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Show - - v JPZQYQ EVENINCTirERALD,' TUESDAYnMARCH vCE FOUfi , 1927-.- this tit j are makiag tbelr home tn J'rovo at irefiit. SPRINGVILLE NEWS 7 Ibe TMUtt- L- . producer botourxa. .Hrvew agree that the trend of the livestock industry la toward the rutting up of production into amall unit and it would aeeia fair to assume that eventually the bulk of production will tie with the amall i ofhe-developiue- The LIVESTOCK utjpf OUra. Aamsa Rowland entertained the lut ails M ul the K. T card iub atbexbueThnriHlay eveoiug. Pro-- ! I Mi8 jMtlei lied of ilonUtvllo j kU hoywliold. bu thJld. grewdve 5t" wh. idayed, Mr. afid jayoulil live ut their (ieorge Crandatl winning high score ' Jwi a guwt during the- jsitit wek at j By J. JL MeXAtGHTON v ww togetfierr g.ve.rjr oue would m priise. At.lt ti'ckN'k a delicious the pruie or- Jlr. ,nnd- airs. .Juuu producer.; 1 , l!uti-w- u follow-to to we nerved ua t that the , alle lne. lkHigall. Picture jw Warner Bro. jtot Copyrit-lithej by r'ry 1 -- 4X8 ANGELI8 j welL They would have little Jiikea, ing uteuibers and gnests- lira, ltert An analysis ot . To give sum idea of the trend Black Diamond Express," starring Mont Blua, la Warner Brea. ( Vernon I auuKing friends; btimsiou, Mra, receipt at the western market Pulfreyuian, Raphael , small iinitmr production of mrteT, flattery. Row laud. Mr. .i picturization of tkia novel. wSuldTit'ver lutg and t'liuilie and Kui'iie Porter irel- ls t'lt'gg. Mrs. Gexirge Xrandall, eaten that the 'campaign which ba livestock it siiould at ' urtTyrrJuy ttiAaJ tbtt ' . ! Into a trlBi by myself a da ft dent iif tta tflree SYNOPSIS Mrs. Hazel Baiter, Mrs. Mella Pen- - been carried on in the inierest - March 8 the epeff market in Ixw Angeles the agrieulture flubs I . SPANISH J wayP iilnttiiii. Mrs. O. I). Kennedy, Mrs. handling a ew head of livestock on first month of operations in Novemat the KriOgville liinh Mrhool left Ballard, let ty rfc yur St rgeaut Antbon Jiemaitie ia in John laughed. His , eonsrience will V. as no vnictutf Fate tkat, i'priiei where Mm.. Arthur for But I.uda Fannlue, 1'lnley, each farm and ranch ia beginning ber 1923 only the equivalent, of two Wtugatf, longer i. they lxpiu 'tnade him argue, but h aaw Phll'i gtuitldy Sfianlsb Fork today ecruitipg men iend several Uay at the Agriculof tit fatherin a tuihuaft , carloads of livestock were 'trucked for a unit primitive, prepared for bed, she Mrs. Wm. , 1L Brown, Mr. Norrls to show results. of the National guard. " A point, and it was Phil, after all. tural college aud nili attend spetiql and Kulon und'Mrs. and .hi mother, tkruttuk who Crandall Kinks. a rolled bottle of fare lotion It la, ef eoaroe, aa evident fact Into the market. At the present eceut bouse to house canvass for was paying; he bad a right, hi Vt y i tkiuugk 1'hlllltsi. Vrs. it, tpurktmg the tiled Ijulhruma fioui It 7-" that year in and year out th .rais- the equivalent from oue hundred tQ possible Tecrtiitsw as ma de supposed, to chooae tbe wares rlotm CulUff. ?hil ijrdin, son tjohn by theStaring at the acattrel frfg- nrtx carliMuU to buy. Tbe re--1 f one b nnd red and or feeding of even a amall ing I'rtsident of tht n J ft hirn his money was seemed th wll 'nd bold Mrs. llax Klea ml air. Flora ntevt. of 4h glass, tho anreadlng t The Kensington fluh' muAUM trnck, ' to confirm meat food aulmala gives to arrive in re4 Jo a of orttrse and am suits, tnoreoTer, Xegion . The cavvasa re-- " hll Hr.van tieut lat Wedueifday in Ikiuki. he begaa nHwily to weep. their next meeting at the home tif the producer, regardless of at hat the in buslne originates almost ex Ameruan 4 a torr.Mjfira lelliiir mtuiimi. Phil's ideas. Hta sUndlng inmaksufficient a vealed of young Grooms March vank. W. Mrs. the rose Grove.. PltuKant delicate attended The and small Thursday They the his classes wtfh clusively of main lmproted; father, line producer. men interested in .number U T "tor year John irtni a ort- productioa la, a profitthe- movement. members 17. All are T. Moments' atiU funeral t'furk. ished. of But John was told Phil the pusxed. that too, ..Then, urgedtbe able eommuuity diversification a well aa the I 3ine. tfcomiiff Kf J known for lr.g Inquiries, turned over W. Hagan waa apiwlnted " 4 sew iui la stoiMl painfully gazing at the prestnt. .. economical maintenance of aoil fer Am , . ... - 1 by rail of several owners jool-iu- g Dr. J. I., I k had seemingly lNrimld Reynolds accompanied by are ntrdicitt examiner by Adjutant Gen- Sir. arid Mr. J. H. (Jardiier all went well. jjjithroom floor. Htill tears ras down Jr( and lores Viola HusXin. -- hut leaf; tility.. ibyrTiad - relation w tm- lrtt. Gt - necejuity,w Wwi rhrekiriiir thrnigij hnprteiw-l- y tfs sister5 lxKinaTind small lrether In tbe West, particularly in tbe growing constantly at all the mar- era! Williams, and the work of rt-. rn it iter1 u poorr Phi;' changed John' life, He two- Ay during Ibe first of Jhe jsie:reved..fir tbelos of some left tii'i week for California where fruit producing and small' farm sec- kets and are another evidence of the ulting is going forward, Work on' in Met, effert with to fd ?jattljt are more of Phil, and of week Ju Salt Ik.... ti . a jvTvt perfume wbivb uho dad eit-- : tUey wul make their home. Their tions, the handling of livestock aa a realisation, of the Talue of a few the building for housing the equipo ua accept. IMl'i friend. These liked "Sim, ; ... islied." , parents Mr. and Mrs. George Itey-- sideline has been aptly called "Front head of livestock-oevery farm and ment will commence this week. ... and let him see It. And the reIds and other children expect tJ Wfl'Ha Strong Mr. Mr, led Prtiof dollar Each " Insurance,'' fa? II CHAPTER laxation, after hi four year of a iiiimin-- of friend at their The of tbe JuHiorTWsi ;o!i; ibem in Le near fture. of taxes annually contributed by tbe 'fstttweea. Phil Hardin, son ol steady work, - was an excellent home. Weduetiday The of the First ward M. I. A. mrf at eveuiug. Western farmer can be more than Ulionaire, social favorite, bor.u to thing for John,- It la a "true aa It enlertainihg roouix vere jtrettily the home of Miss Wilda Weight J y-- 'nicely arranged card party was no by the keeping of a lew head paid til'.li and position, and Julia li.il- rVer. wa that all work and and Mrs. when tUTWated- - with ttaxed fliiwcrs uf eveiHUg. Alter, piuying, n,ti given TEfnrsday evening oflivesitisk w hit IJ represents a comui)iay In jlay make Jack a da.ll boy. . . a........... t,,tl,ii,,r inu ihu . 