Show I w USE New r OR Idea FIRELESS COOKER Invaluable in the Proper Preparation of the Cereal Is Few people cook their cereals long enough As served in many families the cereal is thick lumpy and if the truth were known indigestible It is made too thick in the beginning because time is not allowed for it to cook long enough to become so Oatmeal is most Binned against in this respect It should be cooked four hours at least longer if possible It Is really best if cooked over night and in many careful families this Is done Put it on the back of the stove at night then the first thing in the morning draw it over the hotter part and lot it finish cooking This is difficult to manage where gas stoves are used It would be impossibly extravagant to leave a gas jet turned on for the whole night The best solution of the difficulty is a tireless cooker These are growing to be more and more used and are eminently useful and practical for such purposes When frying mush dip the slices first in the white of an egg This makes it crisp After washing the lamp chimney polish it with dry salt It makes the glass bright and will prevent fs breaking A' vanilla bean kept in the sugar box will impart a delicious flavor to the sugar This is a bit of advice from a French chef Salt thrown into the oven immediately after anything has been burned in it will make the objectionable odor ' less disagreeable Grind a handful of sunflower seeds and give them to the canary The birds relish the little tender pieces that are found among the seeds When running dates figs or raisins through the food chopper add a few drops of lemon Juice It will do much toward preventing the fruit from clogging the chopper A delicious salad is made from canned cherries and pecan nuts tossed French dressing up with a Served on leaves of lettuce hearts it is as pretty as it is tasty A housewife who never misses an opportunity for improving her table says that 6he always keeps a vanilla bean or two in her sugar Jar It imparts a flavor that is delightful r Herring Salad Chop fine two herrings one pound boiled veal any remnants of other cold meat on hand two tart apples two salted cucumbers and one boiled beet Add a grated onion four tablespoonfuls of oil a tablesponoful of Dutch mustard 20 ground peppercorns cupful vinegar and an equal amount of water with sugar and salt to taste The soft roe of several herrings or a little chopped potato mashed through a sieve may also be added to advantage Add more vinThis salad should be egar gradually made a day or two before serving FINE RECIPE FOR COLDS Any druggist can supply these ingredients or will get them from his wholesale house “Mix half pint of good whiskey two half ounce of ounces of glycerine Concentrated pine compound Shake the bottle well each time and use in doses of a teaspoopful to a tablespoonful four times a day” This prescription is said to work wonders The Concentrated pine is a special pine product and comes only in half ounce bottles each enclosed in an airtight case but be sure it is labeled “Concentrated” in order to get the genuine article Labor Unions Fight Tuberculosis Ten fraternal and benefit organizations with a membership of nearly la4000090 and three international bor unions with a membership of over 100000 have joined the ranks of the fighters against consumption within the last year according to a statement of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tubercu1 he fraternal orders and unions losis now in the fight against tuberculosis are the Modern Woodmen of America Brotherhood of American Yeomen Order of Eagles Improved Order of Red Men Knights of Pythias Royal Arcanum Workmen’s Circle Knights of Columbus Royal League Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Foresters of America the International Union of North America tue International Printing Pressmen and Assistants’ union the International Boot and Shoe Workers’ union and the International Typographical union He Forgot Something “Is that all you have to say to me?” rhe queried looking off into space “Great heavens girl” said he abashed “what more can I say? Haven’t I told you that I worship the very ground you walk on? Haven’t I offered you every iota of my worldly possessions? Haven’t I said that you would never want for anything that your relatives could come and stay as long as they wished that I would work my fingers bare for you and that I would devote my entire exist ence to you?” “Oh yes you said all that” she wearily “but — ” “But what?” he asked tremulously “You— you didn’t say right out and out ‘I love you’ and that’s what I wanted to hear most of all” How' to Care for'the Child Unusual Luck " ‘‘So you’ve rented that baunted Perplexed mother writes: “My child which fits has was on your hands so after the house morning sneezing How Relief from Distressing Kidney What would you sponge bath long?” Trouble Wa Found “Yes rented it to an actor-Some mothers give their “Did he find out its reputation?” Mrs Elizabeth Wolf 388 W Morgan babies a hypodermic of morphine for But we have always felt ‘‘That’s the very thing that decided St Tipton Mo says: “Inflammation sneezing that this was too harsh a remedy him to take the house” of the “Rather surprising!” reached its climax Give the baby about three tablespoon-fulof Old Tom gin with a little sugar “He said it would be such a comfort last spring and I suffered terribly My and a pinch of lemon peel The sugar for him to get inside of a house back ached and makes this remedy more grateful to where the ghost walked every night" pained so I could the child Be sure to keep this