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Show ' V. . Tfc . f, t tfr y .4 .1 . i , ' ' f i .i Lj . . "i " , - . . ' . y'' ' i k . , . .' "k ,C .. ' V V xj ?. 1 "'t ' ' 'f ( -- , ' .. .., . ,. ' .v p.n:sX.::j&K-Ji&- .A - . j . ' ,;1 w . Am' ' - , : tfS'!-- - vv v. ';.r ir'1' - SS3 - UTAHi UAKB Uiis calculation is evident by adding to rotes actually cast for tho the forty-eig6f Harris' ana Psttersoir, the votes' bill, who were, paired, and ICinaon whb was sick bat known to be enthusiasticnllyin favor of the bill, &hd by similarly reckoning in connection' with the twenly-ou- o Negative Votes the votes of Hill and Butand Pat-friiler, who were paired with Harrisnitti-silvan and that cf Eaton, Senator, who was absent. The twenty-fou- r negative votes cannot possibly, be ht Ycstcr- - tho Senaio. Branch of the Xevada Bank for New Yorkt - wu er ' increased.- v - Father Blscoren : : . Caafidtan Haa AmfitML Nvr Y'onx, February 16. Antotjio -- LonS'LoNt Child. ;:- - Giubergia, a confidence operator, who works fi thb route between New York DligractfaLMmu la lb aaato. a and San Franx isco, was wrested this Chicago, February 1G. Tke Journal' morning robbing Anthony Oxner, cattle an .The dealer, of $6,000; Oregon Waahifijftou special says:..: patfaage uf the Silver lull ctraata much rejoicing ad depression nrirfng its advocates end C0H8RES8I0RAL NEWS. F.Tsjwm. . T1LFORO ' Vs.. V ; ' . its opponent, since the , large majority insuros its. passage over a vetoi The scene ju the Senate chamber'eribg the night. was remarkable os well as disgraceful. A large iuamber of Senators were is jta.uifit condition to xwrticipate in the discussion; being so iniusicatetl thbl they could soarceiy stand. There were from Id to 15 in this condition, and of being', taken to their houses, they remains., in ' the Senate chamber to make themselves cbnrfpjtetSdds And pain thu occupants ot the galleries Hlu aero compelled to see the sight. Such a seen.-wa- s firobaWy never before witnessed in :v tho Capitol. Tta IlrltUU Vltlmataat. Tlis rmM . Febrnary - 1G. ultiBritish London special says;. matum was that the Bassiuus. should not occupy Constantinople. Sow tldt the llussiaus are substautndly in the Turkish cupi ui, the, ultimatum is changed to meet the new conditioned The Ituaiiuu the mutt vucale Coustantmoplo conference is held.' : Should ;they refuse to do this, and take any step to impair the freedom of the Straits o Bosphorus, or block tho English road to Ihditi, England would regard this us a eotua belli. in brief ,'Euglaud proposes to 'make her stand along the Straits. ; ,T t tow Hnatwino. M a ipwsaral .. ia vBeo. K The Mllrer .BUI Panned the Sedate at Xant. . : Foil; Text of the Hciiure It Standri. in-ste- ad v ! -- i .. . . - J. -- JESTlSr, Jt. CRAWFORD, rwuhl buOi U. wTvr The MTehIr UoaieitraI.l . II. CUktUX, DMilUt. l Itnibllog, will extrat-- inta iu ti. B. 8. ui'-er- i l h- - - ... -- . U o3t tic lit... J. ikur cwrrli of Chador.' rcMiVRtl I. Try Uvjil'a Un.te. LitiMiiia. iiii .1-- . The brat la MAKkn. U-iy- r Tt. iSStatxr: r KSJCiSSSSi; . la-tor- e ji-- u u: attention pal.4 kifluK ul "OuUiun. lake City, three bait ia? ituuse. Mtui1h t- - MAuVU-- ejm-- bottUf" auJ all ,oC nvsn a oi-anr- rviiinu wouv prouiu .Urailni Litaa till Pitiowtus Uajr. Ruutaiibw. jl-Oaarjes N'fv Fosk, February 1G .Among the of ;Msrs!ield lost in the treasures ! . ,1n were llciiey s fine portrait of ftsb I K. V Victoria, 1 ; Hirtrait of Qaeeii miniatures if the i hiMren of Wciaifer undo Sengiui table presented hiut by King Soinuo. ilie house ulvj couCuiaed ' a 'tree of fcia ware once brfuud by Louis Fhillipti, a par; of tue ruia sii.'er aud ail the tddiug .present of a grauilsugliler ol WcuUrr, vmued , .at Da ' thL-rl was' uj iusuraueo' vs FRANK FOOTE, Mala street. MU ASSaTLU, v U th-.s- e e ly; lioveflr ' tho pictures and silver were iioared lot ; 3,0UJ ;'a.td the ' - ' IliuUbioU 1 Mrs. Webster jflifJ-l.