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Show JlPEQVQ EVENING HERALDTJIURSDAYNOYEMEES 111925. PAGE TEN -- : a ; 9.,;--:-- i- i not KZ Time, Wben B the 1P aaiia. lt' MI find aloft ta rttnab, ... Expoaed U IC galea ; And tbea KC ntukea a Tdlp, tb" ireateat developojent Boiletj-- voaau hav)-tiaapella " t If laDZ ' be iroaa,. from fofaa; arouad aa Bunch. and lndatrial aectloi A THE JEVENING HERALD A OFHCECAT Sailor ha 1 a. Bwpapr,iqited j( Utaa eaaatyv VUk't I1 11" iMdtsxit(Heutnrl r rff in 4M)1 lit) blp ' t the ral M knew. " SOT THE VSIAL SllIXGLSr A burning aiiirtplr from th' bam Xnd overIoard for AD cries, fell on Mr. Anna Noouan'a uetk . With .NKG.and iw, Pt BUSHED BY TUE HERALD CORPORATION Tba eerere iufUVted' hum. and a", . And X, Ununar Batmmaon, Editor aod Maimer of little IC though tries, bwa wlit only partly eovered by ) A vain SA. to aim. v Woraewa Itear la editorial Kuoma, Tetepbont j But when no J.p finds ia neaf, . a or MS one. to nave, ..:u :.;;;.7;io7 rfr, N. T. Time. Boctetl EdlUr"Teletik0i $.H.iiii-&,.s v. tbea in aa XS of fear ." ffioa Tebphoue BnalaeM fi ladya---W11 uhTCK do jaM.ite bate watery frTe. TEEMS OF SlfcSCBIFTI; Jhitsy liases'! . . wn Lea Hunnen "Be!! their powdDelivered Icr carrier, per month When card oarpa jday t'amoot Delifarad carrier, per year, la adranca ttfmtU are 6a the other end.". tbeniaelvea the motto aeenta to be....... $lfiO ikUnitd fcr ajail to Utah county. Be? year, la adtanee ...... All han.lx on d , and learn aad ia CDltrStata. autalde Uua couhty, per year. gnnie pewiile Jllterad by NEWSPAPER ENTEltFKISB ASSOCIATION UMBEB UNITED FBESS ASSOCIATION . KJEAlBEB .. " ii ii ! hy - ..................... -' H-- Uut Our Way -- 4 w tJf- -t wvrf Bosrtol ' Mar U eny uilea away now. i But adurt art 42,S)i,K) jnllea aikiT oaT. i-- to a radio amateur, , Headline yon never aee: llABIB SAT8 KHB KEKH NOTHING WON- f a KKHR LUKKE. FOOCS Aa of matter, gay a the alentlta. that, wlvea. lt'a a oid our ia tbe amaUest unit elex-tro- a tt tunc at aim. . ' Today'a definition: Mariaea I S. aiaiUJ. (ee . Prefer 3. "HeTwrTwIirKninj ' Tie SmKb Brntbera bare'tbefr Tbe duty on paint brush handle ; Jiixt live. the Published 1921 In aa a la to dally 1P50,' EaUhlUnet at a reki Wolf sara biM ife la atout name on rmy coiutb drop. That 'a has beea reduced. Only a Democrat Windy tJUA wery vetting, Herald baUdlnf, W South First Weat street, ProVo, why their name i alwaya pa peo iViuld get a dirty crack out of that euxiy to control fif a "Btecup.except Saturday, and Sunday aiowing. Delivered by carrier fa Profo,; ple'a tonfmeA ,; ... Ua Tiewy Vineyard. Orem,, Pnwo Bench, and Pleeaant View. AD 5- - A little, knowledge, ia dangerova .' A wet ptnk and a flowlBa; aea ia be made at oittfc Telephone plilaU afwaabrref nature tboaki only when yon are contented with rCnhea : Ton csn barf them sboea fna way tbr politiciana are aayint tt V it. .'.r. . . ', fiT Woetyficbt ceptji. vv ttlafall. tutered aa acond data matter at the poatoffica ta Protro, Utah. v Hiraarr,Arc there any strlnea to tliitt offer? HELP! . r"i V Plum la a popular .color aaiont tbe iromea'a at thla faU. Any rTbera'aa.flyJ Raid tbe f uxsy Mrs. Brown. What' worrji;i)j iwrenta today la of you boya and girla remember of ;' in the indicated ".Never majority, election recent waiter. the UMed While the to be fig? wind, implied bea it the ,voti,ua generation. hfm riifht Jusl kit blm cserwhorn the people wanted in effictj apparently failed "Serve s i drown, r ies, twid J)n L. Woodwanf.1 A aean lillsht with two billion trrdecide definitelywha is to be the commissioner of Utah have bad many diiutptMiinrinenta, !indlepower waa ahowg tfcently ia term. In that respect the election "8onie iieople fail lie'aate theyf. the four-yecounty-fa- r ui'nr piiiniiM uia iikp ine :"one Xew York. It a Juat poaaible that never bejrin. More people fail be- - ji'ui 1 bn r came to the on after nie when I wag a boy,! nomrtme may find a aeat 1a the aobthe as was polls aiine they never finUli." it morning is as uncertain now : I way..now. Home terrttile Khix-that fixedv iitUMl Iniilll.l.. I had been closed. ' "r'- - A Aa toil a we ran ra1ej;ow feed feed jntbl!