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Show . - ' " . - ' j - i ' - t r ' -- - Provo Pays Tribute to Heroes On ii ci A. Jcrman gnn raptured liy the iilli4l' trvtK (luritiR the' World war mjd presented to Provo t'lty toy thp war trophy comniisKion of I'tah was u.ivt'jled Thurwlay In front of the i.'v ity and fonntv liuluung a part of the Armistice day observ- . - Child-e- n Pwttenl A larsre throus of pitizens augmented ty the pnftre puble whoo) popu'iitHiti, werft present at the Ower Anderson, rancher of Mprugvllle, l, ir , , i i i, ?"tMv i .f -- i ! it ft o s. j - - known r -- -, h Vt-;- -,- ,-: was foiifiil ,'ead by his son Frederick in a iool of water' near his ranch home in 10 Hobble ("reek canyon, ubmit miles from SpringvUle, "Thursday morning. j ' From the investigation conducted by Deputy Sheriff S. A. WillLs, it ipiiears that Sir. Anderson had gtine to the stream to get a bucket of water. Apparently he had. e leaneehwe to Hp the bucket Into the pool, und had falleft. hefld first Into the water. Anderson' wait alone at the ranch house at the time of the accident His fnmily had go;ie down to visit for tlm night at the home of his brother, who lives about a mile far ther down liTTh'e csnyon. Abour"9 c'clock Thursday morning, -- Freder ,V A l; . ' . t snias Anderson Is Slain A s Train Shatters Gar t. xx . aa v w. Vineyard Crossing Is Scene Of Fatality; Car Is Totally Demolished By L. A. S. L. Train. J; fr , ' . u iTs; peace policy" t "i sii til "U r ' l V J crossing near Vineyard. -Anderson had driven two children to school and 1 W U,V1" was returning toiisjusthome, driving cast when the south ' bound train struck him.. Eye witnesses of the crash de; clare that the train was whistling as it nea'red the crossing, Adequate National Defense but that apparently Anderson failed to hear the warning, ' Will te Maintained During or see the approaching train. "Anderson's car, an Oakland sedan, was utterly demolSearch for World Peace; ished, and parts were: scattered for .150 yards down the Liberty Memorial Dedicated track. . Every part of the engine and body of the car was 4 '7J' Thomas Anderson, 49, of Vinejcard waa instantly killed 9 o'clock Thursday morning .when his automobile was LosAngeles-TiTithSa- lt shattered Lake train No. 71 at a at - . I JLI . . literauy torn to pieces. ' PROVO BENCH MANISDEAD - PROVO READY t'om-eption- n MAINSPEAPR VALUE HEARD ls g - -' ''! . rw-en- Ann-stic- - e tiu--d- n, iu-c- - : MERGERAGAir J' g httU-be- The liody of' Anderson was found from the crossing, to the left of the tracks,: his skull- - being crushed. , , The train stopped about 1,300 feet from, the crossing.. Engineer Bossl-t- er i In a reiwrt " 400 feet By WILLIAM J. McEVOY ' (Tinted Press Staff correspondent ) One of the most impressive scene at the Hall-Mi- ll murder trial In SomerviUe, N. J. was on the witness stand of "Jariies Mills, nusband of the slnln choir singer and former sexton-o- f With char aeterMjU' composure and quietness, ward W. Hall's Xe Brunswick church. . the appearance the Ker, Ed KANSAS CITY, Mo. Nov. 11. BWrni4-4to- f the A fivefold policy Ipr.lfeace and Irom : new of the Imildliip, .steps atrempts or counsel to disprove nis nssernoB-uw- t ncna0 Known- ttothltig flefore the double killing of the In- was laid down by Presiv.lu-rthey obtained an excellent liet ween ls. wife and her spiritunLad1fK. timacies view of the new war monumenLl dent Cooildge here today in a speech Here is Prosecutor Alexander Simpson (left) scrutiniiuiug photogrnphs of the mnrder hV M.'Clark, member of the Liberty memorial to dedicating Calder, Native Of Provo, to Mills (right) during hlg. direct exuinln atlon. In the foreground are the heads of some, of has shown t!ie IYovo Post Xo. 13 of the Amerii world war veterans. can Legion, presided .at the meeting. the jurors. Judge Frank L. t'leary (left) and Justice Charles ,W. Parker re In their usual places on the DicsAfter Long ' rThe president spoke with unusual Musk- - wag rendered by the Provo ' Ixinch. IfunkucsH wliout the domestic and r sjtnhnnttin nd.j Thp tnvocutlon