- ; alter cue lie beeLue thV gu .St of Miss SALT LAKE LODGE NO, I Fui.lip-- i whose nouse is near lEilPLE OP MOXOiC Merta atery Wed. lue besUay eveuiaj;ht i oVI-.- k.at Coilrr's lisU Tin lVall Nirwt .MatM. i . nier ol Sul iwiijilg auri i'uir J sjoalu ktii.t! 1 aiiili Tejuplsr. eunhaiiy xiivs- - t atea 1. .. Nkw i'oKK, February .111. Tho j Jahm rf W:, O. . T. of the bdrer bill si-- i ms to have had . Lovw J. Sixsr.r. Vf- - i;. jln-no i t white ver upoi the Wail Sircot mark t. CEreTSRnlAL REGTAURAivT. Urant-- bank efAcraila for Xrsr Vorh ftkEiUC 13 a iu Uic rear of Llaaliy Xsw Voak, Fvbru ry JG. It is stated JL A U 'lloV aaioii, rue Jill. i.VAha. that a boiidtug has h.-c-u rculmlou Wall iex't fur 0.1 tills fact, V. ty ...i iinj.uw a tiiijaru fecal, uiailii.i of fcj.iu ol airwt by tii ei'ihE. Li-t- f itEiii Frauci-kai- , mvnr vt a ior' tiii Drain-of thiit iusiUutioa irerc, uu.l rlit uudor tlio cxvlu.dro .chargo of ho to it is BEAL ESTATE 't I'rviTPd C. T. UiiistliiinjUj present cuahicr, who pill supun&teuJ a milling stock' tranfer ageucy, urhica will cojisutute a p.rt of ;;v. the ioatittnipu. ;. r 8. L. VAN & CO., Adi-iutd- e . iaiuous-hoiuesttsul- . . U il'.-v- " ii-iu- 1 N.-VaJ.- i, k u J . - Hccstrrtd Ula Child, New Yoke, February 15. Joseph F. Bjwu, formerly uf Canforuis, has recovered his chnd, which was bum here CL two years and a hall ago but put into tv Catholic foundling asylum by his mother-ia-lawho reported that the child was not b ru alive. Buwn learned the facts coulession of his tii rough the death-be- d omd instituted legal proceedings which have just resulted iu the restorauou of his child, who is said, Bars the yjeaanre to offr to their patrons a however,' to 'be entirely unlike either chute selrcliun of parent iu personal appearauce. Be hi very intelligent, . talks .and., says many bngnt tluugs. The reusoxi given for tne Business cuuuuct ol liovrus niuthcr is that she oni nut wuut to De burdened with v . any inure grand cnildreu. . 9 1 33 0 - t cl t - w, sieu-r-iu-ia- : ' - Properly, lllegaul Betldcncs .7 . Flue CottafiCM, - -- Wit am dr, Stltat BUI Pmilari at tuA AM Uacom- - V. , V.: liajf WasaiNdTON, Fecfrua y 16. The Sen-te- a decisive uctiou ' oa the Silver bill has been the universal theme of conversation in Washington all day and uud the vastly throughout thu' , Cheap. notifies . and At prices cvt-iiing- s few preponderating sentiment is that ol inure or less pzuuouuced . satisiuciion; Tms ieehug Juu uceu slrenglhened and extended by the news iroui JS'ew York that iu face ol the hde nettou ossuriug-thenactment Ui the blit, gold hue fallen aud tioveiiiiuent bottus have risen in value ai compared wuu quotations of ' yest. roiiy when m, iassuge' of the bill .a the vote was okuhm by by considered extremely duuutiul. Tuere woum io be practically no doubt that the Huuse wul promptly concur la the Beis-aiamendments, and it is considered probable tnat a motion tor concurrence may bo mode and adopted Unit Aloud ay under a suspension ot the rules. Borne objections ore urged oy certain members this course on the ground that it aguut would prevent any ducuaesum or separate acuuuuu the cieuste amendments, two of wujch are ubt Tlioiiy acbeputule to all the silver iu tue Bouse,, but these objection um not likely to prevail