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Show IjlKSMlTilFlKI.il SEXTINKU SMITHFIKIJ). 1'TAH jTews Review of Current Events the World Over 9 "Sai'.d members rf foe Slavs ITs.udNt of Com-- 1 . I imed - :r jv. "V? ai..-,::;- at 1 W..s',i.ngton for .mnual meeting, started 1 for change in the !'' -- j Toe.ononiie :, structure beg.n with, they resolution calling for Court Bill Opposed by Seuati Comii'!tta, 10 to ' amendment rf the Wagner labor Suprnne act und foe uiuiiiributcd i Mrs. Simpson Applies for Absolute 1 i; Cot's ontte surplus t..x. 0 I'l'licics if foe administration Fish Would End Our Gold lolii v. Wle, huny attacked by several speakers. Wrgsl Jordan of New York W. PICKARD of the national in- By a!' ciustriiil . outcrence board, said the C Western Nr,pir iViun. got r ern i;t has become an instruwvnUNCEMENT of their posi-- A mats were trying or. tl:c:r new knee ment i.f forces alien to the enter-- ! e ptiiv-plon the President'. breeches; the pci reuses were buying of American life and urk velabill by three more wigs to make their to destroy it and fit corriivip mine the unate comfortably; the iXratic member, of committee o!!.c:us. troops repuce it by foe principle of aband horses were being rehearsed! solute to the state, which judiciary seemingly made i t in foe:r parts; foe i.ruurietors of VI i: ..!ly e port of foe certain that body parade seat3 were ricvpiiraielv - i impoverished and tryar-r d.ki- people in its would report the mg to dispose of them r.i 4U, i paralyzing measure adversely and hotel managers and tradesmen ' p. tier." A;-- i to the unate. The oi all sorts were s:.i:t of Labor in make line-u- p at this writ- lots of money m: preparing k 'cil rail) asked the busi-no- s .f t!i:s thorongidv mm to give ing is 10 to 8 against commercialized aila.r. i: Wagner act aid the bill. The three by steamship ciiici.ds in New ytrk a chance m 'vurk out." I.nbi n ust move as a collecwho openly joined that hundreds of Americans hi.nked the opposition were for the coronation had cancelled tivism. he said, and must bargain their passages, but despite this it turouph its own chosen representa-Senators J. C. was certain London would be ves - ju.--i us the employer does, Mahoney of nlcss labor, grouped collectively, ming, Pat McCarren thronged with vishors. n ban e its expert 0Mshoney 0f Nevada and Carl representatives 'oily independent of employer With them Mexico. Batch of New Democratic leaders in WHILE speak for ii with a power-voicta opposition are King of Utah, Van congress were disputing over there is no real bargain- of Burke Nebraska, various of Indiana, Buy proposals for achieving the ing ct all." Verof Austin of Texas, JW..11 economy demanded by the Iusi-den- t, the house without a quiver CECUR1TIF.S mont, Borah of Idaho and Steiwer controlling the $3,-rf Oregon. Thou committed for the passed the second deficiency bill OOO.uPO.O'H) railroad empire built of. Arizona, Ashurst are bemo-cratlaaasure s carrying $7!),2i)tU)iJ0. The up by the Van Sweringcn brothers called it an economy measure have been Neely of West Virginia, Logan of acquired from George A. because the appropriations were 1!) Ball of Kentucky, Dieterich of Illinois, PittMuncio, by Robert U. millions less than the amounts ashed Young. Frank F.Iiul., man of Nevada and Norris of NebKolbc and Allan and of Kansas McGill Hughes raska. by the department heads. But 15 of P. Kirby, all of Now York and com- still noncommittal, those 19 millions f Delaware, represented merely paratively unknown in finance. adwere counted as being on the a reduction in the 30 million appro- The securities are thosehigh of the Mid-ministration side. priation asked by the bureau of in- anierica corporation which Mr. Ball Senator OMahoney, one of the ternal revenue for the refunding of bought at auction two years ago for enthusiastic New Dealers ordinarily, processing taxes collected under the $3,121,000. The price paid by the said: "The hearings have been comagricultural adjustment act. The New Yorkers was $6,375,000. The pleted. I have listened attentively to saving, it was pointed out, was more Muncic man, however, docs not everything that has been said, and I a deferred economy in that the make n personal profit from foe bave heard nothing to date which 15 millions will be included in the transaction for he had placed Mid-nmcrica with its holdings in a char- (in convinced me that any increase next budget. itable fund. of the court is either necessary or desirable. 