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Show X92Cv THE SUNDAY HEBAIdI SLTCDAY. JUKE i " PAGETHEES 't SAIIiTGEORGE T I - III TOCELEBKATE MY4AND5 ' Popular Prom Governor George, Jl .Dern. JV4- dent. Heber J. Grant and President AnTboiiy W Ivtus, .mill attend qn of the moat pretentious relebrat ion fvet given. In Southern rtah-Julj4th and th. at toe formal we'dag f Pine Valley, mountain, one of, the most exquisite aeenlc spot of tlw southland, according to announcement of the St. George Chamber of , Oantme'ree,'.-'- : Children s Swim Suits Assorted CRf Colors "..-.- Mlb . Boys' Suits sizes to 34, . Girls' Suits with Skirts ......65c 95c '.-- MEN'S AND. WOMEN'S , , participate. i , $2.90 SCARFS SCARFS at very reasonable prices. You save 50c , ' - H.. -- Jenkins Knit Goods Co. f 50 North University Avenue - Lake Friday. June 25, and will nail MISSIONARY 111MU TESTIMONIAL .THIS EYEING Clifton Ilenriehsen, for, several years engaged in tlie printing trade of this city, will leave. Provo Monday for Salt Lake to take a short missionary course preparatory to leaving for Denmark, where he. will serve In the Dnnish'niission of the He will leave Salt L. D, 8. church. jum .W.rt .jii; o . A, This evening Mr. Ilenrichsen will hej tendered a testimonial in the Provo: Second ward chapel. 'A' delightful program has been prepared nnder the direction of the ward missionary committee. A cordial Invitation Is extended to the public to attend this testimonial. Mr. Ilenrichsen has been active In the affairs of the ward, having served 'as president and as secretary of the "M" Jen'g association, ;luriiit the past tliree years. j For a number of years he hag been" employed with the. Post Publishing cominny in the capacity Of a lino,, type operator. m. O.' St explorer and aviator, Ji aolna to Brazil to follow the .late Theodore .itooevelfa trail through the 'jungle e:l down the Itiver, o( Doubt. He hat the support of Rooae- velfa family, who are anxtoaa t get a film record of that territory , 6a M 6nday Wf ;mefflfej j ' t ' P.D.'Q.Netvs Service' The latest dispatch from the Blue camp gyves, the information that the Blue Army is jubilant over advances made in Saturday's TatUe all r lost ground is regained and the troops are back to the first line trenches. The morale has been greatly improved and , the whole army is" impatient for hdstilities to begin. The Reds have not lost courage' o ver their temporary retreat but have rehabilitated their forces and improved the ordnance and route theenemy Monsay they will completely ' y r , ; , day. Catain Bailey states that his army to a1 an prefers to lose their, lives than be made to . Miss 'Lncile Olson will be "liostess to the mtmler of lambda Tau club at her home Monday) eveulng. All lnb meialiers! are jrdlaUy invited to be present. ! ? . . Mrs. James Iverson, Mrs, Qordon Ohristengen. Miss Verda Peterson and Miss Moneita MeCoard enter Tuesday evening at a "Kitch en Shower at the Iverson home tor Miss Arvilla Singleton. The evening was ehjoyably spent in 'gamea. after which dainty refreshments were ,wrved to 25 guests. ' - ' ' ; eat hard tack and beans. ' club 'Members of the I.'Metla were entertained at the home of Mrs. Carl Scherrer .Friday afternoon at a bridge ltincheon. Pemet roses and baby breath in a cut glass basket were used to beautify the room's. Card prizes were awarded! to Mrs. Wells Richmond, Mrs. Ross Raddiff and Mrs. Ralph Bullock, Jr. The invited guests were Mrs. Clyde Clark, Row Kadi-- :iff Mrs. Jim Sutherland aiuj Miss Jean The club members Dancing wag enjoyed on the lawn Sutherland. and refreshments were served" to. present were tha, Mesdames Joe.Ah250 guests. lander, B. K. Bullock, Robert Held. D. Orlo Allen. Leo Sutherland, E. The Men's Fellowship club of the Byron Dastrup, Oran Gronemau, church entertained Stanley .Bonnett,, Reed Bailey, ArCommunity and thur Bowers, Seymonr Gray, Jack their wives nt a trout-dinn- er dance at Vivian park Thursday BulVick, Wells Richmond, Ralph evening., Seventy-fivparticipated J BuJJock, Jt., Eldied S. Harding and Sterling Bean The first meeting of the Bonn- A bridal shower was given In hon ville. camp of the Daughters of thej Utah Pioneers met at . the home of or of Miss Julia Iiovelesg at her the president Mrs. J. N. Stronj. home Monday evening by Ihe tSlean-e- r girls of the Timpnnogos ward. