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Show Building for Gas Plant To Be Built This Winter Says Manager Effll D G. S.Pike of Ohio Proposed Site In-spec- ts ' for the Plant START WORK SOON "Within the next three or lour weeks we will choose the land and start' work in constructing buildings for the gas plant in this city' said Manager J. A. Jones to The Herald yesterday." We are a little later in getting here. than we had expected ex-pected because , of some unex- pected happenings at the Poca- tello plant, but as soon as I return from, the east; which will be about three weeks, we will be ready to start work in Provo." . 4- - With fr ROSS J. Ross Clark, second vice president; R. E. Wells, general manager; T. P. Cullen superintendent, and C. J. Balch, assistant to the general manager, all officials of the Salt Lake Ronte, with headquarters at Los Angeles, .were present at a meet; ing regarding trainmen "of thisroad W. H. ' Manager J, A. Jones of the gas which was held in the offices of 'Bancroft, first vice president, Wed- plant to operate here accompanied by nesday at Salt Lake. G. A.. Pike of Canton, Ohio, arrived " "The entirely a ro.utine meeting was ' .Jh this city. Wednesday corning. Aiui atf&iF, and these giv made a tasty .Inspection of the city. oiit about it," said Mr. Clark at the Mr. Pike represents a number of Hotel Utah. "We accompanied PresiLovett this far and were here in and dent money .Interests for the meeting on that account. We states that he is favorably Impressed did not make the trip to attejyj it. with the possibilities of this fclty. "We came over the new high line Manager Jones assured that the and found this- to be in excellent The plant would be installed and the condition and absolutely safe. line is. being used, throughout, al machinery placed in working order though we saw several places where during the winter months so that as workmen were clearing away old ... "soon as spring breaks, work will be bridges and dressing up the embank started in layingthe mains .in the ment They were Just putting" on the streets. One of the features of the iinlshihg touches and making .the new gas system according to ,Mr. new high line look better "I have an ample quantity of Utah Jones is the street lighting which the celery for my Thanksgiving dinner company will propose. It is claimed and will leave at 11:45 o'clock. This that better lights can ' be giventhe Utah celery is the. finest that I have city at half the cost of the present ever eaten and I could not imagine ' anything better." , system. Mr. Wells also declined to say Messrs. Jones and Pike left or the in about the held anything meeting east yesterday morning and Mr. Jones will Teturn to Provo In about that we would mind nothing about-- it three weeks. seeing printed, but it would not interest the public," he said. - -- I , A post mortem examination ' of Rainbow was made thast - FEATURE who-hav- Public Institution Will give Treat to AH r GOOD Qf the at the - bis--ew- t that tt PRAISE i i RECEIVED man andasked Jiimjliatwaa--thematter. The hold-u- p shoved the muzzle of a revolver against Cohn and pulled the trigger but the weapon failed to "discharge. The man then continued down the street Cohn and Susman gave the detec tives a- - de8crlptionrof the- - man- - and the police feel confident that they will be able to apprehend . him . Arrangements ' tor the funeral of Rafnbowvhave-r'iot-beecompleted. The' body of Rainbow. will be shipped to Proyovfor burial, and the services will be held here at 1 p. m. Friday, Baap. ir"There will be nd service "at At the annual ward conference held at ' Wallsburg Sunday, a complete re- organization of the ward was effect-ed- . Bishdp" deorge P. Garff, who has been . bishop . of thtf Wallsburg ' ward for a period of eight years, was' honorably released, together" 'with his counselors William-J- . ' Boren and John C. Whiting. Eldef William P. Fullmer,' Jr., who has recently re; Salt. Lake City. . turned from a mission to the "southern states, was sustained as bishop MRS. FOTLUND'Sf FUNERAL. and chose as his counselors Elder iThefuneral of Mrs. John Fotlund Franklin A. Fraughton'as first and was attended by a large congregation EldjetJ. Frank Mecham as bis second of and friends. The 'speak relatives Lewis reParcel was counselorJ. tained as ward.clerk, he having ers were Bishop 0. H. Berg.' Elders A. F, Ahlander and Brigham Johnson served in that capacity for a number and Goff of Draper. The ward choir . of years. , v. rendered vocal selections' 4V6 . " Garfr "contemplates movjng I Bishop to Lehl in the near future. President! StWSET WUNTERS. Joseph R.. Murdock and its counsel' of . Gameardens thia section, will