the possible guilt of Joday declined the challenge. throat. He let a pathetic letter to seph Henry Martin as leader of the his wife and two small children tell'v , To Test Eugenic Murriage Law Ogden blackmailing gang, was furing them that he could not longer ennished by the man himself when he Wls. Physicians Madison, who dure the pain and suffering from an made an unsuccessful attempt to eg. . make examination under the eugenics Injury he received when a boy. in' '4 cape from the Weber county Jail FriHorse hlrq at Blnghaiu alone dur-n- g marriage law come dangerously near 1 'S day night. to forming a conspiracy. It was hinted the Rafael Lopez hunt cost, the After Cold Storage Trust. by Attorney General Walter C. O.wen county of Salt Lake $2,174.13, accord-n- g on Tuesday. Mr. Owen's attention was to bills allowed by' the, county Washington. Investigation of tho called to the agreements being s'gned jommlssloners after a deduction had t 5 v V . --'n cold ' storage "trust" by the departV "'v by some oi' the physicians not to make )een made on all disputed bills and a ment of Justice has progressed so far the tests. i per cent trimming had been adtnln-Ist- c that officials are confident they have red to all the bills by the commis-Jic4 found trails which eventually will , lead to prosecution In the courts. Roosevelt Nemesia Adjudged Insane. During the past year Salt Lake New York. Mrs. Ida M. Claussen, owered the reiord established In, Shopmen's Wages Reduced. who once tried to sue Theodore RooseNew Haven. Coo. Notice posted In velt for $1 000,000 because, she said, 912 as having the lowest death rate , the carshops of the New York, New Mrs. Alfred G. Vanderbilt and some he thwarted her presentation to the of any city of oomparable size in the Haven & Hartford railroad here make other society women jountry, by reducing the total avernarrowly es- king of Sweden, was committed to rate per 1,000 population from age effective Saturday a reduction of 10 caped arrest In South Carolina for vio- Matteawan asylum fc be criminal per cent In wages of several hundred lating the game laws. They fled on a Insane by Judge Malone in the court 12.36 tn 9.90 and tbe rate of actual residents per 1,000 of population from of special sessions on Tuesday. employees. pedal train. 5.57 to 7.63. Canal Will Soon be Opened. Tumi Somersalta in Air. Thirteen Survive Shipwreck. Because of the popularity of tho The Panama canal Snn Francisco. Turning seven somDlub during its two years existence, Washington. New York. Thirteen survivors will be in condition to pass vessels, ersaults in a biplane In one flight, were accounted for Tuesday night out the members of the Congregational all the way across the isthmus with- Lincoln Beachey of San Francisco of the thirty-eigh- t men aboard the church congregation have decided to in the next seventy days, it was learn- established a new avalntlon record. tank steamer Oklahoma when she rebuild the Country club near the ed Saturday, unless some unexpected One (of the loops was executed directbroke In two last Sunday In a storm foothills east of Ogden. The building obstacle Is encountered. was destroyed by fire a few weeks ly above a crowd of more than 20,003. off Burnegat. ago. Murdock a Candidate. r Will Select Team. Five Persona Killed. A verdict, of guilty of murder la Wltchlta, Kan. Congressman VicNew York. A series of baseball Newark, Ohio. Five persons were the first degree without a recomraeu-datietor Murdock, Progressive leader In the games between r teams to be se- killed and six Injured, two of whom of mercy was returned by the. house of representatives, has announclected by popular vote from the ranks will die, when fire detried John Anselmo for the Tuesday jury that, early, ed his candidacy for United States of playens In the National nd Amer- stroyed a hotel on Second street here. killing of Patrolman Thomas F. Grif senator from Kansas to succeed Jos- ican leagues probably will be played All these killed or aths of. Salt-- . Lake. Ameelmo shot injured were In San Franctaco next year. a eph L. Bristow. Griffiths on June 25. 