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Show ' - mm IE HERALD The Chosen TI i. V is' ' i . v 'A ' V ; HALIFAX, N. & Nov., 17. (UP) thft-teie -yof hw death picked his comirauions tiue by one from an sailboat Tbe shore overturned .; Boat,", fd the United 8tates coast guard vessel MorreH in an ley gale were told her? today by a tad of 19, Engtnemaii Charles Taylor ot tblf Morrell. Eight and per- $sps nine ot his comrades had pgr, U ished.; the'eole surviver of the hartor tragedy, landed,' hhlf froien and dased, after riding out a part of the distance to shorerhangliig to tlie side of, the overturned boat while the gale whistled down the Then with oue boot kicked off, he plunged into the waves and reached land more dead than alive. tmd ' found him. 'A passer-bstunned a"ud taken him to warmth -- and sheJteufnd food. Then: be plc- the "leave boat" of the , tnred how OMorrell had put off tot fhe h1p af ter the shore party bad, delrered to a hospital a sick .comrade and had spent their day in Halifax. The lulj In the storm which gave them tope of Teaching the Morrell was sport lived and as the boat was ball way back to the ship, .the wind . Jwfred up again end capsized the ! vl 1 ' ly; y . "TTie men clung to the boat. Soon, however, there wore only four clingTbe,n two iuore, went. lng to it. Taylor and the other sailor hung on. Their cries were lost iu. the storm. Finally bis comrade, . was ; swept He away too. Taylor plunged. fought the.x waves , and- - finally reached the shore, Then Taylor said, two more dropped off,, leaving only himself and. one companion, J. It. Shea of Providence, tt, I. The waves lashed and .struck at . them. .Taylor hung to the bout while his eompauioaJ climbed astride the kel where he rode until, jtbout, 75 jrr4sfruuj shore. Then a wave. swept him away. Taylor, after ridding himself of one of bis heavy boots and failing to get rid" of the other, let go of n boat aiuLjitaked everything Yj desperate effort tj swim ashore. Only his great Btrengtb and endurance brought, him afely to land. American officials here expressed surprise, when they .heard of. the tragedy, having been without knowl edge that the Morrell was in the vicinity. The Morrell had tome here from Detroit after service on the Great Lakes. - ' Illness Fatal to Bingham Miner f Word was received Monday of the death of Andrew H. 'Hardy In Bingham'. following a lingering 111 disk. Besides his wife 'and four children Mr, Hardy is survived by three brothers and five sisters as and t peanj fo 'lows:, George W. Hardy of Provo j James A. Hardy of Los Angeles, Mrs Thomas W. yarrerTand Mrs. Sterling Peay of jjrrovo ; Mrs. Moses Dawley and Sirs, Bert Umi both of Spanislj fork; Mrs. Karl 'Wootsey of Escalante. ' J , COLLEGE EDIGATION ,! WORTH $70,600 CASH BOSTON, Nov., 17 CP)V The cash value of a college duca- t imr-l,o pproxiuiately i $ 70,01)0, according to a statistical by- - Dean Everett .AV. Lord of .tlie'eollege of business' administration at Boston uniyer- - - a. snrvey-i-ondnctd This was made In connection .wit h an Invest iga.tlonlu earhliig' capacity of umlergrad-- ' uateS at the college. es T'OfS-graduatin 1924. who; as freshmen, were earning $20 a' tithe. week' or less, IS had increased on the average of 08 per - cent when thex reclvd their dgree, to Dean Lord's report. ilRen bfld doulUed -- - ' tbelr earn- - liigs; sei'en had- tripled, tlH;m, five had quadrupled them; two and J had increased them five-fol- d his one was earning, six j(HWj wiliiry as a freshntnn 'when. J024 brought him his de- grec. .'., 1,1 1. I J1 ZJ.jiMi . multi-millionai- -- -- WASHINGTON, Nov., (UP) " -- ColU'rtIoa-bf back" taze from dodgers and delinquent taxpayers will net the government about this year, it was learned at the treasury department jtoday; Two thousand agents of the In tcrnai revenue bureau rounded up 350,000 iMTsons during the first nine mouths of the year and from these evaders the treasury was enriched nearly $40,000,000, Driving on to a whirlwind finish the Investigators expect to add" the remainder set for a' goal before January 15. r About 50,000 known delinquents remain to be rounded up. Trying to dodge tax collectors has' become: a popular sport, offic-m'- a are a)K?ut SfXl.tKH) admit. who ptay the game intenperooi tionally, or otherwise and only about half of all evaders are caught in the filial accounting. Although one third of the income delinquents rounded tip had Incomes far above a taxable figure this group never made an income tax return, investigations showed.