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Show 1 THE EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, MAEC11 15, rV0 AGS Hill ..' Man ;FEAT URESi up- i PRESCOMN 1ENT In Independent Newspaper - : , . i.i.. ICONOCLASM , ON THEM JVALT! BIASON 1 RHYMES .... S- xmfPArEll.ExAKrBlSE ASSOCIATION ' r ASSOCIATION MEMBER:. UNITED riltS I : heroey-I-have-lo- h Rooms, , 4rf f i;kMS OF SUBSCRIPTION per iiwiil ll .....,.'............, to Trdrntire . lee, n I adyert'taUigo'clock, a. m. eoXor the current ? ; trU f ered by Si T;V.rwrmwv. ly rrii--, ysrenr; ...i.-.nw'year, in advance .. k. m.h tMuii J"i temped byTmuU in XiitlTu'Ks, 5 pure as en6w,.'too higbfor slander, and reproach,! ht is ih only one I know upon whose ame they can't encroach. It's useless for this hunch to try in all his life no fjaw is ul. found, the roan wha could not tell a lie, though bridge jpune; fl p. nv !3ladlo Fair-trees stood all around. He shunned the jHgon iw ge tear 7:30 w letture on degs, u. bed fh2M4iotJSWearJ whertn aage. or tearthelanguage all to hreds. Oh, KFI, 40T Meters, Loa Aniielea T p. Al wesson f am glad 'Miat there 4s onfr whose tame the muckers can-- filial features; Screen Artlsta' not mar, whose record is a labnc spun oi aeeas xnaxgiii-te- r orchestra; S p. qnartet; 9 p. :hl, prograim r like a star." Then I picked up the Daily Wheese, KLX, BOB Meter. Oakland 7 p. one with how read and our of town, paper new broadcast. ' m, With docui renown. white attacked great George's 337 Meters, M 4nse' KXX, ments his hands were .filled to show that George not only lual feature? , mothers -that boozed, but had a joint w'hexejhe distilled, the. juice honr; 7 jf, pv, program; 7 :30 p, m kept th$ ioikl' enthused- .- And; WsfiigtoflJt Aeents; at henlth ta Ik.' Pr Bobwt T. William ; prone to cusis like pirates of ttte wdBiJgitWibwtoi? he 8 p. m.,'prKTam! JO p, mOxt KG Wr 4M 5 Meter, Portland Ktmid alone, and rivals would Compete in vain. - "If this be true I sadly cried, when I had read .the dismal taje, T'snnI features; 12:30 p. nu, eon T.m p. m., Tthat Washington both swore And lied and drank his hit-'-l cert; p. m., concert; ; 8, 9, TIO p. m.,coB bulletins no police to to no as cxmg, ters frpm a 'pail, there jock ..which, ' -- : ji landmark but will guide me (wrong, and j'U no longer, cert.' KFOA. 454.3 Meter. 8enttle ...n. 12 "dance and sfijgrorMthe air nfthr joyous song," Kiaai ionebeea- :) ; f 3 ft Bfc women'i clubs pro ' Telephone ; ' m irrrrrwOWJ issue Inust be U aot later thai v Visual evidence aflcrl lenced in Hlv old Bayitif seeing is " P i Mt MOMA.L tNSTttl U vicileJicfi commit- frfsri7? 4biwwatt WROm tV. tO' rvrrr-nwrni- Oil mailers DANGERS OF 01 blUCB. referred before investing. The writer VoVw iitat, along fivp tuhdm. mflUojas thjonirh this class of investment last ' Aiiil'iiilM..aii.,)iiiiMlilillli .lii, '''' HOM HI" 'I MEDICATION ii-- w ...fir J i - V HANDY iiiipiitKfir-itre-ititrmriii- hdans ds, Oft time c ney sot to ine most imeresuug part of,a conversation, interrupting t 'em at uicala,' walking 'eiu ui yetMiW. night, never giiiig-etHa-t, any-rrsany prtvary would hey have done; itr .;!:. ' v jcte, A; 15'ey'd h'as'e had to. li-- iit X tl are Ku.ral .in,,, with the gravest .d .the JbiUig . - o Ut ...... :P': noaini8odetylisjpared ' s niem-liran- . whauc a rfeauff 4 oiily-hope- -of j tm fVf Vi iKTttft 't . .the olirtrmiiv forniit- - adhesions and pun:nt;lhe abdomen nt rest. Vathnrtics crenses the movements of the bowels, favor the growth of perms ami spread the infection. In .all f these acute digestive the physician or surgeon