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Show xtJ- . Tko Daily lie view. : and worn out tbe bloom of outH in bis service, is turned away to make room for younger and more attractive wo1871. Friday Evening, Get 20, men. Iu the defendants own wyrds, tirJssgre as testified to by Mrs. Hawkins, she has THEUWOrTHKCdE. The Evening Hews of the l&b, with hal her day," and her place in the a eotsrmeTK&ble'ttching for martyrdom, household must be usurped by more declare that Monmmf are, with, imp- vigorous women, who can minister to air, demed the righto, privilege, and the passions of e lecherous husband, Wiih the infirmities of age coming npo' aven the status uf eiiizeuahip, aufdy of their religion. The New says 1 her, this poor woman, whose seven tut some of the npresenlativp of children are the most eloquent testiiho Federal Government in Utah, mony of her dovotiou to and love for thcmselvti immeasurably wisp a faithless husband, is thrown aside like above that which is written in tbe Conand her place iu the domesstitution, will not leave religion to each a mere toy man's conscience, but will assume, in tic circle is filled by one who had formthe face of incontrovertible facts to the erly been a servant in the family. The eistrirf that it is utter! impossible for testimony of Harriet Hawkins, delivertrd religious system fern own aWMormon-iaand straightforto imruisu aiea as worthy as any ed with a simplicity the"truth of every wardness which attest ether religious system can. In Utah these presumptuous representatives of word she uttered, will go forth as the Fdfrw authority, these official ignorers strongest argument against the system ef the Constitution, do not consider that of polygamy that has ever becu "! religious sects are thus equal before tbe law, but, on the contrary, they manifest most palpably not only tbe 111 to make a man's Ltnger6iis tendency religion a test for fitness for office, but the far more dangerous tendency to make a man's religion a test of his fit MM for claiming the rights and the privileges of citizenship, and indeed the Specially Complied Bad Reported very title of citizen. for the Dally Review, by the W.U. Telegraph Co The article, from which we hove quoted was called forth by the action of New York,- - Oct. 20. Boston yesterChief Justice McKean, in excluding added to her contributions day from a jury, impaneled to try the crime for the aid $10,000 of the Chicago sufferers. of adultery, all those who, believe in a Contributions for Wisconsin and Michirevelation from God. under the sanction gan continue to be made liberally. Beof which persons cohabiting with more sides money, clothing, etc., is beiug offered. The Chamber of that ooe woinau arc not guilty of adul-lor- y. gcneronsly conhas Commerce in this t a n Til LATEHT TELEGRAMS i " Areher avenue and Twcntyfeecoud street have been greatly improved. in Those railroads which - came there were enabled to carry on their business. ami the remaining elevators have been able to manage the grain delivered The loss in school buildings to them has also bee light, only one having been consumed, and thirty churches ana over 13,000 building iu all yet remain e. The street railroads are unburut, ton distilleries aud breweries are i-.r- operation. It was on the north side that the loss was greatest, for there it was the most thorough; but the waterworks are there, the sewers are ;tberd, the filled streets are there. The churches sre rained, but they are still holy points, the first to be rebuilt and around which buildings will rapidly spring up. Two schools remain; the gas works are left and are ready to supply the north ant south sides, while much of the lumber and coal lying near the basin has gone through unharmed. The bridges on the north: are not materially injured, ant while none remain on tbe river 1vet thf re is the Casalfe street tunnel. Milwaukee, Oct. 19. The Door County Advocate contains a full account of the ldfe of life and property by the great fire ip that country. Lp to Sunday night .fires had been raging through the townsj of, Brussels, Union, Gardner, Forestville, Clnybank, Snazwaupel, Sturgeon, Bay and Sevastopol, burning the fenceij and timber, but leaving housejt untouched. At 0 oclock p. tn. on Sunday a fiery tornado swept aown from the southwest, beginhing at the Belgian settlement in Brussels, sweeping through the towns of Gardner, Union and the westeru part of shore was mill everything was burned, and the most awful destruction of human life ensued. Out ot eighty persons at the mill, fifty scen wore burned to death. The few survivors tell a