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Show :z six - THE SUNDAY HEBALP, SUKDAYJUXBSS, 1925. ; eeeeeeoooeeeeeeeoeoeeseeeee Payson News - j Air Solves Farm Problems on : (SpeelaJ to the Herald.) SybB PATSO.N, June Elmer, a popular' yoeng June bride, waa the guest of boaor at a shower . a Wilson and Mias given by Mrs. 8. Those present Madollne Wilson, were: Miss Eva Clayaon, Mra. fella Qulgley, Miss Lixa Stark, Miss Teda Stark, alias Lula. Cannon. Miaa Louise Ware, Mlaa Edda T)lxoa, Mlaa Anrllla DriscelL Miss Alene McClellsn, Mlsa Leons McClellun, Miss Owed Perkins, Miss Msnrine Hill, Mra. Meredith Amos, Mrs. El-rBarnert. Miss Bhea Wllaon, Mlaa Mlas Cleofa Mendenhall, Christa noiaen. Mis Madge fair- banks, Mlas Etbelfay Bchaerrer and ouffs Excursion Tanss Following Round Trip Fares From 'r Provo: PACT v..... 171.00 ...... ... Detroit".......... $90.65 Buff akr ........$105.65 New York ,....$132.40 Boston $138.50 $129.95 Philadelphia Toronto ..$103.75 Montreal .......$122.75 Washington,D.C. $126.60 Tldceta on sale dailjr. May '22 to September 11 limit October SI WEST Cedar City $13.70 Portland and $SU5 Spokane Seattle $56.25 San Francisco direct ........$42.60 San Fancisca, one way, via Portland ,.$65.40 Los Angeles. . direct $40.00 Los Angeles, one way, via Portland and San Francisco ..... .$74.65 . ' ; i m Consult county clerk or respective onderalgned' for- - lurtber partlfptarg. NOTICE Of SALE Or STOCK WARM PLUNGE Every Day . it " to-w- (,G Strictly Modern Utah-Idah- a uean mce o ' o. to Swim" NOTICE TO CONRACTORS. Sealed bids or proposals will be received by the Board of county Commissioners of Utah County and the City Commissioners of Provo City, for the completion of the City and County Building at Provo, Utah. ail according to plana and specifics tlons as prepared therefore, by JoBidders Architect seph Nelson, may obtain plans and specifications from the Architect's office, Farmer and Merchants Bank Building, A deposit of $25.00 Provo, Utah. n Will be required to Insure safe of the drawings and specifica tions as may be agreed. , Bidders will be required to furn ish a certified check for 0 per cent of their bid made payable to Utah County Treasurer- - A bond of 60 per Cent of the contract price will be required of the successful bidder, : Bids will be opened at the office of th County Commissslonsers, County Court House, Provo, Utah, at 10 a. m, o'clock Thursday, July re 14, 1025, The commissioners serve the right to rejec any and an ...... ford Bale. Third - (J r all v UADE KSHIP CANDY WHAT could ;" ;you make when she leaves on her vacation than box of Hoover's candy ? IIOOVERCANDYCO, .toil AMBULANCE J "T,w Read 1 finer OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE. AMI? - tiful, is one bt the added features of "6ur mortuary.1 It provides "our iatrons with a type nnd character vf service ufleqnnlled, when Sunshine's e marriage of Miss Thllda Huish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Huish, to William Manwell took place Wednesday evening at the bride's home in the First. wsrd. The w'als performed at 8:30, with. Bishop Alfred R. Wilson offic--' latlug. A ret eptlon followed for ret ntlvcs and clone friends. The young eonple win leside in Tayson. It HATCH FUNERAL'-- ai ?i(?ur - m mo tm u ' i . or' BemofeeH H6U jaain HO'J MUCH OVBRRATet)J AMO 1 WOOCON'T e? I'M Nnnli Unlreraity riiime K2 W AlliWiKf CD ' i ! i . and V.. . - AO . Ballon Tires i Are going stronger every day Many a r A running. Balloons experiment The m is more than satisf arWy? Firestone Gum Dipped Balloon cords give most miles per dollar ' Geia8etjiow! Brimhall Bros. nil - 'Tire Merchants" Balloon Tire Headquarters ; . 3 IT K a J s ua 9 V . 1 tU XTTiS- - J j Why Have Head ache, Eyestrain or jl 1UJ, , in mil. Blurred v mm ar an sioMnca, sec v 5 make their home in Payson. Sight? OUR GLASSES,; ORRECT THESE AILMENTS Absolute Results Guaranteed V DR. G. H. IIEINDSELMAN, OPTOMETRIST. ; with Heindselman Optical and Jewelry Co. -- d . d Swim at- - A mom f i v. d - .',. 