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Passey and Mrs. O'of .Hedenberg were She received many beautiful and assistant hostesses. An artistic ar useful gifts, . ' ' ' i rangement of pink tea roses and Bownentertained the Lafe en Mrs, stately, peonies brightened the tertaining rooms. '. A splendid pro Boy Scouts of the First ward at her gram and refreshments were seryedfhome Tuesday Evening and"iresent-- j cd them with a beautiful troop flag. to thirty-fourTen scouts, in, company with their Zee Whittaker. Mrs. G. L lender, T. C. Larseu, enjoyed re, Mrs Shurtllff, and Mrs. Charles Homer freshments. entertalhed at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Vera (luff, at the Jiilla Loveless, of Tlmpnnogos. home of Mrs. Eph. Homer Friday anfl Clififord Houston, nfPangultch, evening. MIss Cluff 'will become were' married in the SaTTTate Temthe bride of Kpb Homer.Jr, in the ple, Wednesday. . near future. A wedding reception was given n their honor at the Timpanegos ward , Complimentary to Mrs. Harold amusement hall Thursday evening Christpnsen and her sister, Mrs. j. bv the parents of the hrlde, Mr. and M. Ostler entertained at her home Mrs. Jamee A. Loveless. A color Tuesday evenlng..t An enjoyable scheme of pink and white was used evening wag spent la music and 'throughout it he decorations. A pro- rose was employed. games. Refreshments were served fnsion--n- f to the following guests: Mr. and The bride was fascinating In a Mr Xeihf.B. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs.. penclj colored gown. A c'uster of U. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. 'Walles tiny flowerrftced. her hair, Tier Gurr, Mr. " and Mrs. Lloyd Engal, bridal boHut was of white bride'a MrJind Mrs. Ralph Toung, Mr. and roses aod lily of.rte valley." Mrs. Whit Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. - A- program VonsistliMt-p- C a-- awieal arid Mrs. M. IS. dneSP-JtJssJ and tiona Adams, Russe). Tllton," StrjeM)ie, .Mirv and..ilrs. pienn readings by Miss Mary Winder, Mr, and. Mrs, Cecil IitVsoii. missionary companion of Mr. HousMr, and Mrs. Presiop Peteratu, Mr. ton, talks by President 3. William and Blshoti Gardener Of and.Mrs." J, Jl, Joes. Mr. sod Mrs. Harold Clirlstensen and the hos- Pnngultch, was given. tess, rimiclnsr a ifd refreshments were , fnjcyeii ibv 400 friends and relatives The members 'of the i"res Joll of th: ; cjub were.tjllghtfiilly. entertained , v,v K. f?pafford, Mrs. David at Hie home. of Mrs. Gertrude Page, . one of ,the club meratiersThrirs'lav ,T "ui ami Mrs. Ca!,vin Crsgun were afternoon. Dainty pini tea roses t'liet at a kensington given at the and butterfly sweet peas preitfly ar- home i)f Mrs. William Vorsencrost ranged wit gypsophllia, in a crystal of Salt Lake City., in honor of Mrs." basket formed, the centerpiece on F. Mulkribrook of San Francisco, Needle Calif. the., refreshment table ' work and tnjislcwere tlje features of the', eiiteTtajnment.(tTiic- - gnes! David Grossman of Spanish Forklist Jncllded .lrg..Bose, Miljey of was the dinner gnest of .Mr. find Jlantt. MrL. A. Jhjnrman, Jlrs. A. kMr. Bert Hedonist at their nome M. Thltrman and Miss La Von Thur-ma- u Thursdflv .evening. The well-aof Salt Lake City, Miss Bcumb pointed talile Wtfii ceiitered wlfii nd Hattori-a. Ith "Ophelia crystal ,basJ.pt;-IEUeProvo. The clu), menitK-rpresent roses ai'id fefns. Covers were in id were UieMesduines Wymau- liikg. for the gtu'lit and members oi the . . John Ellison, Ted Ilatton, A. O. family, Iverson, B. 