1. with K. w K. Knudsen entertalend the modity for whlcti cash la available variottM eolorn. At 10 :30 a delicious uninlier of interest lug dainty, John bad been In danger of comtwfl murm. JuwImhui .was la 4istt4Mnut. w served to the M:ip:!tJi'rji i't..the Saturday: afternoptt every day- ,- What ether product can "EOtlgtorae wrHhout - the following A'passr there" spfaiilT'up, In the "idetiag - , Bridge club. . Tbe members and be handled for gueMtM: Mr. and jJrx. lun iuk Itl u u. u .Hill ir months of the four years f ecu ring .certain xi me miangiom j.3"htehv"JeiTdy Kfing w ho numbered thirteen en rnt Mm. Sol Toin Averetf, Mr. IflUhe-yeMary Weight, Alice llothwell, Marj guests there la a cash market :.y-- had snent la collide, a cur- things that many bold to be the delRlour dinner Mrn. Norris Mr. und jo.ved Averett, ' Si but very real frleadshiD.'-JUJ'ifoClyde, a assets of valuable colleg ., a cntr acneme-oT'piu- avanablel Xverett, Mr, Mason, " Mr. Hud 'Mrs. Laura ' tTegg, - T"belin' rlsfin jiotiaPrdin, for all h Helit .wayB, all tdutaTlon: Whether the has one producer whitejvas-rarrle- d Mrs. and Mr. out and Will Mrs. as und Child. Dona IilJIjugUiai,-J,i1Iimore He accepted Invitations, Noakes, ft gay and inl SYrejir atiHtuda tohead be "orilvestwk I KtnxrJiua--Be6rF(rii"iA. table Pink Mrs. Mr. centered and to the ''hetder learned?? M He on. Kessie timeJohusoii, went Weight had a good ..fcfua"; be y find a ready outlet to yri . life,, ,. . ' i'. i mill j ii.ii and friends,-Anon and Mrs. made IVildsi pink and the best ess, . dancer he i.jtlitt Aerett, whlteJjnUlydanc' market economically and practicably Weight, i'liorjie, a llty and to apprecia-U- Mr. and Mrtu.J; ATPTeli: of these was Viola Raskin .L j r iingidwpre used as place cards. for cash at the open .central mar, I dinner the time was spent he After With I indeed, rery nd John law la 'nil the mialltv Viola, The Daughters of the lloueerii kets malutalned throughout tbe Mrs. A. 5. Johnson spent the week nwlftly "came to be 2 willmett at the bomii with bridge, Mrs." II. T. Reynold ' .tjiJiatmed his friend and made CampX(L country, . un end in .Sail Luke, as the. guest of popurar Bgurer ne" was." ff tftida. She Mrs. Willis Strong Ibjursdiiy; f.ir.nviniini g- hi gbworeTlub prize. of The value of fertiliier to be derivlioH rial hfirtn tn.art ntnn like many (iris of her age shsJ Mix. Mrs. While Oakes Mnce. Fjiae.ne 1U.MAU members guest and Mrs. WMllnce. iriie March Jr. sftiTiioen. ienuiTwrklndliuefs Wtd a readt- - sought, from the young men ehe there Mrs. Johnson attended a nro .1. draw prize, ed from the keepiDg" f .a few H't5rJnejgiiest urged to lie p: sttt. farm in aome cases comradeship, rather than iforttSier club draw lie SnltXake cljajf t .jriifftlrs. K ltf tr?Whtil& 'ma itvri them. tnew, given lyf latty She liked Job ''9 lovemaktng. ' .Meinlers tin !uder: Mrs. It. wfavBiideid- in 'dollar, even fiicta ter uf Tffy? the trorftj E. Miss L. und l'owell Mrs. overshadows the profits "to be made Id cause, unlike'Pbll and some of the ifiwi. put hi Humer of Hi.lt' I'.uKe City spent T." lti ynidds Jr., Mrs. 8. tV from the handling of the, anjmala other Newton men she knew, he llCcult piltlnn by hi heedleMrs Glenn Mrs. HAY Neil, Mr. WMAXH of ns the guests tint:Rntitly" themselves. Producer in the Midz and his tontlenry to break en- - took it tor granted .that .he had a Mrs.JL-ArHaiisMrs. the Johnson, and The:' world's .man oldest, Bird. Arvil and Mrs, But no mind a and liked, occasionally at West, for instance, have proven emenlB,JohnIendeiihull and Mr- - D. A, dle woman will 1 marH i tr n i hnlf topics world's oldest the wjsdom of thja practieefindlng ,m i - He la IvaiM'ba- uliu .m ri i i ' I' u- a nITU" nl' least, to discuss- Important invited'Knests-werBmitb. Siiecial e f ried Thec-nthis spring.HrerinmctTeache of