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Show FKOVO EVENINtrilERALDrTHXTRSDAY - BY Carolina Farm Wife Bakes Cakes at Home Is Very Successful Ibat more than 60 per cent of peT" deotrians are injured while eroding In the middle of the block. The most dangerous driver is the one who eoutetits the right of way, who tries to pas thjs. street car opposite track, (who drives on the wrong side and1 ' safety tones. ; Child and Adult Xhe child who dashea out into Ihe street to recover some play thiugj the timid ,woman who goes half way Wrifn f HvrJ the Health Mafailne. brake have perhaps beltied to letnen toe severity of Kcmr-wbe- nunijp. i - .. of the National Safety Council baa pointed out a perfect, system of traffic Signals, with police officer at every husy corher, which will do much for safe ty"But these things have no advantage If an automobile with a drunken driver speed through the .warning signal section. A. A. Mowbray stantly tease the Enir'neers who have studied this SMrfurt Dally-T- here problem have found that the tuoxt la evidence that more than important factors in preventing A French .an is created of orchid 200 persons ure Injured by aut street aecideutu are engineering re"with guld and willow niutiiles every day In the' United vision of Irtreets, to Mn6e vision (iuills tipped luMridi at the ldv. s HttHtisHBd: thar atreigrone-ihtT- d c1earii5TTOiiPtifftctrnmrntiP of rhesrare UfideF l5 years of age. Hon of the traffic and enforcement In most instances, the pedestrian is of the traffic laws, so that loth OLp MASTERS the motorist and the pedestrian may Injured, rather than the driver. Statistics show .that most of the know what to expect when moving seasons fill the measure bf traffic accidents occur between 5 about, and education of motorists Four he yeu r ; Tf how to 7. and of more than half and pedestrians and p. m.r that dangers are There four seasons In the mind them take place at street comers, to avoid them. ; -- fool-kllle- of lnau He has his lusty spring, when fancy ' clear Takes in nil WOMAN'SDAY span BREAKFAST BV ALLEN E SUMNER Grapes, cereal, thousands of girls start on their thin cream, eggs; poached in milk own 4 see the world these days, on graham teast. mllk, coffee. Pwnrfeera tell ns. Clad In stout . LUNCHEON Oreani of onion cabbage and celery nnd knapsacks on their backs, lit salad, chocolate bread pudding,- ten Roast Pork, bitkcd erally thousands of girls from north DINNER and south and east and west are sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, spinach, beet and Cream cutting school, giving up the Job, creamedsalad,-sweecider jelly with cheese before world see to the off going boiled custard, whole ltiiread, routine gets them too much. t millt,-ToffeT- with an easy : - .V yj , He has, his 'sninmer, when luxurl- ously Springes honey's cud of youthful ' thought he loves Trmnmnate, anoTbyTuch dreaming high Is nearest unto heuvenyniitipcoves . every-hungr- y .... x I hak-ing- here!" She bares a right arm bulging with muscles of Mbich au athlete might Tiepfoiid. "Cake beating did that! I workeI up from beating a Bride c,kes are her specialty, and small bowl of batter to a greatbig many a society belle In Washington dish pan f It I'll challenge any to a cake beating and New York has plunged her sil- man in the ver knife into a fruit cake which enduraneeY-ontest,came from the bareJitXleklteheii hi But the men of South Carolina ' ... arenone to eager to take her on in Carolina. such a contest, ghe has already Question of Quality "It's just the old story of the man succeeded In making a gofHl'lncome, who iut.de a better mouse trap, and where most of them have failed. May Shannon , 4 Ills soul has. his wings He furleth close; contented li'k so Jv1i. . ' envel-pe,wh- lr ? one-thir- d VELVETEEN POPILAR found.. As for fancier Improvements, like The velveteen frock reaches the electrical devices,- other than lights, height of Its popularity lu the deep which are pretty general, the red shades. of homes with an equipment - pto-jsirtlo- I'll - as I briely.ate my soggy scallops, what a m that, girl was to her boss' lieca use she bad no powers ot expresslobyhecause she ..'I though! The General 4 Federation onWo-meti'- j- h . . : . rr-j B.Y.U. versus U.oJU. Cummings Field, Salt Lake City - SATURDAYrNOVEMBER 13th SPECIAL TRAIN "OREM LINE" - ' i. . 