'fiugene Jones, Albert Jef feries, AMert, S.Jonej. Harry A delielitfid dinner party wag MeCoard,. William MeCoard. Bert f the memliers of the Toadies Sutton, Jie;sec(luiier.., Lynn Sutton. Literary club and their partners at DaveJJutton, J.eo Tliurnian, .Earl Geneva resort Friday. evening. Fo' Tfoinas, Mil Jones, Charles Thom- - lowing dinner, which was served at S musle, and o'clock, dancing head, vGeorge Zabrlskle Oeorge games' were enjoyed by forty, which Beebe, Miss Rboda Douglas and the Included the- invited gnesrs, airsi Linton Morgan of California, Mrs. Ida" Clark.' Mrs. vPaifl Eggertsw, Mrs," JBeri liedqulst was pleas Mr ' and Mrs. T. H.- - Pumnor. fr. antly surprised at her home Wed fcniVMrs. 3. It. Dunn of Salt Lake nesday afternoon by iinlimlier of citr. and tr. and Mrs. Jteber TayLake. Sewing and lor, also of . Salt frlpnds and neighbors Biu8lp,.ji'ere tha features of the. ent. !fi Provens s' Club ' niemWN :,Jier tertainment. .Early summer flow. Re- ers formed the decorations. charmingly entertiiiiied at the home satin. The. .other bridesmaid. Miss Verda. Petersun, Wore green georgette overjeprn colored satin. Their bouquets were made of deep pink roses and.. larkspur, .Little Miss Nancy. Lee Baker was flower girl. She wore a dainty yellow frock and carried a basket of larkspur, roses and gypsophlliq. Master Joe Bak er was pege 'and Elmer Singleton. brofher of the bride, acted as best 4i Battle between the Army of the Red and Army of the Bliies will resume, , feor-'talne- to $1.00 on every Jenkhra Scarf ' tromxme irom n Jarrwrjrc Trail More new shipments of scarfs and Spanish Shawls V served te Mra. A. P. Morgan Mra Sarah Bone, Mrs. .Stephenson, Mrs, Johqi W. far-rr- , itra. Day44 Ojienshair, Mra. t Jeaa Hunter, Mrs. David RaaseU. E. Mrs., Frank Stubba, Mrs. A mignlflcent home wedding was Homer. Mrs. Leon Hedqulrit, Mra, held Friday evening at the home of R.;W. Thomas, Miss MarfSTntfijn! Mr. and Mrs. Hernia a Grimm, when Ift and the honored guesL, , . iUa Irrin Singleton, daughter of atm . u. Btngleton, and David In. honor of Mr. and' Mra. Qriinav eon of Rerman Grimm. In, were united In marriage. Bishop Sutherland, who wlU leave provo Mrs. Jack Bullock, near the fiitnnv XT Jtohh McAdam performed the Jr wlU eutertaln at,her Juin)e.Svn-d- y ceremony. fvejiipg. The members of the toUowrnge-feL'Metla chib and their partners will mony a reception waa given In their .' , honor. la the receiving Hue was tepreaenf ' : ' . , Mrs. it, C. ftingleton, mother of the1 j i ',; Ralph lied'iutst was host to the hrWe AHiert Singleton. - brother of of the DeMo'.ayat a strewber- boya Mr. and Mrs. and Herman bride, pe ry festival at hi heme Friday even Grimm.' parents of the groom. An attractive floral arrangement ing. He was assisted by his moth of rosea of Kllary and Ophelia er,. Mis. Bert IlMhiuist, and his sla Jfe E. Homer and Mrs. KMa was used in the entertaining ters, Mrs, Musical nnmhers Thomas.Ralph rooms. Mrs. Homer, William During the evening the Mlasfe were jiveu by Eva and .Alrtra St rong enterta lned MeCoard. Max Bee and the host. the guests with vocal numbers, and 4t niiduiislit dainty- - refreslimenta little Miss Jane Newell gave solo were served" ro 'ihirteeji. ' : i - freslinieuU 'were . dance. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts The nrioe was loveiy in a gown recently declined to exhibit five of white satin. Phe wore a long nude palntinJtVpart of a collection tu!!e Tell caught with pearls and of Italian 'art aent to America' for orange blossoms, and carried a gor exhibition. s geons shower bouquet, of Ophelia roses, and lily of the valley. She wore white pumps and hose. Others of the. bridal party were Mrs. Gordon rhristensen. matron of d honor. Her dress was of rose gette. heavily beaded in gold. Her hair was adorned with seed pearls. She, carried a bouquet of pre'mier Is' x? ' A v roses and sweet peas. Miss Moneita MeCoard, one of the bridesmaids, was dressed in pink georgette over . Genuine All Worsted. Wool Suits.' in all colors , . , ',. The people of Washington