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Show Tin: cask or BOVBBNOB BO YD. I So Janes E. Hovn has been declared to lie it full'fledfed cition by tho United States supreme court, ami eon-leqoantly eon-leqoantly ho takes his seat in tho state house at Lincoln as governor of Je-hraska Je-hraska from vvhieh ho was ousted last May. The mattir shows how mneh misehief may he wrought by the parrn-lousness parrn-lousness of one man and the gossiping propensity of another one After BOTD had heoti eleoled governor in Novom-bef, Novom-bef, 1H!I0. an OttMiM man met the father of the. governor-eloct in Ohio, and in tho course of coin orsatiun nsccrlaiiied that tho elder Boyd, a native of Ireland, Ire-land, had never taken out his second natuinli.ation papers, although under tho law s of Ohio ho had for long years exercised the right o' suffrage and had In-Ill olliee. The son was also a native pf Krin's isle, but had migrated to thi-. COUDtry with his father while a minor, and his citizenship had never beeu iuestioued uatil proceedings for ousting oust-ing him were begun in the Nebraska supreme court a year ago. The Omaha gossipcr could scarcely retain his information until he hud returned re-turned to tho metropolis on tho ltig Muddy, and of course it wns published nnd commented upon overvwhero and t;ie coir.eft with its result are now fully before the public. Governor James K. Boyd is a democrat, demo-crat, but !i:at dees not signify In the least in the case herein referred to. His great ability and his personal popularity popular-ity of cour.so did not count in tho contest con-test before the courts nor should it have had any weight with the public. For his cause was just and good American everywhere without regards to party preference will deploro tho partisan dAiiril that prompted the wrangle in the beginning, and will unite in congratulating congratu-lating the (loveruor upon his well deserved de-served triumph. |