'T'HIS is foe outstanding finan- - Young said it was foe plan of his group to shrink the entire corporcial blunder of the New Deal Senator Hatch declared: I do not rather than expand think congress has the power to said Representative Hamilton Fish ate structure it. He intimated that Midamerica place men on the Supreme court of New York, Republican, speaking corporation would be eliminated, and to affect decisions in any way whatsof the administraoever. To do so would be an extions policy of ac- probably several other of the interholding companies by which ercise of judicial power by the legcumulating gold at locking S35 an ounce, islative branch of the government. or the Van Swcringcus built up their intricate financial structure. If we place men on the court to nearly twice the cost of the trend of M . r change judicial opinions production. we thereby invade the province of Fish thereupon in- TANDREW MELLON, frequently the target of administration at the court and do that which many troduced a resolution forbidding the tacks, is again called on to defend people have charged the court with his business. Attorney General Cumdoing. secretary of the announced mings Senator McCarren addressed the treasury to purthat the Department chase any more gold Judiciary committee, in executive of Justice had filed from foreign coun-Resession, for an hour and a half and in the Federal DisFish later raid to the reporters: "In my more tries at than trict court in New judgment, the Supreme court should $25 an ounce. York a suit to comnot be s department of government The American taxpayers" depel dissolution of foe subject to foe will of either of foe clared Mr. Fish, under foe ruinAluminum Company other two branches of government. ous gold policy of the President and of America which While the Supreme court and every the secretary of foe treasury, have Mellon controls for other court that interprets the law become the angels of Europe, and the purpose of should at all times keep abreast of are now engaged in helping to fi"its mobreaking law the and therefore be progres- nance these countries in their mad control nopolistic sive, it is not for any other branch armament race. All of foe nations of foe aluminum inof the government to say it should of foe world including Soviet Rusdustry. By this acreform its views to carry out the sia, have naturally unloaded their revives foe tion the government will of another branch. For that gold upon us at exorbitant profits, anti-truact as a legal Sherman reason I am opposed to and will conwhich, if we tried to sell back, we weapon in regulating business. tinue to oppose the Presidents bill. probably could not get 50 cents on The suit named 36 officers, direcThe committee agreed to begin foe dollar. tors, and stockholders of the comtoting on foe bill and on proposed "This insane and costly gold policy pany, including Mellon. Twenty-fiv- e amendments on May 18. is almost on' a par with foe high subsidiary and affiliated companies Other financing of John Law's Mississippi were named CENATORS, representatives, de-- u bubble. The American people have members of foe Mellon family been turned into milch cows, to be named with foe former Treasury partment heads, and almost else in Washington official- milked by every foreign country." head are Paul Mellon, Richard K. dom were worrying themselves over Mellon, Jennie King Mellon, Sarah expenditure reductions, taxes, rising 'T'HE C. I. O. steel workers or-- Mellon Scaife, David K. Bruce, of Mellon, and Ailsa Mellon prices and falling revenues, and Suganizing committee now claims his daughter. preme court reformation. But PresiBruce, earnof foe 540,000 a wage The suit charges that the comdent Roosevelt was gaily sailing ersmajority in that industry. the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, pany is a monopoly in violation of Philip Murray, committee chair- foe anti-trulaws and that it has angling for tarpon. He was on the man, told foe convention of the to fix arbitrary and discrimipower Presidential yacht Potomac, which of Association Iron, native It charges the dehe boarded at New Orleans; his Amalgamated Workers in and Tin Pittsburgh fendantsprices. to rewith conspiracies teasel was escorted by three de- Steel, that in the 10 months of tVc or- strain and monopolize, attempts to stroyers, foe Moffett, foe Schenk ganization drive 325,000 members monopolize, and monopoly in vioand the Decatur. At Galveston Sechave been enrolled, equivalent to lation of foe Sherman anti-truact Marvin retary McIntyre set up a 60 per cent of the steel pay rolls. temporary White House, and Mr. We have driven the company A letter addressed to H. B, jtaosevclt planned to land at that union out of American industry, Mitchell, president of foe civil city when he got through fishing. President commission, Murray said. No company union service here on. Ten Roosevelt placed a ban on specufrom live to can hope CIX months having elapsed since months ago the steel workers or- lation in securities by government