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Show .TWELVE PAGES .With m priratetna to friai. M elfUi personal uitereoU t tl - - - . : - - PROVO, UTAH, FRIDAYNOVEMBER 12, 1926. YEAR, NO. 110. FORTY-FIRS- T rui PRICE TWO CENTS SB (pin ju IIIv- I -i ui I ! V 1 f I I i i u-- ' V M x lliXuuuv III! IJI ; wuyu ii , III F n ' Noted Liberty Memorial -- Kr p FEATURE AT id n iOlULHIII of Mystery Woman Enlivens Court Session ; gjcotch Servant and Alleged Existence i.n. i. nn f tl rirf ll CLUB SESSION 6 in. 10 10 fm i 1 ' Hall-Mif- ls UP - ' " d nardfthipjFt-Mn- d- Frt-'iitr"it- '! v'i ' ; fc 'If J DANVII.LK. 111., Nov. 12 (CP1 "Uncle Joe'' Cnuunn ling passed on. Joseph (Junicy Cu.inon, who tiled dmrtl.v nfier noon today,- was eas- - ' lr the a ixdltkian of. liln day and bin generation. And that day and generation covered sixty-tw- o years of political activity: lie was knowa tiie "Czar" and Iron Duke" of Ajucrican politics; viiiii'tinie bv nana friends, as a .'tiitcWuiL. He personally rlniuH'd the hitter tltrff. Canuon wns a Rcpnbllcnti, hist and all the fir?, time. He was a vliilwart of the stalwarts, a real cuniinandi.ig gen-- ' iT.-i-l of the Old Guard. The old ;.j(un.rd nilght"" surrender Cannon never.. steadfast Republican C nm n's R.'pdlilicaiilsiii : was 'vim with tjie .Republican-party- , ud he died stc:il;rt In the faith. etrt V''tit vJi . i d one-side- d ' ' M'W '. X nn rst -- - I e Last Buffalo QUEENWANTSTO Hunt Is Npw SEE REAL HOMES :BeingStaged ELLEN HOLMES Sunday Schools to ! y Hold Conference SAFE IN PORT Jil ' Indo-tlilnes- . - , f snp-dle- , " ... . (W - . Proves Good Tax Dodger PASSENGER ON . PlMKILLED re-u- . 1 ; '" m-entl- "he Community Church. Sermon Announced " ' - i- v : " I- sn-Ji- ish-For- 'iii nf 32 b (UI')-TDent- He was elect-- , -- rt 1 1SW, m proerittn attorney in DauviHe, came quietly to Uncle III. Lincoln ran for president at hp bend of the same ticket. iiiuu Anicrica knew ami " - ii ti the'vital life of the dearly luvpd. Tlu only s)H'iiker of the House s(Miililiiiif.U).eiumiUJnaUintfiji!--t- When yon stop to reflect tlint TTrfinon was "a coiitciiisirary, of was the Ri'pr'sciitatives strong, bearded ftsm Lincoln. Grant,. Cleveland, Roose-- f fauntih! lHioyTnnT'TOctPartiy7m6T'fWnnHryeaw of stremious 'life ind a nit. Wilson nnd Harding you have year of. 'almost, continuous illness, but. he summoned enough courage in jueu oi me scxipe oi nig poucicai ' '..'"'"-"'activity.1 ; to smile just liefore the end came. '.'! -' tilted stoplo, his rakish-"- . d wide hat. his his outspokoat, his if K ' on's :. 'ong-talle- poker-tunic- Y' PLAYERS SENATE GIVEN Pro- - and Anti-Cou- rt en Is Well Received By. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. (UP) President CoOBdge's .reietltiott at Kansas ('ity of curlier notice that the Uiiited States would join the world court only after alt Interested HnTliifis unaltered - the iici'pjited United States senate reservations, was greeted here todi:y by both pro- ourt and senators as representing general senate sentiment. "Old Man Miuick'' and his dnuh m.i1 sua; Mfr- - and Mrs Fred. Minick, held the audience at College ha'l 'Pimrsday evening with Utcfr" huBiaiiistic relations- to each , Audience nntl-cini- " Borah Qualifies Approval Chairman Boralvof the sinate ' - ;he. ' Miss Iwiy Dees Well Miss Ethel liiiwry asj'red's. wife, vlin is anxious to become a club woiiiiin, was undoubtedly the star oj ;iie evening. Jliss Lowry's.ijplemlid ri.4cp a .id her charming stage licr-nn- declared .that ilie presi- leiit's stand was "good as far as lt went." He manifestly would have preferred a pron'ouui'ement of with drawal of. American', nibvefe for en- try, though