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Show 1 The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday, September 2 II 20. 1973 Vital News of Record Marriage Licences Third District Judgments Jerry Woyfie Hicks. 21, Grono Newlond. 2 Mar Shauno Granger JO. Mognrj. Hole. Ells Jen tT0Qy Harmon H, Soil Like Brent Roland Faison yl, Mur If., Shields. Lee rii,; Tesstc Murray. Mirhaet Dmnls Moore. 29. bolt loke Mortho Jean Stevens, 2d xoil Lake Kenneth Arzey Met horn, 70. Solt take; Cathy Lvnn Nielsen, 20, toke Lome Jockson Wallace, 74. Solt Lake: Rhonflo Lee Wixom, 23, Solt Loke. Fuller Joseph Msgomerv. Aid ! Franklin, Dorell ijilt. ?; Montoomerv .Viihom Peter Morsik, Loe, Robm Cedes 14, ?. 76. Ann Salt 25 Steele, sail Loke curtiss Eugene PIok 0. 77, Solt lolbert, 18. Lake. Lese Karen Lynndyl, Mniord County IV. James Joseph Johnson, Anita Wash ; Juneit fatonvule. Gennesl, Id. Grohom. Wash Kay. 17, Sondv; Rolph Mtoioel Carrie Dee Wright, 16. Sandy. Hunt. 74. Salt Franklm Verl Lone; Pomelo Martinson, 2J, Sait Loe 79. Richard Lee Nebeker-Sprunt- , .oil Lake; Jerri lvnn Woodard, wy, Salt Lake Courtney Robert Fryer, 19, Solt Loke. Josephine Lvmen. 13. Solt Loke 75, Kearns, John A. Roberts, 26, Shurull Smith, (kalhefine Oroper. Dole Stacy Ai en. 57, Charleroi, Po . Monone Theresa Corson, 5i. Charleroi Ro ert Mtchoei 71, EqQett. woods Cross, Loura Sue Decker, 71, Bountiful Michael Dennis Truslow. 27. Soli Loke. Conroe Jo Purdue. 18. Sait Lore Hal Porker. 73. Sandy; Rose Morie Carter, 17, Sandy. Solt 28. Dnrshik Lee, Loke; Kyunysook Yoon, 25. Solt Loke. James Hulse, 25. Soil Henry Salt 18, Loke, Ten bwcottieid, Lake. Pool Mi'hael St'evov, 25. Solt 19. Lake: Cheryl Ann droilhwoite, bad loke. Steven Randall Ooutel, 2, Salt Lake. Oorothy Glenn Eidredge. 22. buff Loke. 18, Robert Leonard Williams. Granger; Conn Joyce Oollev, 18, granger Elmo Rex Miller, 77. Soil Loke; Gen eat Leno Lee, 66, Ontorm, Dara Duane IcstHe vs Mwne An LO'sene ond Utah Social Ser awarded vices Dept ; defendant 61.530 Inc vt WHam O Lir.Nor. Land, plaintiff oworoed 67,25'; Richord Schonz vs AAA Auto Leasing. Inc , First Security Stole Bonn, plomtiff owarded $,9s2 Marsha D Fouo vs Crown Lite Co I plaintiff owarded Insurance f 000. 6 percent interest. & Thrift Com Finance Peoples pony ot Solt Lake VS. Donald Fer Barbara Ferguson, guson and pontiff oworded 61.087, 8 percent interest. Cred Salt Lake City Police Edno L. Kooo. Wilford Union vs B O and Thornwa'd Honsvick Homv'C. plointift oworded 64.437, 8 percent interest e Inc vs Clark Learning. D. Gibson; plomtiff oworded 63.852. 8 percent interest Utah Social Services Dept vs Carl Morfmez ond Sony Martinez, piamtift oworded $j,979 Monterey Motors, Inc vs Oavid M Broome and Loyal H Broome plaintiff awarded 67,192, 8 percent interest. John Meyer of Norwich, o Connecticut Corp vs. The Brownslone Corn ; o Ltd , Uloh piointitl awarded 64.379. 8 percent interest Vermox Corp vs Dole Rubins Soles; plaintiff awarded 61,519, 8 percent interest P SL vs Miner Leasing Co Leas'ng Corp , Francis C Lund and Colvin Smith; plamtifl awarded 61.180 Uloh Credit Aritustmnt Assn vs American Stock Tran, ter Co, owarded O'omtiff 62 7 56, 8 percent interest. Utah State Rood Commission vs Gavnctl M Smith, o widow, de tendon! owardiu 629,330 Utoh State Rood Commission vs Acknowledge Investment Co , dc tendon! owarded 629,580 Utah Stole Rood Commission vs Zions First Notional Bank; defend ants oworded 128.480 Utah State Road Commission vs Hyrurn Whitoker Smith and Man tyn F. Smith, hrs wile, defendonL oworded 67.410 Utah Stote Rond Commission vs John Whitaker Smith and Gwendo Ivn O. Smith, his wile. United defendants ot America, States owarded 66.510. A ond Co. vs Mick George Don's Distributing, plaintiff award ed 52.094, 8 percent interest. Remo. 30. Salt James Vincent Loke, Patricia Helen Money, 25. boh Lake. Elbert Francis Emlev, 27, Salt Irene Evans, 2b, Lake. Sharon bolt woke 19. Lee Femuson, Edward oronper; Koron Sherry Shepherd, 17, Solt Lake John Searcy Curtis, 21, Sondv, Vivion Bothger, 16. Sondy. Keith R. Nielson, 24.' Soil Loke; torrome 8. Learning, 27, Salt oke Craig Gavlen Criddle. 75, Salt take. Brenda Koy Whittle, 27. Sod Loke. Leon Ralph McCnll, 19. West 16. Jordan; Suson Ann Thacker, Sod Loke. Keith 26, Dennis Salt Ison, Lake; Arlene Heck. 70. Salt Lake Daniel Joseph Martin, 28, Murr Noaiene Leak. uv; Morsha ?). Midvale. N 27. Salt Richard Prescott, Sue Lewis. Lane, Donnetto bolt Lake Oavid Brian Franchow, 73, Solt 18, Salt Lake, LoNctt Peterson, Loke. Kenneth John Allred, 22, Costte-tord- , Colleen Jovcelvn Idaho; Foon, 19, Sait Loke. Richard Von Stre Peterson, ?S, , Oreeiev. Colo ; Roberto Ann 75, Greeley Oouglas Qrett Hovword, 73, Sait Lake; Sheri Ann Johnson. 