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Show PBOVO SUNDAY HERALD, SUNDAY, NOVEMEER 13, 1927. .ii. or ev n guaid, .mi ii, 0 the air. This garden was surrouud- - don't seJ a nurse, 0 ' 1 on duty.' I Smoking Room j UUl y hi"h ...w" it Just - so, air Thy- - aU-4pa a nee mmuua, ftw and went out into the woods to cl'.rub. very in "I im Uie proprietor of aprtvute they had all escaped and taken to to gath?r nut?' I had to tell him.' luaattc aayjum. In- - the country." the tail timbers, back of the asylum. said a amokcr. "A meddling relativt In the midst of all this ene of the Xleur Admiral Hagruder is what arrived ta .he navy. caUs "canned". It Is a cme to visit ma. T please her, I director of the place U . . j let her dress all' the Inmates and took it over. warning to navy officers lo be everybody? ;X dummies. take them into the garden, to get . ""Why, where-l- page two In' THE HERALD n, ami. ' '..; NewKpapeti. Jf T; fs ow: Subscription termsBy ST..00 the year In advance; by mail In toe county, $4.50 eutalde county, Buiuiger I ., I . ; NNHA-- f and manager; N. C Hicks, county Basmusoni-adltoK. SingWon, burines nianuger; .leasee Clark, advertkdiu' K. W. Guodull, lily editor.: - . t . . OKI r I !I I ,n KTinnAlf . Albion's Cutest Kid - -- -- rU' RlfirfT?, -- 1 WAltR:." VEILS Foa I M6lMP COMES'RiikiMud' OP WrTrl A MEAAi ALL VIW'O'S -- JUSTICE CiE"RS, Tea 1 1 ' 1 ....Ik DnrJt EM FOR K.ir4 CJ TlIIUI I n--- tiH-T- I . - iv ... beiowct I rr t BOCrf GET ST- l COUUO arrest Ta . wrfr-- l JI 11 talk' w'VABOUT to WKzt 7Xll ToBAOXiL HE rl GAM6'S 6o vanM Hif! f VJORRVN MW&El-- F - 'TiV PEACE!. Htrt A" OOB UWOER HKE! "TUAT i A. 1U' Boll I QFj?t.MC3DQ& -- Tie CtiCWfM Tit' you tJ6 JlS-lbIl.B- AM' IMTAREE OR FOUR HOURS X. FWD GET AWAV AROUMD I ,1 J ,v "faoT AW - X. UILL HAE fOR. 3bsT To WA6 et.E IP UFE WAS EXTiUCT OR MOT. tMEM REPAlC? GUVS A TO.. 1i4A"T OR.- QtireTy ASOLWl!v BUCKET OF TUSH HOOPLE! - VAcoDEvjr YaT was wo acooemt: r f. - -- terrier la the county, 45 cents the month: editor; r By Ahem - - Aav- J- Vdr(E4 W.WMV VI AS OM HA- Hv William OUT OUR WAY Shirty reporter, 107; Editorial rooms. 1203. If you do tot receive jour paper before 6 p.m. telephone residence. Jt.-- r p5 and a copy via be delherd to jour TeleidKniwH-Busimozfive.&- OUR BOARDING HOUSE -- i tii PuUlAed. Ij llie Ileralj Conwratlon, E, C. liodscn, president, ai eeeoud-clas- s matter DO So. 1st SV. Si ITuvo, Vtjiil. dully. KnU'W U.e J.'nitwl Frew aaaocta-Uot the posu.rfirt In rruvo.'1'iaU. Member of O. Script Tali editorial Swriw, and the Mil 1 - EA a8A i "5 IV. Ml ' a , v. -- ar- : aw I, --Trie OUiL ' jsau.ar.orr. "Th CT by ma stayict. we. -- 'CLLlFJ -t 1 The next number vill be a ballad entitled: "Before They Were Married He Caught Her in His Arms Now He Catches Her . : in fU Pockets."- - td sepU-ment- ' : - - m. A." AX VX X ?si--J,- f OM OP TH' LOSS OF AL6CRi;Yf We eveRTHtMG GOTO ' BLA7.ES, 6AMl We 60TTA PAV STRICT ATTEMT0A4 TA 6U5IMES5 AW' HOT WEAR W OOP. HEARTS OM OUR SLEEVES I XA M (NEA Service, New York Bureau) Prettiest of all English children, in the opinion of many artiata, la 6V sea to New vear-ol- d Jill Chandor. All alone, she voyaged across-thSTork, where out fortunate photoman made thla. stunning shot A Long, Long Row A-windi- . ACCOUNT MUSTIU'X "" arfJ,"T 5Tterjff lEHOliliif "5- 5 T;ufYTr ji..' " Il--S Etlfzl'l f LOOK AT TH WAV .WA1TIM' OM THAT. V pS?'t? H plays Delta Friday and we're going to bet our week's pay on the Bulldogs 4he whole ozine. "f'yf''' ' I aaK; f ," ' - " . i ' '' : o .. Then her gentle bands went The Face That KlUs a stray-- ! ing . Qsi-a(Thp not so awful much). Till they lighted on an object . ; That was cold and chill to touch. thumb. it and she laid it very aoft-- i ly on a shelf, j . ,r Then sobbed gently as she,whiaper-- ed to herself.' ' Out-of-da- badlv-carbone- j- j- -- -- WA5 THE tPEA OF,'' ACTIM'SO HAOOHTV " T' THAT J - . . ' - customer? X- WHEM VA WERE SPEAKW ALBERT AB00T - mwri ' M. ' N KEEP CUR HEADS UP? - PV Vv ntHrrrf angel-mother- f - 0 . 