he indicated the senate iirobnlil.v would-no- t take steps to ncel action already taken. Senator Moses. Republican, New '.!n.mjisl)irfv another trrecolicllalile, I'omnieuted '"fortunately : for fhej ounti-the president remains a the best t actresses-ye- e -- languors, often tlnsjed whh pro- ' ARE PLEASING Senators 'Old Man . , ' fanity, made him familiar to the public, by - sixty years of cartoon. ists. ;' But wltbnl, Oninon, except la the heat of political battle was a kind-'y- , shrewd, Jiigh type of the Amerl--c-ji- n Approve Coolidge's Viewpoint wag-mor- cfaariidiig-a4id-4Ufablt-- o4 : 111.: Nov. DANVILLE,, " Eng-tirn- " Joe CauHun a ioiitriist DIES AT HOME FRENCH LINER .'t1 of ."members thi-fT- V -4s , le waA.iuauf he pnrty (if IJnco'n. .. - p Of Lincoln's Tarty. i - " eh to bankruptcy Germany, he syid, Is In a better conditioa financially and industrial-- ' I ; ly than her former enemies, due to her repudiation of her domestic war debt. Mr: Worthen did not offer a " .? ' solution for this state of affairs. It i...y ."wnnm fur the. is a matter, sugest delilieratVons ot the dipji-miit- s of the world. The United Mates, he continued, is prosperous and secure, but onr fortunate condition has aroused- tlie enmity of our former-alKe- s, They no louder liMik ujsm the Unitid States as their giren by Uncle Sam, but Shylock. nhly." , '1 his Is another problem for the dipGossip and jflngorfirints formed Hturoy, including fiction, religUin, poetry,, dram, history and v lomats to- solve. .wtftMnesr ior two,, uours oi cue The siteakcr proceeded to discuss :, , X today. ihe lessons that Armistice day has Mis Barbara Tough, mold in the ' hat Rotary Means A. Rex Johnson, the newest memHome of the murdered Kev Edward lc teach the citizenry - Hall and member of the guild v his ber of the club, gave his Jdeas what 11 4 He urged alleglaiice to the flag, ami ' esiKt-lailchurch.' told how the "girls at the Rotary really is. He said that fewemphasized the import01not the connected' with Guild"' often gossiped about the reeXi people ance law observance. To live fur of Roidea have what any Mills, the so- ganizution one's country, he said, and tn live - tor and Mss. Eleanor and or me cuun.11 wuuiI tary stands for nTlam?oiflisi right, is us hard to as to die for ' . ... uttnined by jts, members from the This towering memorial built by Kansas City in honor of those who mb'm JlL uiiu. cniih'try..-.-,-'- i . was Kllieul' wiin chib meetwas weeklrMSocation at the ' served tn the World War in defense of liberty and our country" musical numbers and a .'Several History of fingerprints- the work formally ' dedicated 'on Armistit-- Iay by' l'resident Calvin Coolldge. She Shared the time with Philips higs.Iiemphaslzed leading followed the address. as one or the most Payne," New York newspaper editor, among the boys of the J,,-- ., i' UIIU .1. fhtv hu- - outstanding achievements a. 1.1. WHO a'i.i me juij A tf;ry fo the fingeryrlnts of Willie dub. Comments on the address of Mr. Stevens, who, with Drs. Frances Johnson were made by Rev. W. F. i'.tevens Hall and Henry Stevens, Is of the Provo a defendant The prints, which are Bulkley, Tlrst president I. B, Brockbank, en n card alleged to nave been Rotary club; T. Earl l'ardoe and found fin the dead body of the Rev. Arthur Craven,' O. A. Spear. become of importgreat Hall, have An , Interesting reading, heartily ance to the state's case. Mrs. Ellen Johnson Holmes, 77. a secured the received by the members, was given he Payne said that Her Majesty Plans Sudden residentotH'tah forijuany years, of the a student Albert Smith, by in Newark, card from a defective resilience in His readfng of died at tha family SAM .LAKE CITY1, Now 12 (UP), ' N- - J. He denied he had paid the r oung . university. an Raid On American Automobile" Springville,. 