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Show iffVtxi Women's Section ii jjjcruijLrLft-FRCVO, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH THURSDAY, .Fooafc JUNE 27, 1958 Couple Welcome Friends Jolynn Swenson Says Vows in Temple Rites Reception Fetes Pair After Payson Nuptials - Jayne and daughter Following Temple Nuptia Jolynn Swenson be came the bride of David B Davies Wednesdav in a St. George' IDS Temple ceremony. the marriage, the groom's parents, Mr. and Mr. Ivan J. Davies, entertained at a wedding breakfast. The same they held an open housp at their home in Kanar- raville. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Swenson LLNDOX with a bow at the shoulder She wore a short veil erownod with a dainty coronet trimmed wan me same lace tiowers as her dress and carried a Wct 01 plKnv r0;es and wn;t0 Anne Foulger and James L. Davis were united in an LDS weddding ceremony Friday morning in tne salt LaKe lem- P'e by Apostle LeUrande Rich- ardsParents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs- Sld w Foulger of Bethesda. Md, and Mr. and J- - Lawrence rsDavis of Special witnesses to the - "'. u. the bride were her Attending sisters: Meg. g and Sue, and Amy as bridesmaids. Sorority Jucllor sisters Connie Allen of Salt honor, - P0- PAYSON Ann Hold-- ! of Mr. Mrs. en, Roy Holden, Payson, became! the bride of Dean Higginson,! son of Mr. and Mrs. LeUrande Higginson, Santaquin, in nuptial rites held Saturday evening, June 22, at Payson Third Ward church. Bishop Phil Jones stephanotis. three wed- - " uidm Los Angeles Thorn of Snringville and Mr. and Mrs. J. Golden Snow of Alberta, Canada. Mr. Smw the groom's mission presi- in South Africa. Other spec'al guests attending the weduing and a breakfast at Hotel Utah were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Foulger, grandparents """1 , officiated. Dav;s and Marilyn Davis, sisters ot : , f the groom, also were brides-wa- s Friday, June 28, the newly-wemaids. Wearing matching will greet guests at a h low empire-stylereception at the Lindon LDS druses with bodices outlined Ward hall. with tinv Dink, blue and vellow Attending the bride will be tfWfilCv embroidered flowers, thev car t Ni ried white baskets of white ;Mrs. Rex Richins, Mrs. Gary Mrs. Mrs. CARLSON Frank Mills, CFGL1A Hunter, 0f the bride; Mr. and Mrs. daisies and yellow and white! ;John Baxter, Clara Ann Hooley, Charles Foulger; Mr. and Mrs. mums. Their headdresses were jand Glenda Richins. Flower Tom Darling and daughter of yellow tulle fastened with 'girl will be Kaylone Richins. iAmy Anne, all of Salem. Ore.; matching bows. Henry Blake, brother of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foulger' Ken B. Davis attended his bridegroom, will stand as best of Salt Lake City; and Dr. acid brother as best man. Ushers man, with Gary Hunter, Rex Mrs. Waynard Lowe and three were Jair.es M. Hallstrom of! Richins, and B. N. Williams as sons from Fullerton, Calif. Honolulu; Van Symons and! Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W.iU. S. Army to Fort Douglas. iushers. Special guests of the groom 'Gerry Sutherland of Provo. - married The Mr. were Mrs. Jesse will be hosts at a wed- - iH previously has been sta- and newly Carlson Davis, couple Entertainin? nrenuotial ltkmed at DuSwav wnere Miss will be living in Provo until from grandparents Riverside, have Mrs. been Brent parties ding rmmtjon Friday evening Mr. Davis has been emPlovedfinishes his and . Mrs. T. studies James Bigler, Hunter, Mrs. John Baxter, Mrs. dauchter !Carlson .c . 0IR.iamin graduate of Spanish , calle' bhe s Frank Mills, Mrs. Paul Giles, Seat - grandmother, of Salt at BYU and enters dental school culld' Fo: k Hih SchoInext year. The new Mrs. Davis Clara Ann Hooley, Mrs. 0. L Lake City. . . 80S Ot UUgWay, W11C will be fnl has howl adiVioA with hnU oowenson anuj ........u ...... Alnha ivirs. oua iMeisen. "A rAPPntinn that of Lindon, ds yel-de- floor-lengt- d jn Cecilia Carlson Will Be Married on Friday j at . II 3i ? B. DAVIES (Jolynn Swenson) MRS. DAVID ,....,, '"vr""" , - Z,3 - J'gvS JJ m the skyroom Chi Omega sorority and KraduJ The bride is a gradate of 0 Wilkinson Center where ated from the University Utah'churc Pleasant Grove High School ests wjU bePrecfedved She w, teach: h b w f and the LDS Seminary. The fr'f"d,s ana relatives were re jth.s spring. n col- m Provo tins fall lniA his of,lwhlt Mrs steIIa Carl. andmoth bridegroom nge parties for the rathedt w' p 45? s from schooling at Cedar City and br.de were given by Mrs. Rus-- i School and is also a graduate; tof, ,numsK, f. OES Chapter :Marks 71st completed High1? Tflrv HP f mui jvuun huwjij. nuuuiun iuauwu, buffet table to iThe Mrs. s. nAi 4v,,,;n o'nfin. e, Household Hints worthy patron. Earl Oss, past