III ton offen riismsyed by The emifi. (lent statement of the mother that she has given a dose of castor oil herself. In all acute digestive dis turbances the giving of cathartics should be 'tabooed and medical ad vice sought . than ever." : - -- KCUUHll, very-dens- . - : i d " i r; haveTin-opportqnitr- ,iit v. to I . '.;;;- .;.. '.:.'". is a good thing to recall clocks. CMLO: 1 Finally, it be safe than sorry. ."t4 New ia. : .WL AWAKtl- Use for Cheap Acreage leiva in-th- e has-possib- - success,-it-may-ver- y -- l , t . ""Diii-nows.- " : -- value-JtYhethe- iL iJ . luiisi-Bi,.- f ... . wuicn proves, '. ' p i1 By PROF. L. S. MOBUIS! j" i At the Michigan State College It HjFitonrTifbffgTittidejts tff paltTr-- . : Phone . 47 - 1- r- - - MrST'SEI) Hny "more thaw i"0' evei- - of freshness -- - K : ... ... weaauy,' ncn. i ' , 1 ",,UJ rnsioHHlly, r; JH-m- A f ' r. if(fced need coat iZ, yes MlSPItoyprxCED iislm'ls"- bi'dn't bad a coat of ! tiv r.Z 't IZlx uoHtihIngs oftieautv - N to need "m.ua i ms r .- oiur- ,i 'V us'beaiw . s .; TOM SIMS SAYS - ly ( ,ln" .- ',.',' fey-to- it;madeur e lug, esu buOd btn-f- c ii'TIoieTe - start. acb,,,-- , rmged .uid Cared rju but homes grow slowly like trees., '" a": J'ood will keep Ionger-J- f a lock ou the ice box. - Meal By Having ' T Know one chan who lm,,.h d nt someone said this lent, affluent, copioas, abuudj iit, was a garden city. Perhnpa he did r V ' ;.. lileuilfnl. not go along the streets where the' WORD STt'DY: "Tse a word flowers and shrubs three times twid it lewiii--rfaus increase tmr vocblni'f by mas dmvH feaces, some old barns sending tering one word each aajv'iToday's forth barnyard perfunemry, some word i CULMINATION" the attain- weeds ment of. the highest point, "It is some growing along the streets. paper and bits of deb the tuluiiuatien of. many centuries lying about scraps in framp-lik- e fashion,' ijf progress.') - ; perhaps, he 'noticed a few houses whose foundations 'stared out without a shrub for variety , r .:,,;.:r,;,;;j midTo attractiveueaa,. be a garden city every home ftet'oiir. the ChrlKtmns clfts nnd ')!" wore beautiful. We polish 'liim up. Yon'k need theinl""11''1 a on untidiness: for wedding present soon. Wf ' un - V,,Xiii the rermlne ff un- . r', : v, ' flRhtlliiesa. v V . iJSuw ,s ,te j, Justppened , to. see - the. la Earn rs i - . -- on Years - By CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service Writer. WASHINGTON These four id Lynchburg Virginians have bee jlavea to the telephono-alnte-Au- g - 'put - - 'r, - , - after repUie- nig unsightly, iljjeet!.. can make a. Iieaiitifuf gaidcu city of 'Jrwo Pro- -' vo lias a good start, id's kee ; ttup. i RETIRN ITOH CALIFORNIX SANTAQI7IX, Mar.r'15f Mr us- like to go to be.dnnd Issaih llolladajr and granddaughter, fuu to hate get up Wouldn't it le Mis Ma re' da Hudson, arrived-homif this was reversed? Ftlilay from CaHfornla, where they have bwn .apcndlne And a inaketh full maiu Kernllug' hs 'with relatives. niaketli a lazy man. MostJf - j j i'VI" 'sir i ,'ltu -- . West-tmake the nucleus of "a large-scal- e tions project for breedinir elk for rr.arke'w- - The proposition - - ities rrore thrin those generally realized. If this f financial rrove a likely experiment a similar movemem, not oniy in be tne begin mrg-ofiachu setts' but in nearly every other section of ' In every state there are thousands of acres of partially i scrub land which can be bought for only a few wooded ,- dollars anandacre and which woalcroe suitable'for raising .varlhas been considered i vus kinds of game of no value except for the