22. Salt Lake. Grover O. McManus, 39, Grong 43. or, Betty Joanne Kouttman, Sait Lake. Bruce Conrad Alder, 23. Salt Corolte Ashton, 23. Suit Lake, I, S. L. Area Births St. Mark's Hospital Roxy Peterson, West, Moona son ?fj8 Mr and Mrs Floienjio Garcia. 7500 S 85 East Midvo'e. son Mr. ond Mrs John langelond 4T06 Saturn Dr . son Mr and Mrs Rainer Krowa,, Eost. son Mr ond Mrs Melvin Miller, 735 W U55 South, son S 6750 LDS Hospital Mr. Thomas John ond Mrs Crus, 1615 Treevlew Or , dauQher S Mr Mrs ond Raymond Hailmer, 468 fc. 1500 South, dauqh-le- r Mrs Morvin R. Petnl. Wed, Riverton, son Robert O Corry. 1189 Roosevelt, son Mr Jack Sieverts. ond Mrs 9?t6 7700 East. Sondv. son Mr. ond Mrs David R. Coon. 274 N jOG West, daughter Mr. and Mrs. WIHiom Tauto, 3jI Loke. Ronald Clarence Fox, 24, Head. Lake; Money Joyce Ogden. David Curtis Andersen, 25, Anaeles; Oeboroh Lee McKoy, Lot Angeles. Salt 24. Los 28. Bovd Clark Reynolds, 29, Salt Loke. Susan Keicne Chambers, W. Gronoer. David Lelond Arnold, 19, Salt Brenda Humphries, Lake; lx Granger. Martin Joseph Martinet, 49, Sail Lake; Corot Susan Sandoval, 23. Salt Loke. ond Mr S. 2273 10718 and Mrs Mr H St daughter Mr. and Mrs . J Fronk Bonclt, Monaco Ave , son ond Mrs Russell K. Anderson. 2B46 S Impenol St , son. Mr and Mrs. James A. Jenkins, 3779 Elam Dr . son Or. and Mrs. Richard A Hadl ock, 2645 Capricorn Wav. daughter 1585 Mr Loke. Gory Oennls McCarty. 24, Kovs vine. Jeanette Lodgon Davis, 20, Solt Loke Gory Robert Topper. 22, College, Alaska; Penny Ann Peckhom. 21. Fairbanks Alasko. Bruce Richard Jolley, Id. Rive Hon; Josephine Ocbro Pondo, 18, West Jordon. Mark Edward Nesien, 31, Solt 33, Dean Gofhng, Loke. Shtrlo Solt Loke. Billie Lee Frost, 26, Sod Lake; lonlce Velma Clau&on, 15, Mogno. Joseph Williams Dunlop, ?1, Salt Lake; Ann Chrtstin Essen, 21, Salt Loke Bartow Jr., 23, Haven Jesse 2, Christine McGMnvh, Lavton; Kovsvitle. 21. Sait WUtom DeBirk Jr, Loke, Demce McKenna, 18. Solt Loke. Cornett Jockson, 23. Moynord Idaho Foils, Idaho, LuDean Rom veil, 21, Idaho Falls 27, les'ie Deon Camphuvsen, N M ; Comelo Jeon Farmmoton, ette Nuckok. 19, Beoverdom. Vo. Dennis Monrod Johansen, 74. Salt Loke; Connie Lvno MacKav 22. Bountitut George Aaron Taylor, C9, KenRose Coht ; wood, Moudlynne Rider, 69. Solt Loke. C Kent Vicklund, 24, Hunter; Salt 22, Karen Ottcson Polmer, Loke. Arnold B. Jones, 21, Salt Loke; Rebecca Mone Maidonodo. 18, Salt and Mrs Mr Cottonwood Hospital 'Mr. and Mrs. Glen Becksteod 3s6 S. 3375 Wes, son Mr and Mrs Stephen Bioser. C95I S Feramor Dr , duughter Mr ond Mrs Woylon Champion, 2414 E. 5e00 South, daughter. Mr and Mrs. Arnold Gonzales, 7962 S. State, Midvale, daughter Mr. ond Mrs Terry Webber. 1178 Turquoise Way, Sandy, dough ter Mr. ond Mrs Llovd Westergard, 3160 Pork St . daughter. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Wooton American Fork, daughter. Holy Cross Hospital Mr S. Born Elko. Nev., to Wit-Dennis a m ond Jeunine Ben- Survivors South, daughter. Mrs. Michael Kocho, 1039 N. 1500 West, doughier. Mr and Mrs Robert Bnttaen East, doughter. ond South : e sis- , brother, ter, Jason C . Mindy Ginger, both Taylorsville; grondoar-ents- , Mr. ond Mrs. James p o r n I s ; M. Benson, Taylorsville; Mr. ond Mrs. William Wiebe. British Columbio, Conoda; great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crookston, Salt Lake City. Funeral Friday, U 4330 S. Redwood, triends coll one hour services. GRANGER McGrath De- Doris Irene Market St. (2820 F. Dellinger Feb. 13, 1943, Stuttgart, Ark. Christensen DiaEmploye mond Prodjcts Co. Member Presbyterian Church. Survivors: husband; sons, daughters, Phillip L., Ford, both Granger; Douglas M , Beach Island. S. C.; Kevin A, Murray; Mrs. Allan J. (Patty) Wood, Murray; Mrs David (Pom) Crosby, Lompoc. Colit.; Cathy S.. Granger; sisters, Mrs. George Williams, Pueblo, (Jean) Colo ; Mrs. Dorothy Gray, Las Vegas, Nev Funeral Friday 2 p.m , 4330 S. Redwood Rd. Vital News of Record Thefls 808 Jetferson (140 West), pistol. 690 127 W 5th North, welder, acetylene cylinders. 6455 515 10th East. 1965 Buick. Ave (2375 South), 1224 Drigqs stereo speakers, topes. 650 (car prowl) (1500 225 South), Kensington s)ereo, tapes, (cor prowl) N 467 (1340 West), Colorado payroll check, $196 Utah State Fairgrounds, portrait S2S0 C St., bike. 6100 Trolley Square, cosh, 6120 1599 W. 8th South, clothes. 