Show j—r VT I I Read the New Tariff Law in this issue and every other-goo- thing N jHl V’OL SAUNA IV SEVIJER A COUNTY - Big- UTAH Quite a number of young from here w ent to the circus at early in the week Zoram Christensen will part for Garland to vork people Frovo shortly de- 6 1909 NO ' Tendered Fine Mass Called Farewell Party The Town Doard has called a general The board finds sheep in assessment that there are about 40000 more sheep mass meeting for tonihc Fr dayevei owned iu the county than are assessed lag at the town hall and every citizen and made an Order that these b) rei9 iuvited to come out jand hear a These 6heep are assessed in assessed of the progress of the water sysMillard and othar counties but ovned ia Sevier The owners could be prose- tem The board is desirous of a gjod a tendance and wished to explain every cuted Last Saturday evening at the R S Hall a fine farewell party was tender-- Meeting AURORA AUG I Mr and Mrs A about to depart for emain A committee of Mrs Mrs C J New of ladies £ Vestr Mr9 consist-lu- C N Lund Gate?! Mrs Lehl Peters ji Ryrcu II all Mrs T G Humphrey O CudJtfback Mrs James S Jeu A S - Hope For The Farmer REDMOND United Clubs 'rz — Kleinschmidt On Good Man The Big Canal Comes Back X The Contractors Make Statement School House Work Begins RICHFIELD WORK R- Fred W Chambers the State Fish particular in i elation to the system so Mrs Mrs and Game Commissioner was present there can to uo misunderstanding ' asked the Commissioners to get team On Saturday the bopd election takes sen Mrs II Ivie get up the affair and men to receive and plant a large i' It was a splendid time and will long and people should be informed A very sad accident happened here number of oat fish which will be sent place so that they cant cocientously vote be remembered by those for whom it last Saturday which left a trail of sor- here was given row in the community The was there in favor of bonding fer another four The roadcommissioner The program was carried out as foloil son of 0 A Hansen was riding and gave a report Of work done and per cent Tbe election will be at the i town hall lows: along oa a load of hay and accidental- progress mad9 have been Many mlsunlerstamlicgs ly fell alighting on the ground behind The usual bills wore allowed Trof France Song out in relation to th work For the horses The wheels passed over T G Humphrey Rsmaiks bis body and death was instantaneous ttithas beenpportel tha1 it Toast II J Goltfredson would take $2000 to rJpair the damage the little life being blotted out in b Mrs T P l’tterf-oRung lone by the reeentstorm moment Well it C N Lund Recitation has taken less than $113 to repair it all Mrs ’Dan ArgyllSong The men who have beeo most closely Mrs Homer Rasmussen Song It has been announced that Thomas connected with tbe work and who Recitation and Song Euch Jorgeu-seknow most about it are pleased and A Edison has perfected hi9 storage electric battery and that 3atisfled that all is as well as it is Mrs Albert Dastrup Song A good t story comes from Redmond meets the most sanguine expecta- The results so far are excellent and Remarks aud' presentation of fiiu celebration it The chairmen of the fba outlook is very favoroble If the futof its inventor near the In tions to Mrand Mrs Scott rocking chair was out soliciting funds for the doings will be iddit(ional four per cent bond is voted a revolution as ure of C N the committee promised behalf Lund lie asked each merchant for $500 Each ‘ of on Saturday there will be water ready in the application A J Sott Remarks one Said he woull give it providing accomplished to take into home autumn late by every endeavor Remarks Mrs A J Scott Vheu he came to phpsieial the others would If the prediction is verified a single At the conclusion cf the program a Tarley Peterson he said he would give 1925 will find it an easy in farmhand lainty luncheon was served to all after ft if Bears & Roebuck would give it as task to plow disk harrow and plant which dancing was indulged io It that house got more patronage (han ell I cor u rvf good lime and all were Tte chairman sat down the stores the and sun during ciop daj’s Hjyvj’ paid'Jor coming o&tr’'- 'afid wrote a letter to Sears and Roe- single season he will be able to cultivate 200 Mrs Scott has spent the major porbuck explaining the matter Rye and of that cerial with less draft on his tion of her life here and been before CommerThe United of the meeting bye the answer came with a check for than ten acres cial clubs of riutfSavier and physical constitution Sanpete the public in religious and business fjOO saying that they Were not in the tax him now When that day comes if counties whiohwas to have been held mitteis fora long tune and Las attachhabit of donating to Pioneer Day Celroseate expectations are justified those inSalina early in Angusthas been set ments to the place that are endearing ebrations but in this case they would the husbandman will devote his hill- for Wednesday September 1st The a9 can be Mr Fcott has been ‘here do it sides to meadow pasture orchard and meeting will be held at 3 o’clock of bu about fifteen years For twelve Anthony Willardson’s good wife forestand cultivate the level parts of that day At G o'clock there will be a steady years he has run the hack and him with a tiny little his farm after the presented of Campcarried the mail They will both be teachings In the evening there will be the first t" bell and in accord with the idea of the banquet daughter last Thursday a ball and a business meeting rext remembered In Salina They depart ' filter their home intensive Rjstem today Au revoir morning The mule will Wome an extinct Hans Rasmussen and wife and o o Annie Jensen animal and the horse will be bred for Mrs two daughteas Farm and daughter and Mrs Sarah Niel- - pleasuso and for sport only storage batsen went to Magvatb Canada Tues- life will be delightful day for an excursion and to get a tery in the cellar will provide light and heat and in the intense warm months good idea of the country there of sum tner it will be put in requisition A daughter was born to the wife Carl A Mattsson formerly bishop of In answer to numerous inquiries to cool the torrid atmosphere Hay of John Hales Thursday will be cured within an hour after the and for the information of the genera) the Salina ward has returned here to A nmber of Redmond people will go S Mr II This Is one of the best pieces reside Kleinschmidt Engigrass is cut by eleotricity and stored in public to Sa t Lake for the G A R week the barn ere the sun goes down that neer on the new State Land Board of news the Cull has chronicled in a Canal states that there is