wood" on it or for recreational The brogress .'of the elk farm in Middleborer may v'bpen tlie way for a very rapid de dopment in the use of such property, once the idea wees hold. The principal capital t outlav, ande fromlhf land. w a suitable fence. Some dav a new industry will be developed which will 'make use of 1he miles ar.d miles of open land which today has it-used fonraising elk or some- almostjoo. k we else, for such,prpporty will" beliejethat.thgtfcrftand thing d v;.a k increase during "TO t. . MsllH-ito- live says Men deorge Scott,'- tbaE laUTiigTs lor yoar heulth, - . -- An imixirtant exnenment is .' being undertaken near MHddleboro. MaKfaohftsetts, in the starting of an elk farm. Some 2,000 tht-arwing dipped Jrbnf goWiiniiieiit . SAtD ROCK HER ;. that "it. is" better Jo, ' n Old-Time- particularly.-cau'trosrahJsHi- - - e iis -- MYLMJLUAMS Y QUT-OUR;W-A- 1. ') F T E tV . -- medt-P?ii- "fn thisJtoanecfcicn; &m, the Kew York ' American advises: T fReme'rr&er 'these thinsTlJoq't poryoiir Tnoney-in-to first hand from i'ftnvthirff that v'ou don't know ' t tnn r lvrffrim J. '.". The ODDortunlties to make1 a"JbrtUne. overnight in far-land, in oil, in radio', in mot ofstdeks never go begging., ' away The pvuiple vho knowabout4hoscUJiingiwilLmake the money. - invest, ask your payings ','lf you bank about it. The officer of any savings bank will .be t glad to ttU you a safe investment; at slightly, better interest than a savings bank tan pay, just as soori as you have your first thousand dollars in In this connection II. C. Hicks. Secretary of the State - -- nrnriiiea fnmrrihsion haCTtt1t?3yWmngH4jtehn's " to be of --investing m on ' ; . OFTE :WPJU!j. It tells that Sprine is elose around. teacher. "The people of Boston are diing-ers. KENNETH TAYLOR. stupid? Why, the ideal"' wm- fiftepn stntes and eoverine a oeriod of 'three years; : Sixth Grade, Tlmpanogos School. "Well,; the: book nays here that of on list the stands high Massachusetts Is remarkable for its .showed, that the business man; I'lcer of the stomach often iierfor-ate- s : ' e r:: ; SIGNS YOU CAN BELIEVE IN I piSrchasers of worthless stock. the wall of the stomneh or population." . If your breath la bad and yo 'The sun'ey disclosed that no section of the country lHiwels, lends to the escape, of the have spells j of swimming in thf i frorirthe evil of security stomach contents' into the abdoinln Somebody told a : Provo woman and head; poor appetite,-- -- constipation that she looked 50 cavity, resulting In fatalperitonf: rw;r.dlmg There was a .relatively iirge number of salesmen al years younger and a general: no account feeling, it since she had her Anv drug which increases the bobbed. hair auditors, tis. in" the list,N .and many dentists, doctors,-lawye- rs; Ib a sign your liter is torpid. The I'ontraetimis of the stomach raceountantSf-Dookkeeper- s, clergymen, professors, students, as an irritant to the niucoiis one reitlly dependable remedy for Freddie: "Ma, didn't the mis increases the danger of jicrall disorders in the liver, stomach adverti?h;g ricn roke- aHd bankers ;men shrewd .in thejr sionary aay ibAt. the savages didn't I own notVolStO combat the appeal of, the foratlon. r:ry resogiiltlon and and bowels is Herblne. It acts wear any clothes?" lines, v , 3 .. ' powerfully on the liver, strengthen prompt Hurgical trvatment In case Woflier: "Yejc." dear.?"-.-, si.ocWsaleZmai.r. t,fc digestion, puritflea the bowel and 'the filogan- of the of iierforntiou of the stomach or .'Freddie'.' ft,,tuen, Vhy' dld nana IJitVMtkJecilfis-Uif- i .safety. -a'lle,'l"t of a'tt.rition is'Tieing restores a fine feeling-oImwels offers" tho energy pttttl buttofrla the eollcettoa pkta?