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Show 18th Legislature of the State of Utah Special Session 1930 LIVE aess 0V STOCK State Capitol: The Special Session of the Eighteenth Legislature of the BIG LOSSES FROM State of Utah has convened to consider submitting Constitutional AmendSWINE AILMENTS ments to the Utah voters, that if adopted, will enable future Utah legislatures to accomplish the Tax Revision Much Could Be Prevented Commissions recommendations, which by Providing Dry Shelter. are as follows: 1. All tangible property shall be the United States Department taxed at uniform rates throughout (Prepared by of Agriculture.) the jurisdiction of the authority levyHeavy losses have been experienced ing the tax. by swine owners this winter as- a re2. All intangible property shall be sult of two diseases having symptoms Childrens stomachs sour, and need classified for purposes of taxation. somewhat resembling those of hog Children will fret, often for no cholera. The cause in most cases intin anti-aciKeep their systems Preferably, the intangible property apparent reason. But theres alsweet with Phillips Milk of Magnesia I shall be exempt from taxation as prop-art- vestigated has been pneumonia, acways one sure way to comfort a with the express provision that cording to Dr. U. G. Houck, in charge When tongue or breath tells of acid restless, fretful child. Castorial of work in the condition correct it with a spoonful die income therefrom shall be taxed. Harmless as the recipe on the of Phillips. Most men and women have 3. All business conducted for prof-- t, bureau of animal industry, United wrapper; .mild and bland as it States Department of Agriculture. been comforted by this universal tastes. But its gentle action except insurance companies, shall The other disease is swine inAuenzn, sweetener more mothers should insoothes a youngster more surely understand. A coated tongue calls e taxed at a moderate uniform rate voke Its aid for their children. It Is a ipon the net income of the business commonly known as flu. Losses of than some powerful medicine for a few drops to ward off ccnsti- swine from these can diseases be largeto neutralizes Jone within the state. that is meant for the stronger Eation; so does any suggestion of take, yet pleasant thing more acid than the harsher things too Whenever children a. Insurance companies shall be ly prevented by providing dry shelter systems of adults. for the animals to protect them from often employed for the purpose. No :axed on their net premiums. Thats the beauty of this special dont eat well, dont rest well, or exposure to cold wind, rain, sleet and household should be without It. childrens remedy! It may be have any little upset this pure b. The present license tax on corsnow. Phillips Is the genuine, prescrip-tiongiven the tiniest infant as often vegetable preparation is usually porations shall he repealed when the Cases so of common as there is any need. In cases of all thats needed to set everything in endorse for effecpneumonia product physicians corporation income tax becomes to rights. Genuine Castoria has colic, diarrhea, or similar disturbgeneral use ; the name is important. tive. All other special taxes for state the fall and Winter months, Doctor is it Milk of Magnesia has been the U. S. purposes shall be continued. invaluable. Houck states, usually follow a period it has But Chas. H. Fletchers signature on ance, everyday uses all mothers should the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it 4. All residents of this state having of mild weather when the animals run registered trade mark of the Charles H. Phillips Chemical Co. and Its pre- taxable ability shall pay a direct per- out or are allowed to bed in the open. It is almost impossible to describe It is easier to know mankind in decessor Charles H. Phillips since 1875, sonal income tax at moderate gradua- The first cold rain or snow nearly alsunset so that the description will La a man than individually. general ted rates. ways results in a number of sick anbe different and memorable. Rochefoucauld. 5. The revenue which is derived imals, but this year the loss has been from the business tax and the pergreater than usual, especially in the sonal income tax shall be devoted to central western states. In many cases the state district school fund, and the the animals would not go into shelters unless they were driven, while levy for state district school fund purothers slept in damp bedding or drafty poses shall be reduced accordingly. 