534 368 Complomts registered with the Solt Lake County sheriff during the 9 a m 24 hour ended period Wednesday include: Burglaries (3140 (2200 Sou hi. West). Thefts 31st East, cash, 60 22I7E 48th South, wallet 512 4633 23rd East, tractor, 6500 3750 shoplifting Dais 2355 39 E 39th South, drawing ink. cents. Community Hospital Mr and Mrs Ronald Mann, 1S25 E. 1700 South, daughter Mr. ond Mrs Ronald Begum. 55? S Grand Oak, Fruit Heights, doughter. Mrs Mr. ond 19 W 400 Steven Lowrence. North, Centerville, doughter. Mr. and Mrs Larry Gardner, 87 Bonita Wov. Centerville, doughter. Mr. ond Mrs. Alex Corr, Heber City, daugnti--r Mr. ond Mrs Robert Jones, 3517 $. Orchord Dr., Bountilul. son. Valley West Hospital Mr. ond Mrs Elvin K. Andriscn ,042 W. 7520 South, West Jordon, son Mr ond Mrs Joseph R Cum rronqs, 4869 W. 49oS South, Keorns. son City Criminal Court Sentencings t Ave , Dennv Attokoi, 21. indecent conduct, drunk, 2 days served credit for time tail, Susie Blake, 23, Trading Post. Ariz ; drunk, stricken (case mov be prosecuted later) Willie Herman Begov, 31. Murray; drunk, stricken (cose may be orosecuted later) Orlando Antelop, 40. Rescue Mis 173 S 4th West; drunk, 30 Sion, doys toil, court retains lurisdiction 4260 19, Tom W Zunkowski, (4235 Ln South), Normandie ot beor, 5 unlawful possession days tail or $?S tine, staved to Sept. 30 1 , 99; Sept. 19 Keorn' s 1900 County, to Stephen i Markham and ' ElizaAnnie beth Bingham Mar- - ' Dudley. ried Revo Jacobsen June 20, 1933, Solt Loke LDS Temple. Cabinet moker. Active member LDS Church. sons, widow; Survivors; Married Dan-- el W. Oct. 11, Morried July 19, he died Church. Lloyd Mrs. Ronald W. (Janet) Newbold, Nor Mrs. walk, Calif.; Raymond (Deanna) Moore, Red Ook 9 Iowa; grandchildren Arthur sisters, brothers, Everett, Wash.; Wilbert, Rob ert, David, all Calgary, Can ada; Mrs. Eric (Mdy) Sol vik, Mrs. Rex (Pearl) Wind er, both Vernal; Moxine Dudley. Funeral Friday 11 o.m., Edgemont 5th LDS Word chapel. Friends coll Berg Calif.; a Funeral Saturday p.m., S. State! St, where call friends Frida p.m., hour prior to services. Burial 1 8 Sandy City Cemetetfy. Charles A. jvfonnor 1893, natural Nov. 15, 1951. Hill to L. AFB, and Colleen ChrisPiiki-tensen g t o n . Employe, KUTV, Salt Loke City. Active member LDS Church. Graduate Bcuntiful High School. Student, U. of U. Survivors: parents; brothers, David, Denver; Van. Bountiful; grandmother, Mrs. Elsie Pilkington, Smithfield. Cache County. noon. Funeral Saturday LDS 41st Bountiful Ward chapel. Friends coll Lmd-auisBountiful Mortuary, 8 p.m., Saturday Friday until 11:30 a.m. Pine, San Francisco. Bookkeeper, Aife er. Veteran WW. sons Survivors; id$w; doughter, Keithi Cfcnald, both Coliforma; Mrs Robert (Bur Lake dette) Bowen, fcal 5 City; grandchildren; a William George Calif. ossesor. Survivors; J., Sa W.( Funeral Sati son, widow; Theodore C., Eureka, sister, Mrs. C. L. (Nellie) Jack, Salt Loke City. Funeral, Saturday 2 P.m., Eureka LDS Ward chapel. Friends call family home p.m., Saturday Friday, 6-prior to services. Buriol, Eu- 11 7th E. 36 triends cal! F hour prior to Salt Lake icity h, am where p.m., ices. Burial metery. v Lionel Aurelia Farnsworth WYO. Aurelia Brmkerhoff Farnsworth, 57. 18 died Sept. of a heart attack m a Belle Fourche, S.D., hospital. Born July 29, 1916, in Lovell, to Warren and JoseClark Bnnkerhoft. phine Married Melvin Farnsworth, Oct. 9, 1943, in Ogden, Utah. Member, LDS Church. Survivors: husband; daughters. Mrs. Tom Lobstein, Powell, Wyo.; Mrs. Randall Belle Warwick, Fourche; Mrs. Ramona Davis, Gillette. Wyo.; Mrs. Tom Hubbard. Lander, Wyo.; Mrs. Ted Salt Lake City; sons, Phil Oemor Fornsworth, Billings, Mont.; Elwood FarnsDes Moines, Iowa; worth, f, stepmother Mrs. Vera Lovell; sisters, Mrs. Lillian Hinkle, Lovell; Mrs. Thora Solt Loke Waters, City; Mrs. Myrtle Meacham, Wvo ; Worland, brothers, Clark Brinkerhoff, Sontaau'n, Utoh; Jcmes Demar Brinkerhoff, Worland, Wvo.; LoVelle JoBrinkerhoff, Cheyenne; seph Clark Brinkerhoff, Soda half brothSprings, Idaho; ers; halt sisters; 22 grand-childre- William II Jackson William POCATELLO 7, former Harian Jacksoi Solt Lake City Resident, died Sept. 17, 1973,1 irU Pocatello of a heart attack Born March I &06 to Del Alexander an i S Elizabeth Bolin Jackson. Married Betty Cox, June 4, t948. Veteran WW II. BusineaSntpn in Solt Lake City. f indjbw; son, Survivors: Portland, Ore.; William, sisters! Ralph, brother, Spray, Ore.; NSrsi Elizabeth Ore.; Robinson, Hillsboro, PortMrs. Solly Clduson, Mar Achenbock, land; Mrs. San Francisco, j j i . Lovell Buriol, Funeral Thurldgy, 2 p.m.. Home in Funebij " Monmng Pocatello. Memorial iiood ' D Brett J. Davies r FILLMORE Fpnerol ser vices tor Biett . Ifavies, 24. Fillmore, who dieA Sept 18. 