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Show Daily Herald Friends Invited To Greet Couple County, 1SW Campus Couple Names Wedding Day Utah -- j f r friends of the couple are invited to call from 6 to 9 p.m. No formal invitations are being sent and the couple requests no gifts ' ' I The couple were married in ceremonies on June 3 in the Oakland Temple and entertained extensively in California. Mrs. Mabey is the former June P.Iartin of Palo Alto, Calif. y Utah Mr. and Mrs. Ralph WUles of Englewood, Colo., nnounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Arlene Willes, to Byron E. Butterworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Butterworth of Provo. An open house Is being arranged at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Grow, 1655 North Pine Lane, Provo, on Thursday, June 23 in honor of Dr. and Mrs. MelvJn P. Ma bey of Provo. All MONDAY, JUNE ?0, - , The couple will be married on July 29 in the Manli Temple and will be honored at a reception the same evening at the patio and foyer of the 5miui r amily Livmg Center. v ':. i- V - ; Chosen to attend the bride are Mrs. Donald matron of honor, and Miss Bonnie Butterworth, sister of the bridegroom, as bridesW. Runyon, pi J maid. The bride-eleis an art student at Brigham Young University. Her fiance is a senior and honor chemistry student at BYU. He filled a mission for the LDS Church to Bavaria, Germany, and is a member of the tf.S. Army ct : i 7 : The couple will make their home in Provo following their marriage. ARLENE MRS. MELVIN P. MABEY (June P. Martin) From Montauk to Malibu, Prints Are Dr. Cutler Polly's Pointers Readers Request And Offer Helpful Ideas MRS. DAVID LYNN ALLEN (Robin Shields) Enroute Going Wild For Swimming, Sunning Garden Reception Is Planned For Couple To Af NGd Prints are going swimming and sunning, this summer too like never before. With the big influx of vacationers to the seashore and mountain resorts, reports are that prints in a wide variety of patterns are showing up at the from Montauk to best places Little '.'bov suits." too. - with laces and pockets, showip in denim and siretch fabrics. The background colors, are usually dark red or blue with tiny white traceries of flowers. The little tiny calico flowers appear as one of the most important trends of the season. The bathing suit has taken on a new look, with the addition of prints. The suits are usually a combination of g prints and solids in stretch fabrics. Sometimes the bottom half is a dark tone, such cool-looki- This is inexpensive and keeps Dr. Virginia Cutler, dean of the Brigham Young University Newspaper Enterprise Ann. the dishes spotlessly clean. A garden reception on Friday, Orem High School where she Do any of DOROTHY. DEAR POLLY College of Family Living, is in June 24, will honor newlyweds was- a .member of the Foreign the readers know of anything I DEAR POLLY When you Washington, D. C, for State Mn nut in kerosene to keen it need hot steamed towels, put Department briefings prior to Mr. and Mrs. David Lynn Allen Language Club. Her husband, (Robin Shields) at the home of also an OHS graduate, is attendfrom smelling when the lamp damp towels In, the top of the spending a year Jn Africa. la lighted? I have tried the double boiler. This way you do Dr., Cutler, a national au the parents of the bride, Mr. ing Utah Trade Technical Inscented oil but it la too expen- not have towrins out the scald- thority in her field, has been and Mrs. Bud Shields, 1953 S. stitute in instrument" repair Malibu. 375 E., Orem. sive. There must be something ing towels and are saved from awarded a Fulbright grant to They were married May 22 training. a The big trend to printed swim .a Blue and orchid color scheme fee that would kill that odor. uie nanas. rea assist the University of Ghana resulting "is a natural development suits in will with motif lovebird Wyoming. MRS. G. P. S. prevail AUNT B. to establish a degree program of the great surging interest ki Parents of the groom are at the reception. Attendants to If mere is DEAR POLLY ..MRS. G. P. S. Our front in home science. in women's suits, dresses will prints and Mr. Mrs. bride Hammond the be Allen, odor killer cement an easy, inexpensive Kathy steps have grease spots During the past week Dr. Cut- also of Orem. Helen Allen and Carolyn and