Show r Xlic Paki saw iiiiil lb doing a big business since reaching its new locaDr Keeler will not be lu town till tion They have thirteen regular bands and two lady cooks at the mill the first of the week Archie Young left for Frisco with a while Joseph Zollig George Eace Don Davis and Thomas Larson are all load of butter yesterday away They are cutit 13 tOO Culu ici' ICitClCUU bO uy hauling lumber ting mostly red pine Around tha County cigas The Monroe meeting house is look Ingres! well after receiving the new painting Mr Ed Breadsgaard Is the painter Joseph S Horne went up to Salt Lake on Friday a week ago and returned Wednesday night The object of his visit was to attend the the sixtieth of his parents’ wedding anniversary I J Stewart was out yesterday at He is much Imthe city council proved Ira Huntsman and several others leave today for I’ V Junction where they will work at getting out timber for Soutiiworth Brother Mrs Dora Snyder wife of Wra SnyWe h?ar it said that when the R G Jeusen Christiansen & Co bave der has purchased the home of RaW road is complete to Richfield this bread always on hand On Tuesday 51 r Thus Cooper for- leigh Jones’ east of the Metropolitan I J Stewart has been indisposed I nd of th8 llne from Mantl south will bc bishop of Monroe was going out Hotel for a cousideratlonof ')00 merly Kiven a since last Saturday and so kept in at cheap service A mixed bis home train will be made up at Manti and no for a drive in his topless buggy when Jody Brandley is much better and James Larsen of Salt Lake city will regular passenger service given us his horse a fractious animal decided He made the wo found hi in up in a chair Inst night be a new citizen of Elsinore In a few And this will make a whole lot of to turn up a street iV’i growling by citlzeus of Sevier county turn very short and so threw Mr playing checkers Cooper out of the buggy while the Tlie special session of the CitvCouii' I XI Y'i'ght has gone to Salt Lake — Salina Press ran off at full speed animal As he cil was held and and we may look for a large consignthey proceeded with lfglied he was rendered uncondous by reading the ordinance ment of new goods soon They meet the striking his head on t lie ground at 2 p in again Annabella will if no ill befalls have and sliding some distance uewtisi its new rock school house roofed by ly that the club will make the tripand I taken to his home where he soon The Benefit party for H C Chris re- winter the hoys will be attired in full rega-- 1 covered consciousness and is now no- - jtensen held last night drew a good John Dennis from the Vale hlsP11-sisteSnyder is anxious to show the I ing nicely although it is thought one 10Uf’e- Tie profits were no doubt I liberal and niece paid short visits to I Richfield people the very latest waltz rib Is broken various parts of Sevier County thisl steps and will be a conspicuous figure Here’s a warning to rebellious bus- I at the Attorney 1 B Jennings says he week grand ball in t lie evening muds A certain young lady went I wont have his bnggy jn diseased Mrs Ward Stevensen and children 1mm her home to act as hired I and objects to an old rickety Mr Arnolds of Moroni was in Monrl pany ot Manti aie enjoy mg a visit with in a neighbor's family Now the roe Wednesday night in the same shed Mr Arnolds tletrap being kept of the girl it is said was not rotative in balm this week—Salma has been iu the sheep business fora father a beaten path back of our 1(re In love with some of the ways of the Pi ess long time but has lately purchased office leads form a neighboring tiat and world therefore became somewhat Oa Friday morning Drs Loring and cattle and a ranch near Kanab lie hotcl to one of our lea(inS Iaw offices when his Cunslie hied away liom Monroe oa a says the cattle are dying and he can’t enraged daughter had her hair cut off To give vent to this rage iul ?’e can never 110(1 the one who fra' prospecting trip but wlmber they get them away from where they are he broke out into exclamations went no one knows thatrvelaTheit In Mouroe betokened that his Longfellow Literary Society was n6t We trust our Gienwood friends will daughter excuse our not visiting them for the On Friday night during the wee to eoine home after her foolish caper has sent for forty volumes as a nucleweekly news The cause was a si ight sma’ hoars Saturday morning at The mother would not stand such us for a library Society will also de-indisposition of tue editor threats and it is said gave her bate the question “Resolved