grand patron of the grand chapter of OES of of Utah and ESTARL committee member of the general grand chapter spoke on Eastern Star TrainESTARL ing Awards for Religious Leadership reporting that it is one of the largest scholarship funds of its kind. At the end of the current - $4 ' million will have been collected for distribution in awards to young people for religious training. Irma Burge, president of the Past Matrons, presented an entertaining guided tour through breath-takin- g New Zealand through colored slides and lecturing on historic and geographic phenomena of her native land. New Zealand is a pocket edition of the world, she pointed out, with mountains that resemble the Alps, the third largest waterfall and glaciers of the world, roiling gren hills, fjords, geysers, deep ocean, wide beaches, modern cities and unexplored areas. Coming events announced are the Past Matrons picnic on Sunday, July 28, at the Shrine picnic grounds in Hobble Creek Canyon at 2 p.m.; the OES Masonic picnic at Saratoga, Aug. 4 at 1 p.m. Chapter will recess until the second Tues- - conCarbon tetrachloride fluid and tained in polishes can be deadly if taken internally or used in a confined unventilited room. Breakfast i Polly's Pointers shirts 4 V full-lengt- h, 1 i 2 MRS. DEAN HIGGINSON (Jayne Ann Holden) Provo Teacher Attends AAUW Planning Meet st line-drie- d, , Protect Dress From Perspiration Stain es ihem. To keep the marbles By POLLY CRAMER DEAR POLLY I do wish! from rolling to one end I sew cut with greater fullness and length in Mrs. I. Z. could be near me so sectional tabs into the hemthe body to allow for maximum I could eive her the bieeest hue Now the curtain hanes perfect ever. Thanks to her, my knit ly straight inside the shower movement. Collars are soft. skirt is once more wearable, stall. MRS. E. J. P. I save all Permanent press shirts have Now I want to tell the girls DEAR POLLY a more durably smooth finish the way I protect the backs of; those little clips that come on than the original wash and war. my dresses during the hot mens shirts and other clothes season. I make and use them to hold opened The permanent press shirt seams will not pucker if they a paper pattern (shaped very packages or bias tape, rick were smooth at the time the much like the back of a straight-- ! rack, etc. They do not rust as Herald, book shirt was purchased. hanging vest), lay on the ma-- ; some pins or paper clips might! Polly has a brand-neterial and cut out with pinking and I have a neater sewing ready for you. T get it, send The two types of fabric shears so no sewing is neces- - basket. ARGUEL name, address and check for 75 We had cents to POLLY'S HOMEMAK- commonly used for sheets and sary. This is pinned with tiny! DEAR POLLY pillow-case- s are muslin and safety pins to Die back straps heavy drippings of pitch from ING POINTERS, The Daily percale. Although percale sheets and lower parts of my slip. I the pine trees on our windows. Herald, P. 0. Box 4958, Chi- tend to be more expensive tnan,have one for each slip; a half- - I applied petroleum jelly to the!cago, 111. 60680. muslin, they wear better oven yard makes several. MRS. R.i soots and then used a sinde-- l the years. Q. edge razor blade which did an DEAR POLLY -- Our chil-- efficient job of removing the Cover marred or scratched dren always had a hard time pitch-- B. turniture spois Dy ruDoing wim keeping the shower curtain in- - DEAR POLLY When I am walnut kernel. side the shower stall, so I sew ed putting crewel embroidery or CANVENIENCE an extra hem of plastic on the needlepoint into frames it is Clean steam-staine- d glass bottom of the shower curtain far easier to staple the work on FOODS pans by soaking several hours and inserted marbles in the the heavy cardboard back rath- in a strong vinegar solution. Work They received guests afterward at a reception given in the ward hall, where a color scheme of gold and "vhite was used in various appointments.! For her wedding the bride chose a cage gown of white lace underscored with satin, Her veil of illusion was attached to a crown of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet ofi white carnation centered with; a gold orchid. Attending the bride were her sister, Mrs. Michael Reece of Sandy and Mrs. Lynn Carter and Diane Johnson. They were dressed alike in gold satin gowns and carried baskets of white daisies complemented with white net and sold ribbons. Little Jill Holden, the bride's sister; and Stacy Reece, a niece, were flower girls wearing miniature gold satin gowns. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Anderson of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Calloway of Roosevelt were foyer receptionists. The couple will reside in Salt Lake City, where both are em- On one of these summer ployed. weekends why not plan an of doors breakfast. In the cool FOR FLUFFY DIAPERS of the morning it can be fun Dryer tumbling after laun-t- o Mrs. Leland Nielsen of Provo, have a good ,dering fluffs diapers to served in the openjfortable softness, shakes out state division president of the air. Perhaps you'll want to ask wrinkles and makes folding American Association of Unianother family to join you. easier. If diapers re to be versity Women, is representing The menu? Why not start a fabric softener is Utah this week at the four-da- y with wedges of chilled cantal- desirable to prevent chafing conference in Washington, D.C. oupe. Then bring on sausages, and increase baby's comfort. featuring discussion and analybacon or Canadian-styl- e bacon, This should be used periodi sis of current social problems and planning for programs in eggs and fried potatoes. Served cally during laundering. the future. with toast and jelly, coffee and milk you've a breakfast the RAINED ON Distinguished speakers and a If you wear suede, leather or series of panels and confer-encfamily will long remember. It's a good idea to partially fur and get caught in rain, let are underway and a tour pack the picnic baskst the the garment dry slowly. A of the White House was scheer than sewing it on. Be sure night before. Include coffee, combination of heat and mote duled. Dr. Eveline M. Burns of to place the staples close to the salt and pepper, bread and ture will cause the skins to New York City, social econoedge so they do not show after jelly or preserves.. You'll also shrink and harden. mist, will be presented the 1968 the work is in the frame. want a tablecloth, paper plates Achievement Award of th MRS. R. L. S. and napkins, cups, knives, or not before slicing for frying. AAUW at today's session. It forks, spoons, cups, a coffee pot Just before leaving home in the carries a $3000 stipend. You will receive a dollar if; and two frying-panmorning slip in the potatoes, Polly uses your favorite hoie - Cook the potatoes in their sausage andor bacon, eggs, As of January, 1967, there chilled cantaloupe, butter or were 33 National Parks in the making idea, Pollys problem skins the day before and or solution to a problem. Write frigerate. They can be peeled margarine and milk. United States. in care ot ine uany Mr. Gallegos is a son of Mr. Clair fe a tu red, Marriott, Stout, mission Mrs. Manuel Gallegos of; cande-!Mrunusual French Glen Mrs. Grant Dyer, antique North Germany. ttoth ar at labraCity. Brigham (Midgley, Mrs. John Middleton, tending College Vf southern The coupte will make a home organza gown Milton Barlow, Mrs. Robert in Salt Lake City where Mr. r; J sleeved, with individual trimmed flow Barker, and Mrs. Eva Cand - Gallegos is assigned with the ; A meeting honoring the 71st C3UU LVlllUlUC t CUUICUUU, of ers bo- land, all of Washington, D. C; Venice on the lace anniversary of Valley Chapter to the hem. Her Kathie King, Mrs. Gary Allen, J. Lawrence Davis with daugh- dice, trailing of Eastern Order Star, Three, chapel length train was of Mrs. Bud Brown. Mrs. William iters Cheryl and Marilyn of pas conducted Tuesday evening triple layered organza attached Nibley of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Provo. at the Masonic Temple by Worthy Matron Edna Gardner By United Press International and Clyde Williams, acting Anniversary Open Air l rial' Recipes 272 are - un; - SUWIWIER another mm Yw day in September. A traditional birthday cake featured the refreshment served to 50 ;nembers by theh Past Matrons. Colorful garden flowers graced the tables. Summer Temperature Up But Summer Prices Are Down At THOMAS' --IT - Sleeveless Knit Tops 35 Only Values to $6.98 NOW "THE BIG STORE" 176 West Center Summer Sun Dresses -- 25 only Values to $15.00 $1I 00 , NOW $C00 D and $00 1 Skirts Values to $8.98 NOW $Q00 Z and $l00 SWIM SUITS SAVE Pants and Bermudas 25 only Values to $8.98 - NOW Dresses over 100 to choose from f- - L raoerge SAVE Summer Soap save special use w SUrttr ttt WW platform slid will) ulity Itdctar, two wings, olid ridt, lawn twins. Sturdy tubular tMl construc- tion. NO DOWN PAYMENT , CARBON STEEL PLAY GYM - NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES Mr 5.590 Reg. 79.95 59" igneri or tcansi rrud. This o&t qocdjrkf in G AfcrrMtt, Kewada, Arizona, New Mtscico, "ksas, Oofcrack tfeh, Uaho, Oregon, Wycraaig, Sowiii HLok, EkixacLa, jnof oat be THOMAS' OPEN MONDAY PLENTY OF T 2 K. Y4 end are ioid. See fie Zestfespfef at raarfacrfeafcffe fartb"4s. Of send Zest wrappers tec Zest Eeinod, P.O. Be SIX Mopfo Plain, Minnesota 55369. 3 $00 1 - ALL SALES FINAL e1 9end fcreadoftar, Barry! Lsikpaataad $)00 JL and 1 1LL 9 P.M. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING |