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Show & The VOL. panish I. NO. 51. ' jf.H. WARNER. SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, POISON IN WHISKEY. 0fiob and Residence Just south of CSty Squaro. D UTAH STATU NKWS. h PECULIAR CASE AT COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. irrigation companies about Lehl have agreed to arbitrate their disUtah, putes. Ipistah Fork, Utah's wool clip for the season will Man DrTnka From Bottle Given at reach a total of 16,000,000 probably J. H. SLATER, New Year'a Present and Diet in pounds. Convulsions. Eight new coal mines have been opened up during the pa ,t oar, six lu CMQoa at Mrs. J. E. Bailey, wife of a coachEmery county and two in Carbon man of George N. Kllborne, of Colo county. lyalih Fork Brag Cempanj's 8tor rado Springs, Colo., was declared to The total output of the mines of bo out of danger from strychnine pois- Utah for the year 1902 Is estimated at F. THOMAS, oning taken Into her system Monday j 620,985,337. The output for 1901 was night by drinking from a whisky bottle NOTARY from which her husband had drunk. 617,580.457. The State University debating team He died In agony at midnight The ABSTRACTS. and has made arrangements for a contest case to promises develop one of the jUom No 7. Knight Block, PHOTO. greatest murder mysteries in the his- with the debating team of the Univertory of the Pike's Peak region. Mrs. sity of Idaho. Fork Go, Drug Spanish During the past year 1,883 men were Bailey, since her recovery, tells a story that Indicates that some one deliber- employed in the various mines of the A full line of Drags, (A ie mi cals, ately poisoned hehusband Medicines. by means Itate, as compared with 1,724 for 1901, 1'ancy and Toilet Arti: of a bottle of whisky given him as a an increase of 109. tics. Perfumery. Toilel New Years present. The coroner and Andrew Nielson had both legs Soaps, Sponges, Brashes. are and and James Graham had one police state investigating, that broken, Physicians' Presortp. tions Csrefully Com' it Is a case of strychnine poisoning. leg broken as a result of an accident Mrs. Bailey took a drink of the liquor In a Sunnyside mine. pounded. after Utah her husband had been thrown Fork, lyitUh Royal Retd, of Mantl, is laid up with Into convulsions, in order to see what-wa- a broken leg, as a result of being In the bottle. thrown from a horse, which slipped SAXET, while turning a corner. SWEPT BY A FLOOD. Attorney-at-LaMiss Della Mdntire was struck by Conveyancer and Notary Publio. Washington Mining Camp Sadly Dam- a train at Price and slightly Injured. aged by Water. OrricR Over Oran Lewis' Store. She was standing too close to the town The of Wilkeson, Wash., was track, and was struck by the engine. Utah. IpinUh Ferk. swept by high water Monday. A jam There is now over a foot of snow of logs and driftwood formed In the on the level In Rabbit valley In Wayne creek and an angry torrent was turned V V 9 county, more than has been on the 9 9 the streets of the town, leavthrough fa Don't Kkei ground at one time for several years ing great trees eighty feet long and four or five feet in diameter ou the past Postmaster Clove reports that the We Kell Trek. main thoroughfare of the mining vilbusiness of the Provo postoffice for the lage. A wall of water came down the That's Ml. last figures up to 63,756.63, a quarter mountain about 7 oclock In the mornof 6304.57 over the corresponding ing, carrying everything before it. The gain miners on the day shift had not yet quarter of last year. FASHION ABLK A proposition Is now on foot to esi gone to work In the mines, or tljerd an electric light plant to sup tablish must have been loss of life. As it was Oue block north of Bank, The parties are figuring Richfield. is said to have flooded the ply the water a on 610,000 about plant, to be opera or a mile of Utah. the half mine tunnel for lysalsk Fork, more, and It Is expected much time ated by steam power. will be required to pump it out. SevDuring the past year Utah mining B.F. HODSON, eral buildings near the bank of the have paid dividends to th properties stream were moved from their foundaMUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, 1901 of amount 65,025,500. During tions. About 1,200 feet of track is gone PIANO near Crocker. the sum of $4,446,900 was distributed Terms-Camong the stockholders. per lesson of 1 hour. StuFloods in Sound-Countrdio at residence. Hours from 10 till The smelters of Utah are capable 'clock every day except Sunday. The flood situation in the district of handling 4,500 tons of ore per day, south of Seattle does not seem to be and It Is believed before the close ol i greatly Improved. The first calamity the year Utah smelters will be treat as a result of the rising waters is reIng 7,000 tons of ore daily. Watch & Clock Repairing ported from O'Brien, on the Northern While William Broadhead, or Mantl Pacific, between Seattle and Tacoma. was driving down the street the team Two men, Martin Cummings and F. ft lilurks Lust of Spanish Fork Co-oran away, coming in contact with Shaughnessy. were in a boat rescuing which one of the horses struck, tree, w indows, and people from second-storto t&e animal. on one of the trips the boat capsized causing Instant death were and Cummings and Shaughnessy An explosion of coal gas at the Salt drowned. both (Lessee of Will Boyack Stables) Lake county jail last week did slight damage to the building, and as a reOBJECT TO POSTMASTER. & Feed, sult of the explosion one of the prisMississippians Will Not Take Mall oners is nursing a badly burned face. From Negro Postmaster. The cltzens of Ephraim celebrated can be no mistaking the fart There Hack old folks day on the 30th, about 150 that a large portion of the community being present. Ivan J. Olsen, Kpanish Fork, Utah. is considerably wrought up over the guests was presented with a cane, 93, aged action of the government In closing the oldest pioneer In the disfor being A. the postofllce at Indlanola. Miss. The trict partial paralysis to business is being A tratnload of people from Provo, office A Blacksmith & Wheel-wrigfelt more and more. private Sprlngvlllo and Salt Lake, spent New has been established for the distribuYears day In the vicinity of Nephl on Flrsl-rUMaterial tion of mail collected by an Independa rabbit Heath-manhunt, and were royally enter ent messenger service from always oa hand' In the evening by the cltzens talned and Greenville. Both of these Opposite Rank, hpanlsh Fork. of Nephl. postoifices are being congested with A force of eight men is at work of this of the result closing as mail the B. H. at offire The independent office. sinking In on the vein of the South will be maintained at the ex- Tent Oil company's property at Ephpense of the citizens. raim. They ill face down the ledge, Senator Mcl.aurln of Mississippi has General and, If the shale Justifies it, they will Postmaster with conferred Indlanola. at erect an oil retort. Payne on the situation where the postoffice has been closed as The total valuation of tho school result of antagonism to the negro stated property in the state at the end of postmaster. Senator be re- the school year, June 30, was 63,221,-159.6would office that he believed the Last year the estimated valuaopened this week. Mr. Payne said that 'raoaa No. It. the office will be reopened If there Is tion was 63.065,605.02, showing an InUtah no Intimidation of the postmaster. Fork, crease of 6155,554.62 for 1902. Dead. Senor Sagasta According to the figures of State at Mine Inspector Comer Thomas, the Former Premier Sagasta died Maat coal production of the Sterling Coal A 6:30 oclock Monday evening, due waa death Coke company, located six miles south drid. Senor Sagasta's His trouble. and of Mantl, Is 7.901 tous this year, as bronchitis gastric to forcompared with 1,885 tons last year. family was at the deathbed, and cabinet of the of Ephraim, mer liberal members Mrs. Peter Peterson, were near their old leader. The news while sewing on a machine, accidenof the former premier's death created tally ran the machine needle through Mapainful Impression throughout her finger. It was found necessary to Alfonso expressed profound take the machine apart so as to exdrid. King balers in was tract the needle from the ladys finger. regret. Senor Sagasta's Intellect hours. last his until unimpaired The past year was a most prosperous one for the Salt Lake jobbing Killed by Piece of Ice. was a trade. The volume of business A great crowd of spectators gaththan greater 64.000,000 than more ered on the banks of the Connecticut little 631,700,000, as 1901, In aggregating to river Sunday at Hartford. Conn., 627,235,000 for the preceding and watch the process of dynamiting the against lee Jain to save the great temporary year. Manufacturers of of ice At the close of the school year thers bridge. At 1 o'clock a piece In tho common blown high In the air, and, falling were 927 graduations 813 for as .u was Frank at against nick schools, and high 200 feet away, 114. graduaThe aged 11. on the head j 901, an increase of 4 were He Is now schools skull. common tions from the where. It Is said, a 1901, for 1,710 and JOHN JUNES, Sap. 2,061 for 1902, short time, 341. of sclousness. gain . Malik Frk, Utah no one was to blame. n. physician & Surgeon, PUBLIC s I w, Ificlelson ljqtfifison. HEAD STONES. LORENZO THOMAS Tailor, AND ORGAN Oc. LARS JENSEN, t i p. Ted Woods. Sale Transfer stables. Meets all Trains J. Pedersen. ht si BROWN, Livery Peed Stable. Hack Meets all Trains Wk General Merchandise, Flour, Grain Produce. Harness, Boots Shoes. V Mel-auri- 4. i ( Fab. II, m etard l 8 pan lab Fork, Utah. 1003. ISO A resolution granting a franchise to covered against the said city, the re Reed Smoot. Jesse Knight. C. E. Ixtose, eovery thereof and the Judgment there George llavercamp and Samuel R. for ahall he final as between the said Thurman. rity and the said grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors 8ectlon 1. Be it resolved by tho city or assigns, and conclusive aa to th council of Spanish Fors City, that liability of the latter to the former. Section 6. That If this grant, with Reed Smoot, Jesse Knight. C. E. Loose, George llavercamp and Samuel R. the terms and conditions herein conThurman, their heirs, executors, ad- tained. he not accepted in writing by ministrators. successors and assigns, said grantees within sixty day after have the authority and consent of the the passage of thts resolution, or if Is work he not commenced within twenty-fcity council and the permission months after the passage of hereby granted them, to construct and our operate a single or double track street this resolution, or If work be not comrailroad, together with all the neces- pleted and cars operated on the streets s for the hereinbefore named within two and a sary switches and accommodation of said road, on the half years after the acceptance of thlt following streets of said city, namely: resolution, then thts grant and franOver and npon Main street, and Ninth chise shall become null and void. And North, from Main to Third West, and ail rights npon streets or parts of on Fourth North, from Main, east to streets herein granted on which said county road, on the following condi- road ia not actually constructed and In tions, viz: Such track or tracks to he operation within ten years after the laid on such grades as are now or may acceptance 'of this franchise, shall b hereafter be established by the city forfeited to the city. Section 7. That whenever the city council. In consideration of this franchise the grantees, their heirs, execu- council shall find It necessary or detors, administrators, successors and sirable, after fifteen years from tha assigns aforcsnM, are hereby required date hereof, to grant to any othet to keep In good repair with the same street railway company a franchise material and In the same manner as over any of the streets herein granted, the streets hereinbefore named are or to secure to such other company a may be paved, the space inside the connection with any Important center track or tracks, and a space two feet or terminus, the grantees herein, If reeach side of the same, Including ail quired by the city council, shall allow spaces between double tracks, where running arrangements over grantees' the same be constructed, and also that tracks to such other company on steam power shall not be used except streets where said grantees