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Show tvsi lOL b' vJ Vol. 1. St. George, Utah, Wednesday, May 27, 1868, iHtf! kneca, end wept like a baby, I almost repented of what J had said, when I aw the estasy of hope in his face. If I should fail of releasing him now his fate would be more insufferable than ever. But 1 privately resolved that la case Captain Sorenson resily possessed papers which bound the boy to him, A would go to the authorities, complain of the mans barbarity, and see if the tows of America would not protect the defenceless. 44. But matters were approachifig a crisis which 1 had net expected. John, the buy irons Virginia, made bold one day (o complain of his food. There had beta underground muttering for some time, besauie the cook oid not serve out decent messes, Fei my part, my meals at the captaina table were of a respectable quality; but when I heard that the crew found mult, I had no dokbt it was with good reason.. 46. 1 was on quarter-decwith the captain, when Junn came aft with his kid (or dish,) to show the kind of food the cook had given him. Instead ol listening to the boys story, as a reasonable man ought to have done; the captain uttered an oath, and bade him go foiward about bis bnsines. RIO YIRGEN TIMES. Is Published every IBEDS, SEEDS! for rl Ter Sale, Seeds fresh and' pure of n oik vegetables needed for the garden, Seeds V tab tpd a choice collection ef FlowerStore. 3t. George Drug eth Ottl WED-BESD- Ay morning at thn Building, St. George, Ti-m- es Ter. TO SDBTETOEg. A set ef firat-rat- e --- EURVKTORS JtENGINKKRi 1N8TRU MINTS' FOR SALE. . "I ve-- i Iuqairs at the Turn office or lit. S. vJ 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW. (PoalbdiSc. I -- ltf St. George, Utah Ter. I ROMPING WITH A GIRL . BLAIR, S- Of all the lore Voaehiafsd to man In lifes tempestaons wh rl. There naught approaches Beaten so near As rompiug with a girl; A frank, honest girl; Afeeliag, flirting. flhingf (toting. Smiling, smackliig, jolly, joking, good-matured- , Jaunty, jorial, The undersigned will attend to the Dear little darling, with a red hat, end leeution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, feather, whoenugglla right Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, up against ycur waistcoat, and lets (Ton tracts, and all ether Official Bust-nia- s you assist in holding her muff; required of a Notary Publio. Office at Rio Virgcn Times" rooms, Who laughs al you a mouth of power A dear little duck of a gill.' t. George. J. E. JOIINSON, Notary - Public. Pile I up year wealth of a mountain high, You sueeriog, scoffing churl, E. JOIINSON. 111 laugh as I go daehing by ueilon and Commission Afwelisof, Willi my buxom, bouncing gi: I; St. George, Utah, The brightest dearest, sweetest girl; Ajfili -- oeoire and dispose of, as instrne j trimmest, raves,' neatest girl; I ii-lGoods, Wares, Merchandise, Grain Tut funniest, flushest, fraakest, fairest, sk ,&e. upon liberal terms. spicest, equirmiest, equareet, dest of girls with drooping lashes, m ssow noons Uaeemv 4wFj.MWjaiwAps,rft?waiaBsi. To court, and lore, aud marry, you see f'sV V Jobbing done on ehort notire at With resy cheeks and clustering curls, nr The sweetest and the best of girls. 2 poser-pokin- g, snow-whit- e i k No. 15. st, his pm behind his etr, and an unmistakable trustworthy look upon Ms Lee? I would not part with him for twice his weight in gold. That is my boy Frit. lie can speak four different languages, can Frits, ; one as well as another. I find him invaluable when X deal with foregin merchs.u; for my own scanty stock of phrases is apt to fail .me me. Frits has a eoul clear brow. Would you belive, to look at him, that the first time 1 ever aw him, he was branishing an axe, and threatening to take the life of the first man that came near him? 51. Thank heaven, there are net maay sveh men as Captain Sorensen, and tew boys hnvo ever suffereliko my boy Frits.! ; Honey Hakes The Hare Go It is almost invariable the ease among all communities, that if a atm is blessed with riches, iUmatters not so much what his character is, he is stooped to by the majority of- - thoea . round him. A certain class pay him . became they think to profit homage, thereby; then there is another class, I who on aeeount of their pride, will' , . Sail P -I .ib&JCAtUR. SuwUflL airs Are j tnilhncmthis the explain tru k I hypoorr. wally put on. iueh a class of 47. Upon 'Mnk u.h of their r.