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Show r V Ip t ' , r I i'f m VOL-X- I. 13. employe of PROVO, UTAH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, l!)2t; foundry FATAL WITH MET PROVO FEOPLE MEET WITH DIFFICULTY IN . accident yesterday AUTO for son of Mr. and of the Bonne-Tarmet with a fatal accident Yesterday afternoon while at work it the Provo Foundry. iamber of other employes were attempting to lift 1y means of a trane,a i footpound sheet of steel, when Unk in a chain broke with the result Edwards, the steel fell" on trashing him sojtadly that he died sooa after in the hospital. The young an is survived by his parents, two brothers and five sisters. The family bas lived here but a short time and It was only yesterday morning that Edwards began work at the foundry. He had, however, worked there for last summer. The young t abort time and the Dan was born in Beaver body is now at Bergs undertaking establishment. Funeral services will the Bonneville ward b held in next Thursday at -- 1:30 chapel The body may be viewed at o'clock. the family residence, 582 East Second South', prior to the services on Interment Ik day .of the funeral. ' P6vo wUl take place' in the "city Jesse Edwards. 19, Mr. Aaron Edwards d, He-wi- th -- L. E. Palmer of this city was arrested Sunday night following an accident on Thirty-thir- d South and State streets. Salt Lake City, in Which Beveral persona were badly injured, He appeared In Judge Ben Johnsons morning and.. Pleaded, guilty ;laviolaUng. tho law and was fined speed $75 and was reprimanded by the court. Palmer was accompanied by other people of Provo. He explained to Judge Johnson that at the time of the accident he was hurrying to the bedside of his wife, who was seriously ill in Salt Lake. However, the Judge stated that this was no logical excuse as he was Jeopardizing the lives of other .mens wives by his actions and showed clearly that he had no regard for the. lives of others. . At the time of the accident Denal Kilpatrick of Murray, together with his brother and two young ladies from Magna, was driving north cn State street when the Palmer car, which, it is stated, was traveling at more than 50 miles an hour, crashed court-yesterda- Kllpatrick's'car.-Ae--cordin- BIG ANNUAL RE- Baruch Have Helped. BY ROBERT FULLER . . 1. Written Specially for Provo Poet. - y back- - of- - lnto-'th- To Committee of Seventeen, After. Careful Inves-Grai- n Marketing Evils, to Recom - mend Line of Action. Hoover and ' hiv- F ARMERS PUN PADLOCK FOR GRAIN EXCHANGE g Jones Parents Died Yesterday at Emery m Law Is of Suggesting Perjury - - the-abus- es -- - - - - - j j any-vhe- re J inter-wte- Bu-an- ons,-Ay- , Fast Big Sporting Event to Take Place Here Promised Floor Wednesday February Fools Audience in er Last Night te - T -- bach-Jor-unc- le. excel-tojtl- -- In-r- aii Recent-adopte- ct B-- w UNION ENTERPRISING i CITI--ZE- NS ! PLANNED BY-- PROVO SIXTH WARD COMMITTEES AT WORK NING RIG i ELKnRATIOV FEBRUARY 22. OF PUBLIC HOSPITAL PLAN- - COMMITTEE FOR The member of the Provo Sixth ward will bold their annual reunion February 22, and extensive preparations are being made with a view of making this the biggest reunion ever held in the will open at 1:30 with a dance and entertainment under the direction of the Primary and Religion class officers, which will last "uatil 3:30. At 4 ocl&k a dance for the children under the direction of the Sunday school and Boy , Scouts will take place until 6 oclock. At 7:30 a program consisting of music, dancing, vaudeville and special features will be given in the main assembly room, which will last until 9:30, when those present will retire to the basement, where a luncheon and general sociable will take place during which dancing will be one of the attractive features of the evening. The chairmen of the various TO APPOINTED WORKOUT PLAN OP RAIS-- .. lNGNKUKK8ARYMONE. , Tha county commissioners met in regular session yesterday and after considerable routine transacting business met the following citizens who waited on thc.j w'th regard to the establishment of a county hos- Pital: Dr. E.' U. Hughes, Dr. Walter T. Hosier, Dr. C. H. Carroll,- Dr. H. 8. Pyne, Mrs. C. E. Maw of the Womens Municipal Council and D. Palmer of the Social Service committee, ail of Provo, together with Dr. A. L. Curtis of Payson, and Dr. G ,W. Clark, Dr. G. A. Anderson and Dr. John R. Anderson of Spring- Mrs.