ors, together with the stkea clerk and be after the ufekbunter who shoot many of the, officers of ther stake ducks after the hourd&slenated bv at were attendance a organizations, the law. . Frtm the flrtttonth nine' the 'conference.. :.y ; teenth of December, sunset will oVat 5 p. m., from the nineteenth to .the MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' ' A marriage license has been issued thirty-firsunset ' wlM be ' at E:'lO p. 1. to Merrll R. Sott and Elsie Moore, m, This 'time 1s the govern' Hunters are both of Provo, and one to jasper- Hall ment' emitted to Thorne and Elsie7 Huntington, both of shoot ducks until thirty minutes after - t-- , " sunset,-- T , Sprlngville. .V " Full of praises forthel-treceptlon- - s tt - . who visited the towns In the younity Tuesday: returned, and if the people answer the call at the" County Oe-- J velopment convention as indicated by the 'meetings Tbeld; the Provo club will have Its hands' full to. entertain and carry out Its' part ;ot the baTfgajn. . The trips were acclaimed the best that ' has ever been taken and it Is assured ." by every member that it will result In much good for Utah county. "The banquet served ,by the pebple of Santaquin is the theme of much ..praise fronT the eight members ho attended from, the local club. So much of the welcome" spirit prevailed ' that the visitors could hardly, get ' away. The food - too, was ' fit for kings aad4twaV served In a manner " which Indicated that' v Santaquin is - ! '., -- s . , ? ! ' ttotto. be .outdone.' '' - , TO-DUC- K "' st From present indication, more than two hundred delegates wiir attend the .Convention of county boosting' next ' ' Wednesday. -- . "V - seby rr . d; ' - . .. . PROTEST AGAINST DAM.l:.!I-- u' Sprr and the There Is con' jrobrblMty that-th- e vlct road Workers will not be sent Into Washington county this winter, or to any other place so far from the penitentiary, owing to the difficulties that would be encountered In .handling them at this season of1 the year and the expense that attache's o, such work in cold weather. This was made known 7 yesterday after the return .from - Washlngtoa county of State Engineer Caleb Tanner, VV. D. Beers, engineer for the road commission, and Arthur Pratt, warden of the stato penitentiary, who went to Dixie for the purpose' ot selecting a place for (he prisoners to : : i The officials found that considerable difficulty would be encountered In handling the prisoners so faraway from.-thb'je of, supplies,- - and the matter of expense at this time of year was found to be almost prohibit tlve. v The officials reported ttf- Governor William" Spry and a. special meeting " tne of;, the road 'comiBBlon7"VUir board of corrections has been called for 2:30 o'clock this afternoon to consider the matter. It had been thought that as it is usually warm In Washington county during the winter months a camp might be established and the prison ers be kept at work on the roads practically all seasoih Investigation of the situation, however, discloses many, drawbacks. . e. noard ot sneep commissioners, have returned from Woods Cross, where they held a successful meeting with the Davis county sheepmen Monday . , night the second of a series of meetings being held by the association for the purpose of stimulating interest in the annual convention, to be held In the Hotel Utah, December are scheduled for the comThg week, "Practically all of .the sheepmen of Davis county,", said ' Mr. Stewart, "were represented at the meeting and all have signified their Intention of attending the "forthcoming conven tion. The questions which will come at the state ' meeting up wereoutlined to the Davis county sheepmen. This will give them an opportunity to consider the subjects from every angief between now and the date of the meeting, so that they can outline the stand' they will take at the convention." ,' The other meetings to be .held by 13 8-- Other-meetin- gs , ; .... near, future are as follows: December 1; American Fork, ber 6; Tooele, December Brigham City, December 2. Ogden, Decem- .and 4, ; - STRUCK BY ENGINE. George .Browse, a, Greek baker of Salt Lake City had a narrow escape .from death Tuesday when' hlar wagon was struck by a rapidly moving passenger train and demolished, then oaught with a portion of the wrecked vehicle on the pilot of the locomotive and carried 200 feet, and was only slightly Injured. Browse' was driving a" single horse and wasjcrossirig the railroad J track when the passenger train came suddenly-ohigr He be came confused and before he could Jump the .locomotive had siruckthe wagon. The horse was knocked 20 feet and was Injured so badly it was later shot1 Browse was caught upon thepUot with the. parts of the wrecked vehicle.".' He' sustained a. severely strained back and Jils'head waa con-- . ;; :, 8lderably bruised. 