horrible tale of the scene at thi-- j terible fire. After the fire, forty five bodies wore found in a potato patch in the lentre of the clearing. Many were badly disfigured, in some cases This great recognition. beyond destruction of life and property was but tho work of fifteen minutes, and was the same iornndo that burned up Peshtego and 1,200 human beings. A nupiber of other losses of life are reported in other in the town of daces, Twenty-tw5 iru&sels suffered a like fate. There scarcely a houe or barn left standing in the line of this fire. Efforts for relief are not spared here or anywhere in the State, jand donations from abroad are coining along just in time to make comfortable those who survived. Contributions in money can he sent to Alexander to Mayor Luddington, of Mitchell, Milwaukee. Augusta, Me., Oct. 19. Quite a se vere shock of an earthquake was felt here at 4:45 oMock this afternoon, lasting tefi or twelve minutes. Liverpool, Oct. IU. California wheat, 13s 6d. Leavenworth, Ks., Oat. 19. Camp for the grading parties of the Leaven worth and Denver Narrow gauge Railroad have been- established some distance west of here. The contractors expect to make surprising speed. Dan Casements, foreman ot the U. P. force, has been engaged on the work Detroit, Oct, 19. Intelligence has been received here of the picking up of two more boats of the steamer Colburn, with eighteen persons. Twenty persons Gilbert Demont, are still missing. State of Indiana, and Agent Smith and wife, of Detroit, are undoubtedly among the lost as also were all the women on board. Ita.lt road Convention. Shreveport, La., Oct. 19. The Railroad Convention md yesterday and was largely attended. The proceedings were harmonious. Representatives were present from St. Louis, Memphis. Vicksburg, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. Reports were rend favoring the early completion of the Southern Pacific. School I u I tiling Destroyed. Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 19. Public school building. No 7, one of the largest in tbe city, was burned this eve ning. The loss is $12,000; insured tor The fire was the work of an $5,000. A colored girl now under iuceudidry. arrest, confesses having attempted to fire a building last evening. Hon, Sylvester Mowry, of Arizona, died in Loudon, England, on Tuesday last. Another City Burned. JndiaAnpolis, Oct. 19. Browusburg miles from here, is Indiana, twentv-fivhave They up. burning telegraphed for steamers from here. Later. The fire this afternoon nt Brownsburg, Ind., destroyed five stores and three dwelling. Loss $20,000; insurance. $2,000. Boston, Oct. 19. Washhurne lins written here accepting tbe Rcpublicuu uomiuatiou for Governor. Robbery In New Orleans Torjicdo iillu hcren show th at Persia ie still suffering from the famine and pestilence. Formidable insurrection have broken ont in Various quartern. Tbe Government troops have been drive from 8 hires, the capital town, which bow held by ' ' , f rebels; Fnscb an fbnssa Treaty RsttScd, Berlin, Oct. 19. Emperor William approved of th treaty with Prance. Kingston, Jamaica Oet 19. The Demarara cable is laid. Paris, Oct- - 19. The amount contributed for the relief of Chicago by Americans In Paris, is IS!, 055 francs. Bangor, Me., Oct. 19. The opening of the European and North' American A Railroad was celebrated large number of people was preseut, composing distinguished citizens ef the United States aud Canada. At a ban quet to President Grant, be made a speech, saying that the occasion was 1 to-da- y , to-da- y. one with which he was pleased. The Canadian .Government General spoke, and referred iu approving terms to the Washington treaty and complimented s President Graut. Eire a Elko, ltr, in. A fire has Elko, Oct. 19, 4 p. broken out in the building back of the telegraph office. I just had time to get out o? the window, (signed) OrKRATOu. Corinne, 8 p.m. The fire atElko,tbis p. m. burned the busiuess portiou of the town. COURT PROCEEDINGS. UmtUvt SUtw District Coart for Use Third Judicial DUtrtot, Ostober i mu, mi. 3. B. McKsah, Cu. AFTKRKOO d o tr n e s - - nt - -- 1 e j( -- to-da- y. y d J. Pxssibtvo. RRSSIOX. fsndaats counsel, touching a compromise of the pending litigation. Witness had bee ad v wed by Mr. Miner and by one Thomas Taylor, to accept of propositions looking toward a settlement fit C. diCsulties, as otherwise tbe whole ef thn'r property woe Id be absorbed by lawyers fres. Witness had refused to , enter into any com promise.. Elisa Hawkins, called as witness on behalf of the prosecution, was examined chief by Mr. Baskin. Deiendant's counsel