-Ann- ie ville. , Dr. E. G. Hughes, who for several months has been working on a plan which might give thin county a public hospital, desired to ascertain from the commissioners whether or not they would be willing to pay the expenses of any indigent cases that might be taken to sneb & hospital In the event of Its being built through , A i . , the organizations of the church. Dr.. Reception,- - Biskop Jo-se- p Hughes with other members of those Nelson, Counsellors John W: present expressed a belief that the and Monroe Paxman; invita- Wasatch, Juab, Nebo, Alpine, Tintic tion, Harold Dunn; arrangements, and Utah stakes coaid be interested John R. Stewart; entertainment, in contributing to the establishment Mrs. Ralph Poulton; music, John W. of a public hospital in this locality, McAdam; house, William Mortimer; and ventured the opinion that la the refresh- event that they could raise $50,000 finance, - Joseph Morton; ments,- Mrs.- - Hattie - Dunn; - decora- toward Buoh a hospital the L. D. S. ' tions, Mr. Heber C. Miller. church woultU-- ' contribute a like amount, and the chureh would later APOSTLE TALMAGE assume the management of the hosWILL LECTURE pital. It was stated that such a plan , had worked out successfully In Idaho " James E. Talmage of the quorum under even less favorable circumof the twelve apostles will address stances than are found in this localthe members of the Utah Stake ity. A committee comprised of Mrs. Priesthood in the tabernacle next C. E. Maw, chairman, Dr. E. G. It is reported Hughes, Dr. H. 8. Pyne, all of Provo; Thursday evening. that he will also deliver a lecture be- Dr. John R. Andersen of Springville fore the organization of the priest- and Dr. P. M. Kelley ef American hood a week from next Thursday. Fork, was appointed to work out a -- Mc-Ada- m Would Keep A. 0. Smoot in Provo Post- pff ice Another Term -- Friends of Postmaster A .0. Smoot are circulating a petition 4 with hope that Mr. Smoot will be retained as postmaster of Provo for at least another four years. Those interested in seeing. Mr. Smoot retained claim that In view of the fact that James Clove, former postmaster, .was retained under the Democratic administration for a period of four years it would be only fair that Mr. Smoot receive a similar courtesy. The signers of the petition, which Include a number of prominent Republicans, state that they are highly pleased with the efficient seririceMrSmoot has given that office. feasible plan whereby the money might be raised through,, the stake organisations as well as to receive sack cooperation aa they ean from thq counties directly interested. -- LOCAL TEAMS SUCCESSFUL. ; -- Last Friday evening' the local ; American Legion basketball- - team defeated the Utah Athletic association of Salt Lake City by a score of 50 to 32. The first hall of the game was fast and showed both teams to be in the best of condition. At the end of the first half the score was 20 to 19 in favor of the visitors. In the second half of the game ' the Legion boys came back strong. Edwards and Dunn played a good game and each secured ten field baskets. The undefeated B. Y. U. high school team contiftued"OH its way to the state high school championship SUES FOR $400. tast Friday night by winning from the Pleasant Grove five. The local Charles Waters has filed suit in boys took the lead from the start the district court against John and a,t the end of the first half were Bowen to recover $404 damages al- leading the visitors with a score leged to have been sustained by ani- 19 to- ?. Following the half they tf i; t l t 4 I 4 I.- t - i - mals begging to the defendant continued right oq making field land and goals until they finally ended with a trespassing, on plaintiffs score of 42 to 17. Jackson at right destroying crops., guard played a good game, securing SCOUT KXECUTICE COMING. five field goals and holding his - Mr. Charles N. Miller, -- National 'West was the best, perField Scout, of the Boy Scouts of former for Pleasant Grove, securing America, will be in Provo' next tour field goals. Thursday evening to perfect the INCORPORATE Boy . Scout organizations of Utah WERNER-PIERSOcounty. All members of the local council are asked to meet with Mr. Articles of Incorporation of the Miller In the Commercial club rooms Werner-Pierso- n Ignition company were filed with the county clerk yesThursday evening at 8 oclock. terday. The company Is Incorporated ARRIVES ON LINCOLNS BIRTH-- J for $5,000, divided into 6,000 shares DAY; , of a par value of $1 each. The incorporators are F. E. Werner, Amer' Abraham Lincoln, Jr., arrived ican Fork; Alon Pierson of Provo; at the boms tMrand Mra.Allen American Fork;, Heaton on the morning of Lincoln's Lele Pierson, Provo; J. V. Werner, American Fork. birthday. All is well. . man-scoreles- N 7 I