1 n ' Governor- - Wflliatn members of the board of trustees of the State- - Agricultural college' will go earjy next week- - to investigate the protests of residents of Logan against the construction of a dam at i'-.'the mouth of Logan river for power plant purposes. The - people"; protest TO DECIDE ON 8ITE. against the damjkiailng that .It is The members of the. sUte capltol of abreak commlssloa will hold a meeting in the in. the 'dam the water Would wash the near future to' decide, upojviipme town away. whiott . now pending, among which may ""Ce" mens JOHN B.' JOHNSON tioned " 'the matter ' of securing more 7 ' "JjofenB. Johnsooi formerly of St . . , . notsifjjandlntleVet - PLURAL WIFE IS GI eiE ng tema While no special has been program prepared for the folks at the infirmary; itHs probable that a:i entertainment., will .be arranged which will5 include music and recitation. .Geese will be the leader on the fable at thecouhty jail.rOnly two prisoners are held in this institution, and they will be given' a little better treatment, because of the fact that fhereare so Tew. All the Thanksgiv1 ihg ektras will be; served - with the The city jail being vacant, geese.. Marshal Williams will not have the wrry 6f preparing a holiday menu for gUestS-- - STAl u work. TO BOOST SHEEP BE II in to CAUSED :. For several weeks the question of residence on these' lands has been In dispute, and to Avoid compltcatl.ons, the board requested an opinion front the attorney general. That official takes the same stand as the secretary of the Interior, who in a recent ruling on precisely the same 'question, that, unless the residence "requirement is inforced the state Is liable to lose Its title to the ..land, which could then revert back-tthe domain of the federal government. At meeting of the land' board, to be held this week the exact time pf residence required will be determined, this phase of the question being entirely within the Jurisdiction of the state. . Public dinners are quite necessary, for few Indeed are the tables that will C. B. Stewart, not be spread with the necessities of secretary of the life. All of which should cause more Utah Woolgrowers' association, and A. A. Calllster, secretary of the state htatef ulness. . , ,.: 0TO IU d. areewcoMpafairreryT wasshot" said Mrs. X GBllilzED RECEPTIONS PROGRAMS .Thanksgiving Day! .That's today Whether it be in the p'alace of the rich or, the poor, today 'will be re membered as the day of "Thanks." It is 'the oneway which tauses even the ungrateful to change their position. It is the day when all make an effort to cause someone to' be grateful. These within the prison wlls,. the institu- toni of correction, in the hospitals, all are given some satisfaction that they may have occasion to be grateful. The spirit of the day does not have the full significance in smaller cities because the needy are few in comparison with the large cities. Activities the. church by organization" and idea-thcse-4- BOOSTERS Inmates 'I Crowd is growing. e secSrt.... ai Krovo institutions. Rainbow, "I At the state mental hospital the inhope and pray that God will' forgive mates will be given the best from I know practically nothing the state farm. The menu will Inhim. about iiis life in Salt Lake. .We have clude ., roast beef, vegetable soup, not lived together - as husband and brown gravey, roast brown potatoes, wife for two years. However, about turnips, pickles, bread and butter, and once a month he Eas came to Provo squash pie. In. the evening all wijl join in a good time in the assembly to see his children.": rs. Rainbow left for Salt Lake mm at the lnstitutidtpwhere aarrama ftefife'slrmellts wui De " yesterday morning. ' served. The inmates will be Joined Funeral J n Provo. V by a number of the attendants. Those to statements made According are of the opinion that the Inafternoon by' Cafin of mates of the hospital are unable to Detectives R. M. Becks tead, the deenjoy themselves would have a change tectives have a clew, which they hope of idea were they-ab- le to see the en will lead to the .capture of the mur- tertainment tonight. derer of Joseph Rainbow. Infirmary and Jails. Tuesday night Detectives Ripley At the county Infirmary there will and Cleveland found, two .witnesses be a sort of reunion. All the old who . were at Third West aniLThird folks will' be ;servedv. at one table and - ... South streets when the shot Was tired the best on the- market will be none that .caused Rainbow's death.. One too good for them. The menu will of the witnesses gave the name of