no foundaNiels Frandsen is having cement day a sweeter and a wholesomer long while tion for the rumors that the State is to When it became known that the ofwalks put down along the front of the live stock ' fice Angel Miss Violet Rex was to reG house and to the side walk 0 This invention will force the con- abandon the project The canal is from the local iorest office Mr finished as tire as far contract Sigurd Nielsen has the struction of good country road9 and 7 miles north of Richfield and water Mattsson applied for a transfer from Charles the son of Mrs fcl Sorensen thus $800000000 annually will be savhas been used from ifqn Cedar Ridge Ogden to Salina which was granted injured his spine by falling in atrench ed to farmers in the single item of carand hei9 now ocoupyingtbat position from the during the last two months some time ago He is receiving treat- rying their farm produ-tBy the end of Augustall thaconcrete He has moved his family here and exfarm to the railroad station ment by Dr Freeco for the waters flood culverts pects to remain permanently carrying Calicos at 6 cents per yard Outings This paper welcomes him back and from the hills west of the canal uDder cts per yard while at 9 and it will be complete and the canal will bopes that he may be kept here the they last at H 0 Nielsen’s then be so near completion that it can rest of his days He is a good man and Jas Johnson is erecting a fine dwelbe made ready to carry water to its the community is in need of just such ling house The material used will bp full capacity iu a short time cement as he is un&ble to get brick John Arneson on behalf of the From now on tbe state will devote without great expense Luinber Co makes the Its attention io the bnilding of the An old folks party will be given on of in followingstatement explanation reservoir dam 10 miles sonth of Marys-valFriday at the meeting houee All mar- the article in last week’s paper: The outlet tunnel was completried people are invited but the older “As an explanation of a misleading ed last summer and tbe massive steel A Call people will be the guests of honor week’s last in statement made gates to regulate the dutftow of 75 Work was resumed on the new school fine program has been arranged Din- about the school house job w? will say depth of stored water are now being house Monday morning and the instruo ner at 12 o’clock program in the after- that the contract calls for the compleset tions of the architect were co tne effect noon and a dance at night tion of the building by September 1st It is fairly certftin that the State will that the masons must get as much help Tbe fulfillment of the contract is securhe able to supply water at least duras possible and rush the walls up in ed by a $10000 bond Aa to our needs ing the high water season next spring thirty days more or less and receiving of help from the trustees all along the canal to its terminus The masons Nielsen and Murphy we will say that we have received noth- above Redmond are going ahead and doing their best and do not want anything but what of the ing to canal reach of the extension The meeting As long as they have the work in hand The regular monthly contract allows ns the lands north of that place as far as it will go on They have been delayed board of county commissioners was the Respect fully Fayette will be built by the time the about two months on account of lack Quite ft number of held Monday Johnson and Arneson reservoir is ready to be used to its fall of bricki but now there is nothing In to protest sheepmen were present the way and they will go right along r Per John Arneson espaoity 60 cents per Bgfci&it the increase of ELSINORE TRUTH ABOUT THE Scott who aie Mexico to 12 EDITOR GOES OVER SYSTEM FROM ENO TO END The editor has been over the water system from start to end this week and challenges contradiction of any stateHe lias alment here made so all he information he was able to get in other ways The Salina water system is practiccon pleted from the spring to the a distance of about five miles There is a little filling in of trenches and a few minor things to do yet but if all signs do not fail water will be streaming into the tank by Saturday or There are a few rough Monday night places but in the main the system is a ?ood substantial piece of work The damage which thd fierce storm did has all been repaired substantially at a total cost of $11250 every inch of it And it will now withstand any storm No need worry about the supply of water vouched for an enginby Ujsthere jand eer wKoliaalaun FTnoro in Utah Plenty of any other water was encountered before reaching the spring and the spring will more than double this The spring has been damned for some time and the water stood still for a while looking bad anJ insignificent but go and see it now The tank is an underground concrete structure 35x45x11 feet and will held 100000 gallons Tha top is supported There by six massive concrete pillars are two man hojes an inlet and outlet and a flush pipe for cleanining it out While the cleaning goes on a turn of a wheel will divert water tut still keep it This tank is one of the in the system best of its kind if not the very best Iq the state Figuring frorq other concrete work done by more or less inexperience ed men which would have been the way here had Lyman not heen employed there has been saved $700 in the building of it That’s saying a good deal but The cost was $2000 it can be proven while the cost on the irrigation works over west for not to large a space and half as much material was $1900 By having Lyman on this piece of work he has saved his whole summer’s wages No town ' ever undertook on that job to build a system without expert help Not one of the men in Salina who have kicked would have taken the responsibiThe tank was lity even when asked finished for $800 less than the first estimate Through a peculiar way of letting the contract for the pipe splitting the order or bid which the engineer had never heard of anywhere Mr Jorgensen and the board saved a clear $300 on the 2 inch pipe By a recommendation of Mr Crosier to use mostly 4 and 5 inch as the specificapipe instead of tions called for there was saved $500 Any man can get personal information from the engineer on this The total cost of the system from spring to tank including tha tank is $1091171 outside of this week's work Not The estimate was $1078000 much out is it? The writer will wager that any honest person who will investigate the matter of a water system say for instance in and then iq Salina he Mt Pleasant must come to tha conclusion that Salina has built economically and well ally tank rrn r Y ' ft |