Show ex AM ox X aw fifth TH ift fa annual clearance sale ww m gg 11 of mens boys boysa and childrens clothing clotem 00 co I 1 a FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS Y for the next sixty days I 1 w m ill I 1 am aln no fakir tile the proof of the sell my in clothing clo thino g at 75 cents which 4 pudding is in the eating cating M success others ebalee za one dollar for I 1 in Ri richfield clifield as a iner merchant cliant is nican eliat hat 1 I say my ally clearance ance in an established fact my store is the boyi bo boy p proof clothy clothe 1 sale of all heavy beavy seasonable 0 goods known all over oner utah for honorable school wear cover thousands zi ds of g Q sturdy little sh shoulder loulay dey includes all heay clothing for men iiren dealings and square treaon treatment lent if arf jane dopkin bo 3 s and chialdi on oil which ii as bouff bought 0 lit 0 goods boods bought boullit n at my store are am not dot boy bov proof clothy clothe foi fbi spot cash of manu as represented money will be cheerfully fartut ing firms birnis of america J ic ie funded I 1 hope you enill ill my spring goods ni ill arrin arn cab 0 about out avail yourselves of an early opportunity MR april I 1 and N ill be the finest lines and investigate invests in vesti crate foi bour our 11 of goods in patterns and make that al sch dehes es goods shown ii with ith pleam 11 was is cn eer er placed in any clothing establishment ure ey 7 in utah ggs r M at aji reliable P P haw e yours i w without a struggle stores stores the discriminating W J mother asly asig excle rn 55 s with nt N t one va voice ice give ive me boy proof clothes ONE DOOR RICHFIELD SOUTH OF UTAH POST OFFICE the leadin leading clothier of utah marj Q boy proof clothes 7 M A A condei the cures that stand to its credit make buckless Buo Buc klens arnica salve a bonder it lured cured E R mulford lecturer tor for the patrons ot of husbandry waynesboro pa of a distressing case of plies piles it heals the worst burns saes ulcers cuts chilblains and salt bait rheum only at neill drug co wanted by chicago wholesale and mall order house assistant manager man or op domun for this county and adjoining territories 8 flarv 20 and expenses paid weekly expense money ed work pleasant position permanent no investment estment niT or exper iddle required vy rito at once for full particulars and enclose self sele addressed envelope COOPER cooler CO lake st chicago noat neat job printing at this office I 1 empire pire meat and grocery co FILLMORE riLL MORE makmer I 1 6 Z r oj meats groceries dressed poultry vegetables fruits and fish i in SC season al DRESSED D CHICKENS NS AND TURKEYS CRANBERRIES CELERY F FTC ETC TC JUST NOW ll 11 M 3 I 1 lumber and mill supplies supplee lie building materi material A of all kinds K SIOSI S IMS DOOKS arici and TC Cr axie madle to tc E A s stock of Irp imported ported lata aird 1 always al ways oil 01 aid building and job work contracted 1 D 1 1 1 SEVIER VALLEY MILL 1 1 LUMBER COMPANY 1 l TWO BI blacks OF DEPOT RICH RICHFIELD FIELD UTAH y fy yon ron don t get et all the news unless you read the reaper |