- The remaining two thirds flfrde. errors on their returns or failed to make "pay ments when due. - a , 1 j I - , TRAGEDIAN CAPTIVATES S00NINPR0V0 BIG AUDIENCE I I 1 (CP) Udy j.j , .:.:'.::." . i'. '.."" , i I .'.' y - f i -;'. H , ; f 4 ; , Jj i 4 Te-gl-oa I .. f '.'"OiV.i"1 - A " I) i ' To meet the irrigator's and hillside p!ower-- needs,-ZenPorterrtrt present residing in Provo, nas in v The that attendance greet large vented a bew plow that turns the ed Roliert fcantell in his farewell! soil all one way, eliminating - the; "dead-furr. ? and apiwarance at the Columbia theater. troublesome con-- i "Richelieu" In is Monday night r of CilpigQieTpast" .fewTinionthiirSffi' crete Provo are Interested in and appre- Porter has' .been showing his model ! at several fonnty fairs as well as at 'Testimony Creates Laughter ciate serious drama, The great' tnigediaa was superb the state fair and has met with in famous tuiur i in his characterization' fit Cardinal much encoamgement from the farm-erCase , ; ' of the various sections of the Richelieu and was farced to api , WHITE PLAINS, N. T. Uov. 17. pear at the end of each 'scene or state Mr. Porter la. In Erovo at present act In response to tlie insistent cuj (UP) More 'than two years before , looking over the local situation with they were married, Leonard Kip tain call- sEvery detail of the.' lending part a vlew..o establishing his manufac-- Rhinelander suspected z that his of the play was depicted, with ut- turning plant here. The "No Dead fsweetheart Alice Jones, might have .admost.; reality by Mr. Manteir.. His Furrow" Tlow company was recent colored blood In her veins,-hexamination. action; his "facial expression, his ly, incorporated in Salt Lake City, mitted today on cross " T?he statement was drawn from every move was exactly as if he re- with Zenor Porter ins president, R. ' lived again experiences which he M. Holt of Salt Lake' as vice presl- - J the young aristocrat by Lee Parsons bad personally gone through. dent, John A. Barter of Salt Lake Davis, counsel for the daughter of The clear distinct enunciation of as secretary and treasurer. The di- the negro taxi" cab driver. Rhine-landMr. Mantell was in and, of Itself rectors are R. .M. Holt, F. M. Porpredicated. Ms case for the of the marriage on the annulment uuccess ter fhe" Holt to. imminent of and Lake. Royal falt thekey be has attained on the stage. Even Zenos Porter, and !C. E. Davies o allegation that he had been deceived as to her color. his lowest - whisper's were audible Provo. Shortly after this. development, "1,'sers of to the entire audience. plows are looscross examination Hv w.as supported in-masterly ing thousands, of dollars every year Rhinelander's was interrupted and AI Jolson, popumaner by attractive and beautiful by having water wasted in " MiSH hollow's and by heing un- lar Broadway comedian, was called Oeuevieve Hamper, whose to the witness stand. beauty and graceful poise was an able to irrigate evenly,'' said Mr. ' In one of, Uie letters Alke, wrote ' ' ' also lose a Porter;' "They inspiration,' great husband' before they were marher Mr: in deal cast of of time WJhile the supporting dragging the' plow Alice let it be understood that Vantelli ws above the average of around the ends and musf constant- ried, she had known Jolson at a camp actors In anort traveling shows, it ly level the land to get rid of " where she was in the Adirondacks I . condit ions." Oid not eontaln as strong a group " as and referred a maid employed Rome of the outstanding points of as Mr. Mantell brought with him to the sfage star as sonie flirt here; oh Msr former; appertrnnce ln the new invention, according to Mr. "'' Porter are as follows: Land once with the girls." Provb, v' Smiles