A. consist of turkey, with cranberry Cohri and he- - told ' the police that he sauce, fruit cake, mince pies, the kind was at Third South street with C. that mother used to make, and be- Susman, when they saw a man run all ning downthetreet up a nice dinner he Have you done i your shopping yet? rendered an opinion to the state land board, unholding the contention of the board that residence t- 4s required before settlement on lands in state Carey act projects can: be ''The effect of the opinion Is that many settlers, believed residence was not necessary, will be forced to live up to this requirement before their title to the land Is made per-fecte- undertaking parlors, of S. D. Evans by Dr. A, N. Hansen, county physician. An inq"qut was also held yesterday by Hrry S. Harper,' acting corolier.Mrs. Minnie Rainbow of this city, his former wife, went to the. city last Moaaay night end talked with her husband a few minutes. Concerning her interview with: heriiusband she asserted that she learned nothing which has not already been stated In ' The Herald. However, Mrs. Rainbow said that he told her that while he was walking up Third South street he was shot by whom he did hot know. la BOARD haai , . -- - SUSHIS A.ttorney General Albert R. Barnes ho "was shot Joseph Rainbow, Sunday night at Salt Lake while going home from a visit to"-Provo, died at the St, Mark's hospital, Tuesday afternoon and the mystery aa to who did the shooting Is still unsolved. The officers in Salt Lake fiave been unable to locate the fourth party in the 'shooting and all those who have been taken to the polifce station have been "re- leased. Andrew Batres and Miss Agnes NielsoJ. still assert that Rainbow was a victim of a ; , double, holdup. body UK Christmas. Victim d Closes His Eyes in Death Hold Inquest . LINE IS SAFE J. Mystery-Unsolve- Day to Twenty-Fiv- e HTOIIIIEy. OF e, SAYS IJO TURKEY AS S the Utah EducaThe convention Twill close its ses tional association sions with' today. The election of of f'oers was bold yesterday, but as none of the four candidates for presi dent received a necessary majority of will vote 502 votes, the .members again today on the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes, J. M. Mills of,Ogden and G. N. Child of Salt Lake. .. The officers already chosen are N. K. Nielsen of Spring-villvice president; and J. F. Merrill of Salt Lake, and Henry Peterson of Brigham City, trustees. Last night an elaborate reception and ball was given at the Hotel Utah, for the teachers which, was" very successful. Prof. L.E. Eggertsen and , Mrs. Ida S. Dusenberry were included in the reception committee. RAI IIBOl'I JOSEPH TEACHERS UTLOOK IN IS THANKSGIVING IS DA Y 6F CHEER FOR UNFORTUNATE A case recently tfied which to judgment in the district court has'-gone here is the subject of muchcomment in legal circles. The action ,1s entitled Mary Ann Gardner vs. William Gardner, as administrator of ,the estaleof Jesse "Gardner, deceased. " The plaintiff 'w as the plural wife of Jesse Gardner, and after the death of her husband she fllefl claim' against the estate for 480, or .110 .a month, for a period of four years, for personal services rendered by herself during .the -- time" she lived with Gardner as his plural wife. The claim was rejected .by the ad--" mlni8trator of the estate, and Mrs.,' Gardner 'then brought suit in the district court, and at the trial of the case she was awarded Judgment for the full., amount of her claim, together with f 21.35 Interest and 122,80 costs of court making a total of " $524.15. IMPROVES The - ; RESTAURANT. ., ; . business of the Spencer cafe has , been removed from 43 North First West street 13 the Old ' John Homer building on West Center Clay Spencer, the proprietor Will conduct an restaurant atlhU place 'commencing Friday. - - . te PLANT MANV FISH. One hundred and fifty thousand, Utah lake trout fry, three Jnchea In " length were yesterday planted la Tlsher creek, tributary to ' Provoriver; These fish are the largest that r have' been planted In any of the this year. . Deputr- Fish" ground adjoining the present pro- Commissioner D. H. Madsea has gone GeorgerileA at the State' MentaJ hos- - posed - site of." the building If possi to Fish taketo-- look. "after the interest . piiai yesieraay rorsiniie exhausuon, ble. ' Among the sites offered which of .his department ; - ' He Vas 73' years 'of-age- .. Short the board had under advisement are funeral services will be held at Berg's the east bench site; the" site on Neir- " Vlss Pearl Bennett visitlnr undertaking parlor here .Friday. 3lhpuse part, one on South Main street frletwU In Salt Lake City this week. ' - ''!' J)EAa4i. utahj--stream- , . - . j . 8. |