the firf with her; instead of confining her jfi';- he could llwin Mrn. Kugeiie that Jiumxcbaauigi young beeves ' . for'srvones 111. .M5? Bnd UI.L oritertatovd MxSl.. li.iL-Maugb- n, awniiiT :.wnrd . .'"JM tathe latiLdttB.atcp Mrs. hikes'; H. Mrs. E. and finish feeding them that the J. near Gurdner, .liiim tf. Mist newest shows. Jianew, agel i.ti. incy ine ; 3r.sked for It fertilijser retained foe the rehabilithas A traveler, report it, Stewart ' JJ.Jm4iii!i.,',I. II'hst Jhn oidn't iuc Uat l.o The more he uw of Vloia lua Berlin. Madrid Mode- l. ating of the soil many, times exu. she met the world's oldest man, told' , or ill iurs. O. to tec, jicpe- - certain John was-thtiuu .11, umin rticmiiA )(!$. pertai, tooyau-ceeds in value the original cost of Convenient terms lii in of the world's oldest woman, Ant bon who recently resigned irom the animals. It has been demonnntl suggested that the two corre-E- s Primaxj' work, F.aeh honor gwk strated conclusively that in diversioiid. They did. Wedding bails will was presented with a.little token of fication lies success and. safety for wonling. I may lie Kkeptlcal, but appreciation from the officers and tne producer. This iloea ant menn der if "the traveler" wasn't a show tencbers und which consisted of ,n rAYSOX March 8 At the regitH - .atterlngUhe shot too much, but uiaii, 4iii(l if the newly 'married book of Edgcr Guests poems. Games u r dinner session ol tne raysop it dues bring home the truth of, the twain may not find themselves on furnished the, 7 eveiiiiig's. diversion Lions' cliiii, President GeoTgeX'hase adage of "not putting all the eggs .exhibit In. a side show. and dainty refreshments --- were serv- giive an address on "Service." (lther ii one basket." In an "ofr fruit On Marriage " ed. rs ami (heir Stihpects were : year or when a slump has d Blinking if inarrluge there is' a lluriell Brown, "Plumbing ;" Dr. A. on production or prices '"Tin new hook called Wedding" by The members of .Tallin" No.. 1 L Vurlis, "Enlightment, Prosiierlty of some particular commodity, the Margaret Ieech, that thojte married, Daughters of the Pioneers will hoUJ und Advancement ;" Wendell farmer or fruit grower who has H Jjass and the high notes those who their next nteeting Thursday March. those about to mnrry.-anRifle Club and its showjj-th- e"Payson foresight and wisdom-oto read. ' nuiy on out -- as his piare natnralty CoimiHllmi With theNuttoTnTtflT? livestock Perlmps. I should limit its field of cock. A fnll attendttnce.of' iiiein-- . "oesnt"-fac- e the meeting of tai es, hembefore-Beforc-choosi- ng anjrinu'-sica- K nerrwdrv tff Is rs is desired. i -- - t: - AuiMuincenfrnt wa niade.-o- f the iiitereiit.)aymentsu.etcJ..with Ithe trllie. It will iirobnbly sail over the for-yocomes to the producer hear that the talks' (imlm for", instrument home, cjntest heads of the 4U's und 5()'s nnd WiV Mrs. Glenn Sumsioii, who Is liv- ttute convention lie held at who relied entirely upon one .crop this "newest Brunswick development. for his revenue. ing ntKn,vsville is s)eiidiiig severnj It is one of the jnost beiiutifully dn.vs in this city with her parents Tooele. A large number of. letters jand written books of flic year. It has the MjtJUul.M.ra.'