Show The Tabernacle What about the Tabernacle? Are we going to do anything to it this summer? If so it must be done between now and harvest time We are getting a new road to Babbit Valley to draw trade We are gett'ng up new business enterprises which are commendable We are all expecting the railroad and wonder what it will do for business Now let us have a house of worship where the greater part of the people can go on Sunday to his resignation vithout putting an and or an if to it because he thought it was right We regret losing him in Jouru-- 1 alistlc field but we ate not afraid of his sinking by the way and we shall soon hear of him again in other places We must admire the ether parties too Mr Chambers knows that by the new policy the Herald will lose many of Its patrons but he consider! it right and boldly announces the policy at the cost of the best editor the paper has ever had We admire the manhood shown by both Bides but are sorry the conflict in policies came at the cost it has in war Fnrragut knew something of ships and projectiles and lie always State vs Nelson unlawful appro-th- e Insisted that armored ships would all be eschewed as useless so soon as the priatlon of water Case continued for the term C W Jones represented perfect guu sliould be cast Tribune agree( with this statement and ilow ell wa discharged Nelson ORROCK’S STORE RICH FI HL i) Carries afirstclass assortment of GROCERIES PAINTS OILS Look out for our weekly prices they lead: Men s aiundiicd White aad 1’oithIo Shirts frur'Mtv mi 17 DRY-GOO- DS Twenty-seveyears ago today the last spike on t lie first transcontinental over a promissory note S L 1'age railroad was driven It was at t lie represented the plaintiff who obtained that tin ceremony took Promontory of on default the grounds judgment was a great event in the InIt place The court meets agaiii lu I’iute dustrial progress of tills country 15 county July Forcliee vs Action arose Jolly n I ice Men's Working Shirts double yoke and leei'S-Tm- rmr! A Large Assortment of Men’s r at exsiemeiv uv prln’ LL Sheeting tic per yard lt Quality Wi TaMe-cmtper jud' i Neik-wea- h Price on produce this week: v four years alter t tie close of t lie greatest civil war the world lias Enos 74c iienlnen Live Chickens The Piute County court met on eve seen Had per 1U t UiV' il jr W the Union Pacific and 'w cts pr bu heat and May lltli Monday setthecounty Central Pacific railroads been honestly Ot’K YfOTl'O IS Ti salaries at the following: and economically managed they could praise their God $500 County Clerk We are taught that God is a being have created usinkingfuud that would 1 $525 Couuty Recorder of order of promptness of zeal and of have gone far to wipe out their indebt$350 Sheriff edness But they were not and the A Integrity How can we praise Him Schools of $125 Supt we as a in meet such building fully if consequence is that both are practicalCall $ 50 Commissioners Specializing in Business the Academy Hall when we could do ly bankrupt today and one is in the $ 1 Surveyor hands of receivers But their con better? Is the old Mormon spirit that i All satisfaction express parties to build the struction and completion was a great helped the hapless Saints There was a time in the history oi the action of the court achievement— Sunday’s Herald temple in Nauvop asleep that we let a the human race when one man made — o- building stand for a decade when we his own shoes— if he had any built ' JENSEN CHRISTIANSEN & CO are needing it so badly? Is the zeal his own house raised his own POTATOES SEED grain and pluck that enabled the pioneers of and raised Ills own cattle Soon men Editors It has been proven in many experiAmong 1 L Richfield to build the Academy Hall began to And that a man that worked ments that planting large whole po adverse under far more circumstances at one tiling became able to do double tatoes for seed results in larger yields We have Just- had an illustration of now departed? Or are we becoming or treble the work that those who than ln using small potatoes or cut wisdom of President Brigham the in so fond of our wealth that we forget did not potatoes But planting half potatoes specialize could So in time Voting’s policy in discouragingminiug unto is that a liberal giver one man began to work in metals an pleasing gives the largest yield when the quan the Lord? Or struggling on year after ocher begun to work in wood and still during pioneer times in Utah Men tity of seed planted issubtnicted from will go wild over mining quicker than in year have a few carried the load until another began to trade and carry arthe yield That is the larger quantl over any other pursuit The rumor of and needed when whole potatoe are having ticles from one village to another lie a they have become weary ty medientirely upsets