Jannia-IX-We- mer OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLBIC. JESSE KNIGHT IMPROVING. JAn our xeal to promote the best interests of Provo and Utah county we contracted some time ago with & certain" party to execute and market paintings of scenes in and around Provo and Utah county. The object was to advertise the scenic advantages of"" our- - district and from samples of the work of this party and the enterprise shown it looked as though it would be greatly advantageous to have this work done. .However, we have, since learned that this party grossly exaggerated his ability to perform bis end, of the to agreement and we were compelled - cancel our agreement In addition to this our attention has been called to the fact that in encouraging an outsider to perform this work we were neglecting our local talent. We wish .to go on record that It was not our Intention to discourage local talent but simply had in mind the advantage to be obtained from the publicity given our scenic resources.' We stand ready to' encourage local talent at all, times and will entertain any feasible proposition working to this end. Uncle Jesse Knight, who was Htricken Saturday evening with a slight stroke, is reported to be much improved today and the members of the family look for him to be out and around again within the - next, t few days. i It might be good Idea-aftto disarm the local banditry. -- er. that THURSDAY EVENING All members of the priest-- . hood of Utah stake of Zion over ? q All deacons over 15 years of age, teachers, priests seventies., and high priests will occupy the lower floor and the elders will - PROVO COMMERCIAL CLUB. And speaking of best minds, Abe Martin ebserves that mind your business is s dandy. r APOSTLE TALMADGE TO TALK TO PRIESTHOOD one-ha- HI-- 't SEE POSSIBILITY. ,ward-,Tb8.ieetlvHl- to witnesses the car driven cemetery. by Palmer was going at such a rate, of speed that it skidded for more than 150 yards to the other side of Mrs. David H. the street where it nosed itself deep into the bank of a ditch. Aged Some cf the occupants of both cars were aeverely injured. It is stated that two men who were riding in the ' David H. Jones of this city has Palmer car were also taken before from hla Judge ,Johnson charged' with having jaat received a message KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 14 The famous Committee of.. Sevenvlfe, who is now at Emery, Emery liquor - in their - possession. - They the Information pleaded guilty and were fined $50. teen, known officially as the Farmers Grain Marketing Committee of county, conveying They were released upon the - pay- the American Farm Bureau Federation, opened its sessions here today that Mrs. Jones' mother,' Mrs. at the Hotel Biltmore to go Into the whole Bubject of marketing wheat ment of the money. mornithere died this 0. Pettey and other grain crops, , ng. Mrs. Pettey was preceded in death, only one week by her husbOn the program are Herbert the 'land and in the farmers' interGrips Man and, and It wan. to attend her Hoover and Bernard M. Baruch, who ests went ones Mrs. funeral that fathers Who ' Accused Farther recommendations to be have been in close touch with Mr. and Mrs. to her parents home. made President J. R. Howard of the Farm ket are, export companies to marPettey were pioneers tif 48, and they grain abroad and sales agencies vers well known throughout , this Bureau Federation for the last six to operate on foreign markets directstate. Last summer they spent sevJ. Mints was arraigned before months preparatory to giving their ly the producers end representing eral weeks in Provo visiting with Mr. Judge Jamee B. Tucker yesterday not the speculators, and Mrs. Jones, and during - their charged with subordination of; per- views to the Committee of Seven visit here they made a great many jury. His preliminary. hearing was teen. This committee is the most :,Ihe HcamtoJtteafis determined to ' J U . set for February 28. . The complaint about reforms' of friends, . of all juamed .by, Mp. --Howard bring which- wheat ami other an- important trorat Mrs. Pettey was born in laid ana charges Mints with instructing grain recommendecisions its and and growers now suffer. Hr, Pettey. was born In 1831." The other person to swear falsely before be dations will watched 'win demand infirmitthat the Grain throughout a county official in order that they They aged couple succumbed to - on . 