objected to the admission of the witness on the ground that her name did not appear in the indictment, the name indorsed upo tbe indictment being Lizzie Instead of Eliza Hawkins. Witness having testified that she was commonly known as Lizzie, the court overruled the objection, to which ruling exception was taken by defendant's counsel. Witness testified that she was the daughter of defendant and had resided with her mother and ike defendant in their bouse iu the 14th Ward. The women Elizabeth Mears and Sarah Davi had lived in tbe same house as the wives of her father. She had never soen bar father in bed with either of the women, but bad seen them together in the rooms late at night and moaning. Witness knew Elizabeth Mears to have two, children living of whom Thomas Hawkins was the father; the children went by his name and called him father. waived. Andrew Taystim, for the defense, sworn. Knew the defendant and his Elizabeth Mears; she family and koew . was nis Knew that she was married to defendant in 1862,' from the fact that he had brought her to witness bouse and introduced here there as bis wife. Had known defendant or twenty-tw- o twenty-onyears; believed defendant was a Mormon, be himself was a kind of a weak one. The doctrine Of Pjural marriages was one of the doctrines of that Church. by Mr. Baskin. Siuce defendant first introduced Elizabeth Mears as bis wife he had seen them together ia bis own house iu general company. Witness knew when Elizabeth Mears was introduced as defendants wife that defendant had another wife, but did not know how many; it was none of his business to know it. Mr. Maxwell, for tbe prosecution, then opened his argument to the jury. At half past 12 an adjournment was had to to 2 oclock r. m. Ws regret that the crowded state of our columns precludes the publication of Mr. Maxwells arguments. Editor Rkthcw. iron 0AL1C, is of stos (at Uguanawa lupmeL.U. e Cross-examine- d REVOLUTION EXTRAORDINARY THE AVILHON SEWING MACHINE, Clcrclnnd, Ohio, r VIET8, lttf. ASOODataBnuM.iia - , .tr.-rt- MINKS Ibihm Jo IlillUter 1 W Ires Kmss Umt IBs Rest. ItfUnMlia PIONEER HOTEL, ryn, w Colorado House. let foot Carper , Nawly sisnsy. PrataKe4 or to avivy paFttaekw. PKW t the tlntetss fumlsfcsrt raemawtik COLOR UX) UoMK.. IwolS. ALLSTOri, DEY0E and CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD, colors. XXSC WHITE, ' h i t to Qmcra Ksselrsslp, " 1T4 A m ItAJn6LPV tlu Broth sad A Mrrhala t; MTKBBT, OHAVA GLASS CO. Manufacturers of WINDOW GLASrJ large stock always on hand.- -j PREttIUU WHEEL MAKER, B if tiros. W SELL, BENT,' LOJLisr. BY US. 18 EMPLOYED L4 X. t, A. P. A A. PI. TKOOLAR COMMUNICATIONS lfKLD AT WMUh Or Invest Capitnl, IV Masssis BaiMias, Cm Mtrot, th mi Prone prifoy r Tropin font r hmr trots. ro . mmI LIBERALLY ADVERTISE ewS stoaSiaf Sr rorStsi It M. - IN- - evens, lery, A. LOOMS T. JOHN'S Of PKEftmo.V, I. A. a S awsust Maaaate Natl, BsiMisc.1 state snwei, ron saeroSaTO Pro NO. A Blacksmithing, A. THE DAILY REVIEW. ( ef aasfc MspSay ssrewuy tsvtto tntknt tosttro.tmpei Maptk. tit f. TRACT, T.P.O.M. T. Isa N. evtsvs, ey, No. VO Moriah -Lode A A. M. mler Cnnuunatrslfoa Halt. Ca Mr, Bailding, Kat Tropic klrrot, th Harvod and Fourth Moaday al aaPk SMIt Mrmhara f Stator tropes l Broths la road etosdia are tore ally w. iixitod t. at trod. b. " Ltdxa Conn, Mouat all rrt cttAifonB. If ymeereystmyintfibmtlsme, If yon hare increaeml year stock If frit ? ta tell ant fttirk. If pom teat to be a LIVE kvahnem R- t PAINTING COACH man , I'atimm Hull, I. O.I O. IP. Md aUUksfTty tarltod to J. M. Alt! TkaroWy at ADVERTISE LIBERALLY rood Otmfea MO Mioup SuL LKI V. N. U. CARRIAGE PAINTING 1 tSS9 NOTICE. hnrotofor f jXTI -T- UB- h-t- va tri2t. DAILY REVIEV7. coaoi a st CAKXuen WALTFB J WELCH. R. D. CLAES, felt Lake City, Oetotor Id Mr. Clark takn. o Ith plaamr nity to tkank hi man IHtadfSid and hap tor a roatinnanr ol ihatr r tour. NOTICE. Horse Shoeing lt h.iwtsfero rotating TIlKro-tortaaraklTlierP pp4 J. C. UaiNM ta tM panlw by mutual b V. Tk feltlak rantipata f tear and John Mnnn, nndar ata Lawrro. A Nana, wtto will rottl all aatstaading a. Mama si tk tot p r. A. T x Fw.lt. ZAHRI8U1E. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 19tb, arory ewaalaa during to Atwtparto will nir--ar mm, aim FOREST, in tli fariawtpp lr UKt Salt Lake Stables ! 