some used makes it more profitable to plant laid it down no one else will pick it bought that he could seli gold discovery anything are to every people drop ready they halved whole potatoes Small potaup? Come brethren let us help with again and o carried on his business our labor and our means that we may as well as the times demanded There iliing else and hunt for the yellow toes should not be used for seed Large metal go on Sunday to a house of worship has been a continual demand for more should be used cut in halve: on si spring ot calico (told was reported discovered near potatoes we where by its cleanliness and order Jas Dry den in Tribune of other's products as civilization only Lake Shore and without confirming a to our stock drawn General belonging may have our thoughts and we to have breakfast Saint of Rich- must have the coffee of Brazil or the the truth of the report in a singlr God MtniOVi Every Latter-da- y Joeatedfor They especially produce night hundreds of staid and steady In the Diatrlct Court of the Sixth Juill field needs the building over one hun- tea of China the pepper of Ceylon desire and rushed rial oi' for iarmers ol' District the I the State tab ground other and what dred times every year the sugar of Cuba and the rice ol commenced Couutr ol' Sevier One making locations thing would we need the same number Louisiana Now fancy a small mer- - was a Mary Atiu DcKwnn PluIntilT so behind I little Bishop Argyle i SrVMONB of times and go without for the little ciiant going to each of these places VS of Lake Shore reports to secure a lo Christopher DeSwan Defendant wl icli that w ill cost each person? and buying each of these articles THE STATE OK UTAH Sends Greet lu to cation on the supposed lode and as he Christopher I)o Swan: G His traveling expenses would be watched his neighbors digging on their You are hereby required to appear in an But his suppose claim he said: "I will profits greater than brought aganst you by the above give you a deed action Of one of our merchants deals in one named plaintiff In the District Court of tin News Bureau a now and to for farm iiouse my right Sixth Judical of of District the State ftah class of articles and another deals in sixth iuterest in your mine" and to answer the complaint filed therein Sevier and Piute counties should another class then the one can go far ten within That little incident shows just how dnys (exclusive of the day of serprovide some way by which investors enough to some point where the pro- excited men will get over mining mat vice) after the service on you of this sum mons — lf served within this county or 11 and tourists visiting Salt Lake and ducts in which he deals can be had ters Home seems to them served out of this county nothing but ln thlsdlstrlct too bandied been by Ogden could get to hear more of their without having when the visions of wealth front min-in- within twenty days otherwise within fortj middlemen resources and many other mines mountains get possession of their brain Had Jays — or Judgment by defuult will be taken This may seem theory but it is a This is the time to advertise the counyou according to prayer of said comtliepioneerspursued those fancies The against we could counthat of plaint learu the to mighty theory want practise try They prospects would indeed have been The said action Is brought to obtain a decree well in our county and in surroundslim for the permanent settlement of of this Court dissolving the bonds of matritry that the lv G W is building There are two hardthrough and we are "pound foolish" ing counties mony now existing between yourself and Vet almost these valleys if we don't provide the way Abu ware stores in Richfield sit- plaintiff the people Today aredifferently reau of information should be main- every other store in town has hard- uated from what the pioneers were That said plaintiff be awarded the custody tained at a very small expense and the ware There are two drug stores yet Starvation cannot well result from of the minor William ArthurDe Swan Issue ot said marriage also that plaintiff be given two counties should join to maintain who doesn’t carry drugs? If some any mining excitement The farms judgment against defendant for costs of this would the town in drift iuto stores one' are redeemed the canals are dug and Actlen Attorneys fees Alimony and general We clip the above from the South- grocery business we could supply not the roads and bridges are built there reliefThe cause of action Is ern Censor We heartily endorse tnS only our home but much of the out- is fully sat forth ln no cryihg necessity for all available verified statement If we expect capital to side trade as we can do with dry complaint on file herein And you are hereby notified that If you help to devote the entire time- to