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Show Center ville Miss Making Plans, With Mr. Hatch Provo Miss Trades Vows In Salt Lake Temple Rites ' Elder Henry D. Taylor, assistto the Council of the Twelve ant The Manti temple ALPINE officiated recently at the wedwill be the setting for the marding ceremony in the Salt Lake 22 of June Jacqueline LDS riage Temple for Margaret Miller and of Provo and Merle L. Atkinson Deanna Roberts, Centerville of Lodi, Calif. . LaRelle J. Hatch, Alpine. The new Mrs. Atkinson is a Miss Roberts is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Miller of Provo and Mr. AtCenterville and Mr. kinson's parents are Mr. and Roberts, Hatch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. N. Atkinson of Lodi, Hugh J. Hatch, Alpine. A wed- Calif. Parents of the bride and groom and brothers of the bride ding reception will be held that and close friends were present evening in the CenterviUe First for the ceremony. ward with the bride's parents as A reception that evening in ward honored the hosts. On June 25 an openhouse the of the the ceremony For hosted newlyweds. will be by parents bride was the and reception bridegroom at their home in Miromist and of in a gown lovely Alpine. Mr. Hatch is a graduate imported lace in a Florentine of American Fork High School rose from France. Her and has been attending BYU. He veil ofpattern bride's illusion was held fulfilled an LDS mission to New a tiara of seed pearls. She Zealand. The bride also has been by a student at BYU. Following their marriage the young couple will make a home in Provo. ll-19- & jjjj&z ! th 9 DAILY HERALD JUNE 20, 1 Utah County, Utah MONDAY, carried an arrangement of pink roses and stephanotis. Matron of honor was Mrs. Morgan Miller of Salt Lake City, cousin of the bride. Bridesmaids were Lois Jones of Rigby, Ida. and Gloria Lloyd of Prove! They wore gowns of pick cotton with cheeked belts and headbands. All carried pink daisies in white baskets. Best man was Ralph Williams. Mrs. Miller wore a gown of blue lace and carried a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Atkinson had a gray iridescent taffeta gown and also had a corsage of pink roses. The couple will spend their honeymoon in Bryce and Zion National parks and wffl make their home in Provo Mrs. Atkinson plans to teach school in the fall. j . Mr. and Mrs. Milton B Muri are visting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer, MARTHA MONSON Aurora. Miss Monson, Mr. Craghead, Marry Home Ceremonies man Gary - Martha In PLEASANT GROVE Monson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Monson of Pleasant Grove and Robert G. Craghead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Craghead of Provo, were joined in marriage June 11 at an impressive wedding ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Bishop G. Albert Spencer performed the ceremony. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Mary Monson and bridesmaids were Judy Monson, Sandra Craghead and Rebecca Farewell Party Enjoyed By Williams Family . . 0 was Monson. Best Craghead. The couple will honeymoon in Yellowstone Park, after which they will be at home in Provo where thev will continue their schooling. rs- "' Attend Fete Salt Late , A delightful farewell party was held recently on the patio of the Mrs. Edith Vicks home to honor the Norman Williams family. The Williams family is soon leaving for Palo Alto, Calif. Hostesses for the evening were, Mrs. John Huntington, Mrs. Max Hansen, Mrs. Pauline Shipman and Mrs. Vick. Music lights and a beautlflly appointed table with refreshments were enjoyed by the 50 friends who were present. Visiting at the home of her Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and beeBarbara has Brown George Ashpole of Salt Lake City. She will return home today. Mrs. Glen D- - Edwards, Mrs. Cecil Dickerson, Mrs. Paul Crum, Mrs. D. E. Gilner, and Mrs. Glen McKenzie all of Provo attended a luncheon at the Ambassador Club In Salt Lake City recently given by th Ladies Timers Auxiliary of the UP Club No. 12. All the Provo ladies are members of the UP Old! Timers Auxiliary No. 34. They enjoyed a review of "Sound of Music," a new Broadway musical! Favors given' to all the ladijes were African violets. The regular monthly OREM the Junior Unit of of meeting Ladies Auxiliary VFW No. 8376 was conducted by recently installed president" Sharon Dart at the Veterans' Memorial Building Thursday. According to ritualistic ceremonies Christine Motes was Initiated as a new member of the org aniz a tion . The group decided that a project and social will be used alternately for the meetings. The first of young project for the group new dresses will be making girls for dolls which will be contributed to a local hospital. The girls will meet on June 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dart to work on this project. Following the meeting refreshments were served by Mm. George' Cheney and Mrs. Robert Morgan members of the advisory committee. In a lovely solemn ceremony performed recently in the Salt Lake Temple with Heber J. Burgon officiating, JoAnn Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Johnston became the bride of Robert O- Stone. Mr. Stone's parents, are Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stone, 776 S. 1st W. Orem. The new Mrs. Stone's parents reside at 368 N. 5th E., Provo. For the wedding ceremony and the reception held in the Provo Eighth ward that evening the bride chose a gown of white satin with panels of lace on the skirt and long pointed sleeves with a fitted bodice. She carried a bouquet of a white orchid, pink rosebuds and white carnations. Her