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Show — the Ne LO ull FOR THE PERSONNEL OF THE NAVAL SUPPLY DEPOT AT CLEARFIELD, UTAH CLEARFIELD, UTAH VOL. 1, NO. 2 “NAVY BILL” PIPED ABOARD U.S.S. NSD Saturday, July 24, 1943 Navy’s Newest Recruit Sworn In At Impressive Ceremony Larry Blaylock Presents Kid to Commanding Officer The Navy has officially “‘got its goat.” Last Friday, immediately after the day’s work, ‘‘Navy Bill’’ was piped aboard in true Naval style — the only admiral at the station. After a long series of parries and thrusts between Captain ConDepot Housing ger and Commander Hines regarding acceptance of Bill, the Commander finally scored a The opportunity has come to touche. Captain Conger, game live where you work. and cheery in the face of this Forty units of the Anchorage adversity, carried on to the finish. housing project will be ready for As a climax to the radio prooccupancy next week. There are gram, Mullett-Kelly Co.’s ‘“‘Citwo types available; a single vilian Soldiers,’’ which was beunit and a one-bedroom unit. All ing prepared on the depot that are furnished with a coolerator, day, Captain Conger accepted gas range and heating system. the natty goat from Master LarOtherwise they are unfurnished. ry Blaylock, six-and-a-half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Rentals are $29 and $31 per Blaylock, who are both employes month, respectively. Water, gas of the depot. and lights are included. Commander Hines pinned Units Ready Make application tothe hous- Bill’s identification badge on his ing office inthe administration nifty new blanket. To the notes of ‘‘taps’’ played by Walter E. Blaes, Marine bugler, Bill was boosted aboard one of Chief Bybee’s fire trucks and escorted to his quarters in the rear of the A shuttle bus service between fire station. There is only one question as Anchorage and Clearfield and Layton will provide transporta- to the true ownership of the new tion for shopping and entertain- mascot; Commander Hines has been considerably out of pocket ment. Colorful Pageant Doubles Everyone successfully forgot on the goat’s account — milk, blanket, ete. As Bond Rally the war and all its worries at the Shades of the west will march again during the three-day pio- NSD storekeepers’. picnic last With a sigh of relief The Seaneer celebration in Ogden July 22, 23, 24. gull (presuming- to speak for Sunday, and buckled downto the The festive occasion commemorates the arrival of Brigham Captain Conger as well) welYoung and his contingent of Mormons to Utah July 24, 1847. It is serious business of having a comes ‘‘Navy Bill.” truly Utah’s day and ranks along good time. Thanks to the comwith Independence day and mittee, the affair was well Christmas. Artists For Victory is the planned and tremendously sucWar Bond Drive cessful. Back in 1857 Brigham Young name of a non-profit organizabuilding. A $10 security deposit Top, right: Commander Hines pins ‘“‘Navy Bill’s” identification badge on. Lower left; Larry is required which will be reBlaylock, goat donor, drags Bill between rows of Naval officers. Right: Larry and Bill show pride funded at termination of ccupin Bill’s gorgeous blanket. ancy if premises are undamaged. Navy-Marine Units to Parade Storekeepers Romp — In Ogden Pioneer Day Fiesta At Canyon Fiesta Long Service Artists Help War sent out engraved invitations to a tenth-anniversary celebration at Brighton. Since then Pioneer day has been recognized officially as an important holiday. tion that is getting in some good licks at the Axis in the form of propaganda. They have printed a series of colorful poster stamps designed by America’s most skilled artists. Due to war conditions it was The stamps come in sheets of decided to couple the celebrafifty and for a dollar bill you can tion with the victory effort; to mix work in with the play. Saturday, July 24, winds up the festivities with a giant war bond sale parade as the climax. All the military installations will be represented. The Navy parade section will include the Union Pacific band, Captain Conger and Commander Hines, women buy four sheets. They aim to im- press on our minds various ways in which we can help to whip the global gangsters. You address Artists For Victory, Inc., 101 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. Mr. Arthur Crisp is treasurer. Antrim In Army George Antrim, chief clerk of and men Navy personnel, Navy disbursing, has left to respond Bill, ordnance displays, floats, to military duty with the U. S. Marines andofficers. Army. A picnic was held in And, of course, there will be his honor at Como Springs. Afour own queen, Miss Margaret ter having a wonderful time Shelton. She and herretinue will [swimming, dancing and eating have a special float all to them- delicious fried chicken George selves. Mayor Harmon W. Peery was presented with a leather of Ogden, is slated to ride in the shave kit, a ‘‘must’’ in the army. parade on a horse (hear, hear!) Best of luck, George. escorted by city police and city fathers. AMERICAN LEGION TO The events scheduled for Saturday will continue until late evening. But anything served up later will be an anti-climax to the greatest Pioneer days parade in Ogden’s history. Special thanks are extended by the Public Relations Office to the many cooperative people a on the depot who have volun_» teered their services to making the Navy’s section an outstanding one. Nears Goal The program began with horseshoe contests which were followed bya spirited softball game with storekeepers, officers, women, and children playing on both teams. Joe Thurgood used his right eye as a catchers’ mitt. The wildest gamblers lost a quarter on the ‘‘old grudge’’ race between Mr. Moody of G-11 and Ivie Smith of G-13. Frank A. Grady of D-4 thumped the piano tusks while Lt. Heath, U. S. M. C., and assistants spiritedly sang all the songs they knew. A tug of war (storekeepers vs. officers) ended with fun and officers and storekeepers on both ends of the rope. The cowhands, Spargar and Redwine, had a roping contest and the cowboy successfully roped the calf. Mrs. Paul Smith gave an exhibition of plain and fancy dancing. Mrs. Frank Latham, Mrs. Ray Ogden, and Mrs. Dean Buchanan won the three gate prizes. The goal of the Clearfield Naval Supply Depot’s war bond drive is ninety per cent or more of the civilian employes investing at least ten per cent of their gross pay in war bonds. The War Bond Office reports W/O M. M. Okerstrom that the following depot departments have gone over the top one hundred per cent: Firefighters, Disbursing, Inspection, Public Works Office, Security Office and the War Bond Office. Personnel of the Accounting Department averaged ninety-five per cent and the Incoming Stores group averaged ninety-three per cent participation. Warrant Officer M. M. OkerCaptain Conger, in speaking of strom, Marine Quartermaster the war bond drive says, ‘“There Corps, (accounting & inspection) is the new assistant to Captain are comparatively few civilian employes who are not investing Marvin Virgil Yandle, officer in part of their pay in war bonds at charge of the Marine Corps Perthis depot. sonal Effects Departmentat this depot. He has completed sixteen “Have these few people foryears in the Marine Corps, hav- gotten the slaughter at Pearl ing served in Cuba, Haiti, Guam, Harbor where almost 3000 Navy Philippines, China and Panama. men died? I know these few people hate the war lords of Japan, Captain Yandle’s department Nazism, and Fascism and all receives and remits the personal they stand for, as much as I do. effects of deceased marines to “By investing in War Bonds, the next of kin and returns the lost effects of marines who are we show ourfighting men onforstill on active duty to their right- eign seas and battle fronts a United Nation behind them. ful owners. Lt. Scanlan had an_ heroic beer glass that was the envy of HARVEST BONDS every man present, even if it The Utah Legionnaires have was against the rules. volunteered again; this time to Kangaroo Court, presided over sell bonds. In their August Bond Harvest drive they will sell or by “His Honor Judge’’ Newell buy $4,000,000 worth — $350 for Madsen, and with other civilians each memberof the Legion and acting as “‘sheriff,’’ “attorneys,” and “‘jury,” tried and convicted its auxiliaries. Other members of Captain “We may be a bit too old to Captain Conger of hoarding dozfight this war — but we aren’t ens of carloads of food in his Yandle’s staff are Sgt. H. R. too old to help those who are back yard; CommanderHinesof Krick, Cpl. B. Myers, Cpl. R. fighting it — our own sons and coming improperly dressed for Smith, Pfc. E. H. Renwick, Pfc. C.R. Winters. daughters,” they say. (Continued on Page 5) “J earnesly urge you few people at this depot who have not signed up for War Bonds to show your patriotism now by signing up today.” |