the come in we must let the people on the outside know that there is investment goods hardware drugs and station reclamation of the desert The men fall to appear and answr the said complain! our done business When is that for it And we can Hunk of no other ery who now go wild over mines may injure as above required the said plaintiff will aphouses can get their goods in larger way that would be so sure to accomply oa the court for the relief demanded themselves perhaps but their neglect therein plish the desired result as the estab- orders from eastern houses and from of home duties will not do so great an lishment ot a "News Bureau” Start home Witness the honorable Judge producers that will enable them injury to the the Dull to roiling and :ouut on us for President and the Hsal Of the District Court community Gar and sell to to Piute the Wayne of the Sixth Judicial District It help Brother Crosby— Pioneer Young's policy was the best thingand Now that is tirstclass Won't- some field county people and thus become a time tells it—Provo and for the State of Utah this Enquirer first day ef May ln the year o: other papers come to the front and small commercial center instead of let Lord one thousand sight bun our middie make the Lake Salt some have big photo- ting help? We want to dred and ninety six now make of house that court our profits of they B uCLAitx Clerk county graphs ti Clear Creek canyon of Mt Bnldy from Although Speaker Reed and the consome distant point of some of the restrolling majority in the House at NOTICK TO CHEMTOUK idences in the pretty nooks of the Washington are planning for a very Rslale of Frederick Jacobson Deceased Vale of the Sevier mill and mine of I eaily adjournment it is not so certain Notice is hereby given by tlie un i that the Seriate will be jiersuadcd to some pretty mountain scenes of our I Anderson ad —o— facilitate tliat policy The Senate is designed Andrew school house of Marysvale from the I ’ of the estate of Frederick ministrator free-silvin control of the federated e 11th inst Judge Jacobson deceased familiarly knowr top of the Monroe hill of as many places as we can get Then let Carty held court ln Junction Piute coinage men of whom Democratic n Sevier county Utah as Frederick us have some photographers make and orni the chief part while Madsen to the creditors of and al countyi jury aillj criminal eases JSf‘latwrs said de the handful of Western silver Repub- persons having claims againstwith have some of our writers write de-- j wore continued for the term tin ceased to exhibit them J licans led by Senator Teller (with the necessary vouchers within four (J scriptions of our irrigation systems The cases tried were: Miles Durkee vs Orson Lee and solitary Eastern addition of Senator months ttfter the first publication o tii is notice to said administrator a: others This was an Dm Cameron of Pennsylvania) and tlie twenty-fiv- e office of Stewart & Collins his at of men the group are Ed People's party at Richfield Utah tie sam mipys numerous lo round out a being' tlie place for the transaction ol all this is done let the scribes tell the j r itflTtH in Bullion creek By agree-- 1 sufficiently free-silvmajority in the chamber the business of said estate people of the opportunities we have nientof attorneys the case was left to near L Andrew P Anderson be now intimated that these located is It for a sugar factory to Brown was an(j refereC) ap jj Administrator silver senators will endeavor to pro- for pleasure resorts to be pointed to act as referee 2d 189(1 Dated May located at the Monroe hot springs and Amelia Dennis vs Samuel D Den- - 1(ng the debates and keep Congress Stewart & Collins Attorneys for Administrator among our many pretty mountains nig divorce The parties intennar- - front adjourning until after the presi Then let us have them published in je flye yearg she being Amelia dential conventions are held Their i Wood-Worki- ng a book of good paper and circulated at jIoc1ges 0f Monroe About one year policy will be to promote the free-s- il Shop Salt and of with cause Lfter marriage Dennis deserted his per Ogden the railroad depots comparatively slight nOLDIMi Lake by this bureau Next Sunday's) wjfe and lias ucver iiear(i from n'Sar(1 for other public issues and PLAXI e article since The wife sued for divorce on witli a disregard for the time being Herald will contain a UIlAC'li ETS riRMXG on Marysvale and let us get an extra the grounds of desertion The court of mere party names There is pendnumber of them and circulate them granted the decree and gave the wife ing in the Democratic parly from one ANI) GENERAL WOOD MORE around so that people m ty hear of us the custody of their ouly child and end of the country to t lie other a mo- DONE AT MY MILL WEST OI All we need to say is the plain