12-wo- These tires carry insurance for 1 year against any. road hazard such as underinflation, rim cuts, bruises, ' blowouts, etc' y There are only a few of these; better drop in. Look them over if you are going to needa good tire in the near future as our stock will BoHJastfT ' : . " " : WILLARD SERVICE STATION ' v.'" ,170 North University Avenue, Provo " v". Phone 175,.-... ' . Utah County's most popular bathing '; THE TIRES" SALE SAIE Mrs.- Win A marriage of Interest during" the McClellan returned week waa that of Miss Clotlle. Wil- phonic Sunday- from a Tlult- at Blackfootc, with her brolber, Shores son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Loveless and family. Wilson and William Whimper. . The romance started in the Payson . The- ladies of the Cultns dub held hlxh school where they were both a very Interesting summer social two , years ago. Since at Memorial park under the direcgraduated that time the. bridegroom has been tion of a committee conKlstinj of attending school at tbe University Mrs. Kathrvn RottsV; Mm.. Etam of .Utah ami tbe bride has been em- Wilson, Mra Minnie Douglas and ployed at tbe State bifuk until re- Mrs. Betta Loveless. , Mlas Vera cently.. The marriage took place on Hurst" conducted ' a . program of Thursday In Salt" Lake. - They will defer games. : Miss Erma Patten - It - ', mSSSSSummSS a a. " Save the Surface rr. ci YouAllSa -- . H' -- . . Ave.-- ' -- bearty-tocMLwlsh- " HOME ILL. oupplies 1L. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harris and family and Mr. and Mrs. Flint Dixon and family were in Provo laM Fri day evening to attend a famify din ner party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.' Boyle, i JL and DrpendaUrE IBEN - Br CONIXX sh ' a funeral In the home is iwt ; practical or feiaiblc. provides all comfort 'of a private duelling plus every added and service that " ; ye know of. .. - Bennetts FwrePaintJ . A modern funeral chapel quiet and restful and beau- . . AGENT 2MlTH . THttlteVS iV i 8; SERVICE . GLASS A PAINT CO. Belt Lake City, Utah e read rrfie Soul of a Violin." A was selected to plan the Miss Sybil Elmer, young daughter float and make the. selection by balMr. and Mra Earl Elmer, and loting for tbe Goddess of Xiberty for of ssassssa Spense Amos,, son of lr and Mra. the' Fourth of July celebration. William Amos were married on HOUSEWIVES! Tuesday at noon in Provo. , They Mra Flint-Dixoentertained at left by automobile for Salt Lake a delightful social , afternoon: on Do you . will return Thursday. The after the ceremony-anguests were the home at the end . of the week, ladlea of the Justamcre duo and Advice? Both are very popular young people the following spegi&t guests: Mrs.. A lieautifully arranged luncheon and their many Let our wet-wamethod take friends extend John Lant of - Washington, Mrs. care of your weekly wash and shower waa given at the T. II They-w-lU re Glpple, California. Mra. Will Boyle, it's the real common Bense Wilson home Wednesday afternoon side In Payson. . ' . Provo, Mrs. Jesse, Earlc, Mrs. Sid method, and" will brinar some la;, honor of Minn dottle Wilson, a Coray, Mrs. R. W. McMullen, Mrs: real sunshine, into the life of bride of the week. The hostesses Mra George Clo ward entertained Don Page, Mra . Erlandson, your wife.. Our work is care- were Mra van Wilson, Mrs Floyd tbe Swastika club Thursday after and Mrs, Clarence Henry Falrbonka cost fully done and will you Wilson, Mrs. George F. Wilson and noon. Special guests were Mrs. Ed but a small' sum. of money Mra. Stanley Wilson. Lnncheon was Robinson and Bin. Rosline Fillmore. Mr. a Ir." Charles Jeppson ' each week.; served at one large table and sit of Archer, Idaho were vinitlng (kt-In- g Miss Revs (Moore came dowt from smaller onesU Lovely June flowers the week at