may hav for the construction of said railroad a double track upon sueh other comand for the movement of obstructed pany making suitable payment for conand disabled cars thereon, and for the structing, maintaining and operating clearance of said railroad from any ob- the portion of said grantees' tracks so struction whatsoever whenever elec-tri- o used. HEBER C. JEX. or other motive power shall he InMayor. adequate and unequal to the occasion. Dated December 18. A. D. 1902. And the grantees aforesaid shall M. MICKKLSON, place cars upon said railroad with all Attest: City Recorder. for necessary modern Improvements tha convenience and comfort of passengers, which shall he run thereon ishState of Blah, County of Utah, SpanFork City ss. each and every day. as often as the I, M. MIckelson, recorder In and tot convenience both may require, public Spanish Fork City, Utah rounty, staU waya, at a rate of speed not exceeding of Utah, hereby certify that tha foretwelve miles per hour, and under such going is a full, true and correct copy regulations as the city council may of "A Resolution Granting a Franchise from time to time prescribe. Provided, that the grantees aforesaid shall com- to Reed Smoot, Jesse Knlgfit, C. E. ply with the directions of the city Loose, George llavercamp. and 8&muel council In the construction of said R. Thurman. passed by the city counrailroad, and In any other matter con- cil ofof Spanish Fork City on the 18th December. A, D. 1902. nected with the regulations of the day In testimony whereof I have heresame, and that the track or tracks Shall be constructed In the center of unto affixed my official elgnature and seal Of Spanish Fork City the street, unless otherwise directed the corporate 18th day of December. A. D. 1902, by the city council, and in such s man- this M. MICKELSON. (Seal) ner as shall bo approved by the street City Recorder. supervisor; the trark or tracks to be laid and the road be operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinary use of said streets for all purposes, and that tha water courses of said streets shall bs left .free and unobstructed; said tracks to he laid on a good foundation. even with the surface of the roadway, and on such streets as are or shall hereafter bo paved flat rails shall be used, and good and permanent crossings shall be made by the grantees aforesaid at the Intersection of streots and elsewhere wherever the same shall be necessary, at the of the city council, and under tha direction and to the acceptance of the street supervisor. The price of a single rassage within the corporate limits shall not exceed 5 cents. Section 2. That this franchise Is ..via.. granted for the term of fifty (50) years from the date of the passage of this resolution, and accepted on the fol..on.. lowing conditions, viz: That If the said grantees, their heirs, executors, KANSAS CITY administrators, successors or assigns ; AND hall fail to perform ail the stipulations of this resolution, the city counCHICAGO cil, after sixty davs notice. In writing, and on failure of the part of the said grantees, their heirs, executors, admin- For or Freight istrators. successors or assigns, to provide a remedy or to make satisfactory L- - L. tour, downing, arrangements therefor, may. by a maSalt Uki City, Ulth, jority vote, declare the privileges here- F. A, NAiM . omm, eta wniut in granted forfeited. Section 3. That nothing in this grant hall be so construed as to prevent Spanish Fork City, or its authorized agents, from paving, sewering, laying gas or water maius or pipes, altering, repairing or In any manner Improving any of the streets mentioned herein, or any other streets of said city, but all such improvements shall he made with as little Injury as practicable to said railroad or the operating thereof. Section 4. Thftt In the construction and operation of nald railway, the said grantees, their heirs, executors, adN CHICA PA CIFIC ministrators. successors and assigns AND shall at all time conform to such ordiNorth-Wester- n nances,, rules and regulations aa have been or may hereafter be adnnted hy the city council , of said city to In relation railoperating roads. street railways, or tramways In K'O change of cart. Patter than said city, and for each violation thereThe Overland any other route, of, shall be liable to a fine in any sum Limited leas than three hundred dollars. equipped with Palace Sleeping Cart and Dining Cart , Section 5. That Spanish Fork City a la carte, meait leaves Salt hall In no way be liable or responsible Lake at 7.00 every morning. This for any accident or dnnr.