Show V H “The King1 and The Man5 a new and thrilling Story will shortly begin in The CALL Get ready for it rTT In I Official VOL ' Paper of North Sevie VI SAUNA Local Items Thousand Jews IZdLe u Garden of Opportunity UTAH JULY 28 MrsPetersonHurt 191 NO 14 A New Store REDMOND Store Is To Im- Frank Carroll of Ml Pleasant and F Peterson emtained severe Lenora Breinholt la visiting in family visited bere on Pioneer Day week with relatives and Injuries by falliug from a horse which with Mr and Mrs H McKenna While frlenua A aha was riding Wednesday ferma Breinholt is also there evening I desire to announce that I am run' here Mr Carrol rented a building and Mr and Mrs L M Breinholt spent company of horseback riders were ont and to lli ningadray wagon prepared shortly bs down to open up a the for a little ride that evening Mrs in Provo heal flight and express for all partHe also Peterson became from tbe generaimerohandiee store The celebration of the 24th of Jnly To ies who need my eervioes Good team company and as ebeseparated Of 8000 was nearing the purchased a building lot and will erect wa very successfully carried out and Co-oHave Gent’s p and wagon always ready John Olsen west creek bridg the horse stumbled a residence there In tbe near future waa grand Tbe ball game waa a ham It Is understood that he has rented the mar Mr and Mrs Alma Gates and the lady was thrown to the ground George resulting in a vlotory for the Star of ' offloe the post On building which team of 13 to 9 have moved1 into their new four with force Through pain and fright part Is now vacant and that the store will Tbe Junior team went to Balina and thousand dollar home a blook north she fainted away and was unoonsoious Sevier home be there met tbe junior team thre of the White House where they are as until pioked The game up andoarried Drs West and Freeoe were oalled and runlted in a score of 10—7 in favor of happy as a bridal pair after an examination it was found that the Redmnnd Kids Waller Bird has the foundation laid her A big Jewish colonization scheme right leg was quite badly bruised Saturday the Circle Wave came here Some big improvements are planned a new home bis lot in the for on about tba thigh aud hip She ts restinvolving the settlement and reolama and started grinding away on those at tbe store Sevlar county’s p tioiof 8000 acres of land under the east part of town and will likely com- ing easy at present and will likely be same old tones which we can hear largest mercantile establishment The Piute project by 200 Jewish families plete the building this year about again in a abort time from on a year to the other bat on east implement house is to be made infrom eastern states waa presented to A son was born to Mr and Mrs Saul lack of support were forced to to a fine store and fitted up modernly © ® ® and (§) ® (5) move ofWhile the atae land board at a meeting held Jchnson the latter part of last week FOR SALE— Tbe Gates’ Hotel furnhere one of the meu em- for a Gent’s furnishing establishment ished and ready for bueineBS In Governor William Spry's office lues For ployed wae struck on ttie head and re- When it is in readiness August Erickbevler Valley Co The Mercantile and terms and price particulars apply day morning by representatives of the ceived a severe out tbe Call or A offiee at has at about tbe hotel its sen will move down from the npstairs big implement completed Jewish Agrioultural association of bouse Messrs Martin Jensen Charles C in the old baildlng and taka possession juet west of the depot and it is snap if taken at once Philadelphia Jensen H C Hausen and Chris Niel- of the new It is the intention to make Wirte Chamber’ Medicine Co Dooweil stocked with vehicles and impleAoeording to the presentations made sen went up to take up land in the val- this ments borne office rooms are olog ley Block Salt Lake City for a samfurnishing store second to none in This thrilling vigorous story to the board Tuesday by the officers of ple of their guaranteed Dyspepsia ley west of here whloh was thrown And there Is not a bettsi erected at the rearthe county Tablets No cure uo pay la just what the Jewish Agricultural association on the 24hth They report they have location in town by one of the best known and we mean we when we eay guarantee down the derire of the organization is tq se Nelson who is J H from Salt some very valuable land for dry farmmost popular writers of the day these tablets Write their Dhysician core 8000 acres of the best land of the Lake has had platted a building ad for advice Sold exolneive and guaring purposes Piute project located as nearly in one dition to Balina just north of town anteed by Lewis Drug Co Miss Jorgensen juet returned from Is r of A Socialist lecturer by tha name piece as possible bo that the oolony consisting of 100 building lots which Provo where she has been visiting Tbe store must be doing a big be will sell at (100 per lot and with may be kept together Mrs Mathilda Petersen has returned George F Fox held forth In Balina business in the lumber aud implement each sale the purchaser will get and fair audienoa last spoke a this to TO BRING JEWISH FARMERS m from Idaho night line John Olsen has been haulon a $1250 automobile Mr Lafayette Olsen and Francis fluently on political questions from a It is than proposed to briDg 200 fam chance ing lumber for