'MINERS SUPPLIES. Triple Song and Dance, The School in an Uproar. A GRAND TkKBtd-aaa- Chair... Proa tb fO 75 BEACH S3 7 oVlw k; Performance at S WEDS ESI) A T, Oct r th-- y ia Informing tb--lr hnr juat rw-t- AND East, togtk-- r with Benefit to the Chicago Safiems. XL H. CAEE0LL, ots. Hnaagrr. la gro- a anptar of or Orders Solicited and MATCH TEAMS PROMPTLY That hmcc ever hem hronght to this City! At alt tb-- lr Haw raa ta procured, ta roaaaqaaaro, at Stmbla i and TINTIC! enf BUGGY Line, FltEE or CIIAItC To tll parts of SPAN Ctarstof con h fmn4 tn the ey Thmt u i law ; u c$y er jtoju3 Plxel bsa&b t City, f t!'l a( I th ItvwM, CARRIAGES ! Duriiam PEV rout has kaaa raMoekad wttk sCrOIYB C3 A TBIAIIX3 Tna Caatkag Xao tak. paafnlaTO aitt. ta to to aad aa arory auaaUo pad fiootto 'ooaroataaoasriaaaaag.ro. WtkStataq, FILLED. Goods delivered TUB YZZT BIST SALT LAKE 0PHIR MINERS TOOLS. mw of n. P. Kivuu. Ua Wins. ALL frtarwt wd arlock MU, Powder, Fuse, TIIK FINEST .V) Iarqu-tle........- .... XOTICE WBBttB, BUGGIES and CARRIAGES WALK AROUND DANCE. pn at T.A BE PH0PHIET01D4, Atut the tWrr, Entitle Doors tmfj Provisions, i HUNT & Christina How Yon Vaa, On be.tr Liquors, 1 BEAK MAZT Cant Shake Him, Uortar and Bricka, WITH sf AND Trip to Faria, j GROCER, CITY. i LIST WEBB OE Tlir romHny : Wholesale and Retail at at LW, SALT I rh.nw-ii-t- rmida, BUTTERFIELD, KTITWII. CONTKVANCRIt and Sbwn. HISS ROSE by bualn-- H . Real Eatato and Mts Vryf S Cmt Ogre. LA . yrroife riamfosa ttaap aro, aa kp af adrortiiag tka piri folrlta auk tkroa and ttoy wok TO t A l avtjiM h.t aararo taw mdato trot ar pwaitf ita kaitiaai t" aaidk aad btoa h pari qanlitv of Records Goddards Building, Zlaia Streot, Writ, , d. f 17. CARROLLS CASINO, Searcher JVerne totoa kiwwa ALL. BENTH AM FABIAN, - I Matolw-- A. HOPPER, Ttt.PKN, (Sail Lak City, Ortotor 13. 171. P TKB THR PITROXAflS t .liiit-Our Jolt Printing gaai d. i.Awitrxt'K, j.c. JOIIX MANN. J CnT IN A STY 12 TO ltaalll , th2t Paper to do so ie is And SPECIALTY. T. en partnarahlp rotating VtaltorJ. Wrhh and K. I. Clark ta Ut day Th turnip of Ika SiiviM hy mutual ruuarnt. llou mill I aauliauTO ly K. II Clark, Cnlrd wuo mil Hl all outstanding auuat of lb 1st Rrta. an eremomical one. ADD LOTMtK NO. Mrot roary UTAH M.. in 1'ommrrr Bil( to c d-Wocct- JV BAV13I. C9S7. Srivara, Hap THR 0 UGH BY DA VJJQUTt Cheap Fare and Quldc Time. Oxfu'fe At Wslls, Fargo A Cos Salt Ake City. oil. e Qommlaxlon Moroliant, Comer Battery find Waehinptm Sit a CAS ta PIUXOUOO, a mwBa cRJHTt ALLAWOKTH A UHITHAJf. , ' wymt Birr, ftnr- - S9nM, MASONIC NOTICED CHICAGO. of the m CvsamrW If yea nra Ms-- n AnZS, nn lW Ank pKtI. - Sole Agents ST Kasrlbrrcht. DeBSMUBaa. are - VAllNISHES! -- rent sbnv ISAAC. D. HUNTOONy : PAPER- - Geo. W. ClaTncn, . fnprlctvr, old THIS f FOlt RENT. To 8tockton. D. CLARK, f eknU Deaorlptloni. roll EwuiiJtj Daily fro Cl Salt Lake PrU$s City, via Lake Town, Tooele City, Stockton and Ophir a4tNJ - And therefore Baednete JYm the eixf acoil themtelote theeehtmnt qf , a Divmssa. K. tre, atttyo jk StYprean SALT LARK CITY, tttod ( SlsiBatty - tenth Urol tMl O isr Q-- CARRIAGE WORK, POCKET BOOK SMMBiataf mloaVI tsUwsrosraaiy. tfoSsSer ssfflsss ismy ptMwIssvs Um keek Ww UUKT. A. AMD Ain; ratal Tha Best AdfcrUcba UzZlza fn tha Country, fcetsl WUJ LOST. PROPOSALS - cross-examinatio- n a t hlADXH IT LAKE CITY. MALT oiat glr Frsof Safe. RagatiusI 3. ISSSSTWU, JeweWr, OppsMtt Bait Uk Hmm. A THE DAILY REVIEW, r no! safe, srtmsrsvsS fcreeia U- - .t itici aeK a Livery IB CO., esaasasa WANTED In WaA Umm sr Isw. or tor town 27 tL Apply S OYSTERS j , sr SaapWr r a lUvisw C. D. Vmtm M Cl --ojr- SECOND BOOTH BT, Half Strok f trot. SITUATION d s 'j A. I10FPER BOUSE - as forma Mia. laln ef A eSu X a TlXRJUAHILUAKKat. ' felt Laks Ksms, Xast Tws,W suss. Op. nt fy, Salt WANTED. Dollars o m 4 WC ?sisi. iwssl ccmrtx ;iAwoiti. jaMaaffwaisa th YEATES - Tho Wide Circulation TOBVSTCSr. - Offlss sMTwmss y sf csmbWm MU& slWv, ' sister-in-law- testi-tyin- cross-examinatio- n . am,r i. Railroad Shops mwo Masts Tea Ws Alisa, ssoh i, p9t Wss. la tea tm ctioas. wits Uuw (S) J. Ssoh CrosM-examinatio-n The Court conveued at two oclock p. m., thrJChief Justice presiding, aud pro- -, ceeded with the impaneling of a jury in the case of The People vt. Thom&t llatckina. The following are the uames of the jurors as finally impaneled: James H. Croucn, Wm. 11. Liter, Isaac F. Evans, John H. Latry, Henry O. Pratt, James E. Matthews, Oeo. U. Rought, Jacob Arnstein, Henry George, Charles B. Trowbridge, aud SoL SiegeL Tbe case for the prosecution was opened to tbe jury by George It. Maxwell, Esq., Assistant United States Dis-riAttorney, aud Mrs. Harriet Hawkins was then called as the first witness fer tbe Government. Mr. Fitch, of. defendants counsel, asked that Mrs Hawkins be first sworn upon hsr voir dire, which was accord irigly done by the clerk, and the witness being examined