that the 3 o’clock in fact Peter Nielsen’s wood a good sound thrashing that United State should at once enter husband meat Monroe at market on fire Magieoy’s A pair of lovers pile caught the free and unlimited coinage of him to not bid his daughter mi been over nauied and a refigera-o- i had not yet said "good niglit(?) and taught silver at the rate of 16 to 1 independto unwelcome his door Now in Uts Jeon pu Tue market is they saw the blaze1 Bells were soon again ent of the action of any other nation” oitt m i ovJt’i mi t ne have it open rung buckets procured and the fire husbands do lie docile and do no on the evening of the 27th to the better halves of put out after burning three cords of threatening tuee days iu the week households your The train is almost here What Magleby and Johnson have just re- wood The Cen'sok scribe went to Monroe about Railroad Day? The mass meetFrof J n Hood will not remove to ceived two loads of furniture at their Richfield until next winter an item on his trip around the county While ing tin: other night didn’t come out new store in Monroe we are glad to publish He has taken there hr called Into Andrew Bertle-son’- s well and we must make some provisIsaiah Ilowse was in Richfield yesstore and asked of the juvenile brass band here charge on his "Anything ions soon Let’s have a good time south He way terday morning Mr Joseph Erickson the w lien t lie railroad comes if we never new?" is and to kids to the the Levan at haven’t going says tnat up push tney irrigated any this spilng and that he front Under liis able instruction the scholarly clerk answered in the nega-- did before nor never will again loaud plenty of mud Salina tive An inspiration struck the reboys will advance rapidly On Monday next Judge McCarty Press porter and he said “Any new babies?" A week Mr Erickson smiled and said “Well opens court at Fanguitcn Joseph narris has been teaching I guess so a new girl down to our later ne will begin a term in Kanab Sunday Column the county seat of Kane county At-- j school in Tuba City Arizona during house” Tlie new We are is tohl in the Bible that in six Iv number baby toroey a Jennings will accompany the past winter ne returned to Utah four and is the third girl We believe days the lord made tlie Heaven and riia on Lj trip some two weeks ago and went to the smile would bave lxen broader if tlie earth and all that was in them See Dr Kesier’s telegram on page I Manti at which place he is a partner number four had made even pairs Thenne rested on the seventh day L P Jensen accompanied by his in the firm of Cochran & Harris yesWe have some very pretty photo and commanded all men to rest upon son left for Panacea Nevada with terday Mr Harris will perhaps make grajthsfmm the Monroe canyon at the that day Whether this term day mean his home again in Monroe where he Cknsok office loads of produce yesterday They are not for sale a day a thousand years or a given office and home of J udge but Toni Simpers and family were down will rent the you may come aud see them period of time it formed a pretty theme We will welcome Mr Harfor the sweet singers of Israel to sing from Salina canyon last Monday Tom McCarty Yesterday morning at 6 o’clock Mrs ris to our county and wish so over In their Jawish tongue said that a heavy snow storm prevailed Katrina Mettie Nielson a young man all success suddenly de But ail day Sunday in the upper canyon they had ere they had this song parted this life at the home of her to them by their leader’ Moses Press —Sauna given will II Gottfredson the J Mrs spend Jnliannah Hansen of daughter i this command of God while summer in forgotten the the Elsinore cause a coming bad cold Professor Ily Brliuhall the distinbeing were will spend the or la grippe from which she suffered they captives in Egyptand again guished musician is at Monroe where mining district Ilans Sinai’s from He and time burning top the command few a hours Mrs Nielson was but assaying prospecting lie is tuning organs and pianos and was repeated and In such explicit fullGrasswill at the make in Hornom born headquarters was and Denmark giving the brass band some mstruc ness that even the Jew who sought to camps The sixty-on- e hopper and Butler-Becyears of age at the time of tions evade laws of bis God could not evade it will and Is a fine nssayer her death Twelve years agoshe em Mr and Mrs II W Ramlose of gentleman The Jews were very strict In enforcdoubtless make considerable money braced the Charch of Jesus Christ of Richfield were Salina