a week or more putting Smith have returned home from sum- Socialistic standpoint The Sooialiets lliea of Jewish farmers from New JerThe lumber and material has arrived up several ear loads The Implement A story that scintillates with weil are pleased with hie visit and bemer acbool in SaltLaks City sey Pennsylvania and New Yo'k state for the dumping station which tb house and a city lot are full of vehicles action portraying the fight of a There are a eoore of people away to lieve that some good hae been done ont here and settle them upon the land sugar compauy is to build at the bepot and they go ont as fast as they come rich man of strong personality at Mr and Mrs visit different plaoes It waa finely decided after all dein Mrs Harold Bench spent part of the with a powerful political maErastns Petersen and family have gone tails of the matter had been discussed Los— A rain coat Finder to Fremont Nebraska to visit their chine The power of wealth that the assooiation should make out week iu Mantl visiting relatives leave at Call office machine companies The threshing Its bids on the entire parcel of land the power of politics and the daughter Mrs AC Nslson They will Mies Melissa Burns is home again and have token out their separator be gone abont a month and appear at the sale which will be Mrs Lehi Peterson srentertained love — of in the after a short absence triple power and engines out and are having suoh held on August 7 and submit its bid the Kensington olub Tuesday of this combat which wins? You’ll are neoessary preparThe Balina school teachers who have week a made a9 repairs There was sornequestion as to whether day or two earlier than nsual will soon find the answer in atory for threshing which or not bids on this muoh property at been away for eumtuer eohool are at on acoount of her daughters desire to There never was a better outbegin once would not have tendency to make home egaiu and ready for work depart tor Salt Lake Wednesday A J F Martin Clerk of tbe Balina look for a good harvest lu Sevier than other bidders step In with higher bids Mrs A JLawls went to Salt Lake good social time was had and a deliciSoeool Board will receive bids ud to now ous lnnoheon was served or on parcels that would break up the Wednesday for a short stay 12 0 clock noon of August 1st 1911 for The goodly down pour of rain yeeier 'esnilnsity of the entire piece t ut the wife r ‘'uperv'—r ‘rrT't'u 4 Mrs 8 ii ’Talley will depart for jauifcqv work Jq both school buildings day waa worth mauy dollars to from Fieb turned assoola waa Lake tbe the Wednesday that opinion expressed for the school year 1911— 1S12 tomorDeer Lodge Montana by the farmers home in Mr on Arenteen went where country lien would have no trouble from this month reserves Tbe board of matters row a tbe business connected with after very pleasant visit here right ' source to reject any or all bide B Nelson will aleo return to her the forest Watch for the opening chapter It was decided' that the represent!' Mrs August Ericksen gives notioe ’that tine of the association should secure home in Salt Lake Until Ton Find It Du’t Mi an Inn the Seventies will meet at Redmond Mr and Mrs A'S Crane and Mrs Sunday morning at 10 o’clock All are sn engineer select their lands and be present at the sale to make their bids Stauley Crawford nad a very pleasant invite 1 Go out to the ball park this after on the entire lot wanted outing at Fiih Lake laet week Numb noou and see the Sdina team put The above is from Wednesday’s Her era of people have gone there to get We will add that the cool and feed on trout for a time it over the 8tartup Candy Kids of Provo This will be a good game and very beet place to get that land is beLittle Gene Peterson son of Mr and lovers of ths sport should be there tween Balina and Redmond Mrs Lehi Peterson Jr celebrated hie Redmond and Central teams crossed fifth birthday Baturaay by having a bats on the Redmond diamond Friday score of his little friends at his home and had lively game both sides playand showing them a good time Central got tig RIO GRANDE ing fairly good ball DENVER of andPioneer Day W F Jensen While the celebration lead bnt Redmond made up before tha Superintendent of was by no means as elaborate as It Ellis of the Jensen Crermery Co close The score stood 16 to 15 In favor GREASE IN CONNECTION WITH of Redmond might have been or as was the Fonrth Sait Lake are expeoted here In a celebration still there was a celebra- new auto on their way to Fish Lake Central visited Selina Saturday and A BUGGY? tion and every ons was aware that the for au outing one of the best games of tbe season The contest was close and day had eome 1 was permanently oared of Kidney The principal exercises were held in ana Blaaaer trouble oy ths score being 7 to 7 at the tnree lively FOUR using ' the L D 8 Cap el at 10 a m The 5l)o boxes Chamber’s Kidney and Bladend ef the first half of the ninth ComDirty The der Bills my trouble was of twelve honse wae filled to its oapacity ing in on the last half Salina scored uty FAST Name furnished on choir members and the audience join- year’s etanding” one and that was enough for vlotory ana bold guaris exclusively definitely dispensed with by using the ed in dingibg several eonge and there application TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO It is expected that tbe