upon her voir dire, it that she aa the wife of the defendant. Mr. Fitch objected to the competency of the witness on the ground that the marriage relation existing between the defendant and the witness rendered her incompetent to testily, either for or' against the defendant. The objection wae elaborately argued by Messrs. Fitch and Miner for the defendant and Measra. Baskin and Maxwell for the prosecution, defendant's counsel contending that th established common law rsl should prevail, and counxel for the Government insisting that the case cam Vrithia the excepMA!f UVACTUXXD BT TUX tion provided for by the statute ofUtahl The Court If this were a prosecution under an Act of Congress, then the Legislative Assembly of the Territory Wilson Sewing Machine Co., would have no right to overrule or such A ct of Congrtes. But has never lrpislatea upon tbe Congress subject of adultery in this Territory. eSSU BT The Legislative Assembly has. Therefore there is no conflict between them. Sc And the Legislative Assembly has enNo prosecution for adal-ter- y acted this: can be commenced but on the comSole Agents for Utah, Nevada That plaint of the husband or wife. end Idaho. is in derogation of the common law and must be construed strictly. Bot it must not be so construsd as to destroy it and make it entirely nugatory. To say that WK are now prapamd to furai.li them jaMlr Whntod o4 diku marhln aur any legislative body would provide that offlcoa for a man should not be prosecuted except upon the complaint of but one human Forty-fiv- e being in all tbe world, and' that one hi wife, and then to intend by that that after the indictment was found that wife And upward, and fully warrant tbrm kr Mi should not be a competent witness to wro. try that indictment, would be to say that W LadlM ar lnit-- to rail at our IRc aad onrinsdof thsir enparWrity oror othro that legislature was guilty of the greatchina est absurdity. .trad for (Xrwir. I overrule the objection arid hold that Mr Hawkins is a competent witness OFFICES i KLTJAII R. TKATKS. Flko. NVvad and may be sworn in chief. , Salt Lake City Mr. Fitch The court will please note T. V1KTX, Comiu.n ini llntnZO. our exception. Harriet Hawkins and Lizzie Hawkins were then sworn as witnesses on the OYSTERS! OYSTERS! part of the prosecution. Defendants counsel objected to any Booths Celebrated Baltimore witnesses for the Government being present in court while filter were and Lizzie Hawkins was there re permitted to retire. llarrit-- t Hawkins, being examined in AT irnOLBACB AX It BBT A IT.. chief by Mr. Baskin, testified that she ORDERS SOLICITED. was married to the defendant in BirBarwta A Ltrift, years mingham, England, twenty-twmn'JO. Sol Agrntt fur Balt Uk, City. ago last Mtly. Soon after their marriage they mine tujAinericnjaud have resided iu Balt Lake City ibr nineteen years post. ba row i rod aad cpntrarto mada fer th Witness produced the marriage cer. Xlfltl at Watarmau a EmoUIng Works 11 in was offered which evidence, tificate, defendants couuael objecting. Tbe 50,000 Bushels No. 1 Charcoal court overruled the objection, to which ruling of the court defendant's counsel AND 1,000 CORDS OF WOOD. excepted Witness testified that defendant bad aadDell Ha to b made In November, December Jaauary. lived with Elizabeth Mears and Sarah Apply or ir Davis as his wives, in the same house UENRT SIMONS fwl with her. He, had begun living with Elizabeth Mears over seven years ago. She had formerly been a servant in her bouse. Witness had ofteu teen defent'toA, OyAir CUy, Boat dant in bad with Elizabeth Mears, both aeeamatoda-UoBrot STAOK HOU8K. RSaULAK and she oae oa undressed, being had, raaaoaabl rat, occasion, seen them in the act of sexual SmoSl), tatb Maatalna,a4 S. C. Ivin, Frayriaw. intercourse. She had not seta defen-ain bed with Sarah Davit, as she, Sarah, slept up stairs, but had frequently heard them talking there together at fr .'V) ' - .w SB 5 x ff .1- already city tributed money. amounting to over six thousand dollars. The mis' ale wh'ch bur co temporary hundred and sixty-sihas associated with O'Conii r Charles is makes iu supposing the religious faith himself W. H. Icvkam, Win. M. Evarts Latter of the Day Saints constitutes the and Judge Miami t, the first mentioned disqualification, instead of the bias or a Democrat aud the others Republicans, prejudice resulting from that faith. On ns counsel on the prosecution of the municipal government. Sam. this point we desire to call the attention .1. Tilden, Chairman of the Democratic of our readers to the well establisln-State Committee, was at a conrule of law upon