-sav4jA you.rTnveSt.-nnvgstit jBefore BMnesS ' organization Betterj to con! for a matter that Isl vim and cheerfnlnesa Price.. 60cing life, und delay and hotne most 'nor neiiher there. here ctition lire Sold by Hedquist Drug Stores. Ads :'..Statlstics show mrirried dangerous. : TOlMUTiFY I DAILXESSONSU ii mMM re survey r.. til.lutensl so-call- ed the tamer. fV ''-- are:-ulce- ' 4 N0WIS.I1E By i. ii ; 0 . aw - UantJ6Lai tn-- - ? j .;k .a' learThru;t., : ana9ixHnBrTirTr lafg'cMenfOf PAQ lmnd,-4wtHtH- )' j pW thel.i then get the: ,i d the-bir- 0 ii i in vr Ifyoii prefer Sugar Coded Gum Ad iit-uc- t k. x v the Green, m v Wearing It ia,b seventeenth of March Patrick clean and neat Sprint; time, has arrived at last. Has stuck a shamrock in his coat Violets are blooming fast. To promenade the street, The tree, a re beginning to grow. And the fanners are ready to sow. He wuves old Erin's flag adorned With harp of golden sheen, For Patrick is a happy man. The birds are sweetly singing, wkea-year- ter Willi? the glad news they are bring-ingetr the green; SPRING TIME. D., IjwoodMj ii Double Strength Peppermint I hare a .roll a erisp new rell Makes the people very happy, The sinno dnhw'ex!tir in lnre- - ! And the spring time yery snnppy Of bank notes In my vest . .i..ii..i-.ilJfll!i- : tlnaT'oTwirucnon wlilrn '"Tir"nnuany' Thej-a-w the "rtrtt-merirtXamUSl'i'i. '3" t aiemner iors;as tint limitiite. ushered In by afidosiliuil pain, Vom Tomorrow for a "walk we?or Memorial lfkes tbe best, ; '"Th,; siaits year. JudiA XTitr nirlit , enfiaine and. flowers will And ifini;aiul BjniiHiuih oi miniin! Tlw cwmneit twthe " TToli: The "bowel tar these rimes ttrniff1 know", atroHK CDthiirtics, pnTn'-nlm- r j teriujt sr uiiiMtrleted hjr grinte a KTHinlwlt That we have come. to welcome them For fjils is r k- - tN too,r- ly cflstor on bihi twini . fransht tvltu' much drfnrer. .t.h-- .'.il'ilon ; a , Mail is And their happiness will not lacK. tunny initt'iets i r medical firsjt thinprlit 'ofwhen--of a Miinuof cathartics wome .roiKs tteom to think bionoy precision a diving Bv JOSEPHINE DURBANT, UptlitK ilth thg .M,u:d4..33ja . i KrHnrtmothrr i ii . "cffnf rH'tlTmii' oj iT;iiimwf.iiIii, nrnv ii.. 1.)1. tin sTnTnni'ji practitioner, ft fte inoT3ii&i5nVeakmws lllt M.rlno Hrfc. ftesjl imiStoni iyett -- dose- of caHtor iU - Lfkwl.-mi- iie. most1 the" 'knnwl-Agof. .e4i'one incdini! no with adult IS yiclou? HERE, that ate aterhyprrttitHiiwl .1 UKtinlW- I (panUng) rsome dav I'll teirts to stltx ir irimihals'6if't,hel, mrh hit atnte !mHirenriVe vater whoa iinr la here! is herel" lost money Spuing Spring "A (llstwlmiiee occnr -Th. hafipiwt (jenspn of jthe year. to tiedWhtJjgtHriuC1"'-- ' finaftciatcrooka last year difextl'rfr : fii the in i through .t:mv nn Mierf1(cd Yenrlv H(ti'etth,Jtut.the ut(yiu.iilifsiWrwt Willie bird are singing very sweet, i is i;?0 cormVra 'ATrr.v.of them were women, and uxc of most ccuiiunii nffectieiss iw i !:!lil:e!i And flowers .are blooming beueath wtil.probalrt fiidi.rrlm!iuit( sme tit sad fwwmwi fwnrt " wvere-fiVsrwwjuwpij r . 