-g- e that may train hat Buffet Smoking ana Library occur In the construction or operation Cars ( with barber ) and Fret Reclining of said railway, by reason of the deChair Cars. The Atlantic Express fault or miseondii'-- t cf said grantees, leaves Salt Lake every evening at their hWr. executors, administrators, 6.40 p. m. For tickett and reservasuccessor or assigns, or their emtions apply to ticket agents, or adployes: and the acceptance of this dress C. A. Walker, Gen. Agent Chigrant shall be deemed an agreement on n & Ry, 206 S. tha part of the said grantees, for them-aelre- s cago Main Lake City. Salt St., adand their heirs, executors, ministrator!. successors and assigns to bits tha said eily harmless from and against all liability, loss, rosts, ex- or of any nature fiense of damage, any such default nr misconduct, or which may accrue by reason of any accident or Injury which may occur In or by reason of the construction or operation of said railway, and Anythin yon Invent or lirtmwi j alo ret CAVEATJffAOE-MARK- . COPYRIGHT or DESIGN to Indemnify and repay said city for PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, any loss, costa, expense or. damage of foe free eiamlnetinn And Advice. orphoto. any kind it may sustain by reason of BOOK OX PATENTS any such default, misconduct, accident or injury; and If any Judgment for damages for any sueh default, mis- , PAUnt LAwyera WASHINGTON, D.C. conduct, accident or Injury nhnll be re side-track- dls-crstl- OMAHA Passengers o. act STOP Paying Rent OVI 10 UK IIOMK.. eestreot fa tha National A If North-Wester- m $ vc.a.snova co. y Association- ome-Keeke- i Wttl entitle you to a home or farm 11000 oath, er pay off your mortgage,' and may be returned at the rate of, 15.60 per month on each 61000 with In, kereet at 3 per cent per annum. Apply) either In person or by letter to John Christiansons. r. O. Box TL Spanish Pork, Ctak4 r?53 See tleue. Farms of most any lie desirable, and city prop First-cla- ss orty with comfortable bnlld lags, or vacant lots, for salt by JOHN CHBIMTIANSON,. 4 Real Estate Agent,. Spanish Fork, Utah. - 4 h Hotel. Charlotte, 1 t nice to the Traveller Trade Tho best both la th i Hotel and Livery bnslnssi T( Commercial Men V. for the Boss at the Depsl IT a to h L. K, .JUNES, Prop. l i ' n u i: Till CARD. V. Arrival aad 'Departure of Trains from t Rle Urande Wes ter a Depot Mo. 7, for Sprlngvlllo, Provo, Salt Lake and all point 8:08 a aa East and West, Mo. 38. for Springrilla. Provo, Salt Lake end all point 8:43 p aa East and West, No. 8, for Eureka, Mammoth 6:4v p m and Silver City, No. 38, for Eureka, Mammoth 6:16 am and Silver City, : Connections made In Ogden Union Do pet with All Trains of ftontkera Paolflc and Oregon Short Liao. OFFERS CHOICE Of FAST THROUGH TRAINS' DAILY.. AND s Three Distinct Scenic Routes. Polman Taluce and Orduary Sleeping Cars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago ivltheal change. free Reollnlng Chair Cars. Parses ally Conducted Excursions A Perfect Dining Car berries. Tor rates, folder, etc.. Inquire of H. J. lOUI'EK, Ticket Agent, or write I. A. BENTON, General Ageat, Passr Dep'mt Salt Lake City, f ' ! ! ,! I, I 'VVVVVVVVVVWVVX DFSIGNI PATENTS TRADE-MAR- AND . C0PYRK.HT6 OBTAIN! D ADVICE AS TO PATENTASU.ITY Inventiv A, Book Vow to old Ala 1'bioiiU ewUrefr. NfcU!l Mtoet tWf Lkr. vtrtt tly conflJmtUl. Addrwe, I K. 0. MGUERS, GO-UNIO- line naltar, FoatoSlaa of Coacraaa of March I, imt aaeoad-alai- a PtUnt I.Ayr. WashlnglaaTa. ft. WM. ROACH, Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing, Bask of Lewis . More, Spanish Pork. . Jox bumbori Company, lUi ANL Building iimicuo Bailed & Produce. Hay Kirmladurtri of BROOMS FpaiUh Fork, Utah. j |