veil of bride's illusion was held by a crown of seeded pearls. Attending the bride were, Judy Lewis, maid of honor, Kathleen Georgia Stephensen, Lewis,Means and Janeen JohnNancy bridesmaid. ston, junior Mrs. Johnston wore a gown of beige lace and Mrs. Stone was dressed in a rose beige siik linen. Both had corsages of white carnations. Performing best man duties was Hal Alien. Greeting guests at the door were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Stone. Fairt&c ' Lewis and Kent Johnston carried gifts. Maurine Trotter, JoAnn Pierce, and Joyce Dearing and Lannette servwith Diane Lewis assisted ing with Mrs. Bernell Lewis and Mrs. Lester McEwan, helping in the gift room. Mrs. Kent Thompson was in charge of the guest - - MR. and MRS. ROBERT O. STONE (JoAim Johnston) When we are fatigued we feel a natural tendency to slump. Try to stretch instead. Stretching is an excellent way to ease strain from weariness. Slumping, on the Other hand, cramps the muscles and will add to that tired feeling. book. Open 6 Days a Week! CLOSED SUNDAY Room and Alpine Dining Rooms . TUESDAY, JUNE 21 1900 Noon Provo Exchange 7in f p. District 4 Association 11 of the money you pay for electricity is paid in taxes to support schools, "We Appreciate Your Patronage0 FREE DELIVERY Phone Fit po- 3-26- 72 lice and fire depart- DRUGS ments, local, state By IVAN and federal City Panhellenic Dorothy Dix Plans Complete For Luncheon Christine Motes Initiated As New Unit Member JoAnn Johnston Becomes Bride Of Robert Stone in Temple Timpanogos Dining Making final plans and putting final touches on decorations for the Timpangos City Panhellenic bridge luncheon to be held Tuesday in the Riverside Country Club are, Mrs. Michael Treshow, Mrs. Richard Pearson and Mrs. Selby Clark. CITY PANHELLENIC LUNCHEON Making final plans for a Bridge Luncheon tomorrow are members d of the Tismpanogos City Panhellenic. The event will be held at the Riverside Country Club beginning at 1 p.m. A Chinese theme will highlight the decoration's and favors. An invitation is extended to all former collegiate members of na tional Panhellenic sororities to at newly-organize- Provo Women In . 104 WEST CENTER tend the luncheon, Reservations may be made by Mrs. Melvin Arrington, con-acti- ng president. Fortune cookies win be at each place setting by which guests will read their future. Lovely door prizes will also be awarded an- MR. and MRS. MERLE L. ATKINSON (Margaret Miller) nounced officers, Mrs. Michael Threshow is secretary-treasurer with other committee members, Mrs. Selbey Olark, Mrs. Mryan McKendirck, Mrs. Joe H. Ashworth and Mrs; H. Edward Beaghler. Mrs. William Bowen Is Head Nursing School Of Fireladies Auxiliary SPANISH FORK Mrs. William Bowen was elected president of Fireladies Auxiliary at a recent convention of the firemen the in Cedar City. Mrs. Willie M. Brockbank waS reelected vice president. A highlight of the convention was a tour of Zion's National Park. The Utah Park Company was host to a banquet. Those attending the convention include Mr. aid Mrs. William Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Roach Chappie, Mr. amd Mrs. Mark Boyack, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jex, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brockbank, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Olsen and ,Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson. Memorial services were held for Al Smith at the convention in Cedar City. Family members attending were Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs: Dean Smith and Mr. and Mrs. , James Burraston. t To lubricate and protect your skin while you sleep, use night cream and apply it with the fingertips of both hands. Began at the throat and work upward to the hairline. Keep the crerm on ail night, and in the morning remove aM traces with a skin freshener. i FIRELADIES PRESIDENT Mrs. William Bowen who was recently elected president of the Spanish Fork Fireladies Auxiliary. Warm weather is on the way. So take off those extra pounds and slim down your figure to go with the new fashion lines. Experiment with all the new makeup colors and techniques and create your own personalized glamour with a new coiffure. You'll become lovelier, and happier, too. Mrs. Karl C. Shipp, the former Deon Christensen of Provo and Mrs. J. Grant Vincent, the former Rae Shipp were in Salt Lake recently to attend the 20th annual homecoming of their nursing school, Salt Lake County General Hospital. Both are from Pomona, Calif. Eighteen of the 32 graduates were present for the reunion. They toured the hospital in the morning and a luncheon was served in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Vincent went on to Warren, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Christensen accompanied their daughter back to Pomona, Calif, where they were present for their daughter, Susaone's graduation from the 8th grade. A tactless person is one who says what everyone else is think NEW YORK A (Special): leaning dermatologist and his assistants have conducted a test that proves conclusively estrogenic hormones make skin look younger, smooth See . . . the Money Man wrinkles, often fade "old age" with the skin discolorations. FRIENDLY FINANCE A preparation containing female hormones was applied to one side plan the face and neck and to one Quick . Convenient Confidential of women. hand of 50 middle-age- d A similar formula containing no hormones was used on the other side. It was quickly apparent that the side treated with hormones looked better. At the end of the test in all but two cases, skin lines were definitely less noticeable, complexion was