7 mapyot them were crippies.anu ityMtu., xiu feet, "'p4iUrfr;icN. While put ) which resort Is is .made ly-- Kfyiien The young tnatt1 gettfug' married and honey (llntiirbiiiicps birds ly jeri the humming eiidiVntH 'llieie 1n In' thes dttx8.sljauld.tH,' sure thai be made to these fxiwerfal medicines In (Kiite lipf Jhcs , of the stomach, or frrsy flaimmitioni 'wllh. thu prxsHifc of Are fiying arouud the flowers and can pay;the..pmony "are not sold to the humble i the "AlftheWrtVif?.? the of IntestinoK, gnll Mnd- - highly virulent germs. Nature tries bus hveaiiccustomed. in piirtloh trees, yoiuiglady ot.4 tv.o iVnnrfetivt 'Men in the! higher classes, ( inflamed- aifKiiiliT to .r When the grass gets green upon the r i i.ii ....i..r. roll no nften and as hard as 'der disease, acute inli'Htliial'obstruc- - imd protect-thof V nai Old Fashioned' Bar notes' (hnt the betweeft a fook and a chef is that the latter can fix things up so,5 bu pn't tell what they are. program; p. m.i children 8:30 p: hi., Bbodes program, '' pjTPmpmvm Longer Life rrv-- diiferce gram; o 11 , mit w M 1 "TITdtteinory "TV. pro-gra- i 'Svk rlere-T- s (That blamed doir," he grumbled, "has kaen seratthl? at the: door to git in), fur the Im tkour, bathe rnns away-erugw i open rVl&t ain't the doc, she explain ed;: fthat'a the hired 'man writin' a letter on the kitehen tabl&" . -- ' in, jn-- j i : s One of the most plausible reasons the world Is not coming to sn end ia that It's round. - j ha but te KoZm page 11 oi the.Literarypigest evidence of the extent to .f March sixth" to find t$vincin are beins; victimized States' ?hich the people pi the tjnitfid and f al$ fieeurity salesmen, ,The jy etqckxiiid bond? swindlers of the citr ot Pittsburgh,-Pa.view ncHiil jireamts-ari end with pi inhabitants Trifi'of six huiidivdthotor.d this r?at city statca that billion and HiHar3. .t:tion. of a sum the that, the class with xuld be reconsUu'ttcd '(annually from! the oax pockets and strong 'of salesmen reftrrvd tji an article -accompanies xxes': of the "gullible. Jie picture who York Evenin? Post, La New h the Willinms Prank J. four anr stock frauds from losses declares .that Arr.cria'3 limes thatLfrom burclarjv larcenyd petty-thtf- t;caused ten times hy trade the forgery total er.d four times the loss tvnu.ici oni wn n in iweniv vtius vu.y vix iuv a ss t.t as evi- This King believing.'1 vi r aaalT . . " y like.- ? White Collar Bandits i k ."Shet" It ever 1 Tfiarry.1t "will be a man wo;ncomehagaleast v four ciphers in It He : That s good, dear. My In come la all ciphers many as you P- - i snick-ersne- - -- ', 1 -- pickled-to-their- -"-When-TOenrweflt -- Mt -- X likes t, v.;:r..n: ' 8-- i.u dUortHl - rul ng 4-- nMnoi Office TU'p'jmh i.i J Two problems the wrfmeh dlda' MARCH 18. . EPO, 428.S Meter. Ban Fnraelae aaTe .fifteen yenrs ago were cigar fingers and featarea; 1 p. nt, Falrtoont ette ts lues. ,oa their, r' 2:30 p. wl, pro- - ehappeal knees, It it el orchestra; . "ii ' r::' 4.: Palaee Hotel or-tram; 0 p. T.ObBerTant Elmer ein;letoa say: rbeutra: 6:40 p. n. to 11 p. m., mm-- i "Aow-Legged be heaUliy rirl te and praeraaa ie-but In Tad suniie," ilfra'ya U)-OokUnd EGO, Ml Mrtor. feature; p. m St. Frandi 6:30 p. a.; Loulw Landia; i WUe (Jtist'ietuhied from nwrtes) "The ilcturt waa wonderful; all 6 ritreonetrtT 8 T). program; 9 p. m.t Henry M, Hyde ; 9 :30 p. hl, about' a young coupleVbo were On m deaert Island with ailcrton bridje fearnre ; AO 'p. vu, ,. nothing to aat California Colleclana rcbeatra. KHJ..40S.3 "Metera. Ioa Angeles HuWM hy dkla'f they eat (the '. macaroons?? i t j. wt; Noon, tlance. mimic; 2:80 p. stunts, they do ti ai i The, cL TOHORROW r i Iliafiinans now make me tired, the pov admired they're the sess'no charms; .Publisher ..................... t swear by-- Old JBill as false alarms., k."37 T7. Ctf Editor : showing up , Av ...... Gun oar Tell, he was the hero of my youth: then from his.pedea- LtalelXeuthey-pif-i ',,,'Mw Jiu K.a.iJi Firm Wist street ProTO. Utah, vrj evening Chris' Columbus topic hla.i;meavnrwmn, aamirea carrier Delivered in i' .Provo, by nw. SiifuKta. (lull tfiipj.. i"ri Benthv-antheir 8gice,''cOTviiice4 roe, that hifl Aims ; IstflHans,'-toeom AH Mtvm i'lemsant ake ttew; Vtateyard. Or." ri; claim!!. his faked hA my idolsilropped, nd -85 VpneafWrone Telephone mtntnf wlisiihTrJdstwti14 b made at T protested, ".'