1973, in a Solt ).alle hospital nf iniurics suffefedm a motorcycle accident' sept. 15, in Fillmore, will be Friday. Born Sept. 25) 5948, Fillmore, to Grant and Colleen Davies. Pe.erson Morried 9. Dalton, S Oct. Kimberly RADIAL 40,000 Mile 1970, Fillmore;j bter di- vorced. Served in Vietnam. Fill Survivors: metTfer, more; son, Shilg tfrett, Salt Lake City; sister, Darlene, Fillmore. Guarantee Frida. Funeral Fillmore Third War Friends coll Olpit Thursday pnl,cnd Fri- day before servjcei Buriol, Fillmore Cemetery. I Florence E. J'ukls HOOD'S Florence Ethel !Fdblris, SUPER TRACTION KING 383 M. St., died SepL 18 in Salt Loke nursing 4Pome ( natural causes. 84, SUPER BUYS 1 a i erne Baxter All TIRES Thursday 3 p mw 6SOO S Redwood Rd , whrA friends tn sercall c halt hour vices. Burial Redwood Mema-no- i n j Estates tflr Vj . . M John Mrs. Hattie L. both Dean, Chatsworth, Calit.; Conrad, Maynard, Mrs. Truman (Karen) Barlow, Mrs. Leo (Tana) Pledger, all Colorado City. Funeral Thursday 1 p.m., auditorium. City call at home of L. S. Johnson, Colorodo City, 10:30 to a.m. Burial services. Colorado Isaac 4 Memoriol Carling Park. Hansen IV. -IDAHO PRESTON, W. Orson Hansen, 87, Preston, died Sept. 18, 1973, ot home following a long illness. Born Dec. 8, 1885, Logon, to Niels Miller and Karen Marie Hansen. Married Jeanette Ruud, Oct. 15, 1912. solemnized later Logan; Logan Temple. Graduate, salesman. USU; Survivors: widow; sons, daughters, O. W. (Bill) Jr., Preston; Robert C., Mrs. Lloyd (June) Becksteod, both Salt Loke City; Mrs. Leonard (Jeon) Fancher, Casper, Wvo.; Mrs. Alonzo (Dorothy) Handy, Mrs. Shirley Kenney, both Ogden; Mrs. Stanley (Helen) Ritter, England; Mrs. Cornell (Carol) Jensen, 23 Clearfield; grandchildren; n ; 24 brothers, sister, Lee, Salt Lake City; Ernest, Logan; Kirk Mrs. Lake Decker, Tahoe, Calif. Funerol Friday 1 p.m., Ward Preston Third-SeventFriends call Webb chopel. Thursday Mortuary, p.m., and Friday two hours before services. Burial, Preston Cemetery. LaVurne B. Naden LoVurne Barber Naden, 70, 139 Edith Ave. (1195 South), died Sept. 19 in o Salt Lake hospital of natural couses. Born Dec. 8, 1902. Solt Loke City, to E. Charles and Lula Rawlings Barber. Mar1959, ried Frank Naden, Elko. Nev. He died 1967. Member Church. Episcopal Retired employe. Salt Lake City Water Dept., 35 years. No known survivors. Funera! Saturday 10 o m., 260 E. South Temple, where 8 friends call Friday P.m., hojr prior to services. Burial Solt Lake City Cemetery Freddie L. Williams TOOELE Freddie L. 61, Williams, Tooele, died 18 ot home of noturol Seot. causes. Born Oct. 19, 191 1, Votes Center, Kan., to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams. Married Blanche Kerch Palitz. She died 1958. Employe Tooele Army Depot. Survivors: sttoson, step daughter, Ted Palitz, Tooele; Mrs. Sherrie Briggs, San Diego, Calit.; 5 stepgrondch-ildre- Funeral Friday noon, Tate Mortuary, where friends call hou' prior to services. Burial Tooele City Cemetery. Judy L. Beesley CALIF. ROSEVILLE, unerol services tor -F- Judy Lvnn Beesley. 29, Rosevil'e. who died Sept. 18 in a Sacramento hospital after a short illness, will be Friday, 2 p.m., Chochrones Mortu-ray- , Rosevclle. Burial, Citrus Calif. Fomilv Heights, contributions to suggests Edqarda W. Dugdale Wedyewood 0 East, died Duadule, Sept. 17 at home of natural sons, widow; Survivors: daughter, Allan F Solt Lake City; Glenn, West Jordan;12 Barbara Larsen, Draper; sisgrandchildren; brother, Barters, Charles. Midvale; bara Huntsman, Ely, Nev.; Grace. Santa Clara, Calif. Funerol Thursday 1) o.m., St. Joseph's The Worker Graveside services Friday . Cemetery. II a.m., 7405 S. Redwood Rd. call 6500 S. Redwood Church, Friends 8 p.m. with Burial Red- Rd., Wednesday pm, 8 rosary wood Memorial Estates. Richard B. Fenton -GROVE PLEASANT Richord B. Fenton, 77, Pleasant Grove, died Sept. 18. Fork 1973. in an American hospitol of ncturol couses. Born Aug. 22, 1896, Pleasant Grcve, to Nelson T. and Mory Ann West Fenton. Married Alice Kessner, Nov. 20, later 1920, Trinidad, Colo.; Manti solemnized Temple. son, widow; Survivors: daughter, Robert, Pleasant Grove; Mrs. Cecil (Mary Jean) Logston, Ogden; tour grandchildren; sisters, Stella Fenton, Mrs. Maud Richards, both Pleasant Grove. Funeral Friday, 11 a.m.. Grove Ward chopel. Friends call Olpm Mortuary, Thursp.m., ond Fridov beday fore services ot the chopel. Burial, Pleasant Grove Cemetery. 