( eti!titryl..B:fii. inofficial returns gave James W. Raid tbe tall man.iMI owattirTaTrdidaternfoter matoTityTIse county commis itre not quite mwted. had crawhid under a tent, to see the decided that Diirincr sion, sitting as a board of election canvassers, discovered It was a .youux women wear only circus, find Martin b. Christiansen, the Kepublican candidate, had been nne earrliiK to evening- affairs, Ha.vn revlvitl iiH'etiiift el!ted fiv a raa ferity 5f 22 votes. .The county clerk has been onr relinliic fiiKhltin'ditor, and we a ..'He. Who AchleTeVsKuirefss Doea ii fc fi' ill instructed" by the commission to furnish Ut. Christiansen J!r thlnkinj; of going out It Rwaiw He IS Preitfred For more little freiniently. . of election. ... laearaaca By William j eoi T 7A ft . ii . i , The Election Contest it ar 1 v GillmaneJem .The l:.' Hndj-hU'ke- - art,' . " Tr4E HIGGLERS -- - GOS.t4 rAOWlHEV ' with the certificate In the final analysis, the decision of the county commis sion means nothing at all so far as who will be the new county commissioner. It h been evident since the returns were term first announced that neither candidate for the four-yecounty commissioner would 4sccept as final the1 vote certified to by the election judges.. If the unofficial vote had been declared official, the Republicans . undoubtedly would have contested the election. As it stands at present, the Democrats will contest the seating of the Republican candidate. The only thing that the official canvass of the county commis-sio- n did therefore was to select the party which had to take steps to contest the election. !RegardIes8 of the decision of the commission, it is only fail" to have a recount of the ballots in aa election as close as 22 votes. In the hurry and excitement of an election it is easy fof the judges to make mistakes in the counting and the reballotsr especially hen the judges are uncording clerical work as is generally the case with our with acquainted ar . ruim .our Peace, of mino. If BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES iac aavaaai aaia.tiYM irvi iTt rw? j MHW TAf.t rMrl jp wr w..v. .w a.aai i i Wifc-- VSRJTe TO WIR l& u ?ROMV . Aaa 10 IW WW W By , .a-r- a XOO VtMOW Jtr?WilLiAM5 Ciu ar u scrvkx mc USE "t6- - r WntMMfr MVant V.aar t.as WTi HW rn fllakU fafl a"--w WWl OP. NOW COO TaftYlfaaat AXV i lVw a , BodTS Room 10 Oo pur4 tertln r" - J"f?3rt . - SuaV-- ' .JS - il f-t- he election judges. ' .There ia no reason for any animosity or ill feeling between the factions interested in the outcome.: The best of feelings should exist not only between the two candidates but also oetween the two parties as well. - The people; have spoken. They have cast their vote for one man oi another. The Question now is to find out which one Is the favored and who is the next county commissioner for the four-yeterm. Without a recounts the sore spots of the campaign may not be healed for a long time. That would not be for the best interests of the development and progress of Utah county. " Let us have the recount and then abide by the decision of the Court. The sooner it is over, the quicker the official familyof the county