Show call for democratic county convention A Demo democreto Democrat crato 0 county convention of se seier ter county is hereby called to meet at the county court house in richfield on saturday october 6 1906 at t 10 a tn in for the purpose ol of nominating a county ticket to b voted for at the general election to be held tuesday november C G 1900 BB as follows one representative to the state legislature one county commissioner for the term of four bears ears one county commissioner tor for the term of two years one county attorney one county sheriff one cue county recorder one county treasurer one county is sassor oue one counti count surveyor and one county superintendent of schools said convention will aill be composed Lom posed of 13 43 delegated delegate on the basis of one on e delegate for every 25 votes or majoe majo r fraction thereof cast for ron hon 0 IV powers in IW each precinct being entitled to the following foll oame number of delegates delegate i aurora 2 annabella 2 burrville Bur Burr rvilla ville 1 central 2 Eli elsinore 4 glena glenwood 2 joseph 3 monroe 7 redmond 1 rich field 10 salina 5 vermilion 1 hoo harem 2 venice 1 S baier rier county is 13 ez entitled titled to 21 dele rites g ites lu in the democrate state convention to bu be held at salt lake city october i 4 and they will be elected dinelt from the various precincts of sal sail I 1 county as follows aurora 1 Burr burille rille and aad hoo sharem 1 3 central 1 elsinore 2 glenn Glent tood 1 joseph 2 mouroe 3 red moud 1 I richfield 4 1 salina 2 jerrail iota ion 1 venie vedice 1 and two alternates eltera ates for each delegate the local chairmen of the hanou orewn tta are hereby ordered to call primer primaries 1 es ald caucuses in time elect the delegates as above apportioned arid and effect local organizations ey by ord ardt er of the democratic count county y committee 11 IL A i 10 rr v |