prophyA woman’s Idea of a tactful man Is hardly get around lactic away from father one who Is ab’e to Increase the adand the secretions she has for herself miration Ho Won frewere scanty Why Abou Ben Adhem set forth his quent of passage I was claim and painful PRETTY KIMONOS to F’n “I never lied about what a good yon 1116 llurr Hnnp fur lady Aifuntn tired all the time and very nervous I M Ig Co iiJKLDowmug SL IXJOvert-uami) plea began using Doan’s Kidney Pills and time I had on my vacation" he cried And lo etc W N U Salt Lake City No after taking a few boxes was cured and have been well ever since” Remember the name — Doan's Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y SUFFERED TERRIBLY bladder A Clean Man DOUBLE SARCASM S Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Old Crab — What be ye doin’ araound this place eh? Wanter buy it? Nervy Nicholas — Why I’se de special agent of Andrew Morganfeller and I’se lookin' fer a site ter lay out hia enormous estate on I’ll offer yer t’ree plunks fer dis place if ye’ll trow off 90 per cent fer cash That Got Him A theatrical manager delighted in faking a rise out of conceited or vain members of his company “I see you are getting on fairly well” he remarked ' “Fairly? I am getting on very well” replied the hero of the play promptly “I played Hamlet for the first time You can see by the palast night pers’ glowing criticisms how well I got on” “I have not read them" replied the ether quietly “but I was there” “Oh you were Well you noticed hefw swimmingly everything went off! Of course I made a bungle of one I art by falling into Ophelia's grave but I think the audience appreciated c en that” “I know they did” said the manHated to Take the Money Frank I Cobb the chief editorial ager with a slight smilef “but they writer of the New York World waa were frightfully scrijr when you on a vacation in the Maine woods climbed out of it again!" once when Joseph Pulitzer owner of r A the World wanted to communicate Mary aged 14 was found one day with him Mr Pulitzer sent Cobb a by an older sister sobbing and crying cipher message “What is the matter?” she asked Presently a country operator drove to the Cobb camp and handed Cobb with great concern “Three boys have asked me to go ne message which read something was the unexto the dance ”ike this: “Simplicity — aggrandizement — grif- pected reply “Well my dear child certainly that fon — gerald — roderick — hopscotch — is not such a terrible misfortune”' harnfat — publicity” “Yes but I told the first oneI “There’s a dollar to collect for delivering that message” said the opera- would go with him— and the last one a was Harper’s to I tor “but hate take it Somebody along the line got it all balled up $100 Reward $100 and they ain’t no sense to it” Snake Story “Before he went fishin’” said the town story teller “he- swallowed ’bout a pint an’ a half of snakebite remedy an’ of course you know what Veal Chops and Bacon that is Well after the snake bit him Get rib chops instead of the more the reptile cut all sorts o’ capers kaze Mode: expensive cutlets Fry bacon the remedy went straight to its head r first and keep hot Dip chops in egg Last thing it tried to do wuz to its tail an’ it got itself in the form and flour (having previously seasoned the flour with salt pepper and sage if of a hoop an’ I’m a liar ef the chii liked) and fry in bacon fat using more dren didn’t roll it around all day!” Cook quickly at first fat if necessary THE DIFFERENCE to seal the juices then slowly for Usually Means Sickness But of an hour as Coffee about Postum Always Means Health veal should always be well done to make it digestible Lay the bacon Those who have never tried the exaround the outside edge of the chops of leaving off coffee and when serving Try it and see if you periment Postum in its place and in ever tasted a more savory or delicious drinking this way regaining health and happidish ness can learn much from the experience of others who have made the trial Peach Short Cake One who knows says: “I drank cofSift four level teaspoonfuls of bak fee for breakfast every morning until Ing powder with two cupfuls of flour I had terrible attacks of indigestion Cream half a cupful of butter with a producing days of discomfort and rounding tablespoonful of sugar and nights of sleeplessness 1 tried to give add a egg a cupful ol up the use of coffee entirely but found Turn into a it hard to go from hot coffee to a milk and then the flour large cake tin and bake ih a quick glass of water Then I tried Postum oven Split fhe cake open with a “It was good and the effect was so broad knife made hot and spread with pleasant that I soon learned to love peaches which have been peeled it and have used it for several years sliced 'fine and sweetened to taste I improved immediately after I left Serve a spoonful of whipped cream off coffee and took on Postum and with each portion am now entirely cured of my indigestion and other troubles all of which’ Shortcake billing! I am now well were due to coffee One cup cranberries chopped fine and contented and all because I raisins fine f chopped cup changed from coffee to Postum “Postum is much easier to make cup boiling water one tablespoon corn starch dissolved in little cold right every time than coffee for it is water and stirred in while the mixture so even and always reliable We Is boiling one cup sugar one table never use coffee now in our family We use Postum and are always well’ 6poon vanilla "There’s a reason” and it Is proved Chicken Salad by trial Look in pkgs for a copy of the famous Two cups chopped chicken twt