1 luuiuuic iui : At. i I- .'.."; MI8S BOYES This is the season of the year when the young man's fnncy,' and In fact thai "dt i everjr- - member 'of tile family lightly turns to thoughts of Fruit Cake. What would the good old holiday, time he without It I With the timely subject of "Fruit Cakes" as the feature of. her cook-Inlecture arid demonstration tomorrow, (Filday). afternoon, from 2:30 to 00 o'clock, in the Utah Power k Ligibff company's jstore, Miss Lula Boyea, cooking expert'ls 'ooklng forward to greetlnst an large audience. Miss Boyes points out. that at tomorrow's program she will present redoes for the variety known as "real" '"fruit of reeorm cake. Yon are cordially invited to be there, Mrs. Housewife. J've all. heard a kt 367 Round Trip ' . $1.00 returning any time same day S3" ,,Ir. .... Wst Center -- ..... .... 'Coed to the last drop fasss5- - I i con-tentme- nf . wwr Bros combnV DEPARTMENT STORE OF VBCNO ' aagf How swiftly that touch of extra goodness has spread its fame across the continent! Only a shade of difference in. flavor a bit more mellow, a little richer but what added pleasure it brings to those who love the good things of life! Long ago, this blend of coffees was perfected, in the South. Soon it became the first choice of the cities of Dixie. Today, ' in just a few brief years, Maxwell House Coffee has captured a long list of great cities in the West and North. :It has rapidly become the largest selling high grade coffee in the country. New at breakfast and dinner awaits itsfull-bodie- d flavor. in you - THE K ". and it has swept th e country Exchange Department r ' j j j trip a jolly trip a cheap trip. Be one! of the big glad crowd to go on the "OREM" and root f or the home team.' Surely it will be a thrill- "irig game and weBworth seelngr'"' - new When you want to buy good used at bargain prices. furniture ' ' :xv Our man will gladly call at your home and appraise the value of. any furnK ture you wish to trade. if Good I . A quick 2 : i Leaves Provo 9 A. M. you. want to trade in iised - 1-r- FLAPPER FANNY SATS: 7V" ust a touch of r-yr-T'- Exchange Department e Excursion Foot Ball Mm VaL!' - No J "PEASANT" FROCKS Paris is very fond of peasant-likfrocks where the hlouse, sleeves and skirts are pleated with tiny flat pleats.. d s ft ? g I steam-heate- well-to-d- t DINNER GOWN very lovely black velvet dinner gowuras flowing and Very ample sleeves, of delicate white lace. ' - ) s Clubs' membership Is largely more of less The mem-ber- s had taken it for granted that all housewives possessed, kitchen hv bU-- r - A s lives; i could not describe in poetic abandon what the chicken held..- - My neighbor, :Male will learn that In whatever niche of the vineyard she labors, English haa Us. place. be-'u- g iyn't--lik- All of which," federation officials add. Is just another proof that one fraction of the world hasn't the least idea how the other fraction r Demonstrate Making of Real Fruit Cake. ; ' . e i It used to be in the days of tile CaesiH-- when the whole countryside moved to the City of Koine, alsiiit three millions of them l believe the figures are, and left itbe country and the to take carp of itself. That is why ilie Human l.iuplre "bu4ed as Tom SaVvysa ' America some are "fonilst" the tHmntrjiand some ure "fomhst" the city, which keeps a nice '.iilant-- of productiou. That is as it should Is? FINOS FAVOR ilf ii; nation Av.isliesTiTT)e a ' on this power terrestrial glolie. The evening frock whjch combines The, city and (he country augment a pleated gold or sliver lame skirt each other, naturally. Hut as for with sleeveless jumiier of velvet individual sdvanlages of living In Is very much liked by the deb. A' hick- town Is a place where eighty per 'rent of the people own their own homes, have automobiles, radios and bank accounts and live to a ripe old age. . Cookiiag Expert - . Office Boy (to waitress) : "What-y- a got with onions In It? I got the afternoon off the last time. I ate onions for lunch." for hen s I ibougbt it as all seflled long ago, until. 