rautl extend a .cordial invitation to thou of the other counties oMEe atiTfTo join mem on uui occasion,, jnij o. the visitor will U taken on a trip to the top of Pine Valljg, mountain from which point, It Is declared, can be aeen Zion National Park. CVJur Breaks, Grand Canyon, Kiabah For eat, three state and ten rountiea u . one sweeping view. . On .the evening oi the. fifth a program will lie given at 'St, George, Jn which, a number, of Utah's moat prominent men will i WOOD"- Sockl Editor. Fbo& 107 ThtHpspital Corps his been busy carrying off the dead (empty cartons) and after effects of the carnage in Saturday's terrific battle. Monday will be a battle of tanks. ', RED TANKS with fire shells : BLUE TANKS will use gas bombs containing containing ilen's 220 weight Blue denim ALL SILK PETTICOATS JUMPERS- original price $5.45 , e' 5 ..... " - original price ,. WITH MSB m I One ride in Oldsmobile Six impresses, you with its exceptional pTorwdbs for your comfort and enjoyment. Here is luxury- - in every sense of the word: rich upholstering and appoint? merits, welcome roominess, restful riding qualities and driving ease. This "hixtiry at the wheel", includes not only complete relaxation, unharr pered movement and seating comfort but the added zest of flashing perform- ance at jrour; command . . . tht keen enjoyment Of handling facility and absolute control. , 939.' B,J3, mm I it In short, Oldsmobile Six be glad to own. s vr, SEDArJ HCSOK' - ri " . VmkN, "vtT ' - . I utmtm , . .. ' ' - ' .1 i Happy Day s Ahead: ; Lp!al, tradition relates that in I 1610 a British frigate sank, a private, vessel near Tangier . Island, Chesapeake Bay; , The other day Spanish djrks, battW axes and cut- ' u " 440 W. 'I Center ; gHWWlMrj WW'.W PHOBUCT UL ; aaiaai paM ; Phone 1120 " M tf OINISAl.MOT .1 IV . J 'A : Bee's Special Tackle:' i Martin's Automatic Reete , ..' 1 Shakespeare' Automatic Ptoers Multiplier, Reels. . r " Featherweight Reela TrolliiUtJleete fotJStrawberry Boys' Reels, all sizes and prices . , :TV' WTi "k-'- ' . - i , Special. Grade? Copper Lines Super Silk Lines Linen Lines Cuttj'hwnk Model EngGsh hand filed hooks Harrison White Label Imported Hooks ' ' New Japanese' Leaders Scotch Horhboldt Loop Leaders .y Hand WrajipM Jiglish Rods . Every .gtyfe New Flies . J Hildebrandt. Spinners Hand Leathered Fish Baskets ; ' AND EVERYTHING ?6 MAfrE Efil BITE d REO . with The grades of society Jn' China are' classified by custom in the following order, of Importance: Scholars, farmers, artisans, tradesmen. Soldiers, no matter what tneir'rank, . have.no position, - i s PACKARD for lasses were brought up from a submerged wreck. , i. d Utah Motor Sales Company i DISCOUNT $1.29 p III D i-i at tUIS fttmd 257? , - lift - ' of Mrs.' AlbertvSirk, FHdaf afterWhen Congress refused to build a North Carolina mine. It weighed noon. Harmonizing shades of sweet 3,332 new at office Ohio, St, post Mary's, pounds and was worih appn. In low a nasturtiums peas and itowrwaa nsed on, fhe refreshmfnt the citizens raised $45,000 by popu- imately $5,000, lar subscription to. construct the fable. Fifteen1 were present. Excepting .(he Bible, Pilgrim's building. Progress has been tranrfated into more languages and dialects than A carrier pigeon bearing a messThe biggeat piece of mica ever any other-bookThe numler now age to the naval station at Sun ' Diego arrived there perched on the found was taken not long ago from exceeds 107. av automobile, running-- -- board-of where ft bad ridden for forty miles, , according to the driver. Sim-tnon- is a car youll OVERALLS army. ,lr. ! Amoskeag Chambray The infantry of both sides will fight with hand grenades arid bayonets represented by itsms shown in our windows. Which ever way the battle goes our patrons win. Pick your V voung"-conpio.!- All makes of of iginal price h . $1.75 SMOCKS $1.00 .. - i$1.00 $1.95" - "4 - ( , f ... ; : i ' ' '' . ... v- - ; a STEPHEN BEE 9jS i in "Why Women jGov& Provo 362 West Center Utah |