Mrs. Wallis Simpson was grantofficials and employees. There was ganizing committee started from ed a provisional decree of divorce, Wc had no members. To- no official explanation of this act, scratch. wi the lady having behaved during day we have built up 600 new lodges, but for some time there have been that period in a way enrolled 325,000 members, and rumors that some persons high up in approved by the 89 steel the New Deal have been making a signed wage contracts with .ga proctor, her lot of money by speculating in foe companies. solicitors petitioned and forty-on- e slock markets after getting tips on women Seventy-nin- e court to make White House moves. the decree absolute. men, arrested during the evic- probable from tion of sitdown strikers was expected this f. byrd of the Yale A Towns Manufacturing Senator Democrat, prepared would be done after six days inter-ta- l company plant in Detroit were held for introduction in the senate a bill Cirof guilty of contempt of court by required by legal providing for the consolidation cuit Judge Arthur Webster. They the Home Owners Loan corpora- procedure. were convicted for violation of tin tiun and the Federal Housing ad-- : When Edward, had isdke of Windsor, injunction which the judges ministration. This merger, said Mr. them to leave the of d Mrs. directing sued, Bird, would result in a saving Simpson plant. more than $24,000,000 a year with-- 1 J be married is not yet known o the foe work of the units. Judge Webster imposed maximum public and probably not yet and out impairing oetermined by the principals in this penalties of thirty days in jail fines on llcorge Edwards, Unit INTERVENTION by President! wjost famous of modern romances. America of 1 for foe time Workers averted, Automobile Roosevelt Jhe duke was so angered by reficc-Joh- o cd who on his fiancee and himself in organizer, and Teter P. ScdVr, Ret-sc- y being at least, a strike of 25,000 of the "Coronation Commentary, a book said lie was nn employee freight handlers on eight railroadsof Ten Wheel threatened foe food supply company. written by Geoffrey Dennis, that it that Hayes were given three New York city. The President apwas reported he might set the wed-n- g day Jail sentences of of the othpointed an emergency board date before coronation day; other persons. Sentencing three members to attempt a settle"ut later there were rumors Hint ers was deferred to July 15. ment. In his proclamation he said rs. Simpson, seeking to evert vet the the dispute threatened substantialFather criticism, had persuaded WILLIAM GILLETTE, commerce faly to interrupt interstate cran actor who became "fto wait until after his brother of New York and had been crowned. Edward demand-J- r mous in the role of Sherlock Holmes within the state h'a food other states in foe eastern part of bock be withdrawn and and is remembered also . other the country to a degree such as to and autbor and publisher a polo-t?- - work in Secret Service Corn1-- . country ri deprive that section of foeservice." This demand was complied plays, died in Hartford. He had been of essential transportation workers but nevertheless he had his the age of eighty-on- e. A dispute between rival olicitnrs b London start suit for ill since last autumn. balked efforts of foe national unions of foe damages on the ground of libel. John G. Pollard, chairman board to effect a settlemediation Veterans board of appeals of the foe railway labor act, Under ment. and former governor forced a postponepROM all quarters of the earth President Wash-ingto- n the men and women of much, little passed away in for at least 30 days while ment He ho Importance were of bronchial pneumonia. mediators work. flocking to years old. Mmon tor the coronation; foe diplo was sixty-si- x 11 .: e m EDWARD S ! uc.-nr- e 's SiM-itar- Ed-'.v.ii- d ti-.- e O'-i1-- "1 , Wyo-Senst- or e, e, p. st ne son-in-la- w L st st harry j i W "ginia, C Talk About Smart Frocks (nhb I thinks .about: Touring Accommodations. CANT A MONICA, CALIF. For the sake of comparison two of us, out lately on a little trip, stayed one night at a way- side motor camp and the next night at the most expensive tourist hotel in three states, rates $25 per day per sucker. ; j j J At the tourist camp, the company was mixed but neighborly and, for the most part, pleasant. The only really discordant note was a lady in the adjoining cabin who, at ail hours, kept waking her husband up, apparently for the purpose ,1 telling him number thing about him that she didn't like. At the exclusive establishment were many guests who seemed to be suffering from severe attacks of nervous culture, being fearful, I'd say, font, if ever they behaved naturally, theyd give themselves away. Ala inly they were dull. Waxworks, even when