Career, ":' .. foreign policies of the nation. Hrs tfeTed by Ker. J. G.! Delalte, main points were f 7 pnstnr of the nthulie church xit the let was- FeTnrrjIngt UnnifTvlren he i . P, G. Calder, well known business Ininuu-ulHtfound his father dead in the stream. That, the government Is "thor-- man and , of Provo miire short S. A:.l'r-soMr. a Bflllif Jn :' For than year .IndjjttGeorKe oughlKcommltteed to a policy, of Beach,, died fruitgrower at the faintly humc? had been lii 111 health arid hail I rmnnehtlnternatiotinl peace" and rpeech tireceding the unveiling of the trophy, declared that the sun Is suffered stroke some time ago."" will c(Hi)erlHe q inuch as possible Thursday morning following an illness; synTlxrlh; of the war and the sacri- Borh fa Wpnnish Fork' March 9. with other powers to reach this goal. Mr. Calder was bora In Provo "2. That while sbjboring for world ,. fices made. y America during that 1868. Mr. Anderson had lived in dtirinl the ."big move" from Salt ' struggle, lie said that the gun Springville mostof his life. He had peace, - an "adequafK national de- Lake when Johnston's army marchwon'd always serve as a reminder a hoiue.ln the SSpringville nrst Dr. H. G.. Merrill Chosen fense" will be muintnlmd. ed Ipto l'tahlt onpitaj He was Scotch Servant Throws Light No Armament Competition-- . ward toeside.v the ranch Jiome in High Tribute Paid to Doughhi the colossal conflict which born April 24, 1S5H. Chairman' of Local HohMA Creek canyon. the entire, world. the government IsNalso " The greater part of bis life Mr.' Hall-MilIn Exercises at Murder boy American Upon Mrs. characterized his widow the are him lie Suniving thoroughly committed" to avoldibe I Cii:der had "devoted to the music Organization 1. 'hiirhlviy as the mont unique figlit-in- Mary- Ke Anderstwv six sons and School lA.lllU.l'Itl.i.i It, v n,o High S Investigation business, conducting a music store known ever Fred. had world one daughter, as follows: figure the 'iiNalt Lake City Tor a numlfer of of future was the policy Jo "uny Melvin. Gordon. Xellie. '! maintained that It a complete organization ef-'With N. J., Nov. 11 ( V, coiisi riptiun should be all Inclusive" vearsxHe was regarded as one o . StVMEUVILLE, Special Armistice iwy exercises spirit of the doughboy whichfinally seph and Ivah Anderson, all 4f t l at i me!ting of.bK-aWith the trial of Mrs. Fiances applying to the "entire personnel the Milld'uslness ihen of the: state conqaered the German powers. Sprjugvire ; also one brother ami were held at the Provo high school citizen8t"flie Christmas seal sale iu I') Ktevens Halt" and her brother,. and the- entire wealth of the coun and enjoyed the coiifidcuce and es- Women Officiate four sisters:- - Walter Anderson of !tllis morning with a Senior assembly Provo promises to be one of the :e circle of lUfil4ew try." taps were muded by E. Byron Maoleton :. Mrs." Mary L. Fullmer of at 9 :.'flf, f(lloved by a,Junior meet most successful Iff the history of the Henry and Wil ie Stevens, ml assotiiites and friends. In .1905 he 5 tomorrow That of until Dastri'I'- The gun was unveiled by Salt Lake; Mrs, Dagmnr' Johnson of ing at 10 :.W. tbefnited States . Ctah Public Health asociatlon, etired from the miisl busiiip.g and ii memlier of the world court Mrs. Emma, Zabriskie. representing Spanish Fork": Mrs. Haael McCune day, the testtmony of a Scotch Praised Is 'l jvhose auspices the sale In t' tab servant has Jissnmed paranioimt Doughboy, Service the of Parnilee r Mrs. mlr under ttje reyryations adoptpd moveci to rrovo Mencn. wncre n? Tora Los Trovo of the Angeles chapter had tmr'ltased a largo fruit fana in tjie minds of 'many who by the senate, Judge George Biililf, who was the -vlil Ier.co.iducted. Star Legion, and Mrs. little Worth-e- of Butte. Mont. v At this meeting the - following; have ' followed r the four year, old Surviving him nre - his' Nvldow. The body was taken to the Wheel - st riker at the Senior assembly paid representing the American Lethose who answered' Mrjt;oolidge heiil- was r tti? lur iub Investigation jntiTfhe HiiifdeT'of