further tun poaeibry to procure an order for discussion, out. would have to be accepted or rejec.eu. a an entirety. No essential alteration ot the terms ot tne mil as passed by the. fchsiiut. is ainfm-pateevn if n goes to . a conference committee as a wnmc, aud present probabilities strongly favor its being laid be fore the President early next week without any funner change whatever. Wasn-ingtopitgias ore about equally divided as lu wheuier tue President will retC the bill or allow it to become a law without , his signature. ; In the event of a there is no room whatever for doubt that his veto will be - overruled. 4 . that doff c&ihpctttion. Wo have aiao , d ptecoa of two-tuir- HEAL ESTATE. - i FOR SUE CHEAP, - da e da tbs Installment plso. - Hf- -- Aoan and .XTOsrotiafd nZoney On Real Estate it lowest nfas. : - Searohlnet of: Records - i... Oflles !& I.. I Mads s spoeiidiy. M floor Waastch Bslldlng- - Jj. LAND A a si rsr o v . ' xx-- late chief clerk la Surveyor TCqBAIXiEr, of Hratuf and Utah. aud Patted States Surveyor of the public lands for eight vetia. CIVIL ENGINEER AND BDBVETOBNOTA. lty. PUBLIC AND KEAL ESTATE AGENT MUtOXEB-dxhN- B un d, on iM ; ' - - '- At 5 WisardatoN, : February 1G. o'clock a. k., by a vote of yeas 48, nays 21, the bill passed to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollar and tb festoro its legal tender character. The following is the full text of the bill as psssed: lie it enacted bjf tke Senate and IToete cf Rejiresentatieea of the United Statea of atsembled. That A m erica, in Cohf-ee- a there shall be coined at the several Mints of the United States, .silver dollars of the weight of 412 Y grains troy of standard silver, as provided in the set of January 16th, 1807, on which shall be the devices and superscription provided by said ' act, which .coin, todollars heretofore gether with all silver coined by tne UniL-d- . States ; of like weight' and fineness,' shall be a legal tender at their nominal .value, for all debt and daetC public and private, ..where otherwise: expressed; and stipulated in tl,e contract ; and the1 of the Ttpasury ia authorized aud directed to purchase, trbm time to time, silver bullion, at the market price thereof,. not less ' than $2,000,001), worth momb, and cause the 'same as fast W ' be " coined r. monthly, as . so purchased,- into suck dollars, aud a sum sufficient to carry out the foregoing provision of this net is hereby appropriated out of any. money ju the Treasury uut otherwise appropriated, aild. any. gain or seiguimago arising from this coinage shall be accounted I or and paid into the Treasury as provided under the existing laws relative to the subsidiary- coinage. Provided, That the amount of money at eny one time invested, iu such silver bullion, exclusive of such resulting coin, shaUrnot exceed $5,060,000; and provided farther , that noiliiug iu.Jhis act shall bo construed to auihorizVthc payment in diver cf certificates of deposit, issued under -d tLo jruvisicn of section 251 of the . r . . ex-cr- pt SeC-rtta- ry lr - - i - - Ec-visc- titatuti-s-. v acts acid parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of' this art, are hereby repealed. ' . Sec. 3. 