this point as laid down ference between the present Oeneral Attorney fa the ' casq of the United States of the State and O'Connor, concerning Mason's Circnit Court Reports, these suits. He believes the proceedwill he successful. JTweed will be ll: TVs wss an indictment for mur- ings the first attacked. It is believed probably der, and from the opinion of the Court, that the evidence against him is very aa delivered by Mr. Justice Story, we strong, and is based upou the Broadway extract the following as bearing directly Bauk disclosure of the repeating business, and is going to have the especial pou the point under discussion: Most attention of- - the Reformers. T The seventh exception may be dis- measures be taken are to summary poeed if io a very few word. When against any operations of this class. the jarori mentioned in this exception Tbe Grand Jury had the case of Maj. ere Called to be sworn, they both ap- Hall under consideration yesterday. peared to be Quakers, and excepted to Subpoenas were issued for witnesses. themselves ne disqualified, because they The Young Meu's Deinocraiic Reform were conscientiously scrupulous of uk-i- Association is the name of an organiza away life, and did not think them-F- tioi just established. Sheriff Brennan-hadeserted Tammany. The provocaimpartial in a cspital canse. In point of fact, one of them is now of the tion was the admission of theD.iuliug net i of Friend or Quakers, and the delegation to the Senatorial Convention their tenets but has on equal footing with Brennan delegates. other pro fern latterly been excluded from their meet- The nominations made last night by the ings. It is well known that .he Quak- Democratic reformers meet with the er entertain peculiar opinions on the approval of Republicans generally. The subject of capital punishment. They Times and the Tribune support them. believe men may be rightfully punished Siegel's nomination is a concession to with death for the causes set down in the Republicans. the divine law, but for none other; and There is a revival of tho rumor that in point of conneienee they will not Comptroller Connolly is to be impeached. Private advices received from Captain give a verdict for a conviction where the punishment is death,, unless the Hall report him, Sept. 5th, sailing northcase be directly , within the terms ward from Upernavick. All well. of the divine law. Now it is well known The Chicago Tribune, this morning, to ss all that our laws annex the publishes an exact statement of tbe of death in several cases where number of buildings destroyed by the the divine law is silent, and under cir- great fire, with a careful estimate of the cumstances different from these expressnumber of people rendered homeless, ed in that law. To compel a Quaker to and an estimate of what is left. The sit as a juror on such cases, is to compel total area of the city is slated to be over him to decidr against bis conscience, or 2,300 acres, including annexed terto commit a solemn petjury. (Each of ritory west of Western AveituepAiid the these alternatives is equally repnguaut total number of buildings before the fire to the principles of justice and common at about 60,000. On the south side the tense. To insist on a juror's sitting in fire destroyed nearly everything iu the cause where he acknowledges himself First and Second Wards, and a light corner of the to be under influences, no matter wheth- portion in the north-wes- t er they arise from interest, from preju Third. Its southern line, on Michigan dice, or from religious opinions, which Avenue, was Congress street. On Clark, will prevent him from giving a true ver- - Harrison and Wells streets, a point a ' diet according to law ana evidence, little below Polk, th area of tho burnt would be to subvert the objects ot a trial district is 450 aens. There were dehy jury, and to bring into disgrace and stroyed 5,600 buildings, including 1,600 hotels aud twenty-eigh- t contempt the proceedings of courts of stores, We ao not sit here to obtain sixty manufacturing establishments, antic. jtbe verdicts of partial and prejudice: and 21,600 persons were turned out of men; but of men, honest and indifferent their homes, the most of whom lived in the second ward west of State street, in causes. This is the administration of justice which the law requires of us where they were closely packed, lhe and I am not bold enough to introduce residents in the first ward generally the very lived in hotels or furnished rooms, expractice which corrupts ' ource of justice. cept where many poorer families were iuich are the views of Mr. Justice