71 the nation. Exchanges 'throughout the 'whole ies incident to old age. , might receive the ..bounty of One of the main purposes the country be opened to fanner-owne- d coyote hides, one mountain lion and CLIXIC EQUIPMENT PURCHASED five wildcats, which it is stated were conference is to put an end to the commission companies and that killed in. Nevada, but the affidavit present practice of selling grain, grain producers perfect a system qf marketing' based upon the fact that sworn to declared that they were cotton and other farm products Notwithstanding which the sellers' do not own at the the principles which have been so there bas been some delay in the killed in Juab county, Utah. time of sale. successful on the Pacific Coast and matter of - establishing - the . free The committee will go" into' the known a? the California Plan." clinic in this city, the committees in FUNERAL FOR MRS. n, . . FERR1N ANNOUNCED subject of" buying 'imaginary-graiGoodby to Grain Gamblers. charge of this civic enterprise have Above all, the practice of short been quietly at work planning the chiefly wheat and com, which never details incident to its opening.In Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza- existed except in the minds of specu- selling is to be stopped, if the Comthis connection a committee combeth Ellen Ferrin, who died in Salt lators and men operating on the mittee of Seventeen can accomplish boards of trade. This practice has its purpose. prised of Mayor LeRoy Dixon, Dr. F. Lake City yesterday morning., followThe movement to market grain adverse effect, says the American M. Foster-,Or.' N.- - L.- Nelson,- Dr.-H-. ing an attack of kidney trouble, will an la meeting determined G.,Merrlll, Dr. L. C. Potter and? Mrs. be held in the Second ward meeting Farm Bureau, upon the entire ,gfftln oclock. market' and has beemr deteiiment to opposition on the part of grain- dealat George H. Brimhall, went to )3alt house tomorrow ers and manipulators who all along Aake Saturday and purchased equip- Mrs. Ferrin was born. In North Og- tQ grain growers. have found wheat and corn a specu- Farmers and Elevators. ment for the clinic. It is stated by den, June 30, ,1860. 'She was - the Committee of Seventeen lators' .paradise and have made im The members of this committee that they, wife of th&Iate. James C. Ferrin, who five months studying grain mense . profits which has were fortunate in this in city spent rightfully livd of some for securing manyIbdr 'should have gone to the producers. and its evils. butcher the best in the marketing he where ias engaged Is equipment to be fotind It will urge the establishment of C. H.' Gustafson of Lincoln, Neb., survived by d business. MOs. FJjrtin at a big saving. Those farmer-owne- d d wr elevator companies president, of the Nebraska Farm tn the worYreport"ThaU the threodaughters and, two Ashto operate on local reau federation, is chairman of the A. sales Paul clinic will goon be Mrs. agencies and Rowfiell; George equipped Emmett D. Cluff, Mr. and terminal markets throughout Committee of Seventeen." open for service. A schedule-fo- e. worth, the physicians, and and OlJve Ferrin, all .Ferrin Joseph dentists, nurses o on, is now ' Two Games being planned and oth- -' of Salt Lake City. or details incident to handling the on Y ork of the clinic, are being worked ARTICLES FILED. . vr Ottt The Done A Higgs Motor company 22 has filed articles of incorporation company The clerk. with the county Tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the Perhaps the most . interesting Three Wise is capitalized at $30,000, divided into be season will of the Y. U, gymnasium the basketball B. event, of value $10 sporting 3,000 shares of a par between Henry fans of this - The officers of the company a .wrestling match each. city will be given a treat Kept Mike double-headare A. J. Done of Salt Lake City, Jones of this city and WhichYokel, a with ' game. The big will Lake former world champion. president; G. H. HiggsH.of Salt Feb- first game will be that between the hall Hysterics In the of Armory Done take J. place City, vice president; p. m. This will be B. Y. U. high school .team and the American Fork secretary and treas-of ruary 22, at 8:30 a handicap match with a ninety-minu- Lehl high school team. If the "Y Last nights audience at the urer, and M. H. Higgs, director, limit In which Yokel agrees Colombia thoroughly enjoyed John Salt Lake City. ta tteam8UceesindefeatingJheLehI Goldens "extraordinarily human" conf-to pin theteam they are sure of a place In the , time. in that twice mat is the the bit, "Three Wise Fools. Culllmorea, (Incorporated), Claude Gillingwater Is TIIE hit of name of a new company which has Jack Dempsey, world champion state high school tournament which boxer, has promised the local man- will be held in Salt