tfie have branded the United States, as ."'"'saSe, which opens urQuu throughout the Rev: Dr. ' Edward- Hall und Mrs. a .'"shyloek," emphasizing however, lowing sons, and daughter: . M , ti(omr.anied by the hearty applaure ville. - Funeral arrangements have American doughboy, , .which , was l Kathryii Michael, Salt Lakrt Mrs. day Eleanor R. Mills. and cheers from the large atidie ice. not as yet leen made. irgelj; resjionsible .for the breaking entire country Thanksgiving that the government expected debtor Lillian Salisbury. E. H. aJd Haro'd down of the morale of the German and c ntinues unf;l Chrismas eve: Testimony Important The Armistice day address, vas nations .to pay- their obligations. ( "aider, Provo Bench; Jack (V Cald-r- , The Aberdeen burr of Miss' Bar- He denied this Dr. H. G, Merrill, crialrman ; Alex forces, which resulted In the arm ('.cliered by George IT. Brlmhall. country had profited Yak-- , Okln, and D,0 ('aider of istice on the memorable eleventh day Hedquisf, secretary; H. Aldus Dix- bara Tough, .(.en-an- t We have silenced the German in the Hall by" the war and declared the "recog; said rt," ,Ls Robi-gfiAnglos MIe is also survived by ', Dr. Arnold have aml E. home at of time dmible i.r on, treasurer captured the I'Jls. slay- ui Hon and oveinner, pitu sanctity of 'IiiternatlobiU' one brother. Dr. D. H. Cajdcr of for i;rinih!tr ,4t now remftiiw and city "physician ; Dr. Karl Beck, ins. . amiseiL;jbe. Somtf etliiuuiti.. eownants yy The wik ker reeounted; the- thrirl-inbashr-e- f the u: to win the German heart (fliinty. physician; Dr. O. K. Hansen. Minrt room fm? crowded hour yes- this coulry's policy toward debtor Hollywood, fornier. stiiierlntehdeht story of the battle of the of the state mental hospital of l't::h. bring fiirth shouts of praise from .. tlie incident of the famous mayor; H. Claude Lewis, city sup- terday afternoo.i. But to, nttorney? atios. r three sisters, Mrs. .J. B. Smith and . L."W. state and Dr. df for defense erintendent th"ir lips." her schools; testimony Battalion" with 'Ijpst their "They tell "us we are not liked In Mrs.' It R.' Itodgers, ' luig Beach, Iitlto'v Dixon, Prel' was of more Importance than her He reviewed the history of the Senator (takes; Major. Europe." Such reports are undouty-t-ill- y and Mrs. Isatw'le t. Iliter, Salt . I war find the conditious existing dur-Aident J. William Knight, Mrs. C, E diaUct , Whittlesey and the . exaggerated and can be given L.ke. Tea grand children al.o s"nr- court of Before: was that jKrlod. the Stale Maw, Federpfion adjourned, president scenes enacted behind the NEW YORK, Nov. 11 (CP, Wall too much importance. We vlvo. altogether VHfHJimts War former had Dr. F. servant the in Foster, testified M,' WcnienV'CInbs;tea- scenes when the orders to cease are a creditor nation. We ore more . ' Funeral arrangements are T "The. war became ours when it street had a little tempest In a : "W. Georgt-SDr.iE. following Keynolds, Judge sent out from HeaGreat firing"-wer- e thaii .some others. This from relatives.. prosperous r reeame a world war," said Dr. pot all of itg own when the had Mills Mrs. Dr. That Mrs. and Dr. la'l J..W. Alrd, FjlUf; . ., Paci dquarters, means our interests have come withleet! "friendly", for four .years''Brlmhall. "Otir entrance. made it a E'ectn' Dixon, stake president i was swung fic Miss Naomi Broatibent . pf the suddenly. merger that world- - conflict: Long- bMor their deaths aa'd thaf.the in the' European circle where disSociety; Dr. Walter T. Hasl-- r back into the limelight today. . B. Y. V. gave a reading. W.1 It. COMES Dr. between the rector and trust and Suspicion;' If nothing more wo poured out our treasury while , Merrll: Du,ler, Telatlonsyp for beeri under way The, lan has out have lieen ilfbgetber too common. Mutiical Numbers RtkIctpO ' tli nil feil pawers poured Dr. he choir had OscaKA. of .his Mr;'. ihurck leader Stanley " Spear,, six months and .virtually all of the To turn such attention to us lndl-- J hlor'd without measure. .b?en rmino8 .issiiJ stuueut ooar sang -- America" Clerk. Mr.t.' Monroe Paxmnn, ' ..'hu t rwA. i. ..... Avt.H cates at least that we are not IgJ That: Hall to' Mrs,.' directed state ' (.nil "We, not the American we alone, ord on Ernest ,"Ulatiire: ;ier A Paxman. by various statistical card nored," W'i'lie were Vern John brother Dr. Greenwood, lmtt!ie al'ied we, w.on' the war. It systems the ? the was. Bishop apparently sung by the nSt" which every broker keeif'0"81 W.