131 East Third South Vivid memories of the days when said he as- "Uncle Josh buys detective anything,-bu-t took the bouse by storm. street, late Thursday. , Her death Housewife real than the Wild West sured him that by surrendering the followed a lingering Illness .of sev imaginary are being revived with card he would lie rendering a great eral months; which was caused by the presence here of a picturesque - ABOARD service to thentate. MARIE'S an attack of .pneumonia.. QUEEN band of Indians, cowboys and big TRAIN IX MISSOURI, Nov. 12 (U She was lnrn in Berkshire, game hunters from the. Scotty Phil ff a Jan.71 18, 1840, and '"eurtgnfled UpsliuTfaurrTiiKh, Ft PlprrerSoUTh P) man sweeps in your door unexuect-edi- to Utah iu 1SU8. She was a faithDakota. some da,v, accompanied by a ful Lt I), S..cJiurch worker, and Last' Buffalo Hunt young g ri and. boy and a couple of held iiumerotia minor positions durThey are engaged iu what prob4 do. hol foreign !ooking geutlemed, ing her life. ably will be the last big buffalo lie A Sunday school ward conference it is probably Queen surprised, conHer huslmnd, Claudius HufiiKv, American limit North.' the of will be held in the Second ward inside Nov. bent V. Marie 12 (I P) MANILA upon seeing the I., and the fol'owing seven children tinent. and with morning Sunday, nn "American home. of With her superstructure shattered ihapct survive: Mrs. Nellie Eilis of KlaNumbering around 250' head, this evening sessions to take place at by gales and her lifebeats battered 'ast Friends of her majesty ure math Falls, Oregon-- r Mrs. Hilda considerable herd of" buffalo respectively. and worth'ess, the French liner Ra10 :!) tt. in and 1 p. " just such visits to allow the Iliirniond of Oakland, California; comprises the offspring of 14 bison An exceptional program has been belais arrived today jjwith. several brougiat .tiJIlnL'titeiiit by WU-- . .dciiirtcratlc queen", of Roumania a fladhiSj. Trjiiikcgse u njCbirence ' those in hundred e prepared, accof ding" 1 passengers iiain Ulassmaii. iiand genuine insight info a true house-lol- Holmes, of Salt Lake, a. id Iiurtoif The first atto are Invited all charts and who had lieen without food for thir- was It is her desire and theirs' Holmes of Sprlng,vi'le. a few years in Tooele for kept tend. ty hours. us taken to iilso, to see a homelike interior with- ' Four sisters and i.ne brother also county and later The RnMnis battled two days Antelope island by John Dooley, out the oste.itntion of a royal visit. survive. .They are: Mrs. 'Elizabeth vith a typhoon which swirled about now1 dead. At ;, that time it num- " Knowing, that if they are' an- Barlow of Springville ; Mrs. Mercy . ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL s he China sea.' The ship's food bered 20 head, and Its subsequent nounced, the housekeeper wl'I tie Palmer mid Mrs. tydia Pnyna oi CHIK1H were all destroyed, cabins were increase is attributed to the wild frightened . into renovating her Provo; Mrs. Fanny Houtz of Los O 50 West Second North Street looded and the crew had to use Mate of the Island. hiiusa beyond its natural condition, Augeles,-Califand Iorenzo John 14th. tfunday, November ' the emergency steering mechanism. Hunters on Horseback liiemliers of the queen's jjartyare wm of Ontario, Canada. ';' Vunday school, 10 a. m.. The tyjihoon is still raging north Twenty-fiv- e "grandchildren- - and The hmit is being uiude horse- plsilining'a sudden rajd on an AmerMorning prayer- - and sermon 11 ' of the siland3 and meanwhile crews back from the main camp, pitched ican home without tiottce. nine great grandchildren also sur I'. 