sportswear. for kerosene I am sure we will on them due to our dog and her er has been a guest of Cornell What kind of prints are most The bride is a graduate of Allen. bear about it from one of our bones. I removed most of the University where the first per this summer? POLLY readers. popular ingenious stain with soapy water but there son to receive a scholarship DEAR POLLY I recently is still some Prints, appear on little tiny left. Can someone from the 310,000 fund establishI gave a baby drawer and for en-- 1 bikinis sporting huge tropical tell me how to completely re ed by Dr. Cutler will be recog tertainment I had everybody move these stains? flowers" in bright red, blue and DORO- nized. Dr. Ethel B. Waring, for ' write down as many good Point- - THY whites. The newest three-piec- e whom the scholarship is named, ' trs on sets come with their own matchbaby and child care as DEAR POLLY Today I was was honored and addressed the they could think of and then ing jams, just like the men are alumni. each one read hers aloud. After attempting to mend my little wearing. These jams look like Mr. and SPRINGVILLE One of the most honored wom take-off- s each guest had ; igned her name grandson's broken toy. I applied on the traditional BerGordon B. Pierce of in her profession, Dr. Cutler Mrs. en the Pointers were assembled the muda shorts. glue to both pieces and men became dean at BYU in 1961 Springville wish to announce 'and given to the mother-to-b-e. the engagement and forthcomT ham ton am all oMMttM luit T realized I needed a vise to hold after serving seven years in them tightly together while the Southeast Asia as a technician ing marriage of a daughter, i seamed a lot and hope everyone LPN NTs set. Suddenly a bright idea in teacher training for the U. S. to Richard Smuin, son Linda, glue tfee did, too. ALICE hit me so I got out my meat International Cooperation Adof Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smuin GIRLS Matching sheets of of Ogden. notebook paper could be passed grinder and used the part that ministration. In 1962 she was fastens to the table as a vise, U. S. delegate to the World The marriage is to be an event around and then the finished worked perfectly. PAT Forum of Women in Belgium. The Utah Trade Technical In- -' of July 29th, taking place irfthe sheets put into the notebook It She holds the B. S. degree DEAR POLLY A piece of stitute's Practical Nursing De- Salt Lake Temple, and a recep Which had been decorated in an of Utah, M. S folded net from and University nylon slipped partment received a $200 check tion will be held the same eve appropriate way POLLY h Ward from the Utah County Medical ning in the DEAR POLLY M Pointer over the head of my sponge from Stanford University and D. degree from Cornell Uni before the Ph. An Church. is also house which is is be to mop sponge used fastening if for those mothers-to-b- e open Auxiliary the ' 30. in as a aecond time round. To clean my into the mop makes a great versity. Ogden, planned July scholarship. MR. AND MRS. MANLEY MILLER scrubber for th: kitchen linoShe has written scores of Miss Pierce is a graduate of The Medical Auxiliary speci pet playpen I first know do leum. for I I not did articles why professional magawith nylon thread anv fies that the scholarship is to be broken threads and Joined this not think of something so simple zines and has established numused by a student who after Is to the next row rf nat itum t sooner as I am at an age when erous scholarships in American graduation will remain in Utah tolflHa a mtvfnvA nf I cannot get down on my hands universities. She has been hon County to practice the nursing MRS. ored as president of the Amer and nylon-saf-e bleach and and knees to scrub. training received, at the school. ican Home Economics AssociaScrubbed the pen in the back M. H. Mrs. Nellie Kujala, nursing a a tion and American Association yard. Now it looks like new. -Bdepartment head, said that the of University Women. EVERLY SANTAQUIN AAn open house atives are invited to call. They money will go into the revolvDark Crepe Fills the BUI DEAR POLLY We moved on Thursday afternoon Juhq 23 request no gifts. ing scholarship fund set &ide i When you don't know what to recently and while getting ready will honor Mr. and Mrs; Manley Mr. Miller was born in Wood for students in .nursing. to pack I found that all the sel- wear because you're not sure M. Miller on their 50th wedding Lake, Neb. in 1897 and moved dom used dishes on the top what a date' will entail, an to Utah four years ago. He DISCOLORED anniversary. UTENSILS Use pipe cleaners to clean the shelves had to be washed be simple, dark crepe Hie affair is being given by worked for Continental Oil Co. in the fills This bill. could the stationary their children at their home in fore they be packed. I usually type tiny opening retiring in 1962. Most of his life NEW YORK (UPI).