relieved the tenseness with ' s The audience was" completely capt level, no. washed out fc'hlch Rhluelamler's testimony had tivated by;tlie; lieatttiful costumes "dead-furroditches, or high dry e - no "back-- f iutow" time of the sdiow as well as.hy the' ridges, (Continued on Page Eight,) acting of Mr. Mantell and wasted by draggiug plow around demonstrated Its genuine apprecia- ends, no lifting of plow, horses turn TaTi-Dri- vr tion of the long eontinued applause. on unplowed land. ," no trases of emotion,! Displaying Mrs. Clara and her youthful appearing stepfather,-Ar-- ' thtlr Hidt, below, weuton trial in W4ukegauf IU'., for the' murder of Mr. Lillian Holt, .he'r- molher and hi wife. The state charges they wete enamoured of one another. On rtiil with them .is Allwrt Hareq, Mrkllareq's husband who is held toiTiare littd nowledge Of the al- .li'ged plot. . dlrtdeiLj,.;, ' j - lr1 f - v ,'' : iiS' A' hr ' I. ;- " ' 5 NAVYOFFICER'S W A S.'C-"- ' .Vl w .'.! BULLDOGS' BODY FOOND IN , . "" ner -- CLOSESEASON SAND1EG0BAY HEREFRIDAY Mystery Surrounds Drowning Provo High Gridsters Play of Lieut. Nathan Green; Granite High on "Y" . Last Seen Sunday : .. .. J' Field - HEARD IN COURT "back-furrow.,- ", pr 5. g ;.. '. t r e e "season.'-..Judications'- .t t ? "dead-furrow- Millionaire Wins Race With Death u - . . -- '' ' - held-Wen- levpt-alway- stib-lim- Colorerl r rVblayertietS SPARKS FROM Payson Farmers - -- --- Get Big Beet Check taxi-drive- nt w4 Utah-Idah- o com-pan- y; (U.-te- n . . . - iili-nl- - -- estab-Ushlne- - . ' RED CROSS "ate rapidly advancing tbe ' "Muster Week" campaign of the' Provo Chamber of Commerce. I The- fultl forcM lrp,lilttug the line hard sbi fast, accordlngt o Brigadier General Alet Uedq'ulst, to charge of the detail work of the campaign, and hew life1 is being instilled into the s' membership of the whaiuiter; "Match the Insignia of the Provo Chamber of Commerce on'Ahewlu dowa of the business and professional men of the. city," said jGcn-r3. William Knight, in charge of the entire campaign. "It is in, teresting to note ; as one walks through the business section of tbe c4ty how these fligignja are raplilly growing In number.' I predict It ' will not be long until every busineso window in the city carries one. The Insignia indicates that tbe business house ia 100 per rent itehind the upbuilding of the community and that it Is lending its financial as well as moral support in bfflldiug.a Jargcr ' , and better Provo. "The; people of the lty shoold watch ihese insignia to that'' they, may .become acquaiuted - with tbe ' lrogr8iive and forward biokiug firms "of the community. .'They. ar?' e - al the meBTFliD-Vr- 7 buliafiigTrovu7r Aecojyllpg to Mr. Hedquist, the field fttfoea are mneibig with nnex-- peikid- supjwtt" f ronf""almost '.every solicited. 'Very lew coiuerns o iiidivldnalg have thns far turned a; deaf ear to the appeals of 'the; workers. In fact, In mont ta'se very 'little time has been siient with the : Individuals solicited and many ot them have presented the required membership fee or service fund as goon at tbe workers have called ' 'The best men of the, city - are back' of the movement,' said Mr., jenL . to JavS - taken a new view pobit entirely of the work of the chamber' of The 'aim to get the organization out of debt apd. keep it o, seems to have appealed to most of the business men there fore, eagerly responded to the call "' for cooperation.".1 : 'V drive The may continue' the entire week; although tbe splendid response thus far may complete the work In less time than wag at first anticipated. The clerical forces for the can palgn are checking lip the work that the nmst successful workers may be found. com-metc- e. . -- who-have ' -- ' o JURYFAILSTO CAMPAIGN ORGANIZED C0NVICT1AY; OF MURDER - a "dead-rurro- V Campaign Slay Be Completed Before Specified Time, Says . General Knight - one-wa- y : 'thAatl " SAN DIEGO- ,- Cal.. Nov., IT. Wi'L. Tia Tts. Op.- Pet. ( CP Naval and civil officiate at- East' . .0 0 0 189 0 1.000 7 1.000 103 5 tempting to solve tbc.mystery of the West KVt 50 .CC6 drowning of Lieutenant Nathun L. I)VS. U. 5 147 53 ".CGO Qrawrrtodat'W-tamWiigtfBoxeldvr; .'4 80 .500 trace the movements nf the 25 year (Igdeu ...3 4T. 52 .400 old engineering officer oh tht-- V. Provo ,V..2 35 37 .250 8. 