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Show Sunday, January2, 1972 JOHN PA A 100 Million Phones For Bell This week in Provo some new telephones will be installed — andoneof them could be the Beli System's 100 millionth. ‘TheBell System isn’t trying to find out pea, which of the thousands of connected this week ttaroughout the nation will mark this milestone. telephonesignifies that we have virtually achieved a long-sought goa: — universal telephone service in the United States,” Merrill Hymes, district mgr. for FURNITURE & APPLIANCE HOME FURNISHINGS ALL OF MARKET YOUR SUPER 264 N. IstWEST, PROVO - 3360 S. REDWOOD RD. , S.L.C. -JUST ACROSS FROM SEARS- 1972 KICKOFF Mountain Bell. said. week ending Dec. 30, 1971 refiects late Decemberc‘imb. Provo Savings & Loan Posts New Dividend Hymas thinks the growth in telephones will continue at much the same pace as it has since — War Il. At that time, 71 ars after the p!one was incad the Bell System had 25 million phones. Now, only 25 years later, that figure has decade the number of Bell phones will near 150 million. In Vail’s day, the telephone company was ing about 25 percent of the households. Today, about 93 percent of the residences in the U.S. have es. At any one moment, more than three million telephone customers may be using their Phones. On an average day, the network carries more than 2, Manufacturers Expect Rise in Sales for 1972 Dollar volume of sales by the nation’s manufac be 6.6 percent greater in 1972 than in 1971, a Week shows. Somecompanies wil havea larger increase than that, decrease, and some look for no change, butthe netresult rb 6pret incre fe manufacturing as a whole, , ththe jess magazine ted. ae Se tae et cay cite eet their plants’ dollar volume of rotiAeleead — quadrupled and by the end of the boardof directors at a recent . "enzil A. Erown, president, said the PS8_ has registered a goodgain during the past year, with a healthy growth pattern of past years continuing. TM ChatterOn Appointments WallStreet E DELUXE RECLINER witl nof two new NEW YORK (UPI)—J. R. Radin & Co.believes the market eeietariosare y Noa etn a percent rise. Nilext inte “ elle will form a strong base in the 860-880 area of the Dow Jones expected to go up 9.1 percent. announced by A. B. Kesler, Jr., industrial average which will Half of the expected rise in doliar volume of sales in all president and chairman of the serve as a catalyst for a move into the 920-940 area. The firm Sangean ioeed believes the Dow will hit the stem Z 1000 mark in 1972. © VISRATOR © HEATER = nonelectrical machinery industry where dollar volume of sales is * *USt Company Nas been Whatever was the cause of Era of Progress Rexa ager at the Midvale Office recentrallies on the market is huaniage: In the Steel Industry menhemanadministrate An era of dynamic action and progress may be dawning for the basic steel industry, according to Iron Age magazine. ‘Thismaynot be readily apparent from the cautious statements of sieel executives. In prive‘e discussions, however, top executives cite these favorable developments: 1, The steel market is overdue for tue growth it needs so badly for profitable, eeeie operations. Official forecasts are cautious. But a number of erectivesar uly predicting ae ee bytnay ye Saree. of the bank, was named academic at this juncture, president and according to E. F. Hutton & Co. manager of the credit depart- ‘The firm believes the vigor of the recent advance is impres- Hichard M. Hoyle, former assistant cashier and operations substantially higher officer at the Provo Branch a the bank, was promoted to Traders anddspeculators could itt Visreste He will use this last week of the year Soeeens eee to buy up some worthwhile Provo. stocks which have been Mr. paeer of the national interest. are no yeanisolated ee Young, University and Utah is a only for the steel industry; they are a general problem for the peeaAaT He finance February, the firm ys. Thus, in banking and whole economy. this could be the finalae for 3. The meshing of interes's provides the basis for a new accord ahe Univers of Utah He would-be bargain hunters, the between government andthe el industry, ‘There is not universal has been employed by ites firm says. agreement on this point, but many steel leaders are pushing for a Bank & Trust Company oe ee eee with the government. approximately two years. ‘The availability of investable interests of steel management are now in accord with the yr Ho, funds, including huge sums io Ses Arn thy res Te ye is from abroad barely tapped so far, appears stronger than in productivity. Mt Gata Gee arian es amo to College of Southern Utah. midsummer, says Standard & Clamp a lid on iraports. Following service zt the Rich- Poor’s Corp.“the firr says = aed Gonmecial Bank, he there are growing indications the 1972 will be a good earnings year and the monetary winds are blowing more favorably. , Seatenene.5 oe - ae A it, move ahead in 1972, the firm former Beverly J. Steelworkers have pledged support for a program to cleaWood, Utah.Heisa HomeConstruction In Wale Bank&TrustCo Utah to Keep Pacein ‘72 shoves Mtoe a teeee peasSa MeO Wineee predi faldron, Logan,president of the Utah Savings and Loan League. ipa es reciteng new loans. coming year wil seul savingsgainwith MC omnaan ntont ee savings odieerie ll ttanas i eximaedtat rth per itely $103 million. net gain will oe 1972 savings ga‘ns should Eeapproximately $50,000,000, Mr. Waldron said. Anti-Inflation Campaign Monday, Jan is the date for a : Pelltack on inflation as 1,176 W. T. Grant steres across the nation dramatically roli back prices on between 500 and 1000 everyday family needs items, depending wgeee size of the store. 