6. The present constitutional state sheds. board of equalization shall be abolishWhen permanent hog houses are ed and a state tax commission created. lacking, comfortable quarters can NERVOUSNESS treated with This a. The state tax commission usually be provided at small cost by Helpfully amous Aid assess all mines and public util- the use of the portable shall houses It your serves are Jumpy and every little noise or .Irregularity annoys you YOU ities. or other shelter which will protect NEED KOENIGS NERVINE. This b. The state tax commission shall against drafts, undue tried and tested medicinal dampness and aid has successfully proved Its great benehave power to equalize the valuations exposure. Even an open-froficial worth In the treatment of Sleeplessshed ness. Nervous Indigestion and Nervous of any assessments within any county Irritability. Agencies All Over the World. having a tight roof and sides will oftAT ALL DRUG STORES of the state and shall also have the en afford sufficient protection. The Generous FREE Sample power to equalize the valuations of use of bedding also helps to prevent Bottle Sent on Request classes of property between counties. sickness. Co. Koenig Medicine Dept. S3 c. On appeal of ten or more per1045 No. Wells St. It is customary to regard the hog as sons the commission shall review and Chicago, 111. hardy animal needing little or no correct any tax levies for local purFormerly Pastor Koenigs Nervine' protection from cold weather. As a poses with a view to checking unnecresult of this mistaken idea, entire essary expenditures. On appeal of ten herds are often unduly exposed and or more persons the commission shall become affected with pneumonia or review any local bond issue and shall flu with resulting heavy losses to End of a Perfect Day bring all of the facts Involved to the As soon as you realize youve 'taken cold take some Buddy left for the farm with his attention of the taxpayers, together the owners. Even a fat hog, governgrandfather at the early hour of seven, with the recommendations of the com- ment .veterinarians point out, is not tablets of Bayer Aspirin. Almost before your head so well able to resist a sudden change to make a full day of it. At about mission. stuff-up, can to severe cold weather as are many you feel your cold is conquered. Those six In the evening bis mother heard a d. The administration of all specof domestic animals. The other kinds and the on th aches and porch, dragging step pains you felt coming on will soon subside. ial taxes for state purposes shall be youDg agriculturist returned, dirty and centralized in the office of the state thin covering of hair is not sufficient Relief almost is instantaneous I Even if your cold protection against exposure to cold odoriferous, but completely happy. In tax commission. has gained headway, and your temples throb and your response to inquiries as to what kind e. The state tax commission shall weather, and the danger is increased wet on it lies when the hog of time be had, he exclaimed. Gee, ground. very bones ache, these tablets will bring prompt relief. have authority to a system was great! I' cut my Anger, fell out of uniform accountsprescribe with an affected animal is When is better, of course, to take Bayer Aspirin at the very for all local tax of the haymow and a spreader ran ing units and shall have powey to pneumonia, the symptoms often resemthe cold and sneeze or cough it will head-o- ff first over my foot! ble hog cholera except that the conjnforce the use of such uniform accounGet discomfort. the genuine, with spare you much ting system. It shall also have power gested condition of the visible mucous to enforce suitable regulations for the membranes is absent and there are no proven directions for colds and headaches; neuralgia, preparation of all local budgets, and red spots on the skin. The trouble neuritis, sore throat, and many important uses. shall have authority to conduct regu- does not as a rule spread to the entire examination lar independent audits of all local herd, and the reveals lesions confined principally to accounts to necand the take public OF essary steps to safeguard public funds the lungs. Hog flu Is characterized by the through the prosecution of all viola tions of proper accounting procedure, sudden prostration of a large number 7. The legislature shall authorize of the herd accompanied by loss of apTake Lydia E. Pink-haSay a comprehensive study of expenditures, petite and spasmodic breathing. When of Salicylicaad Vegetable Compound Aspirin is the trade mark of Beyer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester governmental organization, and bust urged to move, the animals have vioness methods in connection with the lent fits of coughing. The eyes are Entertainment One operation of the proposed plan of tax swollen and there may be a discharge Pink-hado What new Ft. Meyers, Fla. Lydia E. resolutions? you want with four galAny revision, in order to determine whether from the nose. When a herd shows of horse liniment? Vegetable Compound is the best lons wife I Id my stop promised more economical method of handling symptoms of "flu prompt measures medicine I ever her cigarettes. Its for a hunt ball. the public business may be developed should be taken to house and otherheard of. Before and for the purpose of securing a wise care for the animals in order to my baby was bom I was always weak proper balance between state and lo- prevent losses. and rundown. I cal revenues under the proposed plan When any of the symptoms dehad nervous spells of tax revision. scribed occur in a herd of swine that until I couldnt do AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION has already been immunized against my housework. A Having made the foregoing recom- cholera, Doctor Houck adds, one lady