softer, smoother, fresher. There was no local irritation in any case; examination revealed absolutely no systematic effects. The hormones had beautified effectively and safely. Jn an effort to speed up hormones' beautifying action, a trustworthy laboratory defluid called a formula ASK FOR ARDEN ROBERTS veloped HORMONEX Beauty Serum. This AND GENE TAYLOR laboratory conducted a test on "half-woma- - n" ' Young Bride Leaves Home Disregards' Marriage Vows It DEAR TROUBLED HEAfRT: By HELEN WOROEN MX: I have is not uncommon for teenagers been married almost a year. like yourself to be noisy. Girls Three weeks ago I left my hus- laugh shrilly, boys whoop and holband because I thought I didn't ler. My leaflet on Sex Education love him. After a couple of days for Teenagers and Teenage Code Will help you understand yourself. I realized I made a mistake. Both go to you today. 1 if could I called him and asked JEA(R DOROTHY -- seemed happy enough that night but he has been actina stranee ever since. He won't go places with me. won't talk over money problems. He doesn't seem to care hoiiv 1 feel. I have a baby brother who lives with us. If I leave my husband again which I don't want to do because I love him- - -- the baby won't have any place to stay. I can't work and watch him too. His mother has to work to support him. My husband said last night he didn't know why he couldn't love me the way he should. Help me. Mixed up. Have you DEAR MIXED-UP- : and your husband forgotten the vows you took on your wedding day? Was it only lip service when you promised "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part?", Live up to those vows! come home. He In your second problem, the boy was right. He, not you, should hm done the chasing. Play hand tjo get if you want the boys to , camp on your doorstep. As for your third problem, disarm' your sister by offering her, " in the presence of your parents, the pick of your wardrobe. Say that all you ask, as she wrecks it. is replacement. - DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I've been married six years. My husband is wonderful but my are cold toward me and my girl of six. My; sister-in-law- s never bought her anything. I am so hurt I could tel them off, but I'm looking at may man's side and I do not ant to break my life or his for I really love him. He loves his children very much. will do. I Anything you say E.C.G. DEAR E.C: You married your - or his husband not you s, meet when be you sake, pleasant not wish do since ther but, they IX: I am 17 to be DEAR DOROTHY friendly, go your way and and still boisterous. Friends say let them go theirs. Don't take their if I could just be happy-go-luck- y snubs too much to heart. I'm sure but no! loud I would be a wonder- it would be the same noi matter ful person. This is my first prob- whom he married. Ia4aws invarilem. Help me, please. ably gang up against an outsider. The second is: I like a boy of It's a hangover from primitive my faith but he lives in a town 12 man. I've seen it happen in my miles away. I asked him to my own family. prom, then our hop because he Send your problem to DORwasn't free the night of the prom. OTHY DlX. Be sure to enclose a I invited him by letter sayihg, "I envelope, stamped, hope you do not thhik wrong of me and address her in can at this in asking you both to the prom and hop but you are so sincere newspaper. ' si and a lo of fun. I couldn't think ' of anyone nicer to ask to our school dances." Now I hear he thinks I' chasing him. What can I do? Friends say, "Ignore him." When selecting fresfc pork Here's the third problejm: My look grayish-meat that is sister walks into my pink for in color. It light, should be closet and chooses anything she smooth and velvety wants without permission. I have fine textured, iatermtogled with flecks f worn a blouse and a party dress of and The outside fat on pork cuts hers once this year but asked per- fat. should be white and firm. mission. She let everyone at the dance To remove rusty water stains know I had on her clothes. To top sinks, stoves and things off she throws my clothes from bathtubs, With lemon and oh the floor. I live with foster par- iceboxes, rub ; well.-rinse ents whom I love as my own but when I teU them about sister they If you have made meat gravy say, "WeE, you wear her clothes." m I clothes care is too salty, drop a piece sf her don't that for I Troubled raw can't take revenge. potato in it for a few minin-la- in-law- self-address- ed Household Hints utes before serving. Doctors Say Hormones Make Skin Look Younger Safely FLAT BROKE? i pi Reunion Draws Former Provoans 1 women volunteers who were asked to use the formula for just twelve days on one side of the face and neck. An impressive percentage signified that good results were attained even in this short period. Hormonex Beauty Serum acts so rapidly because pure fe male hormones are dissolved In a combination of Sesame oil and patented, liquid lanolin for fast penetration. Only 7 drops a day are required to treat face and neck. If you would like to test HORMONEX Beauty Serum without risk, get a bottle at your favorite toiletry counter today, use it just twelve days. If the change is not astounding if you are not completely satisfied, your dealer is authorized to refund purchase price without question. HORMONEX Beauty Serum is inexy supply pensive to use. A Look $3.50. younger costs only quickly. See wrinkles smooth out, starting today! You may obtain Hormonex Beauty Serum at: adv. Skaggs Drug Center. Ncttu rally . REFRESH WITH MILK! 15,000 100-da- Nature's Lift Nature's Snack June is Nature's Nightcap DAIRY MONTH AMERICAN DAIRY ASSN. OF UTAH ! |