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Show 7 PACE SIX MB3.- Vocal :-- R.' GARN CLARK - x Pupil of Arthur' Philips, New York. EJo Sacradote, Chicago. Peabody Consemtory, . Baltimore , MoCune, Williamson A " , of Jfew York and Paris ' Ltiey Gates V -- (rnlted Wood-CUfton- Staff I 'strreiipuwfaiO ! tP;tltridnre tw a,rMwpd lot-bat- e 'a -- 1 ' - pri:uietttarj .1 Man 1 fei;raV Mi tber In irnW fcw finbr often throw Whea 'Vb PreidUeut "Charles fl. Mr" arm afrotit ts.4i iftbriind fo Dawes .first aseefcd d tje rostrum ti' tcM torle 6f presiding uffivr of the enx.tH ift lu l'i-. tak March 4, 11)25 and, waring hi arm. whfa the A t&tr t (jt1thVv fcrlbmdy ikttf tbjittowdy oa lu rules, 4be t5fr atid midl dfiiy" tlicmiff'h'i'S aetiate "laHSlipd to norymiii a mas that need "Here nni Ii t h'tt )itB'Bai "lxStr W jrood il4 fashioned aeaiittfhtl baai: f tj.jR'rS ulttiiuj in till tultiiiit ng;r ! was having for a hlle,an4 Hi'Mtor HKTiffrt, TlclmliH-iTli b dtrliijf tlif TTOI nmiirii ; still raxhJoualilIrt poke f uu ol It that Hftn mf: in tifO the.vlre president whenever prol ine, mil me ctrxuiea annnspuerp ln,ld irtl.il f wi(Kli((ti. "8)'uiit4r twoen the presiding officer .aAd,th ' npiier bout? la diniliialiJmv .'Pawea In realty a fin fWlmf, f af(rm 'liiiMf it6pa'lta .m ltt'f WASHINGTON", . Studio over v.. Phone 911 Prp - . lilf it. my- rlil".4n!'lii on of tbr tew-all- ! whic h fought hi aoailuiitiun as Ur tnurile lu 4bi tifiiiu txrblud the w- - president told the l'nird Pre recently. "Tou'd he mj f Ntiuit: and fhata with wry-(i- i wb He doesn't pull any of. (hat tjajmtt alonst TbovWB think M hlch klt wlnff U() I realty " fiiiKlumn r Is for ue.". fmifim-- t "the , " aiitiitniKt i t in groiiji.'' T'VVbpthpr "or not Pa yea the senator qtiotpd In qui'sllonaldp. K- but at any rate'be.U bmuaiiig tlidi- - This eongrpMt I hrpHklnir till recfby"pven wits" hf political 7ipioiipi7ird-ftispped, William Tyler Page of th"' Himp of lUiitwnta- .It ha Ifitu been n jirlimir? priiv.. Refresh Yourself ' with a !"fr" MALTED MILat' BONNETTXZT Confectionery :.: 402 WEST CENTER nt . m ttiiit hiispy catchsa. BHire tlie than uu.!. ibiit be huii aovpr aeen tbp vinegar. HeniiMknim and IViqii- - Imrpr luxly Cmiilinii a.lliinninblj dur pratd who uw evpry ijllttlili of !!1i!oiiU ullh srpiit prwlSinn I it (If hm UiH4Littjii TVTOtallatioa of the taw siAtotittm i f b piny-mea- tnrvivohf a iieeurt grip and help' them right the boat in eaae it capaisearThe rail are withm easy reach and when not in use, lie flat againat the keel ao that they do not interfere with the position of the boat in the deck rack ' " ' davtta. " , I'm" :tLssj 22-v- Plant Fig Trees 50UTH AFRICAT4 PREMIER TWCTtffiareir2rnTiua6noUa trees have been, .received t St PJJSHES BILL TO BAR BLACKGeorge from Texas, it was announcS-, " are Invited to . - 15uroie JKtPBtvljfover- !,, an aildri,o"Che of raeee,1'. will- - ive Battle. FlalUa , n St. of UMtlAU UuUaid,apnd- Ibp tle flnw lit (frrtitt Ca.na2t-- lKH.