.feeling. "sore,. 'Unaess"fconocIa5mr Btoprrj, nte4 til seetioU.Wsss swrntr r there'll, be bat-on- e r Ltaq adoit-- George Washington,. as j C i - r i - BY 4." MEMBER TIMELY EDITORIALS! . ii,. WASHINGTON NEWS f RIPPLING THE t EVENING HERALD ' s So have jme other people, off iind one, but there are mighty few who have been continuous subscribers, at the same old stand, for nearly 47 years. March 10 will be the telephone's 50th' birthday and the phone folk are digging up their original customers and coiiduetlng festivities in their honor. few days age the Washington phone "ronnsiny,' which does long iiKtaixv Ihikiucsh with this iiarticu ar qiinrtet, gave thenr ? 'A ver at Lvnrhbfir. n : lnm-heo- , r "I The 'Lynchburg; exchange started with 24 'subscrtbera including ; William Hurt,, publisher, now retired ; W. C. Gregory, real estate, also retired, before rail estate men became realtors, and the drug; firm, in business-fo02 years and -- still it It, -- of Luiustlen Hammer C H. Lumsden 'and E: C. Hammer. WltatV more .Lnmsdea it Hammer keep' the same telephone nn;u-be- r today that tbey started wltb. ....I. ... ...V. ,,.i'.'i;- i Hurt,' Gregory and Xuatsden .& Hiiiiimer thought tbey were doing '" something - pretty revolutionary-- ' when they put those sphones ia. .i thfly toultt1 bnt Jhave Khowtt what-- a pest tbey were $oing te be -- t It' . Modern girlx are Kccompllshwt in the use . how to put It in the phonograph. No auto driver as yet has written -j to Washington demanding an inves Provo Folks Find a Bad Back Heavy Handicap.' tigation into the cheaper price of gnsollue. Is your work wearing you'outT '' Are yon. tortured with throbbing PROVINCES QUARREL backache feel tired, weak and , OVER TITLE TQ FI JI Then lisik'to your VTOKTO, (T.VP.) Two Many occupations tend to o- f- Stiizimka and Thru weaken the kidneys. Constant back- Yamanastil,"Hre cU'itjIiik on miitic pains result You quarrel as to which owns bladder-- irregular- Suffer the summit of Mount Fuji,. Japan's ae,red monhtaln, Fuji Hies ; JeeLiiervous, Irritable and worn out Ion't wait I Use Doan's stands on the border-lin- e Pills a stimulant 'diuretic to the the. two provinicial divisions and its summit,' always kidneys. Workers everywhere rec-- j oinmend Doan's. Here's a Provo snow clad, is worthless except " ease : -- ' as the highest spot in Japan and Geo." BatfKO, plasterer, EGG W. 4thtZ the-- point from which the simN -South Bt.i says ; T)oau'8 PiUs are worshippers view the 'summer renuirknMe kidney remedy. Ally sunrises and pay their devotions to the orb of light. straining work weakened my kidTwenty jenrs ago the f)tinr--J neys and the secrejions became high- - . rel started, but fibred out beIy colored. My back ached too. $ cause neither "side could proused a Iwx of Doan's' Pills and thje- yduce any documentary evidence cured me. , Of possession. ' Now the Yamn-nasi'lrlee COc at all dealers. Don't s Teonneillors-projesto sihrpiy askfof a' kidney remedy"' some . cen tury . old same that Mr,v-lattggot Doans PiUsH--Ui- e n documents to prove- their mim;' ' Co,, had- ;Mfrs., Buffulo, N. Y. AVDrkjVearingTDUOut?" SV- . kid-ney- s! are--th- . '. -- -- hi e - Foster-MIllmr- tj '-T-. f |