'That immediately after the puAsagc of thiii net the President hall invite thcUcvernments of the countries the Latin Union, cnipsiug ns and of sucli other European natibus he may deem , advisable, to ' join tbe United States iu conference , to adopt a fccniinon ratio between gold and ailver, for the purpose of establishing, the use of money oxnl securing a fixity of relative value between those metal-- . $pch conference to be held at such place in Europe or In the United States, at such time, within tux months, as may be mutually agreed upon by the executives of the Governments joining in the same. Whenever the Governments so invited, or any three of them, shall have signified their willingness to unite in the same, tbe President shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint three commissioners who shall attend such conference on behalf ot the United States, and shall report the doings thereof to the President, who shall transmit the same to Congress. Said commissioner shall each receive the sum of $2, CM), aud their reasonable exto ; be Approved by penses, the Secretary of State. The amount necessary to pay such compensation and expenses is hereby appropriated oat of not otherwise any money in tbe Treasury appropriated. Sec: . That any holder of this coin authorized by lliis act may deposit the same 'with the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer of the United State?, in sums ef not leat than $10 each, and receive therefor certificate of not leas than $10 eaib, corresponding with the denominations of ' the United States notes. - The coin deposited for or representing tbe certificates shall be ret&inod iu fke Treats ury for the payment of the same on demand. Said certificate shall be receivable for customs, .taxes, awl.: all public dues, and when so received may bo reSec. 2. All . so-eall- inter-uatipnall- y, . - - ; . issued. , The vote was as follows s Y?a --Allison, Armstrong, Bailey, Beck, Booth;. Brace, Cameron; of Fa:,' Cameron of Wis. ; Chaffee, Cockrell, Cook, Conover, 111:, Davis of W. Va., Dennis, Davis Dorsey, Eustis, Ferry, Garland, Gordon; Grover. Hereford, Howe, Ingalls, Johnston, Jones of Fla., Jones of Nev., Kellogg. Kirkwood, McCreery, McDonald, McMillan, Matthews, Maxey.Memmon, Oglesby,'; Fmldock, Flump, Morgan, Baulsbury, Saunders, Spencer, Teller. Wallace; Windom Thurman, Voorhees, ; ; 48. ; and Withers Bantam, Bayard, Anthony, Nays d . Blaine, Burnside, dfriatiancy.Coukling, Dawes, Edmonds, Hamlin, Hoar, Ker-fyy- i, Lamar, McPherson, Mitchell, Morrill,- Bandolph, Bolliiis, Sargent, Wad-leig- h and Whyte 21. ' . The Senate then, oiler a continuous session of ,17: houru,' adjourned until ' . - and Ayrcxtst?. is! '. .!' ton and Boms, Attends promptly to Stead filings srl mineral applications, pro, pares mape, triittAii and deeds of sit klods. ' ' titles, uiskos eoUecttons; ; . rente bosses and lands. Mimday. J iuwm alt Ittcm itfatwi. wfcsa en - Jl bnanui win bfi.tiity-on- e St. John dispatch says Eoas will sump la against twenty- Issdwstten, I . , lour oil' the question 'of overruling the iw Harlot-- ; for 91,000 a aide pn the Pre-em- veto,-however- . ' ' . p-J- - - Knf al 8t; Johi Juife SU: OrtniNCf FEDnUARy GUrJDAY proved a disgraceful affdr. - There was a pretty good represeufolon of working girls dressed in all sots of costumes exhibition thefir st night, but there on Weekly Report Of Bramntle was a large falling off after that, owing r to insults to which they were subjected pdingi tile SmI. t the band of the audience. ...The' par ; perfi unfinixfiriusly denounce it. :ount Jolmnnoi Brnwlnff Paulino Markham's and the - Lula Troupes engagement in Pittsburg came Big Hoiuei and Cal)--y to an inglorious end this week in a .. quarrel between Manager W. C. ftmyth ;bages. and General McMahon,'- Panline's husY band. iimyth owed McMshon for all cf week's performances and Cinching DramaUe Pirates the ; last the gas bills, orchestra or to pay. ih Chicago. stage hands, and insisted on 'a change of programme outside of the contract. McMahon refused and the theater is New February 16. Clara Mor- closed for this week. McMahon was rj forslandcr and lodged in jail in ris' version lit., riJane, Eyre under the : V v title of The Governess, wth herself default of $2,000 bail' A M .'PalmDrnmatio say. pupors in the titulary 'role was presented at er is forming .a company-- , to go Broadway this week The Critics gen- to San '.Fkaucuca for Tom r Maerally found fault with thu construction guire 'on ah engagement of ten of the play on the first.