told me about states should suspect the presence of pneumendations, the Commission the Vegetable that they cannot be made effective at monia, flu, bronchitis, or similar disCompound and it all points under the present constitu- ease, and take prompt measures to strengthened me. Beside my own TUST suppose you could get 5000 joy--J tion, and that the first constructive prevent losses. housework I am ously happy people together in one big tax toward in step the equalization now working in a restaurant and I feel and could ask them what made them hall State of Utah must be the amendment in three years. I hope better hanfl so full of pep. Suppose, strangely all of certain constitutional provisions re- Selling Old Sows and enough, that ail of them had discovered my letter will be the means of leading lating to taxation: some other woman to better health. the same way to be happy. You would Keeping Gilts Is Best The two fundamentals contained in Mss. Bertha Rivers, 2911 Polk St, feel that here, if anywhere in the world, the proposed Ft. Meyers, Florida. was the secret of how to get joy out of life. constitutional amend Selling the old sows each year and ments deal with (1) the classification keeping young ones for breeding . is This is just what has happened of intangible property for taxation the most profitable practice in Minduring the last few weeks. We knew there were millions of people who purposes and (2) centralized admini- nesota, says H. G. Zavoral, extension had found the secret of happiness in stration. - In addition to these two swine specialist, university farm, St the same way, and we asked them in the method main points a provision is made that Paul. By this breeding one or two small announcements in all revenue derived from any income stock is kept continually growing and PISO'S the magazines and newspapers to taxes which may be enacted shall be gaining in weight, thereby increasing tell us their story. Letters came to us from practically all over the globe. paid into the state district school fund. its own market value as well as proPleasant, sooth There are some All of them said The secret of points viding young stock. and healing. Excellent for contained in these other minor deagmmsm find it which is health. farmers may no -proposals ap happiness contains Occasionally children sows t.oJ desirable to all the Commission sirable to keep over peared Successfully How to get this health? The way They have found the way to opiates. 65 but which do not directly affect the Improve the breeding in their herds. used for years. 35c that all of these people had disBuoyant, Zestful Health, and and 60c sizes. main issue involved.' covered was not some magic mediHowever, Mr. Zavoral says he has obthe Joy that goes with it cine, not some powerful drug, not Experience in various states over served during the last ten years that of course difficult some training a long period of years has demonstra the man who moves his sows every but only a simple, harmless, natural that it is only the internal lubricaA A ted the impossibility of taxing intan- year and raises new ones will have tion your body needs, just like any method. It was to keep the body in gible property in the same manner and the largest bank balance year in and other machine. clean, sweeping its natural ternally at the same rates as tangible property year out, although he may not always poisons away each day, regularly as It sounds like a fairy tale, doesnt is taxed. Consequently the separa- produce the best hogs. Hog men who clock work by the use of Nujol. to be well and happy so easily? it, At His Foremosl Desert Resort tion of tangible property from intang- are most successful are the ones that These people had made a great Well, all you need to do to find out of the West marvelous climate warm sunny ible property is a fundamental neces- mark every litter and select gilts from if these people have made a real discovery. They had found out that clear starlit nights dry invigorating days mountain sity regardless of the enactment of the the best sows each year. The average Nujol contains no drugs; that it is as discovery is to get a bottle of Nujol air georgeous splendid roads tasteless and colorless as pure water; today at any drug store and take it finest hotels the ideal winter home. contemplated tax revision plan. Indeed, man who follows this plan probably scenes for two weeks. It costs but a few not a pleasant to take and forms no habit; C A toward r tax Wrlto single step intelligent Chtffoy saves one pig less per litter than by cents and it makes you feel like a matter no hurt cannot it that you, reform can be taken until the rule of tried sows, but this loss is more million dollars. The sure way to using how much you take; that it is nonabolished. uniformity is than offset by the feed saved. fattening; not absorbed by the body; happiness is through health. California Sweeter - d. y, al i Phillips a Milk of Magnesia I World-famo- nt 1 , oenig;s1NeflVjne1 It DEST MEDICINE post-morte- AHYTEDh m SHE KNOWS .Ai ms s ip n & n rj ms . 5218 Happy People Give up Their Secret fPf m iSSSSSk pure-bre- d Sunshine All Winter Long PALM SPRINGS 1 5 r- |