8. Moody front' the thtie he left Granite v,l 1 0 113 .000 friends at Hotel Del Coronado at 2 Jordan . ..0 .000 6 308 a. m.. Sunday until- his body was Davis w..O found eight hours later, grounded at low tide in San Diego bay, There Curtains will betdrawn on high ' were no marks of violence. hool football in Provo for 1025. .When last seen Green was fully when" the fighting BuUdogs enterclad. When bis body was found his tain the Granite team on the B. coat and vest missing. When Y. field uext Friday afternoon. The these garments are found, investi- game will "decide which team Is to gators may have a workable c!ew. finish the season In" sixth p'.nce In The naval .Inquest aboard Admiral division A, now occupied by Provo. Sehofleld's flagship yesterday failed has a powerful team, beGranjte to bring out, any additional testiing esixtially effective In 'tackling, mony. Brother officers priied the a phase of the game in wlilch Provo, efficiency 'of the dead man, and been woefully weik throughout scouted a tentative theory olf sui- has, the point to cide. RnriT fiuiL'fif lifltt.le with a close ' ver-The naval board returned a 1 v .' X tile m db-of "drowning under unknown A study of the comparative scoteH circumstances. made by; the two teainl gives little to'a crow' alKiut for either. It is true that Provo defeated Murray ,53-; while tirauite nareiy won over the same team 7 to C. L. D. S. beat ' " e shuinbled while provo M2-0- , NEW YORK, Nov., 17. Lost re - Granife to 0. Trovo won irojn ,0 pons to come from the bedside or ( Jordim 10 t0 0 while the Iwse Gran- Mrs. James A. Gilmore. sistir of lie wnll do.wasLa scoreless tie. Guy ."Waggoner, milUojaiire. Texas On the other baud Granite rolled oil magnate, indicated that tlie. up 33 points against Davis, where stricken woman is slightly t Provo scored only 24. Granite i i ',-; Provo(! West against Waggoner yesterday arrived llere scored'.ZO-O.- - ;.:,'.V in ,a sieelal train from Kt. loiiis 'Provo shows a ::',": offensive greater which broke all records in its dash strength' 47 points In having to bring the Forth Worth mllliim- - five contests as against 35 scored hy ' ' . aire to theformer EIe-tri- i W aggoner boTiIs UeatnTCfi7re"death tuight have taken her. Graniter r tbe same advantage over Provo, hn vinghrld "hot' OTponeiuT To a" small LIVE-WIRE-S score jNEWAEK, N. J.. Nov, 17. (UP ) ertotal Harrison Wj, KoeL 20;jear-olTlieiie figures confirm the convicslayer of Raymond 'i Pierce, negro tion' that the two 'toning are evenly .L"After seeing a performance" of such rare quality as that of Robert r, will go to hk' death In piatched, from every angle and Ms beautiful wife Genevieve Hamper, Monday evening, tbe.elwtrlc choir., unless .higher Mantell and shwnld put up the most Interesting one cannot, help but express his appreciation to the Columbia manage-nie- courts intervene. . "v PAYSOX, Nor. 17. TI)P farm- game of the entire season from a n pppor tttni tj m id Prot; 4klf red J)sniond, ,The:JUautclair y i.nth. guiliy uf ers J n haliut given; m ... ... .... of Payson received rhecks today very standpoint- who was delighted with "Rlchelied," as presented on that occasion;'' murder in the first degree last from .the may---. win, and the ; Either team Sugar ,"As a lover, of good 'plays J desire also to commend the women of i night. Sentence will aggregating St44,OI)(X. This breaks will no dnbt decide the winthe Business aud Professional Women1 clui) In bringing to. Provo such next Monday,-'- but famed "Jersey Is Hmt one of the tiny Rvs this ner.'..::'.'"""'' "'; .' ' but the Coach iSliuntouH is leaving . no the Motobi taleht fall,; but Is one of the, largest pay players, Tbelr, lust .performance, was one JiWtic? iienilits 'nothing as the penalty for Noel's flay that the local factory has ever stone unturned to close the season that I shall Jong- - remenilier,. and- - im- dnnbt'; their performance Friday death chair ,;,:l" crime..