Show happy ill people JL M jall give 4 40 VT dj up 11 T their hair secret BUpp ss you could get joy ball J bously hap happy people together in one big hall and could ask them what made them all so full of pep ep suppose strangely enough that all al of of them had discovered disc overe the same way to be happy you would feel that here hen if anywhere in the world was the secret of how to get joy out of life during the last few weeks we knew there were millions of people who had found the secret of happiness in the same way and we asked them in one or two small announcements in the magazines magazin esland and newspapers to tell us their story letters earns carre to us from practically all over the globe all of them said the secret of happiness is health how to get this health the way that all of these people had discovered was not some ma magic e medicine di not some powerful drug n not 0 some difficult course of training but only a simple harmless natural method it was to keep the body 0 internally ter terri nally ally clean sweeping its natural pois poisons ons away each day regularly as clock alc k work w ork by the use of bujol these people had mado made a great discovery they had found out that bujol contains no drugs that it is as tasteless and colorless as pure water pleasant to take and forms no habit that it cannot hurt you no matter how much you take that it is non fat ta ening not absorbed by the body they have found the way to to buoyant zestful health and the joy that goes goe with it that it is only the internal lubrication your body needs just like any other machine it sounds like a fairy tale it to be well and happy so easily well all you need to do to find wit out if these people have made a real discovery is to get a bottle battle of bujol today at any drug store and take it for t two do weeks it costs but a few cents centa and it makes you feel like a million dollars the sure way to happiness is through health he elih v y niete |