1 received a loiter from a last w'ek asking debating mv ojiiutuu. It iih.vs whs a hard one, but U" il.'s u brili-r one. If you live in the ciuintryyou can stop on the j;as and le i the city. If you .can join you live "In the the Sunday parade oii.ftusoliiie Way and I'c in the country in a levv 'inin- - homes are stationery washtubs to be is small. As a rule, too, the housewife who has to do ber own. work has the fewest conveniences. The most con venient homes generally are the "ones with servants, where the housewife wouldn't have to hew wood or draw water anyway the conveniences are convenient for the servants, not of eu.ture; They have. easy to lljiraries'of exliaustiv art gulleriea, the best in lisle, drains (the theater is not de--, .i(tHit, It Is more wonderful than erer if one chooses the right things I and opjsirtunities for every ort f self improvement. But after all, clfy dwellers live a more tireless artificial life. Culture, in spite of its uplifting influence, is only life by proxy, predigested Ufa in a way, preseutjed to usjifter niaiiipulatel to. suit the taste mid ideas of another. And stores, offb-ehlh bnlldiiiTs, apttrtmeuts. movies! How far removed from nature are they also. . It is one thing to look at a picture of a field of sheep another to see a field ?f hecp and still another .to turejfor those sheep. It takes nature to, teach ns life, and true values of living Ilea behind all culture. ' hot and cold running d ; live in Uj -- ' .. : Hie 'water and everything else that appertains to a well regulated kitchen sink. So to these women It was a shock to discover that a quarter of the housewives la A nit ilea haw bo such thing. BUT DISHPANS STILL STAY to mists in j rdleuess-tlet fair ever consider the color of things when planning Pass by unheeded as a threshold vegetables On sinks,- with MODERN CONVENIENCES LEAD its autumn, when In this one? Is It the country or in 'you-hear- ' we-hav- e Paree in- Iwttir to 1 1 wheat-growin- "Of course 1 bad to gel up" early, too. But it didn't hurt me. Toil call always do what you want to do. In fuct It made me healthier. Look eirher bvahty. let us consider. re cloxe to the People in ltle BY OLIVE KOBKKTS BARTON s s Tho "olBt worker,, imnlr thati D .WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Modwhen these girls start forth to walk ern home conveniences aren't as genbrK)k. a lift or miles they get the long eral as one might think? determine Just which vegetable are lost "forever. . Social workers to Who'd have liiiiiglned that only too of pale mls- seem convinced that It's a terrible to choose for a certain meat.- Rich He has bis winter W per cent of the home in the ' f eat ure. And be- colored vegetables should accompany , thing, "such goings-on.- " light colored meats and light color- Or else be would forego his murtal country have stationary, washliowls? cause of the vamoosing girl, that the rest still get along with ed' vegetables dare or '. nature. them. of becomes to a what no facts wasbstands, movable meats. "red" : J. Keats-Th nuninn. to know. Seasons. It would be interesting bowls and pitchers, just. as In Civil Cream of Onion Soup " One cup '"7 War dajs? ' thinly sliced onions, 2 Personally, I am Inclined to ROSE AND PINK .. The General Fbderation of Wo- think that these brave modern tablespoons, butter, . 2 tablespoons A bouffant..'frock of men's Clubs has been Investigating, ho dtfre scorn the mate- bacon fat; 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups idnk charming Amazons moife silk U primmed with rose to determine o milk, V cup cream, Vi teaspoon gait, just how.L. much the rial security of a typist's pay teaspoon pepper, 1 whole egg or colored b;inls and geometric points housewife's work has been "lightened tschew the comfort of hot a of rose. shade of deeper, domestic equipment. by latlA and warm meals Regularly, yolks of two; Melt butter and bacon fot in a The survey still is going oil, but it and whose flair for adventure and CONTRASTING SHADES iijis progressed far enough to surromance takes them off footloose smooth sauce pan. Add onion slices Velv(t and jersey art very prise federation officials. and fancy free, will come home some and simmer until soft It wlll take about twenty mlhiites. Sift In flour combined this year, usualday to make fplendld workers, wives In cent of American and