visitors last Latter-dathis season—Salina Press Saints and a year later ing this command and when a man Saturday evening and witnessed the of two tier children to Utah was found gathering stiks of wood on On Sunday night a committee of the sent glove contests in the opera house— settled at Elsinore andtvvoyears the Sabbath they stoned him to death citizens met to consider t lie subject Tiiey Sauna Press They were very strict too with our of irrigating the dry lots of Monroe ago their mot tier brought her two reand when he gathered wheat Savior of 73000 like head Something sheep The committee consisted of eighteen maining children and came from over and rubbed the chaff off his hand in have been shorn this spring at the members— two from each tier of to live sea She the them was with blocks to condem him for so donow Work is head of Salina canyon The members voted on prices for the great lj devoted to t he church she was they sought is an index to the splr His a be in resumed will but reply ing of a member aud was highly respected suspended watering of dry lots and then strike few weeks after the lambing season an when he says “The in of Sabbath the loved acit her and of circle little average which places the price at — Sauna Prej3 for man and not was made Sabbath Her be quaintances held was to A meeting departing request $70 each for man Sabbath have the her body lay three days The Iluaroe brass band had a splen- last night but we could not get the was to He was at another time accused of before burial and the funeral will thus did on Tuesday evening Peo- results in time for press be lieid Monday breaking the Sabbath because ple liom Esifbre and Inverury were Me Carty has sent word to healed a man on that day but be proJudge out in numbers and the band raked in Contest Glrnc Satina lit from court the to them again that the Sabclaimed adjourning a nice little bit toward new instru- Panguitch 18’ tothe21inst Hisreasons are that was a day for doing good and not bath The Opera House at Salina on tho a ments he usually has but a few hours work day for idleness Rasmus Sorensen the veteran tin in the smaller counties of the district night of tlie Oth inst was crowded The Savior was raised from the dead ner of Monroe and Anton Smith of and wishes to go at once to Kane with an audience which came out to on the first day of the week Sunday the same place left for Mexico early Couuty where he will hold court as see an exhibition of skill between well and so his followers said that the day Tlie performance Mr Sorenson’s family announced elsewhere in this paper on known athletes In the week no difference as long as they was late in getting underway and the made did not accompany him but will fol- the 25th one of the seven and so holy Burns orchestra was obliged to play kept the first day of the week they and low in a snort time kept Joslah Martin Charlie Ivie aud Dr a considerable time to an anxious as- made the Christian Sabbath Sunday Mills EiSinore Roller The company West went up Salina canyon Tuesday Jews have mingled with Christian sembly have just put a new scouring brush in- and removed 25 dead and stinking nations and many ot them have parfirst contest was a The but the orthoto the null Bishop Jensen of Elsi- sheep from the creek The carcasses battle between Rasmus Sorenson of taken of Christian way his will close dox Jew place of busiinin the week nore wll go south next were all found betweeu the flouring Salina and Teddy Harding of Never-bwe- ness at 6 o’clock Friday evening and g establish- mill aud Rattlesnake point It Is said terest of tne Sorenson got in some heavy will not open it again till 6 Saturday is fast ment that farther up the canyon the creek bits on Harding's face but it was a evening but business necessity them They see as do wonchanging Is it dead of is full for any sheep boys good fight The town smells of wool these days Christians that one day in seven is we have diphtheria in Salina of the essential Joe Raymond tlie Yet they have made Wool Is coining in from the four cor- der that Press —Salina in and Alvin many occasions by Richfield Robins their the impress Sego ners of the earth The liveliest place battles that were in not part taking were Utah the next to valley Lily of In town is down about the depot Nuon A their Frank day Generals holy afternoon On fought Wednesday merous buyers are In the lieid and put on the gloves Eight rounds were have been forced to make arrangeKatie Miss and Richfield of Baker —Salina competition