.!iut.Jo'hnson.;.i he iwrt-wfttekfcrHmB- - from-a- li savor of iorley's ' Tliumler on the siate ciilfnot wefe:m"d;"phKF8Ifftgflv, tell. It suggests. Ij'ft."' It does Mcs. Claud Gatherum nnd club mid Puyson students for the It Imjt line like tills divn of, Suit Luke have returt:ed to splendid "concert broadcasted over "Hhe found it uupiei sunt to their home after sending a week KSL on Feb, 25. A report on the Aunt tieriildlne finding rest with Mrs. Gatherum'!) mother aiiif 4. tninsimvtat'bili of the fHf students beneiitfl Hie HZllfe cfltiojiy. of (he sister Mrs. Khoda and Rlirdal) ' to Kalt Lnke was read by Parley f slender lied, lying be- Pearl Loiiilnll respectively. " : BRUNSWICK'S NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Kutterwdrth.' tween the fine llneu sheets like an i ld coffee slain." "You old bum!" he said. out Vvrth her IVhy aren't you srs.' I. S. .Brown who celebrating t" "The night closed giroiiiul like liusbund have made their home at that Phil was, essentially, n was the; one; girl for him. ut II u most Mack ,- ,-bnndiige:" A'loar fwst evertrt w His seemed to k!lng. .Hivad-B-dept- h. months erme to Snringvillv Thurso lity,; like his charm, was all oil that he should let her know his Is. Lucia The story simple enough, 3 aurface. Duf youth is not feelings. She waa so young and, day to sih'uiI vernl days with n to looking deep; it accepts moreover, how could he . so mucb nnd Jay Fanning have been married lives. . ..V u sou und have Nickie, 'pie on their appearance. John as think of asking her or any girl ten years posltmn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arvil' Bird spent i by no means alone in being to marry him? He had no money; aged 7. They mave amoney;social life ad to the fatal deficiencies in not until he had finished his good breeding, und gay Wednesday at Nephl. - friend. are. very course 4a law chooHwould he ven in lhesmflri. setL-The" They have ,'hil. In his reaction to bis fath-- be able to begin earning a regular modern, J. V. Xlilson, Jim Thompson nni surprteing stand surprising Income. No. He had to wait and their respective iiieu and .women Alma Miner suiwedod in gtins " ' aiiftd it Wis the first time Mr. hope that, . when the time came friends and uiuke datts tlH'it cars bailie Thursday after havi iiuu ever taacn a nrm giana and he could ask her to be his other than one another. ing lieeu stiilled in the snow drift ut Phil never thought of what wife, she J would., still be free! on Indinn Summit for over a: week. have occurred Meanwhile, however, by found th " On their tenth wedding ahiiiver-sary- . 1-uji- i!d, of necessity, The men started home from the t ot io John. He didn't; that greatest happiness he had Lucia discofrs that her state reservation about twoweeks n'iro rhln ol changUrg his Ways; oT "TtnownT'slmpTygowTng and gvei see-inis uot perfect,' so secure as she bad a ml tuiim 1 her.. And he felt that h owed imagined. She learns that Jay loves oming the sort of man his bad to abnndoutheir cars on account, wanted him to be. It wasn't this happiness to Phil. And tbe way in another woman. otjtiie deep snow and walk nearly t that seemed to him the vital Phil wasn't in iove with Viola, which she learns it- throughout'-th20 milesi ln'fore reoching their What he wanted was to John thought He wasn't In love ,'.g. wedtin botnes. They returned Monday to Sect himanlfj to" make sure that with anyone. He paid attention to hours of that one day tbe anniversary is the artistry of the scene of the heavy mow '.father should be appeased. He a lot of girls and to aome girls ding No big much difficulty succeeded Ili I to graduate; that was, as be of a sort John felt he would ba the book. Xo ):t it, r.U that counted. better oil if he didn't know. But things. But the very gentleness of getting the cars "pulled out aott' Jis fatner wanted htm to grad- - Phil, when John suggested any the 'inarching drama makes 'it crash home Thursday. fej . as proof that hiJ four years thing of the sort, laughed at him lfke thunder. Coffee enjoyment depends upon, had taupht htm "some-gf?