- night, but it has week!. Tile main idea U that the plays ' shall aU be new to that city, since been' cut down sudnow runs presented and that none except "The Celebrated smoothly. She is supported by Fred Cash shall ran more than. U week: The Warde and drawing good houses. 'She plays will be, so far as aettled'Tfie ' Celebrated ' Case, 'fMdthers Secret, played in Pink Dominoes this evenAgnes nud fA Hundred Years-Old,- ? George Fawcett Howes "Little played ing. time ago in this city. ; A Emily will succeed Mis Morris. forcial new version of "Jezebel, by Cazauran, Champagne and Oysters, a gill be also In the repertoiro. The comcomedy adapted from the German by pany will include James O'Neil, Ada J. W. Shannon, was produced atthe as lending woDyafi. fir. Jeffreys-Lewi- s Park on Wednesday with James Lefwia man, Rose Marie Wood, WAinwright; and Maud Granger in the priucijval roles. Emily Mestayer, M. II. Jennings; F. F. nonsensical pieceV It' is a frivolous,, some and minor MacKey people. with1 abounding in funny situations but vKatherine Eoger will go in March to too many auggestions of immorality. os in Ban Fran-The Pappenbeim Opera Troupe are cisco, tarring engagement at the Academy, :,'-doing a fine business last night wa4 tendered The "Jewess TIm Asdtrws Trial. and "Lohengrin this afternoon NeNxtv Ouilki, February i6. In tho gotiations are pending between Tom- Anderson case Judge Whitaker this apMaguire and Pappenbeim for. the Pra n. i inruing received the brief of counsel co pa y pkud will render his decision on Monday cisco in April, as to the new trial. The Williamsons are playing "Struck uioniiug .Won't Oeewpjr Can ckntlwople, Oil and "The Chinese Question to Nsw York, February 16. A dispatch immense audiences at the Grand Opera House. :The sign "Standing Ecom from London says ilia authoritatively ' stated that in consequence of the Only is exhibited nightly. inade by. Aasrri.o, backed by At the solicitation of many friends. Czar of Euisia lias abanthu Second Germany,Eichardthc Booth personated doned the jdea ol occupying Cohstauti-nople- .. last night. He , played in Kay Blu i1, 'j ; f,,;. ; . this afternoon and closed hi engagement .. Tike Fleet Retires In Good Order. in "King Lrfar . Cox5TxxTixori.s, .February IG. Tho Count Johannes fi'jntiimos the attraction at. the Lyceum The theater is British fleet bn been Sitlidrawu to crow,I, Mudiaua bay, forty miles South of Connightly filled with a turau.tuons maum-who "guy thaCouut in every stantinople..: This movement is eitri-bute- d staare to 'a desire on the p.rt of England jn-imaginable. . Fifty police the tioned in the house to preserve a sem- to facilitate negotiation to ' prevent h' ' ' blance of order,- but they seem to under- entry of the Eusslrnr. with Tnstrnction ' to Nsmyk Pasha have stand that they are not to iuL-rfe- r to the audience except preterit throwing lMn , revoked and he lias hot gone to missiles oil the stage;. A few evenings Adriauoplo. , , Ugo four college students were a.rst.d TIte Powers to Meet nt Baden Baden. oif London, February 1G. AH