congregated on the, north side. Thirteen hundred acres xero burned over out Story than whom American jurfepru of the 23,000 in that division, leaving deuce has produced no abler exponeut, intact a small portion on Kenzie street, o brighter ornament And such is the near tbe river and several hoaxes north law applicable to the case at bar. It is of that divixiou and west of Orchard including somerof the better setnot a question of ones religions faith or street, tled districts. L'p Clawson avenue, the want of faith. It is simply whether total number of buildings destroyed was aar influences .arising either 10.000, including over 600 stores and establishments. iuterest, from prejudices, or from 100 mauufacturing About 1,000 persons were deprived of will the be religious opinions, juror homes and are sojourning on the west Explosion. prevented fioin giving a true verdict side ar have left the city. Out of New Orleans, Oct. 19. A bank box Should bias exist, either as the result of population of 77,000 only about containing about $50,000 worth of sereligious faith er from any other reason, 7.000 have houses which they can claim curities was stolen A wsgonrload of ammunition and the juror is disqualified. There is no as their own, and there are not over dis- torpedoe, part of a lot being unloaded left houses for the 6.000 standing, persecution for opinion's sake; there' is trict horned over embraced most of the from the ship George Huribut, from ao attempt at establishing religious settled area of tbe north division, while New York, explodedan the street tbit tests as conditions precedent to the ex the amount of ground burned over in morning. The driver was killed inwere inpassers-btretse of citizenship; there is simply an the west division was not great, not stantly.andSeveral windows iu the 150 much and while jured, acres; vicinity shatexceeding honest effort on the part of Court and counsel to ascertain whether the jurors much of that was occupied by lumber tered by the coucussiou. Ofte house, a ere free from bias or prejudice. And yards, etc., yet the people who did live saloon, was demolished. A vessel which when such bias exists, whether as the there were very closely packed together, has two hundred cases still on board , result of education, of religion, of habit, and between one and two thousand peo- will probably be ordered off, Proclaos ef surrounding circumstances, the ple must have dwelt there. The vulue Kn with Kinx tbe of the- - houses destroyed was comparamation. prejudiced juror must stand aside to tively light, they being nearly all frame New York, Oct. 19. The Governor make room fur an impartial man. buildings. It appears that out of 60,000 of South Carolina says hejs not quite buildings io Chicago only about 13,500 satisfied with the Ku KIux proclamaPOI.Y G A5TT VIS VEILED. hare been destroyed, and that while 92,000 tion. The people wanted troops and The. real nature of polygamy, in all persons have been driven from their not the suspension of habeas corpus. night. . fix hideous deformity, was never more homes, over 245,000 have not been afDefendant had allowed that he Was Euglbk Xnlwerlptlen for CUteago. fected in that way. The whole immense Loudon, Oct. 19. Up to last night doiug religious duties in cohabiting fully revealed than hi 'the testimony of area of the west division with its miles ith these wotneh ; had told witness Mrs.' Harriet Hawkins, a witness for of dwelling bouses, its stores and busisubscriptions at the Mansion. House for she had had her day and must give amounted that to at 30,000, Chicago is ness all south while in the the prosecution the case against her blocks, intact, to some one else. She had borne and place Manchester, 8,000, Kidderminster, remains, the great mass of its dwelling husband, Thomas Hawkins, iodicted aefendnut seven living children at the 3,000. houses of the better class, with many time he begun this oonduot end mad adultery. The plain, unvarnished story manufactories and the five business Sensational. ef this womans wrongs is a more elo- blocks, which have been erected on 22d A London correspondent writes that this statement. Defendant had frequently- - been very quent rebuke to the whole system ot street and Archer Avenue .and other an alliance has been effected between violent In bis conduct toward witness, on polygamy than a volume of declamation points, with many of its finest churches certain members of tbe peerage and account of her refusing to sanction hia innumerable manufactories representatives of the working classes, the and invective. We extract the following and hich abound in the