- ; tor a Puritan. Mr. ):nd Mrs. W.illard n..ni.n;l l""0:iege does she when en-And was he f know, son and little Good Lord." be said, "wo'rs K reasons rather than mere appetizing adjectivesv 'that really quallSed to daughter Jen f; office and, in time, fill his only young once! , hi-Got to have reserved, unemotional Lucia Fan 4 Schilling reasons t IThat, war not Phil' notion.. some fun while we're young. Jack! ning is primitive. She runs away. Here i .... i. . i i Hoiiicii,i u- Kiauudii oecyusea ii Forget ill that dope and join the pbe will ltmve him. How dare he 68 he w&ulu be atjlato go on merry, throng you'll ba all the think be can have, theni both? But JeH-i.- V a better lawyer far It when you do before she goes to sleep that night A new Thermostatic Control gives Mie as hft liked to' ItVe'-witallowance to supirtement what- - settle down! Gosh, you wait I'll she is the restored, Ford 'afs, sane, calm' miraculous mileage-to Schfflirig, alone in America, roastsonly sjlaryT-n-ot Ukrhu as any be old man bus!nesahlmself when wife, After all,-- reasons out st ri wing - nil pre viotw- -f ecordsT s,, to be large might go with I'm through college and go to she J Wth Blamke X"onfr(d a Ford recent first grade coffee and seals it in vacuum.There has she less than ivhnt itever position hjs'fathe.r want-il- work. That's why I'm ao darned she knew? "Kiiptastically-sbe ly. made CM uiile (in one g:il.,ef gn, to fill. Phil, dealt fuesy about not getting do w nJo are no 2nd or 3rd grade Schilling coffees. lusk as slnslieil into Eiitjrciy auhmmni'. Starts motor thought a appearances rather than It before I need to, in ?efo Prevents her Tilibons weather, in8alojh-iby i facts. "Thafs all, right for you," said gray "After.jB.lL- - he was tier 'husband !. carbon. Saves "balf oil. Cuts repair logically cn'iuah,' he quar-t-d- . John. "I'm noU trying to preach with John's Methods when to you, Ph!l. But your case and she iKissetised the habit of him, tfie bills ,50, per cent. Installed in ;wo the .o- minutes. Cadillac tiKes 'Thermostatic prerogative eettled down, fo work. John mine are different, you Vtlitoi under-- Blftilcke License; The aV ited. bim reaily to know some-- be all right, no matter wbaehap-pens- . ccupancy ot' his house." They-We- re tX v. Large reserve stocks protect your morning about his courses; .' Phil Your father stands behind bound by association, convenience, iuventot1 wants agents who: cau to $:!000.00 1Mr Lted only to be able to pass his you. I've got no one to look to but affection, nins'lirjinees, shared pos- make from coffee high-grad- e firom a of shortage cup with marks, high myself, and I can't afford to waste sessions. At night he would come inonth," and Twill "sV'iid one 'onti'ol jnlnatlons berries in the world markets. Schilling ia one She would administer Free, to lutrodtM. Sales g uh ra nt eed. ugh to offset his ,many cuts and any time. I've got a lot more work hoiiHS Write inimi'dititely to Blnneke Auto long Btsndin? neglect of his to do before can be a lawyer,' coffee that never varies in fine flavor. : rooin work He wasn't at all even though I'm doubling up some Iievieea Co., lcptv K. '; mind TMlly to settle down to In' Frie ' SI", Cfiinijto. Adv. ;.;:;., i and give, up somo of his plea-,s"Why do you go into law?" asked FhiL "It takes you so long Schilling Coffee comes only in vacuum ok here- you've got the Idea to "get 'started. I'll get the goverkey-win- d tma-a- nd leaves a the key-wirong," ha t !'