9 Funerals Funeral services tor JENSEN Wilford L. Jensen will be neld at Wemortal Estates Mortiary. 5F50 South 9th East Thursday where friends iav call lAednesday 6 5 one hour prior D m. and Thursday Mountain to services. Interment View Memorial Estates. SORENSEN Funeral service. for Wi'liatn Julius Sorensen will be held Thursday 12 noon Goff Mortuary Choori, 6090 S. State, where friends may cob Wednesday p.m. ond Thursday one hour prior to servjces interment. South Jordon Cemetery. Goff Mortuary, funeral directors. EPPERSON Graveside services for Louisa Mae Dovts Eporson will be held Thursday 11 om, in the Solt Loke City Cemetery. Friends mov coll ot the Larkin 760 E. South Temple, Mortuary, Wednesday 6 to 8 pm. and Thursday 9 45 to 10 45 0 m. Funeral directors, Lorkm Mortuary Graveside Services DUGDALE tor Edgarda W. Dugdale will be held Fnoa 11 am. tn tne Mount Olivet Cemetery. Fjneral Directors, Russon Brothers Mortuary. Graveside Set vice., FAULDS for Florence Ethel Faulds wilt be held Friday 1 pm. tn the Salt In lieu ot Loke City Cemetery. flowers contribute to Primary Childrens Hospital. Funeral Directors. Russon Brothers Mortuary LFVY Funerol services for Aheth G. Frondsen Levy writ be conducted Fridov, 2 om. at ElsinLDS ore. Utah Word Chapel Friends may coll ot Evans ond 1st 574 East Mortuary, Early South, Thursday, 7'30 pm. to 9 0 m. ond ot the church Friday, Inter-meaone hour prior to services Elsmore Cemetery, Funerol Evans and Eorly. drectors. VERNA Funerol Mass for Jo seoh B Verna will be held Friday at 10 30 o m. ot the Veterans Hos pita) Chopel. Holy Rosary will be ot 8 pm recited at Thursday O Donnell Mortuary, 372 East 1st friends may call South, where Thursday 6'30 to 8 30 p m Family suggests contributions to Amenean Cancer Society. Interment, Mount Funerol directCalvary Cemetery ors? Donnell Mortuary. Funeral services for LARSON Eugene Alien Larson will be held Thursday ct 2 pm at the Deseret ?th Soutn 36 Eost Mortuary, where friends may call Wednesday from 6 to 8 c m. and Thursday n Interment, prior to services Buna) Gardens. Funerol Directors. Deseret Mortuary. Funerol services TROESTER tar Frank Georae Troester will be held Thursday September 20th, 11 o m. at St. Joseph's The Worker, 7405 South Redwood rood Friends mov call at the Redwood Memori6:00 South Redwood al Estates, Rood, Wednesday p m. Rosory will be recited ot 8 pm. Interment, Redwood Memorial Estates Funeral Memoriol Directors, Estates Mortuary. NOTICE OP NEARING Cnse No. 6927 the OflALIC BEFORE VICE COMMISSION OF UTAH-- Sl In the Matter of the Apotica a Of HARRY L. YOUNG AND $GN INC. Tariff NO. 4. R. $ C. No to tor authority increase cer'c rotes end charges on utch mlu stafe Notice ts hereby given that r-application wit heard before the Pu c of Utah ol its heama room, 3j0 East 4th South S're5 Sait Lake City. Utoh, cn Tueaiav the 25th day of September, ),, commencing ot 10 00 o.m. Applicant proposes to increj i all ot its rotes and charges m r Tariff No. 4 in Item Nos. 115, and 125 by five percent. By order ot the Commission Dated ot Salt Lake Citv, Ufa: this Ibth day of Seoember, 1973. RONALD E. CASPEP t Attorney of Record William S Richards Attorney ot Low 900 Walker Ban Bu'idng Salt Loke City. Utah 841 li Sccreor, NOTICE Civil No. $01$ THE DISTRICT 'TO' RT OF IN FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT THE IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF UTAH ESCHLER end DONf, ESCHLfcR, hts wife, ond V Pfcft NELSON, Trustee, Plomtifts, vs CITY OF ST. GEORGE. O M.ci of the Stote c cal Corporation Utoh, Defendant. NORMAN SHING GIVEN NOTICE IS HEREBY that Norman Escnler ond Donna V. wife ond Eschler, his Pershing Nelson, Trustee have tiled o Pet, Non in District Court of the Fittn Judiciol District m and for tne State o County of Washington, Utah for on Order Disconnect n the following described real prop erty from the corporate limits o the City of St George, Washington County, State of Utah, As o parcel of lond lying withi? Sections 15, 16, ond 21, Townsi'i 4 South. Ranoe 15 West, Sot Base and Meridian Lake od being more paticutarly desented cs fellows: BEGINNING at I, c NW corner of the $W ct $V 15. Towrship Serticn South. Range 15 West, Salt Loke 6oe and Meridian, said point bnng N 0'53' W 1322 60 feet a'ong th Snc lion line from the SW corner c 15. Section said and renn c thence N 89 3S,45 61318 70 fe to he Northeast corner ot SWi of