animated, usually are dull. But stopping ut a $25 a day hotel lias one advantage, 1 find. Afterward, you can go around bragging ( A UNT ALMA, there's Just one difficult junior age; slenderizing, that once you stopped at a y hotel. This should be a great patterns for the mature thing I don't like about my well-cnew dress its so attractive I'm figure; afternoon dresses for the help socially. afraid Sis over there will appro- most particular young women and Dealing With Snakes. priate it when I'm not looking. matrons and other patterns for A CON N ECTICUT Outside of that I'm crazy about it, special occasions are all to be congressman is pushing an act to prohibit and I think you're swell to make found in tiie Barbara Bell Pattern importation of venomous serpents it for ine. Why Book. Send 15 cents today for your from other countries for exhibition "Whats this, what's tliisT If copy. purposes. Ilia fear is that an earth- that isn't a laugh. Aunt Alma I Send your order to The Sowing quake or something might shake the Imagine me wanting anybody's Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New zoo apart and liberate a lot of deaddress. Why since you've taught Montgomery Ave., San Francisly reptiles that would start multi- mu to I never want co, Calif. Price of patterns, 19 plying and constitute a new menace anything. I just make it and thnt'a cents (in coins) each. to the lives of such of the populace that. This sport Srrvlcs. c Bril dress, for inas have thus far escaped being stance, took me only one afterkilled by automobiles. noon. On the Seventh Try Without presuming to assume that I'raise . From Auntie In a quaint old cemetery In U10 the gentleman is a bit of an ularm-is- t, think you do wonderfully well East is a marker erected to the "I I'd like to point out that he can with iny dear. Youll memory of a man whose life is obtain millions of adherents for this be your sewing, clothes the first reckoned successful. Upon tlio making my measure among AmerI know. I feel especially marker has been carved an epithing icans by tacking in an amendment pleased with my new spring dress taph that should be a tonic to our to his bill providing that the bars and I have both of you to thank day. It reads thus: likewise shall be put up against forei- for suggesting this slylc. It docs gn-born communists. f IricJ and failnl, right well by my hips, and ilc so I fried eyain and failed, shoulcomfortable through the I fried again and failed, How Times Change. ders. I guess I should diet but in I tried again and failed, T JUST read what I once knew for this dress I foci nice and slender. I tried again and failed, myself but had forgotten in the Dont you see, girls, how imporI tried again and failed, rush and bustle of these latter days. tant it is to choose a 1 tried again and won. style that's It related to foe altitude which becoming? Its abidAmerica, considerably less than half particularly by this theory that gives some Dr. rierre's Favorite Proscription Is a a century ago, held toward unescort- ing women such enviable chic. Mule which tins been helping women ed woman. For instance, as recently Patterns. Adr. of The all ages for nearly 70 years. as 1890 not many respectable hotels 1280 is designed in sizes Pattern would permit one of them to regis0 Debts of Honor (30 to 40). Size 14 requires ter. 3 I pay debts of honor, not honyards of 39 inch material. Some time after 1900 in fact, as Pattern 1233 is designed in sizes orable debts. Reynolds. I remember, it was about 1910 a Size 38 requires 5 yards prominent lady was asked to leave of 39 inch material. The collar one of foe smartest hotels in New of York city because she dared to light in contrast requires a yard. in foe public lounge. a cigarette Pattern 1284 is designed in sizes As for women drinking at a bar 0 (32 to 44). Size 16 requires 3H well, not even foe most forward-lookin-g liberal could conceive of so yards of 35 inch material. New Pattern Book. incredible a sight as that. The s on my stomach was so biS Send for foe Barbara Bell I could not oat or sloop. Evon my And now just look at foe darned to hurt. A frlond aus- Spring and Summer Pattern Book. heart aaemad Adltrika. Tha first dess I took things! Make yourself attractive, practi- Seated ma relief. Now I oat as I wish, sleep fine and never fait batter.1 cal and becoming clothes, selectMrs. Jaa. Filler. Hardships de Luxe. Bell from foe Barbara Adlariko acta an BOTH upper and ing designs plutocratic classes WHEN our lower bowels while ordinary laxatives patto go simple, they go act on tha lower bowel only. Adltrika a thorough cleans, lives your simple, regardless of what it costs terns. Interesting and exclusive f ng, bringingoyetem out aid, peiaonoue matter fashions for little children