wihetowrrtff-reHmsmeasMay the people's choice occupy the commissioner's of f ice ! WASHINGTON TUBBS BY CRANE ar C0M! '5SSl-tNR- V i M I A COMSfjrt - ,SiOe , r A Newspaper ' Ike Rescue Act Stages " Occasionally some optimist bobs up to announce that the future will see the radio displacing the newspaper as a pifrveyoT'of news. A little inciaent occurred in London recently, however, which, quite aside from its inherent human interest, is noteworthy;because of its bearing. on the ' 1 question of radio vs. newspaper . iA Birmingham druggist (or should we say chemist ?) gave a customer the wrong set of pills and discovered his mistake after the customer had left the shop. If the on the box he would soon be a dead man. Worst of all was the fact that the purchaser was not a resident of Birmingham and it was believed that he had already taken a train lor his home in another city. the radiawas res0rte44b4H-nrattempt4- TO. . o correct the chemist a mistake. Warnings were brotucasi from several wireless stations in the hope that the purchaser of the pills would either hear it on his own set or be told 'about it. The chemist, as well as many others interested in the case, spent a sleepless night, ignorant of whether or not the warning had been successful . Then in the morning came the climax of The af the pills telegraphed to, the chemist from London buyer that he had received the warning and had not "followed directions. 6n the box". His life had been saved, but he did not owe that fact to the radio. He had read about the alarm being sent out in a news story printed in a newspaper. BY SWAN $ALJESMAN $AM rt & ni PLft4 tH fit p. nM ta m- db To THS. i Vrtt I OH th Lot J W Hodft- LESSE- vo r s- - ii - ON rr pivr- Vv JusT -- VX AH H0O1? FOWHS got Time to OF' Hft HOO.S e0 ?r nusitt.aJ LOT OfXn 00C4HT HE'D Vf 5W0VJ UP KrEtT H6. OM TH LOT, Int. rCt tonOKOOl , WHO the. t 00fFCOS - the-tale- MfttF E- rut ,co.:, Uc3yngiw? OFFICE is I fo -- The Bombing Ray " To i5 Returning from, study and experiments, high up in the Andes, Prof. Robt. Millikah announces corroboration of his discovery of the "Cosmic Ray," a year ago. The "Cosmic" is the shortest of rays, penetrates more than any other and 1 bombards the earth from eyerydirection.; T v X. If Prof. Millikan is right, this new ray is the most r, BEASCW BS VJMY VOO SHOULD so Poury AiONW ToWi- - STOP IT7WIS j --7 eiM ar atavicf. a i By Blosser. I VL'&t . - ?8AjA-r- w X;. !' "WAT CPYIMS IA4 7WiW AJWAMIW' iPVoOfXrMTSrDP t portant discovery in the.history bi or modern. It establishes the existence of power, energy and motion with something .other than the feun as their source. Whither further Btudy'of thisxray will finally lead is almost beyond human .imaginatlorf but already may be visioned a revolution in almost all f the sciences. 1 may set fire to all the school houses of acquired knowledge and set back science, to begin all over again in the. primary grade: It may explain the "ether','. It may be Used to release the" energy of the atom. W begin to know a little about In this "CosrmVRav seems .ever to be a power greater than any of these, probably the source of these, a power independent of the sun, or other central creative form, 'Proof of it will surely. turn the accumulation r "s of (human knowledge the other side up. " ; tide-powe- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS- im- science,-ancien- surf-pow- i."-?- ?; 7VK5 MMUTtsr I'M 60MS TO SPAJK VW BE URD.'I UP?. "40 1' . Verily, we row livinp- - may die m the rlenset ignorance. Oni of the -comf ortin ...views of death is that it is steb to ... .. t i it . , reany unowing somewung. ! . etna a w aiawct; we.1 , CLiCs'' V5 - ; - : i . |