said Section 15 E 79 6$ foct K thence S 035'15' fhe DOlrtf on a curve to the left on the Northerly line of a frontoge road, the radius point of whicn beors $ 48oh6'l0 E 1979 86 feet; thence Southwesterly 43 C8 feet along the arc of said curve ond said North line of- rood to O point of tongenev, thence along said North hne c W rood cs follows: S 40 39 0 378 0 feet to o point of a 1839 8s foot radius curve to the rgh 98 thence fed Southwesterly otong the ore of soid curve, W S 63 8 2i fee thence 4924'0?, w 478 99 feet thence S S 7437' W 75 07 fet, thence thence leaving said North Pne of W N road ond running 1523' 335 00 feel; thence S 7437 West 991 70 feet; thence N 054,30" W 1330 62 feet to the Northwest corner of the SE'4 SE ,;4 of Section 15 16, Township 42 South, Range Wes. Sait Loke Bose ond MeridiE 1327 51 an; thence N 6932 05 fen? to the oo nt of beamnina. con faming 59 473 acres. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thot the City of St. George ond any other persons desiring to prote.t or object to the entry of on order disconnecting the abose described reol property from the corporate limits of the City of St. George sholl either tile on answer to the Petition for Disconnection abov or m the olterntive, mentioned, shall appear before the Court on Friday, the 5th dny of October, 1973 ot the hour of 10 00 o m. at the Courtroom o said Court in the Washington Co ty Courthouse at 197 East Tober node St.eet, St. George, Utoh thtr ond there to protest or obiect l the arontmg of soid Petition. 10 DATED this c day September, 1973. BEULAH MCALLISTER CLERk By MARJORIE HOWELL DEPUTY CLERK I0 S'SW NATIONAL FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE NATIONAL FOREST CHR1STMA5 TREE SALES. ASHLEY NATION AL FOREST. VERNAL RANGER DISTRICT. Government Creek Christmas Tree Sale located in T1S. RKE, Sect. cm l Solt Lake Meridian. The minimum totol lump sum occeot able bid for 330 iodgepoie trees (utility grade) ond 13 lodge pole pine trees (standard grade) 00 is S99.75. Funerol services tor Parkinson Clowson will be hold Friday 12 noon in the 721 South 12th Ward, Douglas East. Frtends may call at the Lorkm Mortuary, 20 Eot South pm. ond Temple Thursday hour oner Friday at the ward to service. Interment Solt Lae Funeral directors, C ty Cemetery. Lai km Mortuary VIGIL Fun ral Mas for Edde Vicl will be hid Thursday a 9 am at Our Lacb ot Guodoluoe How Church y Wednesday ot 9 p Ti. at the O Donnl Mortj orr 572 Ea,t 1st South wrure francs mav call Wednesday from 30 to fi 30 O m InUrnui.t Mount Covory Crmet y Funeral Dircc Mortuor tors, C Oaks Pork Christmas Tree So1 located m Tts. R20E , Section . Sait Loke Meridian. The minimum totol lump-suacceptable bid f:r 160 lodgpole pine trees (ungrated) is S160 00 h Bartlett No. 2 Christmas Sale locoed m T2S., RISE. bc Tt. tion 36. Salt Lake Menton minimum total lump-subid tor 150 Iodgepoie pm (unarodf d) Is 6150 00 Bartlett No 3 Chnstmo Trt Sole heated In T2s, RlhE, 36. Salt Loke Meridian Tc m nmtum accnci total lump-su150 for bid ote lodgeoote pir tres (ungraded; is 6150 00 Cnral No. 2 Christmas Tree So heated m T?S , RI3E , Sec'tcn Si Salt Lake Mertd'an. The mimmun WIEBE Funeral fir services Jus'm Krry Wn'be wil be held Fridov at 1? om ot the McOoua-u- ! 4350 Funeral Home Chapel, Redwood Road South where friends mav coll Friday one hour prior fo services. Funeral Oiret tors, McDougol Funeral Home. Iodgepoie pine trees (viiaiai ea) is 6150 00. Canal No 3 Christmas Tree 5c located in TvS, RISE, Secon 3 Solt Loke Meridian. The minor jr. totol lumpsum acceptable bd for 75 lodgep ie pine tree (ungraded) CLAWSON Louisa B. WARDLE for Mortm F. Funeral servees Buss ) Worole, will I? 00 noon ot MeOouyal Funerol Home, 43C0 S. Pdwfxd Ra. wh'e friends may coil Wednesday 6 00 to 8 CO p m. ond Thursday one hour prior to services inWmnrf, Everqren Cemetery. Seringviiie. Fyncral directors, McOougal Funerol Home. BAXTER Funerol services tor Feme Baxter will he held Thurs day ot 3 nm. in Redwood Memorial Estates, 6500 South Redwood Rood. Friends mov call one holt hour prior to service. Interment, Redwood Memorial Estates, Funerol Directors. Memorial estates Morfuory ld DIBBLE Grovesiae services for Joseph Smith D bble will be held Thursday 1 pm. of Sunset Lawn Memorial Pork Friends may coll one hour prior of Sunset Lawn Mortuary, 2350 Eost 1300 South. Funerat Directors Wackoy Sunset Lawn Mctuary NELSON Funeroi services tor Alice iretto R. Netson w,,l be held Thursdov, I? noon ot the Deseret 36 Mortuary, 7th q3 South, wnnre friends may