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Show PROVO EVENING HERAID, WEDNESDAY, KO VEUBJE&IQ, 1928. PAGE TEN1 Why, have yoa forgottea? We nned to bathe together quite a with my mask oa? THE EVENING HERALD . - -... f: OFFICE CAT "' . uj-.- , ' I U; lot Mat$ommer m . Before marriage aha geta nearer fad jnlcUy, and Bearer, and C E. Leirirt ujt The path of a lot of family troumuKen P: W. Jackson Except bloomafter marriage, dearer and dearer. " ""'" ble leadi out of tie frying pan into ing idioU." ' MEMBER NEWSPAPER ENTEKPRI8H ASSOCIATION eeorta. m the . ' is the stuff that prevent "Sand MKUBEU LMTEU PKES3 ASSOCIATION At tbe telephone Hello, who la ua from slipping." tbial Headline yoo aeer aeef MOVIE I W J.SHF.I) jmHIER.lLtUOBPOSATIO?L other end i.. VtHr if PAIR MARK COLDZJLB'EDDIXO. yokfrum u Uuoaar KumuMO, futilor and Maaager OH. BAT, TOTJ CAVT SEE? you don't know yoarseif, tdlly, bow do you expect me to tell? They're called "abow. girla be The loud moan bespeak the va ftdltarial Booms, Telephone ca Mllftll that' their boslnemi eaut eual bin. i .......... . .v.. 17 Spencer lleldruin eaya trying to Society Editor, Telephone 95 keep a good nun down ia like trying fsnslaeae Office Telephone tlata Off To The Past ; Coata Off Trath ta tbe beat policy, Coolldge t ..4. ... to keep a good for nothing one 0. To The Future. hld the adrertlaing men. At iaat a i it ii u7 r1'- ' SUBSCRIPTION OF TERMS friend baa told them! HvnA ft 40e . Pelitered far carrier, per month ., the 4Iou I'tMh IHIMIhI 'MjKitrate: aay HSO Ererythlng equaUaea ftaelf la thla DeUtered b carrier, per year, in advance I&SO offiii arrented you- while you' were life, anapst Eldoa Lewla. The rich , Tbe American Legion recommenda mail la Utah county, per year, in advance Delivered quietly minding your own bual- - hare Ice to inmiuer. and the boor gaa warfare. What would Congreea Delivered by mail in United Sutta, outside Utah poiuitr, per year, ' do without It? ; . . . .HM uesar . . ; ,,..:,'.. in wiuirr. . u n advance a i 1i A Pri doner: Tea, your. worlhlp.,, ',.. ' . i Pntillahlvl In h; "You were quietly' attending 4" liir.n .lull In Tea, Chester, thbae axes yon eee VAUDEVILLE NOTE in glaaa casea In the railroad cars Herald building, SO 8oitb First Went street, Pro to, CUih every evening, your iiwn bofdneaa, maklnjt.no nolae A Quartette la where til four are for opening the wlndowa. kind? except Saturday, and Sunday morning. Delivered by carrier" in Prove,1 r dlNturlMic-eoXijuunk the other three can't Mng, "Xone what ever," fix." Lake View, .Vineyard, Orem, Provo Bench, and Pleasant View. All com An Auxtriao ha invented a eet natur should be made at one. TeletitiobA 65. "It wettin very etraage.' What nl)nti nf "Pa,r aaid little Herbert, "a man'a of wings for man to pin to hU back .' (, your business?". .Entered aa wire ia hU better half, lent aher and fly. A great . Tin a burglar. help around the ja ejiuig.matter at the poetofflce la Provo, Utah. HI ratber-rare told ao, jny first of the month. Tliey called blm bea liecause-li- e son. was alwuya layiiiK for aomebody. J?ittle Herbert "Then, If a ma a . i r awtta George marrjea twice there lan't any thing -r. ujn'trIt-iieeAX UXAXSWERABLg-fRA- Tf An idiotic crowd, riqtods to see a queen or scrambling two million pa renin can left of him, la there?" tht ER "Please Lord, make me while for a chance to kies her hand, in a'enwxaracy t" deplorea a brinK ,up one millioa children a mil ' Ink other chlllunT prayed tittle "A lion different centenarian mill have bemoana the turf lack way and n New Yofk writer. Pansy;cisetaigbt. thut frirlH nowaday think of nrae- ' Natural, rather than idiotic,- - isn't. it ? Q what is the them human? "Whut yon mean ehllet exclaim. tkaUy nothing. He'a riaht-l- t'a ed her mother, shocked "How come Muny a father Im wone chicken (clotliea, clotbea, clothes all tha time, yo wanta be ordinary crowd, in our democracy composed? A large part ilwked white?, '..'