Occidentals anteed by Lewie Drag CoTRAINS was some splendid talks by J E Balt a colored of will nine Lake TWO NIGHTS TO ST LOUIS visit Miss Flore aoe I vie end a gentleman Mrs Mary Mrs Ellen Humphrey Dell here in the near future and pUy ball THREE NIGHTS TO NEW YORK DAILY Mr A friend are out from Sait Lake visiting Nlokersoe and Bp Lorentzen and give a minstrel show ' toast and all friends and relatives V Huish gave a splendid Mr Hopkins ons of the best players and and Tourist to Pullman Chicago Sleeper were pleased with the doings around here played with Mt Pleasant Mr and Mrs Beal of Riohfield spent FROM SALT LAKE St Louis without change of cars In the afternoon there were some the In Salinu with the against Startup’s on Pioneer Day tbe andatths same time SAVE Draft 8:45 a M foot races and a lively game of ball be- lady’s parents air and Mrs Emeal Nanpete team winning by a score of 6 Drain Drudgery Grease Grain GarA children's Nielsen tween two town teame to 2 8:10 a ments Temper Time and Money' For further inform aiton seeW: MForney local dauee was given in the latter part of Mr and Mra P II Madsen are conMrs D G Burgess entertained at a Warranted for Tnree Years and p m agent or address the afternoon and a young people's their residence on tinually of Mr improving honor iu diuuer Sunday wheels need not bs removed but m 7:10 party D" Salt Lake Ut I A BENTON G A p dance At night Main street The latest is a fine porch and Mrs I J Barnard and Mrs MoAul-lwest window A to to and Colo a the A the Ones h year Id ordinary use bay F Denver WADLEIQ H G F LOST and Mrs John anckdeugbtera north Please partionlar people Itsnniqne A sumptuous repast Lake fa one day I lest a severe cold' by a taking Chambers Cold Tablets gnaran was el F'wnd the time spent 'in zszz r&T f Nt i’ttr'table teed to enre a cold in one day and aDy pleaaf veU peas and ferns or Case of La Grippe in three days — & Civics B&tleeHuiterary Club jour money refunded Lewie Drug Co will meet at the home of Mrs A B CATARRH CANNOT BE CtJRED t Gates on Monday with Local Application as they July 81st at 2:80 AU members and those reach the seat of the disease F M sharp is a blood or constitutional diswishing to join are cordially invited to ease and in order to cure it you must attend Tue following program will be 0 fear Depot Box 1 Phone 1 Salina U Hall’s Catar curried ont lake internal remedies Lecture Dr M A Freece rh Core is taken internally' and acta Humorous Reading Mrs H Atkins and maksyonr purchases The new Summer line of SOME STAGE DRIVER WISDOM n dlreotiy on the blood and muoous sur- Bong Mrs Henry McKenna Craig Moffat Co Colo Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a faces Mrs H S Gates Bong Mrs C June 19th 1911 Freeoe quack medicine' It was prescribed by N Lund Reading Mrs E Sevier Valley Merc Co LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES one of the beat physicians In the count- After the program the ladies will go to SaliDa Utah BOOTS AND SHOES FROM THE BEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD a is and for will be regular prescrip- the park where refreshments ry years Dear Sirs: WAGONS AND BUGGIES AND MACHINERY ALSO ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS tion It is composed of the best tonics served Your letter at hand and will say ill HAY GRAIN AND COAL HARNESS U S CREAM SEPARATORS Inown combined with the best blood ball bearing reply regarding oresent is the proud father Nirdfelt Charles on mneous the purifiers acting directly CEMENT AND JUMBO PLASTER axle buggies: I started running a twa ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL wife which his Thh perfect combination of of a pretty baby girl rhifaoes seated rig very nearly a year ago and BOUGHT AND SOLD AT CARLOAD LOTS AND PRICES CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS lie two ingredients is what produces gave him on July 2Ctb It la running on theetage every day betheh wonderful results in curing Cat- Mary had a Thomas cat It tween Craig and Baggs Wyoming I arrh Send for testimonials free warbled like Carnso It has tone about 14000 miles and tbe F - Chenet A Co Prop axles are jnst as good ss new neighbor swung A baseball bat Toledo O Now Thomas doesn’t do so 6old by all Druggists I recommend them very highly and price 75o Take Hall's Family Pills for oonati-- f if I was going to buy anotner rig I A fair young lady from Copenhagen Atlon would not have any other kind Denmaik has been a Salina Visitor durVerv respectfully yours nnmw Whathelps a town as much as a news ing the week and was the happy guest (Signed) Thomas Blancy irt of Caffi Christensen' f oMb&ti urn ikh i— flprrf Nothing can equal it To Settle Acres Ik Mrs P COAL 7415(1 Louis Jacobs prove Land To Reclaimed Furnishings Ground Floor In The Ring The Man Socialist Talk about to appear paper With Farm’rs Bids Wanted The Ring and nr the Man®® Ball Today Pioneer New Train Service via Day & Burlington Route Rock Island Route Missouri Paciffic Crescent Bearing Axle n You get it on Anchor and Thor Vehicles bought of Sevier Valley Mercantile Company It will pay you to visit Sevier county's largest Store CO-O-P THE SA’INA MEN'S BOYS’ and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING just in We carry everything humanity needs at the most We save you money reasonable prices The Store with the Goods that’s Us J 1 |