the powers and lodged in the atalian-hoiiAH the other offense for that; night including Eusvia have assented to a Con-f; departures from decorum are peniited gress at IhuIcn.Badeu. The Cdurit receives $100 per night here, v ' Rnrsinn Xet to which he Occupy Gallipoli. and $150 when ; travelling, ' to hr: ceases a bi' February AG. The hs I'muaiBG, when du to expects lluetc have bean sent onfrrs deactor Ayence says novelty hew. An ordinary not toyoccupy clined $50 a night . for a weeks engage- to Eussian- heiMlquarters ' ' ment because bo could not stiind the Gallipoli.' .9 ' gny" busuness: The Count h u a benefit cu Monday night. Benefit at jDOH8UMPTIOH Receipt at tho Brougham finunfcti-to Wallace's on,. Thursday CURED about $1,200. , A fiianplay, calivd "The Dusul-niar.g- h will be prduced at the Fifih All sufferers f root tbis Jicsse that uc inbn Avenue next Monday, replacing ' nlwulil try 1U. S The play ia said to War refer- te ! r.iredLMSSUJCPIIVE ilouie. iMWptfS, I'linut ence to the present political situation in iva-Jr-s an tbe oal,rcparsti jE knows tlislWiil care COXSl!UiU vi snit sit dttcuw of the Euk1x!u and wiii be strouly east. ", vo TilHU-Ula ' tua$S) Usn alno i Joo Tooker's latest advertising d xl one cmiviuce J faith you that them, is to march in- military through the they are no ltuuio.irf. w wilt (ornnl to every ItoX. imvl iatl, s streets to and from rehearsal daily , the eanv-ri-Wu dju i waist your tsuuvy antil yon arc perthroe or four hundred darkies who will MlwUrJ uf tbeir curatfr puin. Ef Clin at fectly appear in . "Uncle Tom's & your Ufa t Wurth tnliii. ili'U't delay in givluK Palmer, Itww PUVDZiU a UJUi, they will wialr Booth's next week. Jarrett you. Under whose management the play comes ,cure rrfee. for ItrjQ box, fJA), ent ti any part or out, have announced their intention lb United State or Cuisds. by uatl.ou receipt . uf price. AJdrers, open tho house at reduced prices. ASO A ROBBIX8, F. C. Bangs has accepted an engagement to play ."Sardttnapolas at San M0 Fnlba itrHt, Brooklyn, K. T. (IK Fmucisco early in March. Falconer's Irish melo-dram"Peep O Day," with Sam Pierey in the prin cipal role, is drawing crowded houses at Niblo's. George Bignolds, in "Henry the Fifth, will be the next attraction at thu Grand Oplni House. ... Queen Victoria and ,.Frinces& Beatrice have sent, their photographs to Albani, the American prima donna, with expressions of regard and admiration, and resend hers in quest bst the vocalist will the principal return. Albani is to sing ,rt in Flotows new opera, "La Boel-ja.-- .' THEATRICAL NEWS- - at ' - M-fus- Yu, . , - - rol' :. , . ; , : - - . to-nig- bt. r . r n ,f - . K '. . . - - POSITIVELY CMa-tfill'- u-- .NU-in-i- . - a, - Paulina Lucca some time ago secured a contract . under which aha was to receive $1,200 a night for ringing. Her managers accordingly raised the price in Italy and Madrid, where she has been aha haa appearing. Iri contsequenceThe people very' unpopular. staid away from her performance in the Italy, bat at Madrid theyoffcrowded tlio stage, house and hissed her rhereupon she handed iu her resignation. Miss Leontine Mendes, iHe'yourg American prima donna. Who obtained the first prise at the last concourse at the Taris Conservatory, shortly nukes her debat at tbe Baris Comique. ' ' John T. Byan, engaged in running a dramatic agency at Chicago, and Jdnias II. Ligon, formerly an actor, have been arrested in that city and , lodged in jail on a charge of pirating plays. Their modus operand! wss to employ a stenographer, who wonld attend the theatre nil take notes down in shorthand. The 'tty would then be sums ranging from was made on Liam's headquarters and many plays capture!, .which ate rfow in possession of McKee Bankin aud can be obtained from him by the, owners. Among them are "Divorce,- Pique,; "Struck Oil; "Koeedole and "Colov nel Sellers. Georae Holland has been engaged by et John S.