-H- igh 'determined to do something of dress is a soft answf to part of your wall can opener. Santaquin, 549 N. 200 E., San- was spent in Glenrock, Wyo. mineral content in water can A doth dipped in vinegar re about those seldom used dishes almost any probtaquin, between the hours o? 2 Since coming to' Santaquin he cause discoloration of utensils could be en to moves out turn would lem, not it glue that nas Decome and 4 p.m. All friends and rel-- has owned and to they get dusty. operated a small during cooking. stuck to fabrics and other ma When I placed them m the new dowed with a farm. With aluminum cookware, ' cupboards I wrapped each dish look that could make it the terials. McKenna Miller these Bessie was stains can, be removed by Warm water dampens clothes With clear plastic food wrap. busiest item in your closet born in Otto, Iowa in 1897, and boiling a solution of vinegar or more quickly and evenly than hved in Nebraska. Following cream of tartar and water, or cold water. Use it when sprink their marriage on March 1, 1916, by simply cooking before ironing. ling garments WirrAt Bridqe the couple moved to Wyoming. foods such as tomatoes or Add a bttie cooking oil to the sauerkraut, reports the Alum! GOSHEN Mr. and Mrs. water in which you cook spa f I They are the parents of three num Association. This macaroni. or Dale keeps anof Miller, Goshen Torrenee, children, ghetti, Stanley Trotter n trom Domng over. of a Calif.; Miss Lois Miller, Santa nounce the . marriage Living with People An application of petroleunjJ Ana, Calif., and Mrs. Homer to Deana trump, tie was set many tunes Trotter, By JACOBY and SON daughter, on spinnaker pole fittings and nine Jake Sorensen, a son of Mr. (Leona) Sheetz, Provo, In the thirties the partnership but there is no telling how many jelly two great from and them prevents jamming grandchildren where anyone and Mrs. Waldo Sorensen of of Walter Malowan and Sidney games he made and sticking and speeds up the Goshen. The wedding took place grandchildren. Rusinow was one of the best in else would Lave stopped at a Vaseline of sail. the operation in Las Vegas on June 6. the world. Sidney, the younger part score in a suit. also protect the chrome To contrast with the slim LINDA In the finals of the 1934 Grand work helps The bridegroom has completby some 20 years, is the best reon your boat. It protects shifts of fall are the tent or membered as the inventorof the National Malowan'r team playfive ed years of study at Utah the chrome from saK water dresses in short and Rusinow leads which are cu- ed against Oswald Jacoby's University and received a de- pyramid damage. verions. long Designer Mollie Aces. the Four known as achieving popularity team rrently When sewing cotton corduroy, gree in mechanical engineering. Parnis of New York shows the The Four Aces won as they usu- finish seams The bride has completed two among today's experts. Ask a prom date by pinking. This wide hemmed Walter's death at the age of 83 ally did in those d2ys but Malo at Utah State years what University. fabric from shedding type corsage she version for cocktail and for means little to the current crop wan and Rusinow gave them a i prevent They will make their home in than in floor length satins prefers evening, of players. His tournament scare when they bid and made nap., Chill candles in the refriger Phoenix, Ariz., where the bride- in tones. " her. surprise hale play was in 1944 but he contin- a grand slam which was missed ator for 24 hours before using groom has - accepted employ ued to play rabbet bridge at at tee other table. them. They will burn evenly and ment. New York's Regeocv Club after Walter and Sidney used the won't drip. that. The A single coast redwood tree Oulbertson tour Plastic