coll Wednesday 6 to I o m. ond Thurdoy one hour prior to service. Interment, City Cemetery. Funeral directors. Oes eret Mortuary. BROWN FLORAL CO. FREE "Alwiyt th DELIVERY In flower Ffnt" 364-554- 4 ii cojsos. Born to Edgar A. ond Married Annie Wedoewood. Richard C. Dugdale. He died No known survivors. Logoi Notices County. ftorisfe March of Dimes Edgarda GRANGER Rnterol ser vires tor Fe,ne Baxter, 55, 4188 S 4050 West, who died Sept 17 of natural causes in o Gronqer hosoitgl,, w'h he QU Survivors: husband; sons, daughters, Emil, Annie L., Robin, Carl, Kelly, Chomame, Ruth, Truly, Brigham, all Colorado City; parents, California; brothers, sisters, ot Born Mey 27, Fort Collins, Colo., to. Hilton S. and Julia Brown Sarlnosteed. Married William .jMij Faulds Dec 2, 1914, Sal!,LBke LDS He 1945. tfied Temple. Employe, LDS Relief Society. Survivors: nephews, nieces. Grovecide services Friday 1 p m Salt Loke City Cemetery Family sugars! contributions to Primor Children's z t Hospital 3304 concer. Orson McKnfehif, 58, 1183 S. 1200 West, died? Sept. 19 of cancer in a Sail lake hospi- 5 I al. Born Oct. 7,Sl?14, Kelsey, Tex., to Jack Esmond and Ido Leono Lfe McKniqht. Marred VernaL ah Walker Jan. 30, 1940, $plt Lake City. Truck driver. jMimber LDS Church. VeterortWW II. Survivors; wtdaw; sisters, Mrs. Paul Mi, jJAnme L.) Hyde, Oklahoma 'City; Mrs. Steve (Jeffie) tldbobs, Fairbanks, AlaskaS Mrs. Vivian jewel Berns, Tupiin, Ariz. Funeral Sotufddv 10 a.m., 4330 S. RedwoSd 3d , where friends call Frldal 8 p.m., hour prior to sSrvfccs. Burial Elysian Burial $orens. Lionel LOVElL, Fischer Born July 25. 1940, Colorado City, to Jonn R. and MarVirda Judd Lauritzen. ried Richard W. Fischer June 2, 1961. Salt Lake City. School teacher. Butler O'Connor. Married. Lu Maxine Troester. Married Lorraine Hughes i June 15, 1935, Forming'on. Farmer. Heavy eauipment Loke Sait for operator Retired Geneva Steel to Born Lew to, Mexicc. causes. of Spo- and Alice dent, Tintic Board of EducaJuab County tion. Deputy Piiki-ngto- COLORADO CITY, ARIZ. Lilt Ann Lauritzen Fischer, 33, died ot home Sept. 18 of caus- 18 tary rites. 600-16.- S of Jordan, employe; served miss.jn Liii A. kane, Wash., to William C. AFu-CI- Funeral, 2 o.m., LDS Word Chapel. Lovell Cemetery. Arthur J O'Connor, es at home. Born Aug. 13, Janet died Sept. 19 m Salt a Loke hospital died South, Sept. C.; D. John M. Taiwan; Richard JoGolanaugh, Philadelseph phia; 9 grandchildren; stepmother, Mrs. L.llian Verna, Hanover, Pa. Funeral mass Fndoy 10:30 Hospital Veterans o.m.. stepsons. 80, 546 E. 100 president, Eureka Steel Workers Union. Presi- great-grandchildren- 28 graftddhldren; 8090 EUREKA, Juab County 70, died Theodore Haynes, Sept. 19 of natural causes ol a Poyson hospital. Born Aoril 27. 1903, Eureka. to Richord and Agnes Married Haynes. Haynes Mary Rigtrup; she died 1945. Married Elizabeth Johnson July 8, 1949. Provo. Member Retired mochin LDS Church ist. North Lily; Chief Consolidated Mining Co.; Dragon Mine. Member, BPOE No. 711; Eureka Fire Dept. Past 2 Loke City; LCS fif Charles Sarinq-tiel- Patricia Bountiful,' 7mber 16 B., Mrs. Vo.; Detre, Washington, Janet Pilkington L.iA l 1935, Spl 19o2. Kearns; daughter, Joseoh BOUNTIFUL 21 A Survivors: sin. douahters. daughters, Gerald, ster, Calif.; Stephen L.. Long t.i ried Anne Jan. 3. 1948. Galonaugh Yerkes, Pa. Veteran WW It. American Legion Member Catholic 134; No. Post Church. Musician. son, widow; Survivors: ' Doniel Llovd, I Mf s. Charles (Gladys) Rawlirg, both Salt Lake City; Mr Lee (Agnes) Elggren, Baker) Colil.; Mrs. Henry (JessieMASpoie. , Car-soBlame (ina) Calit.; Mr Mrs. Brown, Taylorsville; Marion Nelson, fDiper; Mrs. William (Margaret Mascaro. Westmin- i - 7f Cemetery. Familyto jhai ded )9u0 Joseolt jE. Jenkins 1905; Shannon. MarVerna. x " contributions Americcn Conuer Society. Arch! told.) Uin-ta- T or. te Sophia - suggests IA. Dec. West ond Paul Moedi J to Vincent Funerol services BAUER Heinrich Bauer will be held Tvr ? the Larkin Mcrt. in day ary Chapel, 260 E. South Tempt at the merger call Fnends may Wednesday 6 to 8 D m. ond Tnwr day one hour prior to service Inerment, Mt Olivet CemeV, Funeral directors, Larm t,Kr K cry. Funeral ervue fv-CAR DON Mae Hendricks E eoror wU be hed Thursdov U r the Yole Frst Word, U;i o. . Dr. Friends mov call ot L km Mortuary 260 E Soch 7e pie. Wednesday 6 to 8 p m c ord one Thursday of tre Interment. $c prior to services Loke City Cemetery. Funerol o rectors Loffcift Morfuory nr 1907, 5, j Chapel, 500 Foothill Dr., Salt Lake City. Rosary Thursday 372 E. Ist South, 8 p.m., where friends coll Thursday 6:30-8:3- 0 p.m., Friday prior to services. Burial Mt. Colva-r- Lake City, to) David and LS Agnes Young 1 July reka Cemetery. Sheriffs Docket A. Jenkins nursing home of natural causes. Born Jan. I 2, 1883, Salt! Theodore Haynes Burglaries Els- I natural U74 S. 7th West, chairs, nail keq 6525 710 E. 2nd South, currency, coins, opera glosses. 