the, home of their were used on the tables and bridal Salt Lake to visit over the week-enson, Dn. T. C. Jeppson. They were place cards were at each place. Many with ber parents, Mr. and Mra accompanied - by their, dangfijrs, ' . lovely gifts f were i presented ' the George Moore. Alice and Attn Jeppeon aud son Myyoung bride to add to the pleasures ron. .Jeppson. With Dr. and Mrs. Miss Fay Watson of Salt Lake of nome making. The grients had Jeppson they Tlsiled Sunday at Publlcadoa dates: June the' pleasure of viewing the trous is spending the week-enhere with Nephl, fephriartt and Mantl and. on ' seau during the afternoon., her coukin Mlxa Thelma Badham. July 5. . . Tuesday they . Visited TImpanogos cave and over the loop. ' Mr. and Mra Joe Crook, who have Mr. and Mrs. Enoa Reece and dauvfhter Margaret, arriTied thie been living at Tonnpad, Nev, for a week from Chicago to visit with number of years have returned to READ ' their parents," Mrv and Mrs. Joseph Payson to reside having purcbssed WANT ADS . r Keece at Pfl.vson and Mr. and Mrs. property here. ; v Wooton at Heber City., Enos has a Eighteen ihousa n d Miss Mayeoek ! fdh Like hat -- re.; readers leave ahschee of and ninety day daily. Just stock of tires at a real saving: to Clpsins but our they will probably spend the grea- been the guest of her cousin, Miss ' ' can insert think, yon . WHOee Dixon this week. you. , ', ter part of that time in Utah. a want ad in an san 0) BINNITT "' ea ' t for aearly forty years have protested and beaa tifiad tka homea of the uiarmoBBiaia Tegioa. products aad They are "standard, NOW to the time to wanLvtr .Mrs. Charles Clowara, Jr., was hosteaa to 1 Justamere club last Friday afternoon, Guests exclusive of club members were Mra Walter Strong of Ogden, Mrs. M. Burdick, Mrs. Laban Harding, Mrs. . Sid Coray, .Mrs. R. W. McMullen and airs. Lwn a. rage. L. JOHN NTJTTALL. ",'-Secretray. ' Office Lake View, Utah. Publication dates: June Bva : VANISHES and OAJtttlJS Mrs. Elden Tew a bride of J'une was the guest of honor at a shower given, on Monday evening by Miss Lottie McDowell at her home in the sale. a " PURE PAINTS Miss Naomi Hill, daughter of Mf. and Mrs. Fred Hill was married last week In the Salt: Loke temple to EI den Tew. A wedding dinner was given Ih their honor Tor the two families at the borne of the bridegroom's parents in Salt Lake, after which they came to Payson to visit for several days. They i will reside in Salt Lake. common the Its cr cin NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Office of the City Hecorder. Provo City, Utah. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 10 o'clock s. m., 1025, for grading and con July structing curb and glitter and con crete pavement in . Street Paving District No. IT being on University Avenue between 1st North and 2nd North streets and betwen 3rd South and 6tb South Streets, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the Clty Englneer. , ' lnstauctlon$Elb bidders, together with phins, profiles, specifications and form for contract and bond can be obtained upon application to the City Engineer, upon deposlte of Five Dollars for.eaeh set. " i ' The riKht la reserved to reject, any and all lrida. By Order of the Board of Commla-- . ' ' slonvra. . ' FREDETANS.-- ' . .City Recorder. , O) Miss Thllda Hulah, a bride of this week was the guest of honor at a shdwef last Saturday evening given by ber sister, Mrs. Lyndal Jtanson and Miss Beth Hulah. .A score of close friends enjoyed the evening's entertainment and many lovely and useful gifts were received by the young bride. "'"' For That Trip e - ThJma Test, Mrs. Maxlne Laurence of Salt Lake baa been spending the week with ber parents, Mr. and Mra Clif- FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT The West Union Canal Company, Corporation, with IU principal place of business at Lake View, . ; Utah County, t'tah. ,: There are delinquent nnoB the following dcrlted stock on account of assessment IrtlwronTBe 4 to day of February, 1925, the V seven amounta aH opposite, lbs names of fol the respective stock holders - ; . it lows, j Rharee Amt Cert No. Name, $12.00 05 William A. Maxfield , 333 Jens C Andreason v... 8 : 6.00 337 Sarah A. Morgan ....10 11.00 43T Sugar Co. 8 4.00 Intermountala Life Ina-C. . . V. . .:. :...ta 21.00 440 George A. Scott 1 100 455 John P. reteram . ... 