and the that em. you would not believe was In your A rich couple have just completed system and that haa bean cauaing gas stomach, norvouantsi and a trip out here, following foe ancient Kina, sour for months. Dr. If. L SheaS, Me Verb, reverb I trails of foe early pathfinders. Like orfrfifiow fo Iwfoerteol tteanatmq, AMwrika l true pioneer stock, they roughed it (really redmeo teeterie end eaten bed IN. Give your bowela a REAL elaanalng in specially built twin trailers, each with Adltrika and sea how good you about foe size of a pullman but foel. Juat one epeonful rcllavaa GAS At all Loading much more complete, and were and eonetipation. s. Druggist. towed by a couple of The servants, only six in number, So With All of 'Em had to put up with two much cheapThe Hardened Running a farm and running a er cars. Justice must tame whom mercy, consist in infinite atnewspaper During the entire trip there was tention to details. But isnt run- cannot win. Saville. no dressing for dinner and thus, business that? with true democratic spirit, was ning any is another form ARE Indignation the primitive plan of the expedition of anger, and a only deal of an- YOU WEAK, NERVOUS? great carried out. Every hardship en(or isn't anybody. good ger &0aer Barrdt el enroute such as the countered ltnOmen 11 Somebody always discovers how Clly Bird, champagne getting all jolted up and to be chummy with the unNorfolk, Nrhr aaid: 1 era ao weak and narrthe caviar coming unglued in foe man; and it is ow that I didnt tat was cheerfully endured. An approachable can like doing anything sure to be one who isnt Headache and petes armed guard was maintained a t pretty of him. afraid wait ether namptslnts hostile and to night repel kidnapers all due to functional disThe Country's Mainstay turbance. I took Dr. Indian tribes. favorite Prescription as a tonic and There are people Piercei I wonder how Jim Bridger and Kit was Increased and I sained my appetits Carson ever stood it with no butler who feel that a debt is a kind of atrensdi and waa aeliemd of that tired, weak, fee line and the headaches tax" along in fact, not even a second financial excrescence to be got nervous New aiaa, talm Sk. XOqoid 1.00 ft 1J( rid of. man. A too busy man and n too busy IRVIN 8. COBB. woman are likely to be exasperat-icr- . 6 WNU Service. Temperance is the nurse of Temperance Tweeds and Feats How many people do you know chastity. Wycherly. The famous Harris tweeds cam who, you know, will be glad to into being through an accident of see you? Isnt it a restful feeling! nature. The freezing winds which swept across the barren islands of the Outer Hebrides, off foe coast of Real Reverence Scotland, made it imperative that the natives have warm wind-proo- f, Help Them Cleanse the Blood weather-proo- f of Harmful Hedy Waal garments. With noI foe which is 'T'HIS thing Teor kidneys are mnatanfly Starfaf where else to turn, the women of and if which, know, you amtur hues the Mood mw. But the islands took advantage of foe kidneys omathnaa leg la their work de labor faithfully you shall know not act m Nature Intended fad to re. unusually thick fleece which was new hnporilia that. If rKmJnod. any also; that in reverence is foe the winter coat of their sheep, and poison tha syatsaa pad upset the whole chief joy and power in life. men for wove their body muchhury. it from they Reverence, for what is pure Symptom may he nuning tmekaefcb the first crude Harris tweeds. Behwdoiwo. auacfco of discinon. Heat parr and bright in your own youth; Catting ap nlfhl, swelling, psflhiam cause they had nothing but the in the true under is tried and for cyan a fad lag of aorvuaa what natural dyes made from lichens and anxiety and looo af pep and strength. foe age of others; for all that Other to 01 kidney or bladder din. their algo nowhere and steep crottle, nrdor may ha burning, oenaty ar too is gracious among the living, wool except over peat fires, Harurination. frequent great among foe dead, and There ahodd be no doubt that prompt ris tweed has always been charactivotmeut it wiser thea nog loot. Use marvelous in foe Powers that terized by a peaty outdoor odor. Deans Nils Sml have barn winning cannot die. Ruskin. new friends for mom than forty years. These tweeds had been worn in foe reputation. They have a nation-wid-e Are reeommmdod by grateful people the Outer Hebrides for many years beear neifkaert fore the fashion centers of tiic world Train trees when they are discovered them and elevated them and men and women saplings fashions. of sports to foe front rank when they are children. $25-a-da- ut sew-my-o- Symlk-ma.WN- 12-2- 34-5- 2. five-eight- Gas Gas AN theTime,Canrt Eat or Sleep 14-2- well-planne- d, easy-to-ma- llnjcLz fthiL Rolls-Royce- Say: atchV(OUJfi Kidneys, a |