111. !l , and on f.he southern hore f the island are clearing the wreckn "We could drop s those official vive. Young people's Fellowship, 7:30 at n bout seven miles off Saltair lieach, Funeral services wilt bs held, in for once," a member of the burying or burning the I'- m. sea explained,-whisthe inland the Her and salt MajesHprillgvl'le Secoed ward 'chapel resort, Yen. W. F. Bulkley, Rector. - Batangnn. , great party t at 2 o'chnk. from which, point access is had to' ty up a residential street and stoij Suaday afternoon the island by an esiiecially i:t some typical a;ipetirl.ig house; Bishop William Wainwright Will, b salt water boat; there, we .could knji k on the door, in charge of the services. Interment Each hmiter is accompanied by "a say ''this Is th Queen. of Roumania'. will lie in the Evergreen cemete'ry. Ex-Kais- er guide,, who sees that he picks out a and h'lmw her 'majesty- just what a Mingle buffalo and pursues it to the renl American home loot's like." finish. The queen is said to 1 delighted v V Some of the more iierfeet siieci- - with the idea and looking ahead to mens mimberiiig around 25 bulls aud a be carriefl out. citj where as many rows,', will be singled out Ijtst night Queen Marie partici and saved from slaughter. Most of pated i.i the Kansas City Armistice these will lie gent to . the Scotty day celebration, liegan earlier in the 12 the Dutch The 'What Nov. lXiORN. particularly (UP) who 'de- while a few Pblllip buffalo-ra'nch- , . hy ' .... T It..H in fll- is the fact that while on the will be placed In public parks day iiarted for Washington two hours LOS ANGELES'Calif, Nov. 12 his screws ne hand the entered ,a new I efore Her land baa the country. tliroughtoiit Majesty's arrival. Donald R0Ssiej, 'passen'ser. (UP) ' ' taxes down to the. very lowest, pos; crowds were Violent In thlr on n worthtKHina mini puine, was . . . . - . . . Nor many days ago the long sho admiration to their kill-Utempts early .this morning when the trn jdo lMtween, WllHelm and the for Its part for the last eight-year- s for the queen. Policemen tired plone .crashed to the. jrround in Dutch fisRl authorities came to an has been under a very considerable from holding the crowds .,' excited Whittley canyon three5 miles south ind jjnd ,the amount of the taxes burden of expense In paying guards earlier by the President, let the pel or van Nuys, near here... t haries ' still to a and the were watch to has '. pay the ,v pie go as they pleased. nlmoRt caus fl. Widmer, pilot of the planeland expense in maintaining the . "Influence "of Beliefs on Life" ing the royal, family- to be blocked ed a'ly - fixed. Nevertheless thoughis greater safely, tn a parachute half a mile neutralof nation sort la "armed 4 thR actual flglirea.are secretrtrit will 1 the. subject of Itev. EV Ei' irr thdr path.i fc from where the plane crashed. .o Baclieldcr's discourse, nertvSiindiiy already known that the Dutch are ity", against possible attempts According to Wldmer, they were at 11 a. in. in the- - Coni'mnnity FRENCH PARLIAMENT MEETS flHie throuch dense nin clouds .unary oliout the smolluea ot the rescue Wllhdm from his exile. also "resent seeing' him on fhurch, corner of Second North and sum paid. ; oneThey 3,000 feet In fhe air" when' th njrne hand paring down his taxes aod University Avenue, A welSuspected PARIS. Nov. 12. (UP)-T- heJ turned into a tail spin. Widmer ' There are aeveral rich people tn on the other hand telling his. Dutch come is always extended. French parliament convened' todry said he tried to tell Rossiterr-tllolhow li? much. admires more friends