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Show MAYTl, 1951 'TUESDAY, Provo, Utah County. Utah DAILY HERALD 29 Get Certificates At Apprentice Graduation, e . 1 (c nd , Mc-Ken- zie . - ;- , 175 Springville Sophs Finish Course in Driver Training SPRINGVILLE App.ro x -! Girls cornmittee, directed plan! j mately 175 sophomore at Spring-vill- a for Jthet project. high school have completed Each! student, in addition, to classes on driving rules the driver's training course which taking and regulations, has seen films on hat been sponsored in the school safe driving practice ' and has had. at least one hour actual arivJ by tbe Kiwanis ctub.. The" coarse has been given; ing. Each one has spent another houin the car- - watching) th the direction of higlv school others drive. . instructors, George Pehrson arid The driver training classes wer Paul Steele, Dal Moine ChrUten sporisored in the high schbol by sen an J. F. Wineate. the Kiwanis dub in an eAort to In1 a car contributed for .'the develop better drivers and safer purpose by G. Lbwry- - Anderson, drivers among the young peppl the students received thei actual of the community. Use of the car, without .cost to" driving experience with J. J" Wingate accompanying them.' at the chool or the club; has greatly all times. DelMoIne Christensen facilitated the training, Mr. Chris of the Kiwanis jclub Boya .and Jensen said.. L.',v-, 1- - - , V 5 i ' From Hospital Bruce Peterson, Park City, who lacerations in a SPRINGVILLE ElecUon of suffered atscalp the Brigham Young mishap held will be th officera by track meet Invitational university Springville Lions club at their Saturday, was released from the regular meeting Thursday May Utah Valley hospital Sunday, ac? 10, af Kapp's Melody Inn, Presi to attendants. dent Paul Haymond will be in cording Mr. Peterson was struck by a :A charge.: shot while practicing Nominated for the various of ficea are:- Otto R. Fry and Don with other athletes at the meet, and rushed to the hospital. ' Watts for president; Leland and Orlin Feay, first vice j Edwin R. Kimball, BYU di- -. and meet president; Erling Roylance and rector of athletics Marvin Warren, second vice presi- Chairman. said- - tnat ne was dent; Orvil Clark and Jack Cur- warming up with a group tis, third vice president; Mark . Whiting and Kay Johnson,' tail- - throw struck hira. twister; Howard Sanford andi He- was held In the hospital Lewis Thorpe, liontamer; Lloyd overnight for observatiqn. Ashcjftff, R. L. IVilson, G. W. Friel and Jack Robertson, direct urer will be filled later by ap- um; two to be elected. of the new president. Officea of secretary and . certi-fieat- Injured "Park City Athlete Released Sets Election men rcce d cer- - skilled persona to carry out the tifieitea at the annual graduation national derfense program and beexercises sponsored by lie" af said the public would suffer : filiated jeint apprenticeship com- cause all skilled workers would mittee of the AFL of southern bajised" for that purpose and Utah and held Saturday at " the that the civilian . economy would ,1 ' suffer unless all r employers Provo. Labor temple. trained1 as. many new persons as received ihq Tgose who included Gordon Dbke, R. possible. Mr. Edwards, urged greaterX. Nichols. Carl Olsen, anH Harefforts on the part bf the training auto mechanics; old Arrdwsmitb, LeJahd- - Lauder and LeejDixon, public and that the vocational be .used to the fullest exbricklayers; Raymond A. Hrittain, school in giying . related technical Robert E. Davii, Marvin Warner, tent to all persons em Keith R. . Goble. . Dale Bown, trade training ErvifKC. Davis. T. E. Van Buren, ployed "as apprentices or shortDavid T. Chldestcr, Russeffl Kiel term learners fn-. defense v Indus'on, Niles Jones, Don Harvey, tries. On behalf ' of the Carpenters' and Jack A. Watts, Douglas Allen ' Mark Local. Union 1498. and the affui Burnell Snow, carpfnters; ated joint apprenticeship com painter; Keith U Battfcy, Denver mittee, W. G. Ryan, business Wil E. Cartel.' Earl? Blatter. C for the carpenters and mas liam Harrvman land' Marcus W agent .or ceremonies tor tne exer ter Richard and plumberi;--.Johnson, presented a' complete Car- Talbot 'Richard J. cises, Bags, Gene ADorenticeshiD Manual oenters' Boras and ; Andrew- Boswell to Dr. for the BYU library. ftbyt electricians. , TMenty-uin- L ons Club At KfmK Sprii igyille r I. j j " - i j. i -- MIDNIGHT SHOW SsrA i . THURSDAY! ! Springville Musettes Slate Concert Thursday, Friday D ' win wn - ' . j ! ! V ' Midibydf" !X, ' . ,".ul' iM . ' 1 ' ; y, ? ; swe-jdirtcl- 2 .v . Speakers Listed COLLEGE RODEO NAMES COWBOY at the exercises were Sneakers i J UTAH HOT BKAUTqrUITHEATKK i J j Dr. A H. ' V; Hoy t, prof cfsor Of 1 (U.R) May MISSOULA, 1 adminis-business and accounting State college, student tratijpn at Brigham ou ng j,njveriMonfcina alt- TA Ills LITI Complete Shows. region director '.Jim Carrig wasYated the best anlityiC. me 7:00 and 9:20 i bccuiiq cuwuuj ai of the bureau of apprenticeship aruuiiu northWest nual intercollegiate Hepart-rneji UnitedSfater The Spring of Spring," fey Strauss, ensemble; SPRINGVILLE trailing. here" during the week Of labor; and Danjel Edr rodeo held ville Musettes, outstanding ladies "Let's Be Friends," from "the opend. wards, director of the Utah sfate Th iiohUm TTnivWkiv r choral -- j group.: Av.ill- present a era, .." Die Fledermaus," vocal apprenticeship council r. 