-.te- Sr: ttJ4i : m. eoTge, HottlcBts BUlJJUit'UL inthelaatt y frtefJwld VLJ1' Wa re-- 1TU1U. tua- - -- . rjoawfpjfthjwlte Exiled Opera .Ster;In biyeralls, oppreaBloB) hnjtbe blacks. " WTthP gwerrf ,.!.' Thnsprflefy-'teflSings As He Toils On Liner ment, (f ,trpp(wit)on agftiast -- 1 f11r..' Every .iif x ; - - . vtJT where the timber-lin- e ' the sky, the wind-born- e meets fra- - -- v ' - J--- i sis -- 1. . ro apiikiniMi . .v-- ' ' t - X' v- . " " V " - liffaaipto dash it down I A to i , 7 -- V'tj wonder 'Hills Bros, is The Recog-- . nized Standard o! the West? Hills Bros. Coffee 'is; eco-- i nomlcaLio Jise -- --J- . tr . . t.. able to bold thplr own . l 5rvJ Jaqn kiiiiita. ilgiiiis the whites, i dowrt ehow It an be cUiue i i j Bar Bljt? wiilch 'nas'mudeT "the race ed that Xegro htw ar'fa'fidanteit qnestioH aiiot iaaue here.. . . . , tal' or Wxlled lAaftrrnlr rtghtttt The . til 11 would !iesrv ' '.tot tha employment Iff mines- and erouud whites employment In: the "skilled niiwhiiipry. If he has, then the-- , trades," chiefly mining and work white man has equally a 'fundamen-talriub- t' aronnC, machinery, Hertgpg- .- who him to get- boMa off lee fey virtue Of Aeonibiaa--tio- the7 native's land.- - The natrre can't of Dutch Nationalist and- or- have tt both ways, u ganized labor, is pressing the hill "I would remind our objectors of largely at the lnathnce of labor. the Biblical Injunction, Thou shalt General. Smuts, n the otyfr hand, not have two. meaaurea, great and protests against sweh legislation oa amall.'. Special, protection for tbff the grounds of unfair discrimina- blacks; In their own fields, Is oar i tion against the Negroes. Me es- Justification for extending similar pecially demands that Its provisions protection to the whites In their v afeall not extend to the Urbe"Pro. fle'.d. ' . 'n - ,., , , tinea, Where'' jaj,ilackBtwho, have i"Ya merely, propoaeto; expend o t long enjoy tha franchise and bate' the white rare at least some ol 3 , . t tttnslderaMe polHical Influence, are protection already Jttcjjtrded Jo the2.' -. its in arma against It- There ia also natives."- - . . much hostile agitation in.Natal. Bmiita. .General complains that 1 are' 'in'mtH'tinij'' 4 ae, are Ihfowlug alfirebrand Info a or continued; the premier, procea Invented." by" a rrfentfhman--hayatack, " the extraction of 'littb' tt fiber e.: bnL a& Jie "veryXwir 'knows, the t -V . - liavebpn wbqs. the fa own. General :orlEee-lovin- g: crance of Hills Bros. Coffee is broadcasting - itsliriesistible appeal.. And coffee -hungry,, men gather cp-fireiiacJieag- tftcse-'lfi- ,. eiKfhment lirjr tjie r; M. at tfaaw If Ka1,tint Wn wM. sm aut arcfiH the blacks .wiunld newer, . streaming, fragrant wisp is calling: "Come and get it! TQund the lc7ne nptlm 4 hir fJrvn.nl Tafitji v jw aaw9ii. f i..-- . ju;-- , flw fthftt"iirrelonftlui.,liPWjbill, giving thr;wbMe the ' protected General Hert- - pn.ltltrt they need, - wlU reduce y the. m nnnirinn w , h ciirr oi Jan 't. imvw v trwa ere ito be, retrain J ued. enltMtvt AntaUi.l.iodtotonL Qul.Valu hp.iiAh. Mm I IUV: umH'aftcr k ja, aside Mr,,WebU aald. Tgoni xejed, Hb w FRORLALLSKlLLED-TRADE- fid. Santa Clara. Strict obHemncekfMPETOW of quarantlneaws.andVMattlaUona . a ttt BHce.liitoih ' j 135-vo- If attpnd a mpptlntr of the Service Ptar Led on at the hoinp'of ibe Women' c'mbs