vegetable bags that r Walter was always an Blackwood convention had not have holes in them make good (Sequoia sempervirens) yields N and loved to play no reached eastern bridge circles containers for balls of knitting enough kanber to build and furPenetrating... at that time. Unfortunately, you yarn. Run the yarn through one nish threeNargtr homes, says for bringing out and NORTH II needed at least two aces to try of the holes. National Geographic. Highlighting th grain a Culbertson four AAJS Wash ice trays with warm, nd of fin wood. Spaclally salaetad VA83 Without them Walter jumped to soapy water It helps the ice J2 tag radiant gTv axol-an- t p over his partner's cubes to slip out easily. six AK10S4 protection to wood bid and Sidney went e A tapered bottle brush makes turfaeai and mitt wa. WIST EAST slam. to the grand on the task of clearing coil bed tor ponatration. tip: V 1098 642 K7 based his decision on springs much easier. Sidney elilly good for rough-aw- n be all Summer summer d long. fresh may looking FASTEST DELIVERY V 108 J975 wood. Alao works f his he on that clothes Jack fact the it's but iummer thought ike kids, tough for your great 10 97 4 3 85 SERVICE IN TOWN wall an eoncrata. wharo would be a valuable New York's Madison diamonds of anoNijpostioni Square 4862 473 protection and, color la finish reatorei Our Sanitone drycleanlng with Style-Scard. It sure was since it gave Garden had the first indoor ice SOUTH (D) dalrd: cool look and feel of summer lightweighti. Adds crisd. the Walter his 13th top card trick. skating rink. It was installed . life to the colors. Q2 body to tfteJabric Solid... Without it, he could still have in 1879. And think of all the ironing you WON'T havt to do. SaniVKQ42 aaad to maak and aottan on slam . . . and your disposition. a is for fabrics tone the care made grand great AKQ8 wood unttrctlva to better is far QJfl squeeze, but it Solid Eitrlor grain. Both vulnerable bid sure grand slams than these Ulna laav COMFORT protaetiva. DEPENDABLE which require a lot of play. West North East South pagiM film on tha of tha wood, whllo for the bots PRESCRIPTION 74 E. 1150 N.and ratalnlng th familiar Put 3 4 Pass S4 FOR SALE or RENT warmth af (tain tbiiah. Pull lln Modarn, SERVICE Pass 44 Pais 3 V 835 N. 7th E. LOF GLASS Pass 6N.T. Pass 4 4 SPORTING Exacuttvt and Clark Story Free Delivery On Th Curb Ac rots From for th Offla Pau 7N.T. Pass Pan OOOOI (WALL COVERINGS PIANOS 104 WIST CINTI Pan BYU FieldhouM ,' ORANVENTAL STANDARD OFFICE SUPPLY IRON Opening lead 4 10 HEINDSELMAN MUSIC CO. Phone 373-267- 2 373-474By POLLY CRAMER - - one-pie- . - WILLED - neat-fittin- Mo-Brid- e, - as black or red, and tops are either strapless or with one shoulder bared and printed in wild florals in complementary colors. tinue to grow, more popular on American beaches each year. And althoueh often not nearly as brief as their Eurpean counterparts, the American male finds them brief enough for beach-watchin- g. When shopping for that new swim suit, remember that prints choice are fashionable the at any age. Linda Pierce Plans July Rites With Richard Smuin - - . ' u- - Division Receives Funds - First-Twelft- single-crochet- Springville High School. She Is a sophomore at Brigham Young University. The prospective groom is a graduate of Ben Lomond High School, Ogden. He has attended University of Utah and is presently a junior at Brigham Young University. He filled an LDS mission to the Great . Lakes. Following their marriage they plan to make their ome in Ogden for this summer and return for school at BYU this fall Santaquin Open House To Honor Golden Wedding - Household Hints what-to-we- . ar . right-anywhe- re Goshen Pair Wed In Rites acid-conte- - Daring Bid Was S ucpessrui PIERCE EXTERIOR STAIN d, -- rather la-i- In 20 New Colors a mnsnn KEEP over-bidde- 13k Bring tha addad dlman ion of color to th nat oral btauty of antarlor wood. Thaa 20 naw co- txtc p. lor. apclHy formulated for exterior uee, bring th tptrkle of modern deajgnera' color CRISP four-spad- Ivan's DDrugs urn-tu- rt 131 W. CENTEK-PBO- VO 40 W. 100 N. Mi. 17S-J1- tradltlea! to th warmth of Maine. Anilaalt ia Ftmtntlei md Salt Color Utwkw iMkt et . . UNIVERSITY CLEANERS aur-fa- Sanitone PROVO 3 f) MIRRORS and SUNDRICS BENNETT'S tn cmr w. Ph. srvrtM Prat Piitlng In Rear ' ra Delivery |