Lake. Piece, as the irascible old filed articles of incorporation with is of this event that he will come The second game will be between The agers company Dr. as. clerk. the county Harry Davenport, his into former home town to referee the Provo 'American Legion five and to Richard Gaunt, and Howard Gould divided at $6,000, capitalised of this match. y the B. Y. U. college team. This game Judge James Trumbull, $5,000 shares of a par value Yokel defeated Leslie Davis In a will be full of interest as the Legion complete the trio around each. The directors are George A. hom the finished match at Logan last night team is made up mostly of old stars play centers. Culllmore, Allie Cullimore and in A fine one of the best events ever seen from the B. Y. U. and both teams Helen Is Nelson. Melissa portrayal given by -- enken in that part of the state. Davis ob- play practically the same style of as Sidney Fairchleld, and Donald Foster in tained the first fall In 25 minutes ball and are well acquainted with delightfully boyish MARRIED FOLKS TO DANCE GYM with a body scissors and double wrist each .others . tactics, according. . to me Juvenile lead. WARD AT THIRD All lock, f Yokel obtained the second fall Coach Roberts. This game has been the "play was intensely in 30 minutes with a deadlock. "He arranged to give the B. Y. U. team wealing and the theater going Another dance for the married ward Public of this stunned Davis momentarily, and practice for the remaining interThird the In an folks will be given city is seldom given evenwhen Davis returned to the mat ,he collegiate games. Coach Roberts Pportunity to see a more finished amusement hall next Thursday was unable to. last long with Mlxe,gtJlte8 tllat he will try oat different Production. peoThe married ing, February 17. invited come out who obtained the third fall four min- men for the various positions so as to are of Provo ple to secure the best possible lineup to PROVIDE8 100,000 ARMY. and Join the Third ward folks and utes later, with another headlpck, Jones and Yokel met some time meet thfe Aggie team here next week. make a merry evening of it ago in Idaho on A similar handicap Representative Anthony, of Kan-i- n basis and Jones was given the deciCOURT.' DISTRICT TO annual BOUND that the announcing BENEFIT GAME. sion. Yokel failing to throw him to bill is appropriation ready limit. time the airested within was ; who to the house, states that .?brted James Benson, Thursday, February 24, the local Besides the main event there will desertbill carries provision for an in Salt Lake on a charge ofchild of be a number of good preliminaries. post of the American Legion basket01 only 160,000 men. or 25.000 ing his wife and minor ball team will play tbs Payson Athd "than fixed in a resolution arraigned before Springville was Tucker team In the WILL CLASH. letic association'sBATTERIES yesterday B. eenate. by the boose and - The Judge" James of this game' armory.proceeds court district the to over pt0p0TC1 army of 160.000 was and bound at will go to the European Relief. beginning Next ' evening ii,. Friday Mted bond. Hard- on a $600 bail , by President-ele15 Battery C of this city will meet ccording to Mr. Anthony. 6171 Battery A cf Salt Lake In a game of HUMAN SKELETONS EXHUMED. 1920, January 30 During In the basketball on the local armory floor. suicide Of .the army air service, committed persons While digging a ditch in a field Each of these military organizations before the house appro-hat- ti susl- to those near Lucian Hinckleys farm on team, a according .bSt has strong 5000 In 191 !!? commlttee, assert that the statistics. familiar with their method of play- - West Sixth South street, Reed Bailey blp is an obsolute weapon and of two Sued the tag. and Fridays game Is expected uncovered the skeletons 0?dlroaro Ptea for the development of prohibiting Ur ? f human bodies this . morning. They of unusual interest. , one bondedito.be from of , " liquor lf They inform the com withdrawal were found about three and ee seven Eastern states ai. . . that the estimated cost of warehouses in who stays home nights to feet below the surface of the ground man ex The be will or H00 miles of coast It is said that the "itstes wherever! avoid ,8e Hn bandits, gets trimmed the fol- - and from all appearances had been be only $40,000,000, orj tb. Ik. oil .look peddler. ,ber. I., mm peer.. 'lowl of one battleship. Wll-lia- 1910. l.v SmashrWheat Gambling ACCIDENT! SHEET OF, STEEL fined speeding and ing LIQlOR IN THEIR CRUSHED LIFE OUT OF -- -f' possession. J JESSE EDWARDS. D Farm Bureau Federation 7 ESTABLISHED Stake Presidency. |