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Show company, the Taylor-Romney. Armstrong company, and the Phamix mills. Iu fact all the planing nulls would not concede to the demand that they should employ none other but union men. About forty men left the Crane & Uefc firm, but at noon that company surrendered and said it would employ all union carpenters. ' "The Printers will not work with non-union men" said Mr. McKcnzie "neither will the plumbers and numerous numer-ous other tradesmen, and why should the carpenters. There is no hardships thrust upon the bosses of the printers and trades that aro strictly un. ion J, and, , there would be none on the contractors and builders. If they wero permitted to employ scab labor it would riot be a, great while until the union men would be out of employment. " They think we are asking ask-ing too much, but the union can't seo it in that light. None but competent men will be employed, and incompetent men can't got into our union." The local union of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners will probably have nightly meetings in the Temple of Honor hall until the strike is settled. The striking carpenters today reported at tho delegates' office in the ' ficott-Auerbach ficott-Auerbach building on Maiu street today.;. to-day.;. ' '. '; Just when the differences between tile contractors and carpenters will be adjusted is difficult to speculate upon, fluff! Masses of the Entire World uUp En Masse and Assert Their Bights- r ; rations all Over the Surface His Terrestial Ball How ; ;I' Taking Place. - '..- - )4Tg A CORKER, SURE. B Carpenters Refuse to ' Work itl "Scabs" and go Out , in a Body. Ion Men on Strike in Austria i Very Serious Trouble - y is Expected. ISIS OAUSE SOME TROUBLE i puts 25,000 Men in Line in bioi of tie Birthday of Lib- erty to Labor, , 1 ' ,jjoa in the Cities of the United atei of America Carefully"' " ,'. Beviewed. UT IN BERLIN, PRUSSIA. That Will be Remembered i Long as Time Shall , , Continue. " , ;; - ement a General One all Along Line, Which is Sweeping Away all Opposition. -. -; great day for labor. 4 ; rpenters of Salt Lake City are . .' . iiit work this morning. -ctor aud builders would not oj their demands. , ' ,p, wramen or "scabs,"., fl such, live called, are the cause of rile Jus been imminent the "V ""; "V.,"X' upeuters and joiners held a hstuight in Temple of Honor agreed to lay down their tools mployers did not discharge all a men. arc perhaps 100 carpenters of i the union on the. strike. Jk-out was not general. The :u quit only where their en-re en-re employed. would not " affiliate with light as well have the kick to-' have trouble all summer with n-ho employ non-union men," 1W.A. JlcKenzie, the walk-late walk-late for the carpenters. !'.. ; is the time all over the cotm-hc cotm-hc labor element is making a for recognition aud asking for o constitute a day's work, convention of the American m of Labor held iu Boston it ll to select the carpenters and !e trade to make the demand 'he enforcement of the eight-kday. eight-kday. rpenters here have been work-' s, and thinking just at pre-toy pre-toy might not be granted ;n)ancls if. they asked for n, they agreed upon niuo f their workday. They fixed 'of prices at $y,50 for the nine 'c 'mands the contractors and 'we acceded. They agreed to " carpenters' action in this 181111 lot nine hours ; at 83.50 ; day's work, but they thu right : 'to',. . sav would employ. If saw bi to engage non-union uied that privilege. But "teis wouldn't give them that Jln'stbe union men. lllectogof the carpenters last ias understood that the em-willing em-willing to concede every-What every-What they claimed the right JJ any n.au that his W01.ji either Jlon. When it was an-, an-, lthe contractors and build- the t8.6o and grallt the hours, there was a tumult . .m cheers. It was their "ateniioa 0f not working in '""P won the same building -mioniaen. JJip of the union num- carpenters and joiners. ; a resolution without a ' 'Wo that in order to have all ; carttt4 out in good faith, .uW declare their jobs and Lnion, or in other words aonJKrS reco8nizo th3 Union w- bnt union men, as in no , m disputes be fully gnard- ,ro'ildnot agree to to this s 1 ns the PrinciPal firms t Lake Building com-a com-a Nevada Building |