-n- l turned pale with wr.it., J.un, JY bo Sw.r thr.w liia kid eu deck, liecLriu Wp1wl,plee " aIC ardiy ,1C be would never do another stroke ol j ntor h. tch" f ML .11 Harness For Sale r.w th. wolit. lutl.il rtsolf. 1 1 th. of e Frits. pl.ee poor Sly Boy A second baud harases for Sale erx-eaatgjuiucd except l!u boy t lb. wue.1, for grain. . I be capuin went below, gut his pi.- -, Ibd b,j. ALW1T1BTBB. coxcluokd U.. . o deck, ul bid eab on same laboriug under a great mistake when the at and fsaet plskst io go about their work, i I was bilieve when aslsep." we nod at tho shrine of Pluto. TY!-aJuiin the riptlon or in exchange far o her pay br nishiLg weapon. ime 33. Huw old re yon, Irits?" J. X. Johnson. also raj boy Fri'.s, do j on suppose the feelings of a poor his stood ten was believe. ground, 81. Fourteen, I I 8am. The man are, when he is scorned at , and when he took me. I was at play in aud t. e I. trampled upon by bis fellow man, from' the streets ot Amsterdam, sir, and ths rest all vnni forward. he very Let that he is not able' ft , next thing I knew. I woke on beat d t uled wi PP rs-we- t -- $ un-Ameri- CANE MILL. ' ICO V" , Vt srH Of it . r.l. That w., tb. can, . pow.rful .lp longest whl.V before I kit jUS nTTm "ht irtally natural. I tried to run away, 1 . but 1 nevr could, for there was uvtbm, t I 1 3 always somslody to watch ms. If 1 abbUw .heir captain 7 I j no ccBU with he I added, ever do get off," by. I heard 1 8t- - Geo6 .l loral will bs by going uie, thiy went it L . hopeless lok, P0 uio. .OII..UOU ofb.dd,DK I 0T;ib0trd- .nodiing mor. tf Dutii.j. sale. Ud occurr.d for th. otbmSi.cw Chrysanthemums. are your parents, my z5 ing plants, Verbenas. 8tocks. Famies. lea f lant hip tuehod S. York. Ibocplaa poor boy!" and a Gtrsniums. Oleander. Petunias, ,0 mB 4 ,.beSS',d U'V c- -e 36. They died lung ago, sir." crew know danny oiler varieiies. 37. Are you a native of Holland?" w fel the onnci. of 1 . ew York, io M t. J. E. Jobhsov. 38. 1 don't kaow what t; say about wbero of the some parties might sum that. My father was an Austrian, my lest m. thcr was a Frenchwoman, and 1 niun me ss witness, he having sundry was born on the high ssss, I have times bouton the crew. I answered him by giving him my card. ao eoui.try." 5U. They all know where to find 59. Then, Fritz," said I, I shall call you a Cosmopolite, I suppose you mo. Captain 8oreusn," said I; and d as have no choice of homes: how would if you think Iain so to refuse the poor fellows my test3 on like to live in New York?" are reckoning without 46. The eager color shot up in the imony, you host." I boys bronzed oheek, and then died your O. HORSLEY 61. Then I gave myself the satist itgain. him my candid and ONE DOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING I 41. You must be talking for the faction of telling unvarnished opinion of his msral OFFICE. sport of it." said he dejectedly. 42. Fritz" returned I. I will not cta ucter; and we parted. , 62. I am not going into tedious de8tf deceive you. It may be. this captain has papers which establish a legal tails. Suifio it to say, that in a week's PLATT claim upon you; but if I find he has time, the dastard was dismissed from BADDLR ds HARNESS MAKER not, 1 will take you into my connting- - the ship, snd several of the cow re1 in New York, ar.d make you ceived heavy damages. The best of Work done. Next doo room, " 63. Do you see that blue eyed south of Printing Office, 8. Georgs.1 Jmy office-boy.43. Fritz caught me around the young min; sitting yonder nt the desk ltf JJ0US13 PliAiN 1 a "Jr" lind.u.tj 4. tj mealy-mouthe- HJ i 1 man or woman should have id, to ...rjihi. on. into i'1 Hd every , 11 , W0B1Bdirk... iit. B,t whn BM or ,, ihe -- bid head it ii tia. hott b.a.fed .ai.t to pu. bin. by a, brneitl. ihi.r notie.- Biche. are good. W. .11 n..d w.iUb. ,uw g(4J u bnt ,h mment mab, fool of ns, wa forget our ralig iou, and little by little we are won by the adversary never again to rise and obtain that salvation which awaits us. Think of the poor widow who threw in her two mites! If she were hre to how would she be respeoted? By a certain class sha would be looked upon as a benefactress, but on the other hand with scorn. Thus it is; "money mskei the mare go to-da- y, Tcair. St. George. May, 27 so !ee; Ths farmer whose that they would crawl tlirougf the orach ef their pen, atoppod their fun" by tjing knots in thsir tails' j to see a A German girl, .fine boy baby, expressed her admirati my, whatanie baW. He ? who-wea- l aby01, dont k?" fat ihs ' |