'r- concert next inursaaiy .... . wvnmin.. i..m tnnu rrt -- oenetu by Merle Schriener and m,v ian. Pointing out tnat tne cestuicaic the was only the be- - nonors twqay com v U JOT ri ix:? ui ixnc i"Ucu luir UlCaTUM ICliMd JQS, a i of person aiQrmp Proceeds ginning Eighth ward chapel. Waltz of the Seasons, bpring. and Zlfrom Dr.Hdyt training. cation entertainment will go all by Strauss; ensemble.:' ' " Ifor thethe that wim :tnls big, step oenina rr " . remodelliniz of the church "The Beautiful Blue Danube," thenL all apprentices dr new WIUJ' ICIK1-- l building. jourfneyrrren ' should continue the. Guest? conductor will be Jacob Strauss, by Vera Zobell; "When pursuit of greater skill and edu- Bos. Elrhina Madsen is the read- - Johnny Comes Marching Homi," "Your Land cation and aim to be the jrreatesti King Gustav .VI was 67 .when1-- ,. anrf 'Oleah Sarceni acepm- - Lambert-Wilhouskmechanic in their respecuye.ne succeeded Ms My Land," Romberg, ensemj Alberta Hoover is the and ; ble. trades f of the chorus. . jiatner, uusay v, as ruier oi Mr. Noxon told of the !lack of;den. The program will be presented! Tickets may "be obtained from as follows: "Club Collect." set to; any member of the Musettes or music by Alberta Hoover 'and uu iuuuon wiu De accepiea. sung group; '"God is Ever mmmm I Beside iMe," by Peter DeRose 5 B 0 piano solo, "Romance" by Sibel ENDS TONIGHT, ius, played by Oleah Sargent;) DORIS DAY . "Romance" by RomberK, "My NELSON GENE Blue" of Nest Little by Heavenly Franz Lehar. ensemble; "synopsis "LULLABY OF of the life of ithe. waltz king, Jo- :V tilfiim MATimtS ir 3H'Tlt I TM1M 50'Tlt'3 hahn Strauss,! given by Elminai BROADWAY" "Emperors Waltz, Jladsen,; Color by Technicolor Strauss, by string ensemble; "Voices "Vienna Life." Strauss; j ALL-AROUN- , . MUSETTE OFFICERS These people guide the destinies of the Sprinjville .Musettes, outstanding choral organization. Left to right, j standing, Mrs. Lea Huff, president; Mrs. Elmirar Madsen, vice president, and Mrs. Alberta Hoover, director. Seated, Mrs. Oleah Sargeant, accompanist, and Jacob Bos, guest conductor. ; -- T - f . oi; Ippf by-the f1 fhr Starts Tomovovr Starts Tonight j F,RSW vTm Girls' Pasts Hide the Same Reckless amusements Mis-ste- p! . Peck. " ' PROVO AcadVmy f the Valiant, G. 0ly j , Paramount-Lullab- " SLlJLlJJiLG of Broad- y way. Di' Day. Uintai The Titan.. Motor Vu The Petty Girl. ' LEIII PATRICIA NEAL- - RUTH ROMAN - -C- O.HIT-: : PAYSON i i Huish The Redhead, and Cowboy", R. SPANISH FRANK BORZAGES Anuelu gart. k Arch Fleming. Born; Yesterday, J SPRINGVILLE DANE CLARK GAIL ' - " With V . . . - .sitr Mttu - - - ; J. Bo- - Borh Yesterday, J. Prices! J Hol- - I feature I " I I Hol- - "Mask I pr h&MM j . IMfl n V 'vMt; 5 f Draron" ): iv ; A IL. , , it Vf J I f :if 1 y . (pCi)Q0(S0600 V III f. MUM STARTS TOMORROW Mott tmpnmiy ort .ftlnj j l.'. Howorrf Oamae, iLj MkHlonolo comet ali '' Sl.Y". Tiiwes I -t- oot Mog. "Thrilling., A beautiful movii"! ', I j , I 1 : Art Crihc grot ochivmnt"!. "A . j nM 1 J J than iFatherX 1 j ) : timet "THE TITAN" '. V . 'ruaay-- l ART"! the Thallium sulfate is a good poi son to eliminate ants. It is sold in small tin boxes which are. placed where the ants can reach them - - L A MOVIE AND f - My Outlaw Brother, M. , ! TRIUMPH BOTFaS : liday. Drive in EfWllMtSOITTH - Park Rooney Rivoll RUSSELL ETHEL. BARRYMORE aim Jtan ki isau -- ' '' .: Uo r u j . FORK The Enforcer, H. , lidav. starrtaif rm Royal ' QfANOR PARKER mririf-sn- ri - ' ; " ' i , j Operation Pacific. VUh Up Eront, , D. Wayne. OtfEM.j ; ; Scerar Rawhide. T. Power. Secrets. Geneva Three . X , . Emily Omnaut, H . Y. f ero W Tribune Art CrHit j f Plus 4-- 4 4- 4 tr V -- JOAN UZABETH & I xJr j ENDSTOITE BENWErTTAYLORfi Ttn w-- in III Jrf1Srll rim rrn ty . vnrrm nrnnmrrr I 5TCCFACC?OnXTTC3fU! I .Directed by CHRISTIAN A Hurry!. Ends Jonight: "ONLY THE VALIANT" with Gregory Peck NYBY CHARLES LED ERER " bhih I I I k I I WINCH ESTfR. PRODUCTION NOTE: THIS PICTURE POSITIVELY IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CmLDREN! . I ,1 c t 4 1 it'll 11U 4 |