of the ed yesterday by JJL J. Webb, state ii'Ui icitr;lTiday afternoii at 3 o'clork. aprJciUturp Inspector, and farmers lu thut awflon are'euterini thf flr-n jlUI Ualiermlx fahdtui npatnew.'timefWTreTfo v, wt St. George Farmers, Father and mohpra - wBB " TM the world war. a well a aons in 1 A 4 32-y- BE DISCUSSED v Us . xr u orer teat year. WARTOPICTO men, Tbld XRay Platea foe Roof .. .r-- ' CbQfeenbooie . ; olt Tbonmnda of fptorutt from antaula of the ity pounnl la fd:iy awamplniTrthe olleptar't Dfflre.-- - w .. to f 1310,0110 - X-r- FRISCO PAYS ' LARGER TAX ttbp i iuba . Priaoner working m the greenhoutw it the penitentiary on Deer iauuaii. . Bosten, Uaaa, if so diapoeed. ee . study interesting revwUtiona of thb human anatomy aircpl by gfaocini.Ti Tro-v.Tr4- . upward at the roof far th eovarinj is composed of discarded platan donated by the eity hospital of Bof . : too. Skulls, anna, ,riba. vx, :. ; faacluawd bone are included kt tb y unusual canopy, j ,v ,., , only'. One stage of aX. amplification, "J ' " r. ' ' t sj'J and those which have stage bat . i f , wfll operate the loud apealter only on One-Ja- n Barrel Lifter' i the hot Mage, and even then with too lttlte avium to suit the operator on " One man can easily stand or tip' distant station. On the other hand, barrel weighing from 400 to $00 fc. the Tokim on the last stag may fc by using the eimple lever shown in too great for local, and some simple the drawing." It is merely a pick mean for cutting out the power tube handle, with steal crip bolted on. when sot required i desirable. 'All Applied a indioatax( tLa handle al-thia eaft be handled nicely by lie abown in the diagram. 60L1 A socket of the new standard UX- and type: which win take the tubes aa well a the common type, is provided) Inspection of the HANDLfi) diagram will reveal a simple but ef ...ordifective method of changing the lifrttr J nary tut, H connection, aa well th neeeaaery shift from 135 to 80 fOh of suitable for cutting out the. power tube and replacing i wilh the standard-capam- y tub for local reception on the loud speaker. The diagram shdws the ueed withthe, power tube are used with tube ; if the the it it necessary to have a instead of the unit. . It has been esti mated that the change from power to standard-capacit- y tubes can be made lows considerable levenge and makes with thia arrangement in leas than it comparatively easy to manipulate three minute. Th power tube art heavy barrels, . . &: d. " a aa-Im- - power : r(J Mi-'- A tiv re-ap- at tii PwrrrTsbef tube aeema to offer earn diffiealue to the aferac experimenter, lariy ta aeta ordinarily equipped wjki - ja-b- So for reception but fat local work the standard tube will pre Ut ter quality of tone, Th diagram ' small-tu- b given, ia eoitable for th ral super jet nowJa L beTWl: one stage of audio sarplifkatinsi a i New u -i Biter, Chnerfof Simply whe 4ir4 in Np Yak lity.lan Katur-dajland, planta are being aubieeted to a Mar lyportpd fiirab!y jtihtp will I het4 ttM!iw In the wide satiety of teata, whila aciaatiata C iira- - KtyhtPPtitlii Wvi4 bin creating aepurat atudy their growth aad bow tay hibiittmt and utmua. . o la to rarioua light and Jiflerent v Ih'P. Thomaa A. Jic9iy STPtary of to Treuaiiry Mhia CtarMa. y4 e in luanw and gpii-n- l' kind of food, that plant broducta may torfti uf ' rh L. IK M be raiaed more efficient and, Uttti 4u.