eggs cut in small pieces little book “The Road to Wellville” quarter cup chopped mixed pickles oneEver rend the above letterf A new appear from time to time They Grange on lettuce leaves with creamy are Kennlne true aud fall of human interest Iressing A man may Outside cleanliness is less than hall the battle scrub himself a dozen times a day and still be unclean Good health means cleanliness not only outside but inside It means a clean stomach clean bowels clean blood a clean liver and The man who is clean in this way new clean healthy tissues will look it and act it He will work with energy and think clean clear healthy thoughts He will never be troubled with liver lung stomach or blood disorders Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclaan atom Blood diseases are found where there is uocleun blood achs Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that solenoe has been able to cure In all its stages and that Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive Catarrh cure now known to Sue medical fraternity disease a constiturequires being a constitutional tional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous of the system the surfaces thereby destroying of the disease foundation and giving the patient and assiststrength by building up the constitution The proprietors have ing nature lit doing Its work so much faith in Its curative powers that they Oder case fails for any to One Hundred Dollars that it testimonials cure Send for list of & CO Toledo O Address F J CHENEY 75c Sold by all Druggists Take Hail's Family Fills for constipation Two Items “I suppose with all this modern prison philanthropy abolishing stripes and convict uniforms generally they will soon introduce dress suits for the prisoners in our penal institutions” “Well you know they already give convicts watches and chains” Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought in all accidents Contentedness brings great peace of spirit and is the great and only Instrument In temporal felicity — Jeremy Taylor prevents these diseases It makes a man’s insides clean and healthy It cleans the digestive organa makes pure clean blood and clean healthy flesh It restores tone to the nervous system and cures nervous exhaustion drugs prostration It contains no alcohol or Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness Dr Pierce’s Pleasant lets cure it They never gripe Easy to take as candy LEADING LADY SHOES There are no other shoes at popular prices that in any way compare with these classy shoes g fashionable They are made on lasts that insure the utmost comfort yet and feet that trim stylish look give your shoes combine 6tyle and wearing qualities to a degree that easily make3 them the most popular dressy and serviceable ladies’ fine shoes obtainable at a cost no greater than ordinif not write to us Your dealer will supply you LADY To be sure you get the LEADING look fot the Mayet Trade Mark on the soles If you will send us the name ef a dealer who does FREE not handle Leading Lady Shoes we will send you freeIS postx 20 size paid a beautiful picture of Martha Washington WashWe also make Honorbllt Shoes for men Martha ington Comfort Shoes Yerma Cushion Shoes Special Merit School Shoes and Work Shoes ary shoes F Mayer Boot & Shoe Co Milwaukee Wii :rnTrrrS Raising! emperatare depends upon the heater— how constructed— whether it gets all or only some of it the If the heater is a PERFECTION Oil Healer (Equipped PERRY no DAVIS PAINKILLER No other remedy is o efha substitute fective for rheumatism lumbago stillness neuralgia or cold of any sort Put up in Zoc 86c and 60o bottles Anything a woman won’t talk about Isn’t worth mentioning Device) Automatic Smokeless Device is a permanent check upon carelessness making the heater Burns nine hours with ono safe in the hands of a child filling heats all parts of a room quickly font Damper top Oil indicator tells amount of oil in the Finished Cleaned in a minute Cool handle Aluminum window frame Various styles and finishes in Nickel or Japan If Not at Yours Every Dealer Everywhere to the Nearest Agency CONTINENTAL people The first time a girl is disappointed in love she imagines she has nothing left to live for with Smokeless the raising of the temperature is certain Turn the wick as high or low as it will go— there’s no danger no smoke no smell— just an emphatic raising of temperature The would drown with a life They are the kind preserver at hand that suffer from Rheumatism and NeuralWizard gia when they can get Hamlins Oil the best of all pain remedies Some and Pel- Vrite for of the Descriptive Circular OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) WE BUY FUGS® s HIE® for spot cash oil at home IO to 60 more money for you to ship Raw Furs and HIJpz to us than to Write for Pric List Market Report Khlpptng Tags and about our HUNTERS’&TRAPPERS'GUIDEm- 40 K- page leather bound Bert thiof oa the flabjectam written Illustrating all Fur Animals All about Trappers’ Secret Decors Trap Gam and where to trap and to become a tuc cassful trapper It's a regular Encrdopedi out costomere $ tanned Into Price!? beautiful Robot Our Magnetic Bait and Dec? attrart animal to traps per bottle Sh’P tout Hides and Furs to ua and gat highest price AjnderacJi Depb 113 MLanea pella Mio PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster colore than any other dye One 10c package colors all libera They dre Ml Dormant without ripping apart Write for tree booklet— How to Dio Bleach and Hut Colors MONROE I In DYES cold water better than any other dye OO Quirusy lillnolm DRUO You can dys |