'harles Seilito, 67, master of oars, sots out from New Tork in a row (oat for Miami, Flu.? By the time he winds in and out close to the inore liiufall the way down the Atlantic coast ho will have stroked 1500 Jles and probably bo possessed of some prize blisters! : .Il i.WU.'.j.BJ" VHWi'l'jCSWf'irn tl il Mi1 II il ' iSi VX , W i t . . ',. Art Shannon. ' YOUR ENGLISH . Don't say "Better than her" or "prettier than her." "Than she" is correct, j Pronounce "debauch" as If spellstress on "boch.''-.- . Don't use "haven't saw" when' you mean "haven't seen." Adage popularly used but often misquoted; ''Brains over-- brawn",-was "Those who think must govern.- those who"toil,',i as Goldsmith wrote it, in "The Traveller." ' ed - . i .... . If IT ------ "MM:-J- WASHINGTON TUBBS r- - "SIV vly?,iK-9v- t 4 BY CRANE is g '.f'Live m,mwrrWW onn f id boT'WHo) ml Photo by Earl Cohdor. She-too- "Some girls might keep a letter W&sS "V, Or a lock of mother's hair, ; Or a faded wedding garment, and worse for wear, That Minerva Bungstarter was but a- - gilded butterfly scorched by But .the relic, that I treasure and pain the bright lights of Sprlngville ...mi Thru my years of joysnark-nlu".' d jr the charge made by CoL Bungstart- Is a 's my plane!" jFrom er today. " r. f i My wife is merely a ailly little AFFLESAUCE SAYS: ABAGAlt head been turned whose has by girl' "I always felt a heap sorry for flattery,' he declared. "Weighing - only-1pounds more than a Buick, Mrs; Methusaleh. Imagine having she waa quick to succumb to the to listen to a, man brag for 800 . insidious lure of j . years!""!4 " J ; I lunch one-ar- m room and tries to open a bottle of milk with hia . (Chorus) 'HV' ' ,Uj,,, no, se&oc. seex-s. -- SIACK'maDfcT) CH,eF ,s - ( for Tees wine-- UVE VE t tooow town - wishes to announce to his many friends the High M.eale,.atae Virginia am House . rf . 4-- l kAi , s Lt W'. -- " . ? V. .Plate-.Lunch-- i ' V Toasted Sandwiches, Tamales, Meat Pies, Coffee, Ice Cream, Pie, Cake, Candy and Soft Drinks. " "BILL'S f i Come On HEAD i CHILI" In! The Eats Are Finer IIERAID17M ADS ' ' Bungstarter Says Wife ta Victim v of Jazz Age! Fy- .X The householder who believes he is ' outwitting burglars when he hides the key under the doormat' , HONORED BY FOISON ' ' IVY CLUB A BALLAD OF 1981 - Basil Mcllash ''T has Just been lni- -' A sweet-face- d girl was sobbing tlated Inte the ' On a dusty attic floor, ' smallpox auxiliary of a Around her were the contents of the Poison Ivy ' " Club. Mr. McHash trunk, And as she kept pawing thru them: Is the gink-whmore.. She kept weeping more and sits next to you in WILL FIGHT ALIMONY FLEA! ' -- and other game that lead to. suffering and regret and finally to a pauper's v gravel" The case will go to the Jury thlk week. It Provo loses, our diet next week will be restricted to large helpings of broiled air, smothered with I " I six-bit- s. , - j - LADS' ! VOG'O THIMK He AN' KIN6 WERE T gMF'wyjcJ2!?yO Pl,f ' l&flK i , 3UST SAM'S 7 cV 6E0R6e gfVvLPLS! flE, let l. .""BY'SWAN INS If chief, (Copyright, 1927) Howdy, folks! Frovo " jiALKSMAN SAM '. M mWjMOt I PMf BVffM "A HajaMaajaii"l' V '' - fe 'a DON't SEE HOW TP ) ?osyBLt 10 ewe $0 toNay VIU, ?e 1 ,s VR Tr 1 EKS0N vuwe uve J - yi r i v j - iy-'.5j- J J T. on alt body typtt (Eftcctioe July'it&th) Coupe, VSf Sport Roadtter, WiS; Sport Cabriolet, $795; Landam Sedan, $I4S; Dm Luxe Landau Sedan, $925, The Net Oakland Six, $1045 to $1265. All price at factory. Delivered price include minimum han tiling charge, Eaty to pay on the General Motor TiMe Payment Plaiu JVea lower price . J ; A.B. W orsley Co., Inc. 120 North University Avenue i Ml Phone 686' .J |