- Clark, manager of- the tothere Theatre, London, play in May: ' " Zt is said that 'Patti was offered an engagement for six nights at the Madrid opera house, at the rate of $4,000 per night, bift was obliged to decline,' vowing Y to other engagements. Over six thousand persona attended the Elk's baU on Thursday night. The "Congress of Culture and. Bean. Gilmore' Gardens this vwr( ty," pe-co- me -- '' - ' ' - :VlA,?i ' ;a5rr 'X r .gjlCLAKP. : . . Views of Itedtslts. Lmlhw ni"Tbere Will Psnee and Not I Bo l" War. London, February 16. The military situation, aa well as tbs diplomatic connection with the Eastern question, bo comes more interettifig and .complicated than ever.. Still it a simpla chough upon , a . thanghtfcl rsvisw. ;1 re They Are - , in forcing her fleet through, tho. Dsrda--neU- . es dcupijs fiu Turkish.jptolest, has tbs sbahdoncd, . defied obhI claimed as hitherto mntyof Paris, pretext for attempting to restrain tho Euuian advance towards Indias back door." Tfcis naval demonstration ' wsh tict of invasive war against a well ns as a threatening defiance Turkey tbe of' tho conqueror who has become Bolton s temporary sovereign.- is admitted that the situation looks squaUy, and yet the fact that there is no panic in English funds confirms J and justifies tbs cool conviction among that after aU there is no real anticipation thfit war is to break out anew or involve sew parties; The British Minister had undertaken to bully Russia as the cheapest .method of protecting' .English interests, supposed to be bound Up with the Ottoman Empire, and the snubbing which England thus provoked has seriously wounded .British pride and finally has maddened tbs English masses, who reason from impulse rather than convic liou.;' In this condition of affairs the Government fonud that it cuuld.r keep - a : control of the si nation at hoifio only by some bold step abroad. Jt took that step In dispatching its fleet tT) the sea of Marmora. But tbe firmness of consols, and .the conciliatory, Timta alike indicate that toaecf there is no real intention on the part of the British Government to iorce fighting at Constantinople under circumstances that would almost certainly reZb Fast BeeiteiiiSg sult in renewed British humiHatioit aa wtU as serious loss of prestige and prop-erty, to say nothing of hurnmi live, - It i ; true, undoubtedly, , brave England sometimes fights without counting thf , ..j, cost hut, unless Russia proves less sagar ciouriy prudent. in the fature th&n in liu .past, England has played to the her last , card ', prior V ronferenco.peace Having lierself cqmndtted an act of war against Turkey, Ehghind's notice that Kusria wiU be for tho conseqnences, . if the 1TOBX litter takes' steps towards Constantittnocrait )TOBB : nople iu order to secure what die has already won by rouqnfstimud be remarked as mere trutuin fatmen. England has lulvunct-- 'by ecu to conqrier Turkeys sea coast, and so Russian arms, will advance to the same point on land. The ? very extreme delicacy and danger of this situation to Loth pirtics must render luth cautious and conservative. ThLnk-iu- g men here see that Russia, with her army already on the spot, i too much for England npon the land. Shunld Engjand practically hew a determination to force a war with