-i- that more may be learned dry. f.tr."hv iMlorw-H1 arriTe.la Halt uf the function! of the human body, "Mr. Lake with lite body of Ida nle at for life m plant and In animal liit (hit ptwirtf apaiJun! ; The wnat 1 uVl'x'W STtJnpwlay The aimilar m aome respecU. A geranium T twwtrd the tai iill with a curved atem i gxtt& aa eieetrt adrP4 tn Uoi- majr 1 vWpd moniljif.)' ai the bapel wdtid rfinrr ifMulathiu' ! Hrr4 Jiu4 .r to (he aprylpe .' Intpr-ute- hock and nde to pow jn different . 4ln-prpfl if R did hare to tow th wvillbe u tlty wuPtery under direction ; eertain planta thai require Threat f pUitttra' la ttw flrrt lif Ut for normal growth are placed m 1. Taylor diiei nod ppMiip tr it th taftw. h while otheri that could do darkneaa, -iA ... weU with little illurainatioa are aub- !! ., i 'lhtrtn thp firrt thft luotitha tit . Jtnrvlviiig Jjtr, liuherta, in .aadi-liii- a ' tl mHoiI fM" 1hiu wae4 pctd to bath 'from eolored an ilaiwo? hualiaod, are kuapa. To dieeorex hvw plant feed, Ml&jrf fmifte au9 a prhaa Jlra.-Jueer YpvUle of Salt the eipenmenter atarve them. ' ., The afnate panned ta.. Lake, and lnthE,' 'Tbeodorf I'ur- - .: i 1,;,. !,.;.,:;. WVird !rlft Into Ohio onrnas tia:-oLifeboat Righted by Rail loiuit tlrph4 that thw la a woVf. Attached to Keel. ; :) bipnf oramilapd In that utata to aend "Two long folding raila attaebed to a wmnaa apnate. vTb Ipim( the keel of the lifeboat have been dV pratlr ptwutlre rmnnilttee of C'nya-viaed by a Britiah seaman to afford t nnty la hl-- ClcTplaBd. la uiianiiBoitxly alttiatpd adopted rr prntly a rpwiIutFoB pnd(irt4lnf, JHor encp R. Allen of the anprein roarT m tbp nnnUfri noiiibtflilon. .AX rUAXVimX), March Ifl. Increase Iihuuip ta " (t'l'j on illnaka and fped were' Wng rpportlpd at ihp star flaU. ' .San Krasciifra.lntprniil rpveiine of- fiee today, B(Hipta ota!led H, 128,0(10 at thp pad of Jlie laat day of flllnr. amird-in-s ht as entlnuite of J. P. Mcljiugh-lln- . pollex'tnr of Internal reveuae II aatd the aiiMiiint rppreaeBted ait iu-HiMui af fa Cuni , Rtrta fl tK"-- ji ilariarpt B.i wlfp ot Kota-rta- , SolTtBg Mrateriej of Pbnu to Aid Hamas Beings la iBtereatiog laboratory is Eag " inei-iie-r- -'- s 1 JSplt Hrmmn) r. 6r-l- Is Doin m ;As Seen by Popular Mcchaaio M?yrdne. r w rta LAKK. ( A!.T IT rfrba hutti C.-j-f '' fReorld 3 :.mmm. aarfftl) WA8HIXGT.. TV bmw ty an - P.0EIS MRS. ARECREAID bOo- Dawes (Tetting.Clubby With the Senate- -- - NEpUREAji 3i UNDER tKCAPUOEDOHEt teacher and Coach rcii ii isss T&TKwd iihXuil Tuesday! r, I et haxta1nMtEeii.flriC conflicts ai Bullhock; Port Ell' rac liisiipsjrand-- , I a cost of only We Cause You Tp For Hills Bros., satisfies the desire of the out-- doorit man as; no ipthef food-drincan. yNo.Cjtbjr. beverage has won so many' friends, Jrom Alaska to Forget-Tha- rubW'lifoTtTJ'T'orr"--.,,'- ' IWa- ; .80 cents t 1 hunger-goade- d Troublesome Rupturo k the-Gu- lf andfrbmthe-Oc)- Our experts. "will --to- at -- C, March 16. Tle vliBjifJ?itfH?Mve and!ng - carpenter's- - shop a alMMiid big Atlantic- liner," of t.hfldat' where Alexandar Zniinfencky, formerly of the Moeiw fjperi jl?omttnnJ,, welds a tmy1vnm-Bie- r ind fill tha ship wital classical eiplofly 1i The singer, n man without a aiq Tlnthe whkhkcefctltecojfct fitsk - -. , " I"' ...... 