Rtlr with' a fork until perfectly ly contrasting rather than match-in- . Onlv 75' mothers, or what have you. blended. Add milk and cook, stirring shqdp. Light nnd dark shades iioines nave fciiciien siuhs. In the ' 'f the Sniecolor .arepreicr; httbe titshwaKhtng Marie, the girt who livesnext constantly until bollingjojnt is is done in those, big deen tin nans door4sn'tolng-tolKho(- )I any triore reached. Rub through a sieve and SIORT FROCKS . ., thaV most citv dwellers had sunnos- Marie 'just hates English" and season with stilt and pepper. Beat Faa shi'led inserts of iiccordeon i to be as obsolete as the bustle or she doesnt see why In the world egK or yolks slightly with cream and " Into first mixture.. Heat until pleated material trim some, of he ho:p. skirts. shll ever heed It anyway when she stir " ... In only of the nation's doft not Intend to write or teach or very hot but do not boil. Serve newest Sport frocks. with a dash of paprika over the top. do anything "Ehgllshy." I thought of Marie today as I - V NOVEL FRINGE gamboled Over the menu card seeking what I might devour. "Chicken is The newest deve'opment. in frlnee printed fringe, in which convensand wich-fc-- ia Martha.." Ah, that ' tional or floral designs are" transsptinds intriguing. But Just - what was it? I appealed to the blonde ferred to conrse: silken strands. Frlnge made of narrow strips of tlreJ waitress. She floundered, "why-e- r It's Just like any sandwich only inateriol of the -gown Is very much the vogue. not creamed." Not so good. I ' a watery, mess and ordered DIAGONAL TI CKS scallops Instead, .v tucking is one of the ' Diagonal But my next door neighbor hud favorite trimmings for wool crepe dined there before.; She ordered de - chine' drenses. "chicken a la Martha." It looked grand. True,, it waa not creamed, AVill hut-i- t hwked like Tonfection of mushrooms, celery, much chicken, anil an egg and sheffi sauce, a la J"" to Live tlwn-!tin- m h' across tsud thew changes her Blind, cltlzed who reads the absent-minde- d his paper in the middle of j busy street ' are special typeswho con- - ls a YORK. S C.'.NdT. story for the wouiairVuo can't wa.ke any 'numey ftece user she ' "" tied down" at hoiu: "It .is ti saga of the dairy and the 1jaoilii4fll , u ud Ihe Uuheai wag. And since every story niiist have a rt' tte jrriH'ln thtu imu twewm plucky farm 'wife and the ill luck which doge4 the steps of South Ciirolina farmers ever since' the lean cotton yetirs sot lu. May Shanuoii.is the heroine, a wmiuiii "tied down" by ioverty, farm work, two children, and a husband. She fought ber fight with ci:kes as ammunition rich devil's food, flaky niigol cake, cocoauut drop 'cakes and bride con- fivfiiilis.' By wielding the lightest wooden spoon in South Carolina, May Shannon has saved her home from mortgage, her family from starvation and herselr from despair. Last year she sold 22H pounds of toothsome delicacies, without leaving her own kitchen, except to go to market. Orders came from every tate in the onion, the paK-r- began to send reporters .into the Carolina hills in search of this cake wizard, and Mrs. Sliannon gave out her story along wiih hunks of fresh cake to, jHirnalist who came. r tlw worid Mrs. Shannou. "My cakes AUK ter, not necessarily' liecause 1 am smart, but because only the richest and tfttst mate-rialgo into them. "Any baker csif make gtssl takes if .he will buy the most exjs'iislve butter aud liuwiig powder and eggs. Store', cake- - is bad because ttoinc- jiHidy has' tried to economize on ma terial.while pushing up the price,. tu baking a toiL .of . Jq additiou cake last year. Mrs. Shannon did all of ber own bouse aud dairy work lookedafter her chickens and imide her own clothing. Good Exercise "Things rin't tie you down, If you wou't let Vm." she says. "Many a time I worked till after midnight, cutting fruit and nuts and shred . ding, cocoauut for next day's ht- 10.-Th-is on-th- many accidents, though they do not neemjto have greatly decreased their Age-Ol-d Problem--Wher- e DR. MORltIS TISHBEINTT6"t EdUor Joinal f tbe Medical Association and PAGE FIVE Fame Gained In Own Kitchen Revival of the Brilliant To o Reaper Becomes --Tremendous NOVEMBER 11, 1926. " It ' " tY pleating 'mlpebplei than any V |