1913. res-aaaau- lt x autb,,e y ? , - , If Hr Miners Return to Work. Seattle, Wash. The 84 union coni miners of the Pacific Coast Coal com ' pany's mine at Black Diamond returned to work Monday, the conditions of which the men complained having been remedied. , Senators Secretary Goee Wrong. Sidney Moulthrop, Washington. former clerk to Senator Lewis of Illinois, was indicted Monday on a charge of pawning a 250 diamond ring the senator had given him to Bend to a Chicago jeweler. A Heels Company lasuta Statement Which Will Probably End Hopes of Battlement of Strike. i vice-preside- i s Beware of Fear and Anger. Boston. Fear and anger may turn iBO much sugar into a man's blood as to give him fatal kidney trouble, says Walter B. Cannon, professor of physiology at Harvard, in a lecture at the Jlarvard medical school. Calumet ahead of a switch While runnln rnilne, Patrick Kelly, s wltchmau, 13 years of age, fell under tha fendr waa crushed la death at l)lug-haand Six Men Convicted ef ef 3nly Thirty Conspiracy to Troncport Dyna It Is eatlma.'ed by tha state Insurance mlto Are Granted Now Trial. department that there are upward tt 2.000 tno In L'Ub who earn a liveliof one kind of Chicago. Th aeptenca of twenty-fou- r hood selling luauraaor another. conof tha labor unlori officials Although suite were filed sgalnit victed In Indianapolis of conspiracy to transport dynamite were confirmed Salt take during 1313 liking damage Tuesday by tha circuit court of ap- totaling $169,413.01, the city lost la few caies, and bad to pay only only peals, tils of tha thirty who appealed were $6.0106. The farmers' union it Deseret li lookgranted new trials. They are Olaf A. Tveltmore, San Fianclsco; William ing up thi Rochdale system of etoree, which has made the McCain, Kansas City, M&; Fred Sherfurmera of New York md Wlieousld man, Indianapolis, 2nd. ; William James K. Independent Cincinnati, Ohio; Millard county la engaged In prepaw Itay, Peoria, 111.; Richard II. Houlihan, Chicago. lug for "Railroad Day" January 13th. within when the first spike of tbe West Delta Counsel for tha twenty-fouthirty day will petition tha court of branch will be driven by Governor appeals for a rehearing on new legal William Spry. A little over f 100 wee raised as, the point. If that la denied they will taka tha case to tha supreme court of the result of special performance at United States. Tending final adjudica- moving picture show at Pleasant tion It Is understood that no attempt Green, given for tbe benefit of tbe will ba made by tha government to re- widows end orphans of the men killed turn to tha penitentiary those of the by Rafael tapes. convicted men who are at liberty unFor the first time In the history of der bond. the city n grand Jury waa drawn In OgTha decision declares succinctly den last week to Investigate blackthat Ortle McManlgal and Edward mailing crimes committed In Ogdeq Clark, who testified for tha govern- and other matter before tbe district were comment, though court at this time. petent witnesses for the state. Melvin tacotnb, n brakeman, of Tbe decision set forth that conspirwas killed nt Soldier SumMidvale, of acy clearly was shown on the part while mit switching cars, being defendants and that the twenty-fou- r wee a two seta of care, one bet caught of challenge of the conspiracy counts of which waa standing etlll at the the Indictment was erroneous. time of tbe Impact Tbe sentence of seven years penal Mrs. Samuuel Holmes and Mis I Mary servitude against Frank M. Ryan of aald to be tbe oldest twin HodgerL Chicago, president of the association, sisters In tbe state of Uuh, on Janwas affirmed. There were thirty-twanconvictions on charges of conspiracy uary 4 celebrated the eighty-thirreto tftnsport dynamite Illegally. Two niversary of their birth, n family In Salt held union take City. being of tbe convicted men did not appeal. Joseph Hetties, In charge of the All but six of the thirty who appealed Highland Boy tramway, at Bingham, are at liberty under bond. and F. Powell, n watchman for the FIGHT TO DEATH WITH WOLVES. same company, were viciously assaulted by four Austrians, armed with brass Meets Horrlbls Death In knuckles, and the two men were badly n Victory for Parcels Post Sacramento, Cal. Uncle Sams parcel post won a victory .Monday over the Express company when the state Joard of control or dered .automobile license plates sent hereafter by the former route. Wells-Farg- THE UTAH BUDGET DYNAMITE GASES ARE ENVY ;y n. M. Gaston Domergue Is the new mier of Frsnce. pre- Jury Vindicates Hobbs. Vicksburg, Miss. G. A. Hobbs, a state senator, who was charged with receiving and soliciting bribes was acquitted Wednesday by a jury before which he had been on trial for several weeks. Verdict of Suicide. Italians Rout Arabs. Chicago. William Sweeney, a met-e- l Tripoli. Advices were received of dealer of Denver, Jumped . to hla battle in the neighborhood of llur death from the fifth floor of a hotel zuk, capital of Fezzan. A column of londay night with suicidal intent, Italian and native troopa routed the while temporarily Insane, according Arabs after five hours of fierce ito the verdict of a coroner's Jury. All-Sta- all-sta- |