- - leAdanv assistant postmaster ; not pt home at ID o'cVick on the The president emphasized that the I whs our Armistice. wnool male glee chorus. n a generallz-of in his ficeIIowever, 4s Nelson, Mrs. Inez K. Al ni.fit of Sept. 14. 1022 wl)"n Dr. country had never sought to be a '' A boy scout JL !)rlT. Law-tis- s CurArthur made led statment by patrol, Arm- lug by KANSAS CITY, Mo, Nov. 11 V slaiiH-as; luUiiftgy-pewT-, Dr. Frank Keynolds.TJr: ATEr 11.111 "jniW MrsrliHs; ta recognize the fact that ourHbera-James., the 'argest. vindividmll rence Bee, presented the colors while len. t weiither prevailed " over Pnxmam-E,-- S. istice was also the day of Hinckley, secretary I hey kept a:, tryst on .the. Phi lips Hit at IVofiteer " in serarities of railroad stockholder -- . flieuSouthwest of thfl downtrod; thousands ..... 4.odny - with- - ar the Dr. farm iioar New. Brunswick. ii cf t(, r '"Y. " Provo Chamber of Commerce ; -" HtucUmtK the country. Und director of the f defense, Ihe president! skes ""' (fen Germans." In Ka'ts, Texas, invocation II. L. Love, Miss Et , Jex, city .Stralght-edsfcRazcr- The reported the lance to flag. matter Great Northern thrust the should Missouri iiiHl ColnriKbi. . 11 maintained that 1t Is ttoo was offered by J. W. Thornton, a nurser Dr. M, That Villie Stevens, kept a rifle said, luelleve the. government .;' Connant, Dr. of , fore ugaiu. ' of America to heal as , that be vested with power to call aU member of the faculty. H., Brlmhall, ProfessVir Al- and a revolver in his rotim.-anGeorge Winter came to most of the T'nit-f. soon as possible the wound Inflictfred Osmond, Brigham Yonng uni- Dr. Ilall used a rtraig'ht edgnl razor its man isiwer t.na property to tne . At the Junior high, school nssemWy ' colors in time of natlontil peril to '"r States todaysi.i ed bv the war and to protect and x 'T shaving. the versity. L. II. Edwards, representingConcert U the- Atlantic Tnm the Thsf Miss Torteh at one time sur- avoid making a sacrifice, of oue or care mr rue. neiorn nun- - uv... Becarise of the talunble service' American - Iieglon, spiike. "briefly a n profiteer' of uother., and snow coast, who served so unselfishly. . altout the causes of the World War rendered this community by the prised Mrs. Mills while the latter - sitting tn ,tUe rwtor's knee In -- While . we: tecognixa. the 'yWlga-tion- s were reported-land tho events which led to Ameri Ctah Public Health: a wwehttion in '"' -i the guild- - room 'of the church and arising from the war and the The B. Y. TT. concert band, direct- ca's particlisstlon. lie also outlined ;l'vlng of its funds to the salary tf common dictates-o- f wmuwrif-wa- s which t FITTING A1NIH)W DISPIAi' "Oh, the that hnmanlty sLiger's a Amerunit are a nnrse.'the for whlchrthe people ed by Kolwrt Shpf. will make Its the principles xlty. Armistice day was commeui-oratc- d ever hi nd us, toa friendly considerit's, 'only Barbara." Ix'hind the Christmas seal'ffele. first annetranee In "eoneert at Col- ican legion stands. cou'i-- ; ' Dr.1 to our for razor main by the Hall's ation ,other peojle, Of Likely lege hull.' Wednesday evening, Nov. The students s;ing'"Clnml.In the ul and beantif most a Is aif the in tria'. the for by America," responsibility Important play 4any part Gem of the Ocean."' A chorus di17. at 7t30 o'clmk. I Sur President Slid. fitting, window dlspl-iyFICHT FOR REFORMS ' Those who are familiar with rected bv Hannah 0. Packard sang l"P) LONDON. Kov.'