-1 hen iiecked, than ' " it cood an! dirty "Jes ao'a I e' I .... btft ia oiJoxeigaJKirn, or nearly so, who have been taught 6oleln the lea once, mammy," replied emaU lhe of a to to how46w accustomed portion Then, an big Kenneth Jnhnsou hhvk that royalty. pr doughnut?" Pansy. "t)h, Borne freah-cl- r figure worth improving U a fiend, I it Is of the purely curious. Queen, white elephant, pri?e-- other . . bank balance, The wlw mnn is known by the' ViLTlTlal flttrtflrim in4itoi VltlMlltVt J, U KVi AltUA'Va f aMwB ww way he spends the daylight he savea. TTie pnrrots from Bonlon say: draws. "Wadge married a conductor and got a divorce the next week- .We have always wondered wheth - ; Certainly, when an American, crowd kisses' a hand be 'Pnullne detiiren a cracker." "He must have told her where er Solomon kept on speaking terms cause 11 IS royal, 11 aoes noi manuesi genuine ueinucracy. She: How did yon recognize ma to feet off at" with all hla mother-ln-lawa But, there ia not and, likely, never will be a democracy-containin- g no crowd unwilling to kiss the hand, or pocketbook, 4 aewspaper dudiaui m Ue txt juiertvu ant) Um greatest development al Ctaa county, ttttb'e. leading agricultoral f oil tDduetrUl iIot - " flow era JTT .......... .... ................ Jarr svweAttfj ; LvO. are sou ar , ft I. m '- y i.J ii,;,...,. it' t " 1 1 .' . . I I -- ill i ii TV s - ml - . .WS. I TT "wxiii. i- - ii. i rv- - . . 1 i . - Pm rm MAi 7nr "i--1 ' ...,. sTlr?iilM, j . V 7JUWAT!-Goo- O . f By William Out Our Way iTi KTSrAWW a II I C I 1 ill i I I I I ki r - i We . Bid-we- ll well-know- VI TV m.1 s. or other adjunct of parties 'way up among the higher-upBOOTS V It is natural in the human animal to worship something, publicly "or privately. Jjosing sight of the God of Abraham and Jacob, part of the crowd turns toward a golden calf, or ; something else uncommon. s. rrrrr lull of partial democracy. 0, take the other story. What moved 50 per cent of humanity to heed the serpent that time ? 7TIn3ged, it was curiositjTthat urged Eve to eat that "wis- -: - dom apple; and, here we are, some of us licking a queen's hand and others feeling unusually' democratic because she isn't coming within view of the crowd" we would rush out and jjbelp make up. I .1 ." '. . r - "'.- By Martin vu:4ow?w. y K ' ? N . . The primordial germ wondered what As to curiosity. i- - ' ' . nut. nf itn Tmirf. ffrew A hflpkhone and lnnrl was wrio-clpr- ! of us pfttially full of curiosity and some here we are, some ; --1 "y?"" AND HER BUDDIES c Arxr . ; li " '''' i Library Browsing ... Have you ever tried library browsing? If not, there is m. i 1 a joy in store ior you proviaea, 01 course, you are to the shelves of the public Go in books. interested Jt :i ii iiDrary. uiance over ine uues oi a row oi dooks; you ,wui A i ? . , . some-I'wh- at " - , a inteeste6onleofhelmesither on ac-- 1 probably be count of the subject matter or the author. Take down one 6f the