5 10.00 40S Gertrude Rawlings ...10 1400 bids.. Signed by Order or County and 9 18.00 385 Mary E. Bunnell Commissioners. City law and with And in aeordance s JOS. NELSON. an order of the board of directors ' Architect made on the ;10th day of tMarch, Publication dates,. June .23 to A, D, 1929, so many shares of each parcel of such Stock as may be July 22, dally. necessary will be sold at the office of the secretary at the residence of L. John NnttaU.', Lake View, Uath, on Wednesday the 1st day of July, 1925 at the hour of .. .iii'.w,. . 10 o'clock m.,' to pay the delin asseafSnenta thereon together quent wtb costs of advertising and ' Swimming " ' applied-- " fTaqnaotlr TO Sears-Roebuc- k , LEGAL NOTICES 1 attracv 1 C. H. CODY Phone 315 Phone 312 and aad VALUABLE bota Biaucioa The otUtff iarnt buildiag and factory. huitbiwt hoax are protected Bad. trebled la value by paint aad vaiaiik. . Mrs. Orson Cieer and Mlas Grace Creer of Spanish Fork - were in Solving the fanner's problems over the radio Is the task which Is Payaoa Sunday, the guests of Mrs. being performed by E. B. Beaton, Farm Adviser of the ' Arricultnral Foundation. Ills agricultural talks and advice reach every . Charles H. White. nook and corner of rural America through,, WL8 the Foundation's station, Chicago, every Tuesday and Thursday boob durinf Mrs. Ed, Shaw and chlldjenrTsfl broadcasting the fann program. Mr. Beaton at that time conducts bis "Farm Ques8att Xake and Mr. and Mra Elites tion Box" in which bo endeavors to answer any question the farmer of Bingham were guests at the home propounds. When more detailed information is requested than he la able to send through the air, Mr. Beaton usee the malL The farm servof W. P. Carter Sunday. ice, of which Mr. Ueatoa baa charge, ta equipped with a corps of trained field. Miss Rhea Stark, who has been in workers, each a practical fanner and aa expert Is some particular of letters from all parte of the country come to Mr. Beaton's Thcfsanda some Salt Lake with relatives .for When possible, be answers these through the "Farm Question ' " de time, baa returned borne. Box1 talks over WLS. if the problems presented require research, Mr, Beaton answers 'the questions by letter aa soon as the desired informaMra Walter Strong of Ogden is tion la available. Every Wednesday evening on the R. F. D. program ha gives aa Interesting talk entitled "Farm Fllckeriags." These talks deal visiting here with her parent, Mr. more with the romance and historical matters pertaining to agriculture. and Mrs. M. Burdick, For reaervationa or further details, call c. n. FUNK, kn aaJ Ware Mr. and Mra. Blanchard a re.here from Loa Angeka apending their vacation at the 8. E. Ware home. xBlamhard completed Jns course in law ai Ilarvard last 2nne and baa been practicing In Lea Angelea during the last yar. Tickets on sale daily, May IS to September 30. Limit October 31 STOPOVERS PASTf oroMrrv 1 I'W' A H' - Mri. Emma Ramsey Morri a Mrs. A iron HUtt of Salt Lake were tKi gnesta ef.alrs. Jnlia Ban- co(k tbla week. .... .........$61.00 Omaha Chicago Vilao n. , ' - . . ; ' resort a" -oOo- Natural Warm ArtesiaH Water rd the Herald classified column for one entire week for the small sum of sixty cents vnd reach the people of over 3,100 homes. v wi i Plenty of Shade Courteous Treatment Call 95 and tell them about the thing you for sale or have I lost. HERALD WANT ADS PAY! Remember we cltange water and ' clean poolevery jday.: . . IP i |