Doom who of the In place of pay the vlllage enstomary Young after a recess of three tnontha lo Inmn TIear. Rossiter badfl paraand a rpod Intwl find nhnvA nil rtf Hftt strHant- People's Christian Endeavor. service pass1.. the budget but It was under- chute buckled to hisbody , than the Bdmlratlon for Queen Wilhelmina.1 at 7 - ni: a district Christian En- stood that the other-mjwr financial ' Rossiter' s was found In the or her birthday he decks deavor t'nlon meeting will be held problem of the renuWIc war debts, forward cockbody 'Wllhe.lm's income In Hol'nnd is ns Annual' pjf- by Wldmer who 1 in the Presbyterian chapel at Rpanr would not be discussed during this mn to the wrecked he pretends. They i small he plane after k ' i (Continued from pab tour) at 3:30 p. m. Sunday. ' ' session. tin,? ltorifl.1.1 Mf.blir him In short of tavdolging. , : 4 TICIA Years of Political Activity In Aged Man's Life; One of First Members Sixty-tw- Italy, as JiaYiiig a.8troiig dictator ; to the serious nature of Belgium's indebtedness; to England's economic r ii i.i7 DO - i t- J mine Getirge Wort hen of Provo was the siieaker before the llriham Young university Student vbudy on Friday" murnliig, Mr. Wort lii'U discussed uatlonal and tutcruatipual lroblem.s suggested .by Armistice day. He referred to Russia as a breeding ground fur anarchy ; to - , ri IS . whafc-gtod- r UPON B.Y.U. Assembly; Armistice "Should Teach Lesson. In connection with the observance of '"Book Week," the Provo. Rotary Newspaper Man Testify. club heard a scholarly tad ' on the value of ..;r instructive address ..i good books by- - Professor reading 12 state' With the 11') IjSov. George W. Fitzroy, recognized as nHr witness, ;Mrs. June Glbohs, one of the men in Utah in her suffering fronfa relapse rounty7":7 and Ht a Jersey City hospital, Praises Great Authors with the tute indicating that a Professor Fitzroy paid high trib mysterious wohian would come for ute to the makers of books, declaraMii fawiiUiif foot eiceedra good hnJ wy4.,mlUi 1 hpw he 'trial resumed lite, IEafi"gooa since- - it will last forever. He today, amid an atmosphere of showed the iniiKisstbility of anyone reading all books printed from the Witness Has Relapse fact that 9,000 are issued annually A court eonvenea word came that in America and a similar number Iq England.' He maintained that if it consultation of physiciajiN-woulnot determine until later in the day a man wants to read he can always to "do so. . He warned just what treatment would be neces- find time his hearers not to become Hty Sir Mrv Gibson, hut It also inWHXUIsrnea tnree persons uau vmu and read only those things of the hosj)ital to lie ready to terest to their own particular pro peat ilve their Wood for a transfusion fession or trade, but to become Gibson rns report- qtialnted with other lines as well. i jieriittnnXMrs. A list of the best books publislied ed resting" ''allele piore Professor recently 'w'ee lall-Mi'- I V at Reading Good Books; Pays High Tribute to Literature. best-reu- 1 E Judge George Worthen Discusses international Topics Professor Fitzroy Addresses Rotary Club On Value of I I .t ?lVial 1 Dynamic Figure Passes OF W I I i M Relapse. of Star Witness Is Sensationol PIG Your Newspaper , of presenteU by .' clti:;en." Time wns kind to "Uncle Joe." He voluntarily retired from, a bat-- i tie when he felt that h? could no 'oncer wield the sword 'with the ,;ame effect he did when he fought o retain his cznrshlp ia the eer'v .ears of the twentieth ccutnrr.He. etircd to his home in Danville and pciit his declining years watching tlih 1111. fl,.. tti iois prairies: playing srames with cronies : wTio h:td also Ihv.ii