-i8NORKS- - IS FINED Stars and Strips 'These dead whom we are here rounded , . nuthnriKatinn to continue previona conwrts given bv'th's or- "Over There." to commemorate ha" ve placed their and Service Star Legion emblems PRKING, Nov. 11 Following the with the government ganisation know thjit there Is n . negotiation waa; a white marker "or monuPOSTD.V. Nov. 11 Becsue his trust In us. Their living .comrades i J ,i'lcide of an young girl, Th" hem. awaltlntf treat ' with tli for settlement of the coal dispute musical ment with the following inscripi have In the made snores safcrlflee their kev Chinese' wer have reformers MAE KMERY of WINS out PRIZE begun hard todav wn given. the executive of mrmlier have Hn working campaign against the ancient Cus soprano who w.i a singing on thr ellef thst .we would mJt fail In tion r W who remain to enjoy, since the beginning of th school ihl miner' federation by the delethe fruits of their snpretne sacs Mi won Emert Mae. first prize tom or marriage wnicn gives t roe stage. Dennis,; A lbs nee ws s f md the consciousness of that trust and in.i ienr f"r thts event. All .things gate conference of 150 miners riflce pause to do them honor." timber; of girl no right to marry the man; of $15 W iother dny, for dtnrb1ng belief this memorial stands as our toe one of for sel'.lng- the greatest to this promije r cpocjon here. v The window bas Elks' show, "The her Choice. The girl killed herself a public assembly. Oajt.iha-lhe--' pledge to, their faith, tickets holy testa--mrbest e.V?r tho by ronrts presented did not' stipulate The delegate A'ban,se,s that our country wllfeontlnue attention, and - com- Revels of '20," it Is announced. She after learning that she had been tre attaches declared xnner mv Director band. thlx was v pnv 'Wmditlons und the executive .nMi nnm live the deej)est notes to.,do Its duty under the guidance sold for marriage to an old man sl- .ment- of tfiylne provldenc.M""' "" from a Bassoon. , ready married!. charge r ? Baldwin tonight " p , . . suffer-"tt-trnk- - i MM - . Water From Hobble Creek; Son F!inda His .Body. it , r I ' - M w r nimh "i ' MM". ." AnniyeYMryoWar'8 Close; Stores Close During Unveiling Ceremonies. l!l)-'- I i , MM' Husband Is Calm On Witness Stand 1! fs ,4fv 19 mmwmm i y MM wnriTii . ; .r "".'." L . it ... MM . ihnhrnirh-H nhWiV . MM v' ri , - - r. en ' and Condnctur II. Mtwre turned of the accident iuon their arrival In Provo a few minutes Uiter. d Ke-lie- f ? . - M.'-W- . WINTER 7 ' UPON AMERICA dull-witte- ' ." PFajr ; rr- " ' ' ,.;.'..-- ' -' ttflir!5rmig1irttiff body back. 4 PrevOf where funeral ' made. lie arrangements will, Arvll Stone, J. a. Bone' and Charles Haw lings saw the accident, as did Dean Buunel, a lad who was coming down the track with his, small sister when the wash - t occurred. Victor a Anderson, younger brother, arrived on the seen? immediately after the acd:)ent oc- -. curred rnfl was grief stricken ' the tragedy. Anderson's wife and three chil- dren, one adopted and one by his first wife, now dead, survive. The children are: Kenneth Anderson, 15;, Hendon Anderson, 8, and Betty Mae Band Appears Wednesday - B(M-kie- v a ' Final Settlewent Strike Wood-Clifto- n . hy-th- e , 1 con-sidp- J , to-th- -- nt .ttredted-ron-siderabl- ' J j.J.i' e ' ." . ' 4DUUyglrL His mother, two brothers and one sister also survive. The mother, 85 years of age ig residing With his sister, airs. Agnes Jenson of Salt Salt. Victor Anderson of Vlnevurd Anderson of Salt Lake" are tne surviving brothers. , nneral arrangements will he an nounced in the near ftiture. ; s FGCHRELATES INSIDETORY PAUIS. Nov. 11 lolni ,1 I'ershi:-!rlEll,- l 'trAV,i,. Haig and Marshal Petaln, command- ;rs respectivt'ly of Jctrn-is- h anil French armies of the west- prn front, opposed Marshal Fjch'sf I'lnn.tn b?gln thivflnsi drive against the TJCrma i In Jub, win Foeli "eld today in an Armistice day in- -' rrview in which he now 'e "tflKpfl ihem around -fr lieliev- - ' , Iiik" his plan was The interview was. published la". (CPI-OenenT- X Aim-rica- h?,-t- Lr Matin." d . - tt LITTLE JOE -- . V ! j- -- ... "Go-to-hel- l" n . ;. nfrer-tt.oefumH-l," ... IN LIMELIGHT . Sheriff J, n. Boyd and Depnty Sheriff Otto Birk rushed to the scene of the accident a few minutes A GOOD M6fct UADS Tb vAeACTH- -7 ATIHS-- - f |