-,.;..J, bad iand shows the splendid condi- witbi a Victory, which would give evetilng win be well up ta'the htgh standard of entertalnmetit that has ' 'Nriel, who also, kidnapped and tion, of the; sugar" beef crop this his. Bulldogs au .even break 'on the won for them an enviable reputation iu the Itermoiuitain and Pacific killed six Sear old Mary Daly of year, which however, Is no better. si league contests played. Tbis-- is ' ' ' , coast KtiiTes.'Biid even In Kew'Tork City. Mantclair, did not raise an eve or than the other crops. Local bus!; all thai ean le reasonably expected "Let's give )hx class of eiitertalnnieiit our nnstlnted rapport, It move a muscle when the mdlct no, niPn Te anticipating a rush by a green team Irf the first year of . i nnd Ix'ttcr citlzensblp." ji,nt(r.o for pMnr "COMEDIAN IS b After a s uccessfuLeareer cover i 20 .fears,ino8t of ing more' which has beea crowned, with glory and victories, tha Provo baud has been diwrganlsed, according to members of the organization. The modern jaza craze dealt the finishing stroke to the wellknown musical which J . knowa organization throughout th lutermountajn ;for the "exeeiKlonally ; high class of music played. For several years thebanl has had a more or less difficult" task' in keeping the bleb class of musi cians. Within Its organization" The rrovo city officials, the Elks c!b of Provo and several other organiza tions have cooperated In varlobs ways to junliitsfu tlie hliih st iudaid of music and keep the orgautatlon Intact, but the obstacles were hi. and :the baud nnaiiy In Contests In Wllllh tha 1mri band has participated it has atwiys ueen adjudged the Icb ding band, first prize was obtained in a I ml contest inv Denver in lfiis and at Ix)gau and Eureka 1n 1923 anllO f respectirely. . t With the advent of JaJte. the dancers fomaiffl'HYni;ipn,iei thuslc rather than, genuine . hltrh clnsa Biwlc;,y The nersoniiel of the Provo nana tune and again' Vested , that would it allow lose Jt dea4 as a musical organiza- sa inai rumor pan fa stoop ffowaUo the playibgJof Jaza. the band would, be disorganized. The imirtatloo of outside Jazz orchestra io play foe the local ' dances. also added to discourage the'mem- oerg of the band who had so freely given of their time in entertaining the people of 'Provo, many times free of charge, '..... Efforts are nSw beln to or-ganlze, a band withinrthe Elks Ttub, accoramg to Biuriey nee, former " manager of Abe Provo band. It la also understood that the chamber of commerce is Inquiring into the possibilities of the of a""governmehr band In" Provo to be furnished and kept by the army reserve corps. Inquiries have gone out to the' Eovcrument authorities in charge of such bands and an early answer is expected. The property of the Provo band, music and furniture, is being offered for gale. th-if- n ' - , t ? :U Chamber of Commerce m s: " 4 , . v in Two New Bands Under Con templation by Elks and , 'No Dead Furrow" Plow Com- trail." pany Looking Over ManuAppreciative Audience Greets facturing Conditions llobert Mantell in Farewejl Provo. in NOTEDCOLORED Appearance evidence-thattheTieo- JJJg"j"P VEEIC Jazz Destroys Leadine'Musi- All Interests Pally to Idea of cai urangization r f Clearing Chamber of j Territory 'Indebtedness . . ; ; ORGANIZED MORE x" DENOTES THAN 20 YEARS AGO INSIGNIA COMMUNITY BUILDER ;v ' (if.'. , LONDONjJfoVi Astor, Virginia beauty, member :of tbe British parliament and originator of the latest. British movement for banning' the submarine advocated today in an exclusive United Press. Interview an agreement among nations to "halt this horrible thing," France she said, ought to take the initiative, yet there was a great deal to be said, for those "who think that England should take the lead" .In outlawing the undersea boat as a war weapod. She foresaw that America would back England la auch a cause. Only last Saturday Lady Astor at Plymouth declared she was ready to1, go among the women of theeir tire world to' rouse them against the 'qndersea weajxm. This word fnfui her has started statesmen of England and America thinking and talking of submarine scrapping which failed at the Washington arias conference on. objections from ' ... France.' .., 'Asked todav to eive her' views in greater detail, ' the charming j southerner tbe first woman to have a seat in the British Imperial parliament said;-';.!, .,vh. feel- that we should do, something to halt this horrible thing; ; ;; "ily 5wn experiepce t among ; fhe wives otofffcer8. and ptnj is tjiat the " suuBjartae service' should be abolished by agreements.1" Ilowjhls ii to be dons' J Mot iuOvr. 