truth forty acres of land near Marysvale mentous struggle for control of the THE l’OULSON ROLLER MILL and by properly circulating that we the husband letting the case go by de- Chicago convention in July DemoJrAnderwon -a national cratic conventions will have investors and tourists down fault require B J Jceuings represented two-thirThen we should have a Mrs Dennis to see us majority for the nominanumber of samples of ore of our plants Michael Stoker vs Ellen A Stoker tion of a presidential candidate while wide-awaka and animals to attract naturalists divorce The plaintiff was 72 years simple majority suffices for the adop- TltlM A CANDLE but llic arc flora our and of a tion is not likely Our fauna here platform It old and defendant 50 They were much different from those of Northern married six years ago and parted that the free-silvDemocrats can obUtah and should be studied and will some time since The husband asked tain a majority great enough to nomifree-silvIS TRIMMIMG HER STOCK OI Note-boo- ks be studied if we will attract attention for a divorce on the candidate Muci-ag- e grounds of deser- nate an avowed to of to them able their but the prospect being HATS tion and the defendant put in a cross SPEING Paper-Napki- ns complaint of failure to provide lie dictate the money plank in the platReIS got the decree of divorce and had to form is decidedly good— Review of pay the costs of court and the defend- views CALL AND SEE HER AT A Heroic Act ant’s attorney fees The property was HER MILLINERY STORE divided by stipulation the wife being on Main Street Just north of Orrock’i While there seems to be a rage given the home in Junction We the principal navy-builing govThe recent resignation of BH RobHarper vs Harper divorce erts from the position of editor of the haven’t the full particulars at hand ernments of the world to build more it would seem as though Salt Lake Herald is the act of a here but Mrs Harper sued for the divorce battle-ship- s TII When Mr Roberts came to Utah it which was granted it seems on de- that last experiment at Indian Head was for the love of a religion which fault Mrs Harper was given custo- would cause our authorities at least to review their plans for new ships he considered right While here he dy of the only child State of Utah vs Jefferson Howell A turret precisely like one of ttose on GOOD TENDER BEEF MUTTON has by study and perseverance raised “Massachusetts” was himself to intellectual greatness tliat burglary The defendant entered the the battle-shi- p and PORK of Mr Starks and took set up and a twelve-inc- h shot went Call at his shop and see his stock of few iff Utah have attained He has chicken-hous- e home-cure- d pleaded not guilty to clear through It How long would any been the hero of thosswlio opposed a eliickcp hams last before a battery of woman suffrage He was the mighti- burglary find represented that he had battle-shi- p The cannon like that? We believe the est champion of Democracy Ihat his no means to pay an attorney B Jennings to de- fighting ship of the future will be low J court first state in had the appointed campaign party Mr Jennings made state- and exceedingly swift and that it will II would seem that bis greatness had fend him case and insisted that not carry to exceed two heavy guns of became ment he when its icached pinnacle unfit of one of out leading (liora was no chance of conviction and that ships built on that plan will t TVafen ainkbattie-jhip- s At ' early lavt ! ae oftenas they meet signed aftecney Li 1 ils:vsj: We receive every morning at 1'o’clock SUPPLY OF FRESH DAIRY BUTTER and examine our new goods TV the have a TIL corner IjI1 they do a business that is store U I' BIG fair deals They have a large assortment of SHOES that is not to be outdone town They handle Farmers’ supplies patent cines China and Glassware seven kinds of Crackers candies and canned fruits and have hand stock and other (Tallies to of things Merchandiso an and handling their share of Country Produce rn M 1 A’ S Monroe Will PLAY RUIN DRINK On Saturday Night Of Conference AND You Should "STOP" And See The - PLAY CHARACTERS: Roger Thackery: Mrs Cornelia Thackery: Ida Thackery Little Agnes: District Court in Dora Mc-mor- Lewis Magleby Eliza Magleby Allie Webb Christie Nielsen Mrs SusieTickomireMrsJennie Sprague Siverine Andraauor Billy Bradley: 1 Tom Horne: Snowflake: er l DrCyrus Fairfied: John Haiden: free-Gunnls- Jimmie Brown Joe Slug 1 Jesse Wushdurn Breadsgaard Thos Ransen Owen Collins Miss Lila Larson Jos Nilsson Policeman I full-pag- The Censor STORK We have A lice Brown Business and ANY ONE CAN uj er er WONDERFUL d Magnus Nielson BXJtcher has alway lit He is Buying Fat Cattle AND YOU SHOULD I? rA-’ro- it Stationery SEE HIM ATONCE e handle Pencils Papeteries Inks and Office Supplies |