5 Organizations Benefit tes By Utah Oil Contributions se Giantsore ‘a. “We will Five focal organizations $1,000; Utah Boy’s Ranch, devoted to the well-being of the $1,000; and Youngtown Girl's yoruth H area Ranch, $1,000. will receive umestricted gifts Monies for the Shriner’s from American Oil regional office employees. them ieee in mee Receivinggifts will ‘be: wuntain Unit “or Crip led Children’s ital, Maintain our lower price policy «ee Fights Inflation’ $1,000; Holy ross Hospital, Outpatient (Arabatateey Care Li Unit. ivestock According to trustees of the " American Oil employee's fund, all first quality on bid Grant’s regular stock, including many items nationally advertised at higher prices. Every ‘chandise just as long as the inflation crisis is with us. It is our contribution to President inflation but no one really does very much about it stated that theje ecmpany Was not content to merely hold theline on prices as the President has asked. “We're oe our prices fenio tap & our , econoi Scobey ap” 1" Gey JOLIET, 1. (UPI) Florence Farker and Lew item will be identified by a Livestock: Cattle 600; trading by- employees of Utah Oii inflation-fighters — they'll be, active; slaughter steers fully steady;no high choice or prime contributed slaughter a small amount of nt aour store,” the heifers; all other money each week to provide anager declaré MEDITERRANEAN: CARPET SPECIALS SHAGS FROM 4. 100% NYLON PRICES SCULPTURED “"2i09! CARPET 7c. ARMSTRONG OR PRICED BARWICK MILLS KITCHEN CARPET 5)Pen. OVER 100 ROLLS ONDISPLAY ! COUCH & LOVESEATS FROM $2 3 7 EARLY AMERICAN Eorly American style slim line cabinet of Maple grainfinish on YOUR #54. 9%) CHOICE " $488" 23’ SYLVANIA, MOTOROLAor ZENITH COLOR CONSOLES (while they last)... .........0.. OVER 50 ROLL ENDS FROM $148" AND REMNANTS,ALL COLORS, QUALITIES, AND SIZES, PRICED TO SELL. ai (WE NEED THE SPACE) FROM 566" QUEEN SPRING & MATT. 18 LB. AUTO GAS OR ELECTRIC SEE ONE OF THE STATE'S in Retirement now ° 99% $1 48% ~~ Davis Watkins, Mountain Fuel Supply Ccmpany vice president, Heaps fant ro marketing and customer serback on ee level whereit bel longs,” vices,retired Jan. Sens 1, Miller, the money is available bright orange label - “You — through a fund originally started start wont have to search for these SYLVANIA 25”CONSOLE COLOR TV Gas Company Executive $1,375; Shriner's Hospital, aera peeona iheteces, oe to M.M.Fidlar, president Quotations SAVE*100 Reg. wie. atin Now"568 2PC. COUCH & CHAIR LIVING ROOM SETS W. T. Grant Announces Trademark GTE Sylvania in- in At the endof November, 1971, there were 43,030 telephones in Provo. Announce’ q style cabinet of Pecan Weswere, bargwees sands ont decerotve non-wo0d Mm. Giant 25 inch picture (lag. meas.) no corner cutof Color Bright 108 TM picture tube for me + Sarva, Wricarplore susie Gibrattar 45 TM gaclormany ont relobity AEC wach Notion lochs in tinetoning «8 saris! picture even: when change permet contral jocks in pleasing flesh tones automatically tastent Celer TM proves. perfec! cater picture im seconds no warm-up time esate AM FAA FIMsteree TenerAm pier tor powertul sound reporduct $0 tts sabkmanic cower it watscon. finvous (RMS)power Deluxe Sylvania Mode) suid ivratable Acatores jomgroet cootption ie Setpomenwite, aperson, specks fmincloded twa"! wooters ang two 71" messages. RICHARD M. HOYLE veyday Walker Bank < rmSR TRAN, RE. Business SYLVARIA ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Figure Quadruples no fercerns STANDARD AND POOR'S stock index of industrials, railroads and utilities for the The goal o wniversal service was set in 1908 by Theodore N. Vail, the first president of AT&T, when Bell had only four million subscribers. A-awvnpaZzypn Page 1§—THE HERALD, Provo, Utah Mr. Watkins Seren his Mountain Fuel career in 1930, rightafter being graduated from Texas A&M with a eee= Chemical Ex worked as an engineer until oo, whenheentered the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. He was released from active duty as a Lt, Colonel in 1995, and rejoined Mountain Fuel as assistant tendent of distribution. le was promoted to classes leifers steady; cows flowers during theillness of an [rant corporate officials, that everyone everyonetalks about superintendent of distribution in steady; high choice and prime employee or spouse or in the ‘noting May 1951, distribution departsteers 35.75-36.50;~ choice uninrtunate death of an emheifers 33,75-35.00; utility and ployze or spouse or a blocd continued. Fer several years ment manager in March 1958, commercial cows 18.00-23.50; relative of either. how inconie fron the fund has general manager, marketing canners and cutters i7.00;21.25, exceeded the cost of the flowers and customer services iy estimated receipis When American Oil purchased and employees no longer con- tember 1965, and to his preseni position on 1968. 4.000. Utah Ol in 1981 the fund was tribute. . REG. $149.95 DRYERS LARGEST EARLY Te aie” $398 conan & AMERICAN KinSPRING&ATT. CHAIR LIVING ROOM vow149% *228° FURNITURE! STRACK] ©’KEEFE & MERRITT STOREHOURS TAPES| GARBAGEDISPOSALS Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Sat. 16:00 te 6:90 phone 374-9665 6.88 REG. $9038 now 1.88] °49.95..... NOW 38 |