spared'by the rentier; taking joy In fhe hmncly pletiKurcs .of the. clill-Ire- n and grandchildren of the Illinois pio.ieers, with1 whom he hud i.MiKiii a.wir - iw: vp, 1111.5 fot" " "' Ibe A'lviL war. Shrewd Bininess Rl'an With typica! I Uluou shrewdness. Uncle Joe, whim he retired, was not faced with fear of penury. ..He had is. some real cs- large sate aud was able' tn sit down quiet ly and watch hi. eld age slip peacefully nwav. Perhaps the only thlu be missed in those final years were-thfriends of Ids rtrong mnn4iiod. There were few of ttem to take the., final steps Of life's journey wlt'u Art department ot She whs just "right 'in pfactlca'ly eyiry sit nation. :, Ros.-- . Pugniire, as "Old Man Mln- irk; shawd honors 'with' Miss Low was ."cxeell ly. His inqicrso-iatioi- ) "tit. He trot into the part early Jn the pi a y i nd jreuia ti ied j n j t until sltucnse.Ju hau(I,Jieuhad disiippeiired at the drop of the nst. cuttuin. did t.i m. Ko.v iJitJiohs'. as ,Frl MinU-k. r 11. sterling American."', ;ililins is a fi!slima":i stu Ca'mon's history was From the rank of those favoring dcBt. frim ArlzJiim, but hl3 work tb isilitical 'efo of the miloii the court, the wmmeiit of b;st night stamped him as an cx- - lot lince hefor the Civil waft i sta-S(iiator.W,alsn, Dcinocrat, Montana, jierformer. II" was Hoin May - 1SK5, et lei der (if flic 'fight, that !Hitn:'ns'Ar4;..Kn8jn-'.' '"our! House, N. C of Irish- Kansas1 the president's Chirk Ivrscn and Cbwiie I'alni-!City, speech stock. The raniily wD very: i Quakcr ifi ns. (he two old I'li'ti fric.3ds 'accurately presents the attitude of Four lHir year) later the family., the senate." ; . the "home were goinl. The other moved to Indiana by wagon trains ' ;' Swanson Agree iih UiIxtk of the cast did exceedingly f-- , .finish's view was echoed by Sen- Kt'l", and 'nil c(.mtliiurd-.tu- . ( Continued on Prge Four) ator Kwi.nson; Iiemtrat; author of Irons of th; pcrforniiinci1, an eveiv ' Resolution In" real adherence. of thejeiuite eiijo.vment., Iij "hort the reaction Jiere today apThe production wns stiiged under to peared strengthen the earlier idea, the. directio.t of "uliit Anderson that the United States will not en- JlUL'h'-s- . a sfblor student who. Is lhe ter court,' ttitrring uiieiiected majoring in dramatic' urt. Pro', KAH. ' r:itificn,UoBy.byi incmlr. jintkHs..of. feasor T. Earl Pardoiv Ji'iWi'tli J 'AT fRlEOlT STARTS nie M'litite Previously 'dramatic art department, supervisUA1L66S Kg. 1t hat teW indival"! Great Briti:ln ed tire performance. '': . ; sTavs THeRe vfls atteniiitiug steps to encourage t- - Incidcntiillv. Edna ' Fe:b ?."'wlth the nations accept the reservn-'tu'- 1nr keen iitnliTstanding of'humaa a.nd thus to ensure America's natures gave .uiaiiy a jirospectlve ' ' '; f entry-'"mid son sotu ideas , ... ,' lnin( and bti jr offl- - which are likely to remain with Whi:wijnmr ia's refraHivj 'frm publle comnieiit them. t (in other portions W ihe president's -- 3'h'e plavwlll Ije presented fur the last time this evening at K they were, siwett,w'.riesi ii!eivfcAiAWth Jils defense of o'clock.. :. ;. American prfisperitynnd the Ame'.i: on debts. pmii.tion? DIRIGIBLE IN HJGIIT It twined his rohserration WnM NAVAL AIR STATION", LAKE-nURSRtilt ome of the cries of "fshylocV N. J.;: Nov. 12. (UP) t coming from Europe in ; The dirigible' Ixw- Angeles left the nioutns and serve to picture Amer Jiir station here' soon after 11 a.m. lea-aTeditor with no kn - today on a. practice flight to N'or- perialbrtic or. tallitarlstlc. alms. ifolk, Va. the. Dramatic lie. B. Y.VU. , li.uk-holdi- e . , ft-i- lf- 7- 'rd pro-cou- ala t i LITTLE JOE -- Te :i iter-in-la- gen-rral- ty . ret-en- s |