1 think Great Brtaiii aid ail X cmilfl at the Washlngtpa conference Jbut I was stopped by France.; "It is, now for France to make the rery-stropg- -- , I Miss Elinor KounU, IV, daughter of Charles T. Kountz, banker-o- f Omaha, Neb., is the 31st vl annual queen of Omaha. Each yeat'the most beau tiful girl in Omaha's wealthy and socially, prominent families Is chosen for this honor, and this year she's , ZT-,' the lucky one, ; J(()f inter-mounta- , l ' ' ' , Tax Dodging Popular Sport Believes America Would' Back Among 800,000 Reports.' England in Proposed t ' ." , Show ' '. t . Plan It - I - J 17 " J m ij-- r 7 l derseas Weapon Through" !" out World GOVERNMENT REVENUES READY TO AROUSE ENRICHED $75,000,000 PUBLIC SENTIMENT ( IN HIGH WAVES TO SHORE , Starts Movement to Scrap Un Mi " SURvFvORSlMS : f3 , FRIC3TW0 CEKIS as Murder Trial Opeivs - i jRetaU Poise w UP U. S. Federal Revenue Officers 350,000 Persons "" ' Delinquent Cbflglng to Capsized Boat Men Are Hurled to Death One rHONO EVADERS ROUNDED Eight Perish V1ien Sailboat CrOvertnrns in Icy Waters on Eastern Shore t , ' til T HOUSANDS - . By,)ne . WSIGjWrARftP BYSURVIVOR :t "'.'"-- '"."'".--- ." v ' PROVO, UTAH, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1925. IKEAMD ONLY ' - Business Office EJitori)4 Rooms FORTIETH YEAR, NO. 114 ii. ' . lLLLL Utah county. jc t. ''';' AKEWSPAPEK legated to a poScy of fairness to all sections of TRAGIC ,' 'V. . . Nov. PAYSOX, n. Dr. rrank B. Whce'wrlght hus been chosen as the local executive chairman for the 1925 Bed Cross membership - drive. He' has everything; In readiness for the completion of his work tilweek, A group of young ladies will canvass-th(city in districts and at tbe completion of their work each will be presented a box of candy by the executive board and the Star theater management will a .complimentary ticket. The work ers j are 'as follows: Ileleu Bean: Insufficient Evidence that Ute : Indian Buried Infant Alive . Is Held PUEBLO, Colo., NoV., lJ. ( UP ) J"lnt May, Ute Iodiau, is today ou his way back to the Indian rescrva- tin near Durango, the. white m m's government having failed to convict him of a' charge of lmrying his in. fa nt child alive with Its mother, " In federal N'yda Barnett, Lucille' "Brlmha'il, ; The trial took place LoulSe Diion, Idella Fillmore. Ecru court, here and late yesterday Judge Hansen, Maud Housef, Anona Jen Foster Symes directed the jury to sen, Ruby McMullin, Erma McBeth. return a verdict of not guilty after Erma Patten, Mildred" Pace, the evidence ihl'he Ciise had been e give-eac- Reid, Fay Iiicbraond. Khea Stark. Wrldir, prn''--rTr- ; May was supposed to have wrap-- peiThlrtve chnanTT)Tauket"vith To'hnrst. its motherjvho had died in giving Ethel Stevens, DeIso Marjorie. Wilson, Josephine Wlgnal. birth to it and buried the two to- -' Norma Wilson and GeneA'a Ballan gethec at the "direction of Mormo ." and a Ute Joe. his father-in-law- , tyne. medicine nmu, According to Jndge Symes there was 'sufficient evidence to show that tbe child ' bad beea buried 7- Worker Injured -- ; h At,Sugar Plant PAYSOX,1 - Nov.- -; IT. Jerome tr Brawn, met with a at the Payson sugar factorv Sunday afternoon. While about his duties In the, mill he slipied on the floor where syrup had overrun. His leg hit violently against an Iron 'pipe, splintering a'bone. He woi attended at the local hospital and will be alive;' '.', "" : The history of the Ute "Indians paltrfnt-aTriilpir- little has oeen written y of their costumes or tribal legends. Although Plat May. is known an Intelligent tribesman, he pmvKi to" know, little of the wars .f n ! white man, and when he wns yestwlay he failed to "savvy", tot mcn.-Ver- . f- V |