volumes, observe the binding, open the book and note the s i title pages, turn tne pages and glance at tne cnapter and the illustrations, and read a sentence or paragraph nere ano mere. eiLxaKe.jiownnoirveiume-an- a repeat the process. Presently you will find a book that especially WASHINGTONrTUBBS BY CRANE nead-ting- ;. t 5 interests as you wish, or take it home for deeper perusal Do this often,1 and you will be surprised how .your love rof books will grow and how the pleasures of jife will be en- -' -- W hanced. ; And even if you are not interested "in bookstha trial is worth while; you may acquire an interest, and that is one of the biggests assets in life. T r-z- i; Is the Day of Expos Past? i ... ....... The Philadelphia Sesquicenterinial Exposition has failed. ; The loss runs into millions of dollars. . , j People simply wouldn't got There were, besides the mid- way, the numerous exnibiw ot modern inausiry, and mt products of modern genius, places and the things closely Twovefr with our fight for liberty as attractions. But the' peo- T)le did not sro. Is the sun setting on events of this kind? ' Are people i bored with going miles and miles to see exhibits, and. to walk j. . , Chicago evidently doesn't "believe so. A Chicago .world's will be greater in scale than anything ever attempted, according to the early ballyhoo from the windy , . city. The day of sUipendous fairs may be past, but Chicago doesu b oeitcve it. i in "rttJmir I. K niffi mill f You saueo Bog DO Fotf VOO CBLt ON ns Lw- t- Here's i HEr T OFflCfe. UHtLv a oven "tc iucte yioMt of And now, folks, that great, big, lovely day called jjay is ail over, and an ot us who didn't vote soon can begin talking about a new. set of public officials, and ''wonder what in the world our country's coming to anyway." peuovJ Elec-itio- n' LtiftVi uP Htm EUROPEAN CARS ' i , .1 CO. mtwcfitOi , j&&!L n RV SWAN ,. - f ett , wna m.. rMfTif itlltMIHIl Jili MKOk y . iLi-- fair in 133 . SALESMAN SAM Four-whe- , cui-iiicn- . brakes, el uiiti iiuw 1. tfr balloon tires, smaller eight-in-iine- s, i'jiii iiin'n.ii i hi i With this line of progress in automotive engineering, goes an appeal to popular taste that energizes the" industry! and keeps it at the high pitch it has been for years. W The true" European caf hasn't beeH iritroHuced into this fn fhvinna rpusnna j wiiintrv Tt'o.tnn omoTl frt rail nooHo . Af TAIMSlll finnii rrVi Trtf rtlllfV Tl rtl" Will. if aemanas, ana s mcapaoie 01 negotiating our long distances. t ni ulcii u il. vr 11a v u a- nui u iiii iiucam a .si ; jsome preparedadelvejurther jiito our fancy:; It's a car whose fundamental 'purpose is economy, especially in fuel use. : But it is more nearly, an American ; cat, than European, in general design. ; However, the European appeal may giv motordom the stimulus it peeds every once in a while, while it will surely add another improvement in "the engineering of ' the ' cah produit." , Here also, for the first time, Europe gets the credit it deserves. For the majority of imptovements on automobiles have been European, although they were first adopted popu; larly in this country. a. b firms-Alreadyn- - D 1 1 1 d 1 , a.a 1.1 r ' ' : - Q ' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS-- - . , l0 ' . POP, VW11ECS DO WANES . 1.1 : -- r By Blosser "1 IP MOLES NW A6-M- J DOWT-AOCSE- IP A10VMU50KA6RE you ASK. AMV MOB'S siuyQULS news iw 5ve you a- sood - MJ STEAD OF DOW pop?"- - WWPPIM6 'rnD ' |