Russia. by attempting to follow her fleet with trans-jKi- rt . j ships and troops, Eusria wonld be iron-dabearo justified in destroying the ' tht Ious5L fore the troops could be brought into BECAUSE effective position. It wonld take but a fow hours to make the Straits impassable for British Vessels, by the .use f torpedoes, without resort to. urtillcty front tile shore. Again, England is asSNirierit id sailable in her great .commerce, andiu QEdAUSfThArti India and Egypt. She stand nlone, without an uUv. Turkey .. seeks shelter now under her ' qpnquerbr and has received the wink from Bcxlifl, Prbmdt-ott- o. and it is announced dceordiiigly that the Attentlbnj BECAUSE ! M . alliance remains intact. W5r the .. Imperial for England, however, broke under snch clrcnmstances,means only defent.and so it will not 1st accepted.. These considerations are the secret of tho. profound with which the London Exchange views the situation. I repeat, only some sudden accUeni can widen the field of war, and Russia in diplomacy wiU give England no opportunity of strengthening either her moral or military influence in controlling, the solution to lie reached.. The strength of the secret alliance between First Sqtith atr at Germany, Austria and Russia is further 33 indicated by the fact that Rursic, always prudent, and tlfoifgh. without adeX SB O quate ueaus of reiuforceiuont by sea;' trusts her great army near Constantinople with un line of supply except that in ....tor:. its rear. It is inconceivable that tbe Car wonld take this risk except under r guarantees that his communications shall not be threatened by any continent Iowcr. Tho fact that England violates tbe treaty of Faria ns against them no less than against the all, herForte, no gives certainly new title to continental support. It is . not impossible that she may even be compelled to negotiate for tho Iscipe of Praetloal Talio the British fleet front the precarious position in which a vacillating and totow. tbs Film BatVlIasse. j finally blundering policy has placed it. A for dom Ummirclil siwt. Is viisnd ana ts lileautimc .Ru4a is practically inaccestaruise eel tbs sible to England. Tne latter can iuflict upon her no telling blow and must fight her, if at all, at extreme arms length. a; If she could even drive j her from! Lowest Plslhli tba crursetocKl at England wonld not lie per- Good Ate ! mitted to remain there herself. ' After all the permanent situation would have fiONB. a7 6LANIN( AND BEPJUIXB to be settlcd by tbe conference, in which JJS-t' " f . Russia would find the allies who are denied - to England herself. ; True, aU this is not folly understood by,ihe mulIf TOC WASt . titude Vlio make the no iso and create .. wa? alarm, but it is patent to the BritZTewspapsr A First-clas-s ish ruling classes who hold tho issues of peace and wav in their hands, and so fur tbe there will be peace and not war, and cm whatever terms Russia demands and . Germany xfoesnot forbid. hr ThE ' THE PARKCRCUH. poll-tirians-h- , tea Tot sToHi war-deprccati- to-da- ys . ! 7 - d it xi t H - . ds - . CULMER - - d. tbesedeb; Efeef of work. 1 AcXd stamp ran chkculaa BR6S; PARKER WEST MERIDEN.CT. ' take Torn job wronx ir- ft S3Xi Con-stanlnto- IWDEPEVDEWT oct - I, v J&S "5. ple - - - !! ; OWliDIf. 'b. V p'-Sdli-vo . r s' ' .. ' it ? . TAILOR HILLS. Hay-mark- :v; Hand Tied Be1 bind Zler Back. England - - . D fear Ing ttn Fxtcnnion of fYitr. a: . . K tit-Hi- r; Mil, - is k l!KUi-IIUAI'K- r. y j'Jf :U - rfi' i on repre-sratati- k'o Good Grouudflt Top ed ar-mt- : 1ft - dt fr-- RotIcw of (ho Eaatcrti Slliiatlon. A Comrehciitairn : . s |