! John..,.'.'! don't nor. .to.glve you- - a job,- - -- Lots of Collection Slnndurd 2 tn 3 foot 91 why we-- bo? I- i- huve to work. chance to rise s'UeT worth $2.70 for $2.00. You quickly in the rair- g Service Coverr do the wont and then shoot way pusinesg. ' snug-fittin.. nixei ."tk' 1, Br"idul - Wreath. 1 o Rio palnlossly-- ' Ree? That's John wlncedi He'd never.- of y 1 Butterfly bush, Suowlierry, i you get your hundred a course, told Phn Ws ieeling, about Order " th for. You boil It down see? his father's railway. , And Phil NOW' for planting day. "'" a tell me. I can remember, all didn't know.: rtAiaranteed without limit t. Gosh I might as well turn yoa don't like -- ESS SITUATION jar , - : r" IrNational Ie Guard lut-ker- r"r IX-R- - n - . - 1 num-bem- "''-- thtor - ktp-men-ts i: L heir-ivio- 48. hla'-jw- ck tle ci , fnter-tulne- d r - ,.'.. imj-gam-e - 1 r- ar - jtii"HaW t "" - l ei - l. Tan-alwa- i ) rejyood itbel mm - Wbit-tuke- - r, A-J- en, I m v I - , a4ti : tm . . i Si?Jij552? Wednjtl4w 'Service Subject Of Lions' Club Talk Most amazing X of all! ' 1 ' bcen,ei-jierience- Edccp f : - e bt I ur mum BROS - COMBWy four-poste- ' ' -- rlX . . , REASONS WHY y "broitd-iutuded.- n witb'-peoplt- f renchins-indinngSum- mit 3er SHOULD BE YOUR COFFEE and-wit- , ttdl , : ae. MILES per GAt. C ijiid, rfff h -- are n e . -- rr - eeeou'll g TAT , ther. 1 r, thls-lisrrea- rT' . Flowering Shrub Has . - hush-'Spe- cial Utah Nursery Cor son Landmark .Being Torn Down the material 'wUI.be used rTw-- Trtiai.-Bisbii- in p Rrrl South State St., SALT LAKE CITYTLTAli " Wilson is .siiYMTvising One of the large oil compau- -' VmS, March S OhP",t the ief wil! establish-- a service. stationml marks in Payson's .business .n the present site. .' ar is torn down. Thp ClA'B KIKCTS OFFICER, . is best known, as tig,, hiamls at the uncock, HPAXISH FfiRK;'" March 8 cluV 4td. 'first Memliers of 4 LHurem-ellMcfiop of wan. i reeted in 1S73 announce Ibe.elwtion oC ihe foljow-liit- r fttmtta offii-erthe firt brirtu- buiiili'ug Jn Tor ,tbe enmiiug yenr: -- ty. For ninny yenrs thp first Mrs. Giinert Johnson,' presider; on, Giliiert-Johnswas for stor(-Mrs, president ; 7ty'Wi'ond floor .was a dance Mrs. Mary Jane CrandiHl. secretary, and Jdrs. Nephl Kwenson. reT'nvson pnbliVilirar.v has oc- - porter. The club meets once each ! the ' bnilifiug. . for several two wcuka for social advjwement. , ""T untirrw'enllv.. The work of (lowirt lie In rg btilliling 4 J.Ar Halre trf Idaho Who, rdone lv ibe nieniliers Vf the is'ii Provo visitor for a few days 'f.' '.Z--'H Third ward and much of on business; 279Cf . " nd n If AVIER -- .J Schilling's besr Distantly. zyam money back atyour grocer'r Your statement enough. pay the grocer, You keep the coffee. We the-wor- ., r blis-k.- ','i-a- - s s : Ooe acre north east Baking Powder Coffee Tea ?ro- - i9SpicesVi Extracts vo. .bmall modern home newly for finished. ISO - , Coops hens, 'fruits. s fa'tr '' Price $2500. Terms, Homeland Realty - Co.. it A 1 1 in i mil nlH h ii AA'iiJLi n 1 k xn n i xjul i xi riii si iiH |