is very apparent ments to have their armies meet on fought and Richfield came out Pi ess Hawley of Inverury were married it the Utali man other days to satisfy the Jews of the notwithstanding of the groom’s father Judge was much tlie largei army Senator W D Candland of Sanpete the home Bean performing the W But now we are forgetting the SabGeorge was contest six of Boston third rounds of S The II Hallett and county to such an extent that it bears bath ceremony inGeo Russell Robins and in Ivie the between were in Salina Wednesday bad fruit The Sunday passengor homo returned Baker Mr When of Salina which was the hottest batterest of J Koshland A: Co Boston some time train has become a necessity but the ago we thought of nothing tle of the evening and a even The gentlemen '"took in” about a pretty us freights are not These should Sunday did nor anything impress and coolest of wool wbLe here — Saliralress serious and let the engineers firebe leu llawlev quietly when The foiith and last was a three menstopped and breakmen accompany their Jim Eciitno of rrdel'I "ftided school st Inverury some time unc“ round cvnust between a couple of the regular fnermug serlcis at the but no Sunday juipore we are ac railroad men Both were Seriously In families to church telling experts Jim wai Piesv chapel ust Sunday one of the most essential parts furnish both with shoulder-hittinby soon parties and greatly pleased reputa quaiDted feeling happy becauoe Richfieldbeis will of rest for those who wish to read sang lion and we trust that life lovers of the manly art to be a railroad town and the HawMiss than to attend church but tbe in rather the them for congregathan anyone together loqdar Josiah Martin Kalina's marshal work should in part he done during tion— Salina Press ley has been a great favorite with the was referee and kept good order notas she week the printers may not and that the of may Inverury Hanson and Anderson bave removed children withstanding the unrestrained an- be worn out so that they can not enthere a favorite be a borne of harness shop queen imation of the crowd Richfield was" the partition in their Farmers are On very not less joy Sunday and store and Emil Chrlstofferson too and may the groom prove well represented as she always is eith- slim than-iused to work excuses domestic life in becoming a nobleman of and store has put one in his er in peace or war not that a of this remembering day friendship private was proposed to have round beMisses Jennie and Traya Nielson It and their them of will rest help On Sunday William R Stewart and tween the Press sporting editor and day are to soon open an parlor do more the to animals farm some during of Inverury had the marshal but the former had nuJust south of Marquardson & Jensen’s Mr Hooton week over water Mr Stewart said merous other ensuing trouble deand gtore In Elsinore Ilootou stole his water and Hooton clined the honorsappointments So it Is we Americans are becoming bis let boy said Lna the and that of Sabbath-breaker- s Patriarch E II Blackburn of nation a it off was in Richfield all day Wednesday have it and then didn’t turn before chickens are Orroek’9 demonstrated now at too Live principles against entered complaint and went home Thursday morning Mr Stewart of Richfield and up to 0 cts a tt Physiologists find that rest is needed He Bald the health of tlie people of Justice Christensen Mr Hootarrested Mr Hooton had been had now but was AnNapoleon found that he could not good A team belonging to Christian that part case was Much of his time was spent In on pleaded not guilty and his without time for religious poor of ran Elsinore In from govern him derson away here and a put off till ekriy in June to givecourt So let us icturn in this revisiting friends while of Wednescase on the Boston out of Store thought the front settlt to time makes caller he warm so and do more to inies jaist and a little may the Wc trust parties night They were not found till gard too lie nays the Cknsom has the advises them day attorney the the Sabbath and the thinks prosecuting to let people day be again a ciaj it not next had morning They damaged right ring to do so Wf Soathern Utah will support it librest and spiritual thought anything to-da- r H y - com-awa- y rst-gi- I f up-lo- 4 n N 1 perse-vera- Gold-mounta- V ) K WR k i y four-roun- IS ALWAYS RIGHT for oils And d pork-packin- light-weig- ht first-be- st car-ba- d well-foug- clc-e- d g n shoe-sho- p ice-crea- m i whole-soule- d 1 - jmMf ' v A YEAR FOR THE CENSOR |