6460 35: nth East, television set. 699 31? Ramona Ave (19J5 South), tope player, speakers Lombourne osh. watch, $480 2235 Saddlewov cash, si 52. died in o s J cous- es. Born Phil- - ond Cotharine Jenkins, Mark- 1910. died ot 17 natural Mov oaelphia. Po., (Hjticl) Gray, MIDVALE bald Llov Provo,18 Beach, R. Jessie Mortuary Thursday chapel hour prior to services. Burial Provo City Cemetery. Con ploiots registered with the holt Loke Cty police during the 24 hour 9 o m ended period Wednesday include' 422 W. p.m.; Salt Lake Police Docket porer, Redwood Rd. Rosary Friday 7.30 pm, 2128 S. State St., Buriol Meof the morial Gardens Valley. Jensen, 25, 65, 2700 S. West, Seot. i5 M Funeral Friday 2 pm, ElsLDS I1 ard chapel. inore s Friends call ou,h' Solt loke Civ, Thursday 7:30-p.m.;iT fhaDel hour prior to servjLe. Burial Elsinore Cemeter Funeral moss Soturday 10 a m., St. Joseph (he Worker 20, , Lyle and Good Peggy t anj inore. heart attack. tj McGrath. Married Glen Garth died Sept. in o Provo hospital of a 1922, Colo Sevit ZAarried Mik W. Levy Aug 29, 1953, Sail Lake City. H died 1966. Former managed Bfirkslow Bros. Co. Member UD$ Church. Survivors kbtfather, sister, Warren, Salt L Ae City; Mrs. Eu- George Troester, 7258 Solt Lake hosoital. Born Ned-sePetrea Frandserl Sal-id- Joseoh of natural causes in a Now County, Almo T. gene Day Nov. 20, 1959, Sait lake Lily. Employe Skaggs (irug Co. Member Catholic Church. Survivors; husband: sons, doughter, Ronald, Douglas, Wendy, all Sondv; parents. West Jordan; brothers, John, Michael, Idaho; Bountiful; Victor J., Solt Loke City. Born died Elsuf ore, Martmiez. Married Max 73, Murray hospital of a heart attack. Born July Lamar, Born Ber- - JORDAN WEST Lavton, Sent. 15 63, r 18 2. 1901, PROVO Stephen ham Dudley, died West), Sept. 19 in a I e d T natural couf- I es ot home Stephen M. Dudley 51. llinger, 3751 13, East, Scot. Colo., fa Victor and Nina Torres 7435 I203r4 71, 18 1943, LAYTON nard Verna, G. (Fro Alieth j m Ore., r u of in i le s suffered in a fruck acci dent. Born Morch Sept Ontario, Church, Doris I. Dellinger Mar-tme- (100 died Siuth), 22, son Wiebe 12500 Mr I April 1971 18, SANOY Evongeline Dov. 30, 10168 Peony Wav 1973. 18, and Mrs. Robert Chidestei, 1694 E , Rd Sept drowned Cdlil . 4503 Justin k G. Troeste? Frank Frank Joseph B. Verna Alicth L Evangeline M. Day K. Wiebe TAYLORSVILLE Wiebe, Ped-voo- Sail Lake Count) ,ntt Justin Kirry Court Funerals Salt Lake and Inlermountain Area Obituarie a so. PEARSON 1560 E. 33rd lom west 675 467-153- 9 E. I U0. SPECIFICATIONS Upholstered Furniture for SUSC Residence Hails September 5. 1973 TYPE: Overstated sofas, 84 to to stibrd 96 in length (supplier dimensions of oropoised units) NUMBER: Eighteen 08) . that o STYLE' Approximately the oftached photo copies with t"jh seat ond bock (suppler submit o photo ot the proposed units) COVER)00o Nylon, flat weave, scotch guarded upholstery fabric in tweeds, floral prints, or plaid" to submit samples of (Supplier proposed 'abrlcs) hardwood, o'ued FRAME: 100 (Jcwled, nulled, and blocked to to' uoper and lower corners (Sunohers to submit specifot'Ori1-li e tvpe. number, ond irequei cy of prinqs used) PADO'NG: High density (3 25 W pr.r. cu. ft or heavier) loom oeo f.rs? gfnde bottmg CASTERb. bhepord metat co rar Kt Cedar City, Utah bids will be accepted Ocpotmen, Purchasing these bids will be due the bd 18 with Sectrmber 193, ooening ot 2 00 om Far turtnef B K. Neil contort soeclicntlons, ter. Purchasing Agent. F O B NAME 33rd So. ,1 t acceptable bd Seated bids will be oocned fer o each separate sale by the District Ranger at 650 North Ver nal Avenue, Vernal. Utah, begm rung at 10.00 0 m. local time. c October 1, 1973. fhe tnqh.t t'(f tier will be awarded the sale. The right to reiect any or c'f bids is rpserved. Prosoecrlve purchasers are to enamine the trees before bildiryg Trees will be shoh on September 21, 1973 Full information concerning the trees, conditions of the sale. arJ the submission of biua should bi obtained from the Vernal Distn'd (C-Ranger ot Vernoi, Utoh SU.-- FlORAl So. 1522 7 S lump-su- Seoifd MILDRED'S FLOWERS 486-726- trai i |