Sixth Ward. the object of which is to overthrow the cohabitation with these women, and had ' her, froa) her examination in chiif in the The west division, however, is a city present system of government. The whipped Elizabeth Mears had three children by District Court, delivered, yesterday in itself, with shops and stores, coal and Commune principle pervades in tbe the! defendant; defendant bad always wooat lumberyards, churches and manufactor- platform. called them his children, and she had The same writer intimates that the often seen streets, sewered and Well, did he give yon any ies. miles of paved Question him carrying them around. nos the It condition is theatres tn Queeds j only sued that she may reason why he had to live with some lighted. The by Mr. Fitch the city. The Globe, and the - various die at any moment. wm substantially a review of th points peraoe c!e f German 1 9. hotels and halls' with which Oct. Victor Place has Paris, Answer Well, no reasons, only he in the examination in cbiefr and been honorably acquitted of the charges elicited allowed that be had got to live with changed names, are accommodating half-pas-t et five oclock the cross ix-- j the rush of now Conin the fraud while arms of people vuiting some one else. purchasing aminatiou not being concluded, further city. The buildings destroyed in this sul at New York. Did he say anything V I Question were proceedings division fire postponed until Fri were little and of value directs that Government The Answer Yes, I hail had my day, almost by will be put up Jug season military and naval force be on the day morning. enough and he had got to hare some one else. to In the case of The People tw. O. JT. replace them. There are, to be pre- alert, as Bonaparte dUturbanoes are How many children had Question DaUt, ' charged with lewd and lascivious about sixteen cise, feared. sixty churches, , . you borne him at that time T cohabitation, the defendant being ia hundred stores, six hundred manuAnswer I had borne him seven. and work bisLondon Oct. 20. Earl Granville, in court with his sureties, L. W Clark and Seven children at that facturingand establishments Question speech at Manchester last night, ex- Leonard Harvey, their recognizance was five hundred dwellings. shops, time?" ) a feeling of pride over the Ms-to- takes 1 the sum of $5,000 fog the appressed There are bouses still 20,500 dwelling Answer Seven live children. a of tbe defendant. negotiations. inthe west division ; so there American Government'Hefor thanked the pearance H said you had had your standing Question An was then Jtka until suppressing no reason adjournment as for excessive end he would have to live with js yet Tbe north and south sidedespon- the Fenian raids. Subscriptions re- 10 oclock Friday morning. v dency. rolling ceived at tbe Mansion House for Chicaowe person else 7 mills still are to furnishing employment Answer Yes, sir." , Fkiday, OoL 20, 1871, thousand hondreds of workmen. This same dis- go, amount to thirty-thre- e The eon rt convened at 10 oclock a. What did you sxy, did Question Huddersfield has contributed pounds. the Chief J notice presiding. covery was also mad on the south side. $700. It is rumored that Prince , you eminent to that T Napo had been lost, much remained. Mach as The of Mrs. HarAnswer No, sir, I did not." eon will go to Paris. Tbe widening Of State street has stimuriet Hawkins was resomed by Mr- - Fitch. faithful wif This aud mother, who lated improvement far down on that Latot ftmaa Persia. It was directed chiefly to au Interview Ins home her kilobaud seven iLiMrcn thoroughfare, uhile the' eastern part of London, Oct. 19. Advices from Te bud with witness bv Mr. Miner, of tie- pun-iahme- 4I'K . ,y ' w 5Cf con-Sidtriu- .Vt - t P.' Ear ACADEUY OARCIRG PROF. 1 SHELDON, ef Cea Yrasdsee, OAltltlAGEO, Eta, Edm SAVTB AUKBISA, ddUMl 0t$ XtetHbfto Jtutxrco. . CJtxjuresZA to Stores OoL ICthi 71. jRtaaassfatro JSXTXAircn fir haiteses Finn? tTOILE. ON PPXJAXSL3 CTQGY, Bpomtnai of MmttmffO. roATtotateffiP, Dockawxy, Sarescia, CahroUttes, Brett er ether if. fr mVTPpTS, MCMCHANT TAILORS, wa, M S', W0B4MM BT4S3 we. Jli-ttcs- , OAiimAGnn, Are latatod to arod I a fe fee tiRlt loiare to pattow Waiap'T aim, , CHIOAOO. MINING ENGINEBIl CP - k U. S. mineral Surveycr, s FORUTAIL i Offlro at tk Kafto ftntas Irof OSofe SALT XJLXLB CUT. riV TOa MVOftT ae Taa Oamaa. nro sct krfeese TiOCSJ, tha Cetoay f Maria, AMr&n. atf-- li i r i 1 af Kiatkafl A Uwubm'i, a from 10 a. i. to It v aad row ui - w I r IS tot P.M. Ordure tuft a at sroapyt ottawrtota at a tanem. a gta to duwaaro tptdvat t pro- - aad tw J |