4 the- - Em-area- ...,.,.' 4 . ...w-- . , j.' ,. ' bwrucd-W- ..J.J rice- worked - . . - t Ll t - i fKuig of Hussla the lialuei in the conn-hy;hi- s woU,-4i- old 'nobiHt," wafs Rraye. deeds, in txwWIea of Chim wiiere he with eooliea, da.btefkt.pov-efty-ltifllfw- it 1 f ' V.. 4 1 i -- v rrrnn one of old Ituwia'a noblest fnmillea. he ,ia first assistant fo the ahip'a ennwuter alioard the Canadian " ' aleainer. ,. , ' ' ; mnsic, hetiulied 'Sinca, babyhood, .when 1okliig forward; t the honors 6f ilmsla's Imperial would lie hla. Then, and" rjpr Just as Wk frlae came near; the war Hflf bed. it away. iHe foiigbLSO -v'nptala dnrtug the early daya of ihe atrtigsle; wus wonnded 4ind sent To-du- y Bnl-let- 1- - '.' 'A 192S. Oraa. Rt. U. s. Pit. oa. - ' 1 X- - r.T - ' . i "j. v uiHk.v : l il)erl. 2 ' AltTi)iidfrZnamnnRKy..is Ta-jru- - ' .oa the eell B. VANCHHIVEE, the Mississippi; Break the vacuum seal of a tin of Hills Bros. Inhale that rare aroma. Now i ... brew. a..cup and lift it to your lips! ; prain" it' 'dry I Any HTELS i .2s..XjL..Jleri-ice- tbave Us clothes Trajked jfqrta, Tree, out only jto tbome. (a wantferer, on,'Jb face off the earth, i'jheelng . petrov ?rpd tww4lnirad.J fjbe Raftered iberuin 4ite.' the tortures ("o 1 WtOir'a ivcrowdxoi reftigeest"ne reached, hanchaVln 1921, jn.eeml-(IcHriufrom fever, He labored as f wolh?tlwlnp .In 'jfcedSjwJflnlrj A ne eiiiaa. nrnt towear--exi8t-Bg,:lu- barelfJTVsrrike'lust year caused Padfijc Uner . - Neglect and Delay is DANGEROUS i Examination and advice iXee We'c'arry a full Kne of trua abdominal supports I- ST feinpress ' f Canada "sto0 arid lfsteh when la great voice comer booming' np frbnS Ifiwen. ffiic .wdejrerZnamenskj work "wrifli" jpllers ina' cn'jsel nd ii..ni.ipV: f 7: R him" Caruso-- and .IV among peo, iJpwr" ( ple now.'wllo Jn(l6rst44tt mg n)gC, ' ..T'ndcr the Canadian iinmfration aiit wua desirlnt.to ebtrt Cana-0miiat px,oiuce;pif'porii froth the land' of tjteXr.dtnenM'A;Rprclal - --Tbey-wir . See Us at Oiicel -- hihnirit Hprlrtiilitt. tlwJte-VMmfai- Znft-mrns- a j)ij.';0t.wJ;jn;woti. . easer - Caftiid-lat- t p'tJ,t(iltiv-teercrewfc,ajiu?n jhjklnd . t. fit you with the proper sizev " t. ojpiy ThSi the ltevofiitPm trftkel, the after jotig:in Wigadod. TJti hr-- r pctlpstnljt if the tnijjliiy' lif "Ititpslu rPatr be ngemcis ;.or . gone n)i,aeine4sk rtuualns ', a 7 man sty!l WwninWty'jTichai"v-asKor yar only" thfteoht walls of a without: a' coiintry;a grahd dpefa' arlaou beara (11a song.singer In a 'ship's carpenter shop. r ZHtt-- i m uat of Hon Skid Truss-- f i-- S V. Ezzixxzxxczxzazisczxxxsxxx:xzzzz:::zxEzl -E- AfMitchell r;':4PopularrTafl Established" August 'l,1901t r: .! domestic and Imbc ted Woolens ; Cleaning,' etcV Pressing 101 North - - Remodeling; V . Irtlverslty Avfs.- - r -- - v -- Phone Ml ', sty;..!-jtyr-, a .; |