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Show Jf jf " Council Maps Summer Party Plans - rwi A 77 WOCUdAjcV " Winkler - Gates Wedding Charming June Function Lake LDS in "Winkler.' the bride's sister as maid of honor and Mary Lee .chose blue crepe with a pink rose Bonnie corsage. WinkW lu a -esl "brother of the H,n. r.. s.iiv ,.rd Share. " r; groom. "?T Dr. L. Keith Gates. l. "n i: -- nu Music was furnished during the l0ycr grooms sister, as bridesmaids, evening by a string trio consist-Tin- y Sheila Gates was the flower !in- - ot Jean slack. Verda Stubbs t and Barbara Boyer. Rex Johnson The bride wore traditional pleased with two vocal numbers white satin and lace, entrain. She- and Val Norn girls sang their chose a tiny cap of seed pearls bride's song. fresh flowers and her veil Candelabra holding white tapers yth wb ui and tall vases of neonie and ' i utiuc s uiuiun tip length. Her bouquet was ans baby breath traced the hall. The original arrangement of stephan-oti- serving, table held a wedding and ivy. cake flanked on either side with The maid of honor and brides- white candles In crystal holdrs. maids selected identical dresses. Those assisting with serving, wore white organdy over bride's book and the gift room ' Phyllis blue chintz and the maids .wore were: Shirley Christenson, Joyce . white organdy over flowered Crandall, Joyce Atkinson, Marion wore small also chintz. caps Mullett. Mrs. Keith Gates. Mrs. They ' and shoulder length veils of il- C. M Hackley, Mrs. J. N. Hollin-ge- r, set were off lusion. Their gowns Mrs. Carl Thalmon, Mrs. with nosegays of, gladiolus. Jewell Parker and Jewel Framp-to- n. Mrs. Justin Winkler wore rose Guests were received by Mrs. crepe and lace with a corsage of Roy Strong. Ushers assisting were baby orchids. The groom's mother Jewell Parker and Halvor Gates. itr "I. - ""', L Shower Honors Spanish .Fork Bride-ElePre-Nypti- al ct SPANISH FORK A nuptial shower hondred Miss Barbara Clark Monday evening prior to her temple wedding next Monday to Milton L. Walston of Salem. The function was held at the Fourth ward chapel which was festive with houqueti of pink ' and white peonies, orange blos- soms and sprays of fern. Greeting her many friends, the bride-to-looked lovely in a grown of pale green satin, , model, accented by a necklace of rhlnestones. She wore an unusual corsage of a metallic heart pierced by arrows arranged with pink rose buds and dainty white orange blossoms. Standing in the reception line with her were her mother, Mrs. Ed Clark: her fiance's mother, Mrs. H. R. Walston, Salem: both of her grandmothers, Mrs. Louise Williams. Spanish Fork, and Mrs. Susie Clark Millet of Spring of Lake, and Mrs. Angus Taylor " ' Salem. 9 While guests were being greeti ed, soft organ background music was played by Mrs. Merrill Mc- Kell. Mrs. Clifton Huff was mistress of ceremonies for the program which included vocal selections by Mrs. William Christmas and duet by Donna and Ann Ellison. Accompanists were Barbara Nee-le- y and Mrs. Blanche Jensen who .alio played a piano selection. An accordion duet was played by Renee Vacher and Francis Peter-so- n, both of Provo. Nelda Har-woplayed a marimba solo accompanied by Mary Smith, Ann Marie Huff gave a short reading and Mrs. Howard Zabriskie gave the tribute to the bride. Guests were seated at small ' tables where pink ,and green 'candles were held In star crystal holders circled by orange blossoms and delicate pink flowers. The wedding cake received a great deal of comment because of its unusual design. Hostesses in the dining room be were Mrs. Robert Simpson "of San Fernando, Cal. and Mrs. Garth Olsen of Paysoft. both aunts !of the bride. Girls in evening dress abcented by corsages who served were Sharon Williams, Margaret Ferguson. Marilyn Creer, Donna Ellison, Helen vWilliams, Betty Green, Carol, Jean Turtle, Ann Ellison and LorrVAnn JamM In charge of kitchen arrangements were Mrs. jones w imams assisted by Mrs. .Alma Stone. Mrs. Henry Clark. Gerald Tavlor and the bride's father and brother. Displayed the elaborate trousseau to the 350 guests who were Dresent were Mrs. Rnhert Rrari. ford and Mrs. Wendell James, hostesses. In the gift room, the hostesses were Mrs. Sherman McGarry, Mrs. Irvin Jensen and Mrs. Henrv Walston. The hririe'a book was under the direction of Miss Norma Condie, a school friend at the USAC from Preston, Idaho. Yountr elrls who took criftx at the door were Barbara Walston, Ann Marie Huff, Lana Williams, Nellie Walston, and Karen Louise Simpson of California. , ng, Party ' sau j ;j 'K ay Spring Luncheon Honors A. F. MIA Presidencies LAKe city soon. Bridge was played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Max Berg and Mrs. Jack Thomas. Luncheon was served in thnsp mentioned and Mesdames: Faye Lenehan, Charles Thomas, Am Billinsslev. Paul KnlUhiirv John Stewart and Bill Wilson. Games, Refreshments Feature Birthday Party Carole MR. AND MRS. WALTER P. WHITEHEAD AMERICAN FORK A lovely social function of the week was Commemorating a half century served as supervisor of the LDS the spring luncheon given by the of married life, Bishop andbe Mrs. church welfare store. the Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead were Alpine stake Young Women's Walter P. Whitehead will Mutual Improvement Assn. presi honored guests at an openhouse both gifted as singers and both to relatives and friends, Sunday dency and board members with from. 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. at their belonged to the old tabernacle the presidencies of the 10 LDS choir. Mrs. Whitehead attended ward YWMIA's of the stake as home, 128 E. 4th S., Provo. The honored couple, now the BY academy and is a memguests. their golden wedding. ber of the 'V Emeritus club. She The luncheon was held at the of was a pupil of the old First "ward home of Mrs. Delbert Chipman have been prominent citizens a cen more than half school as a young girl. She has Monday. The tables were adorned Provo for with hawthorne blossoms and tury. always been active in the aux Mr. Whitehead was born in iliary church work in her ward. green and white tapers. Marking each place was an Iris corsage. England, the son of Walter and For many years she was a memWhitehead, the ber of the Florence Jepperson Forty were seated for the lunch- Sarah Allsworth eon. A short business meeting family coming to Provo while Mr. choral society. Whitehead was still a young man. followed. Public Service He married Marv Ettie Farrer Mrs. LeRoy Mecham, Mrs. Chip- - Uf?i the Salt Lake temple, June 14, They have both given Ireely of man and Mrs. Ross Buckwalter and the members of the board 1900. She was born in Provo, the their time and talents in public were the hostesses. daughter of Roger and Agnes service and in giving comfort and Farrer. Soon after their marriage help to those who were ill and they built their own home and bereaved. have lived there ever since. In 1908-0- 9 Mr. Whitehead filled they Newly-Wedde- d a mission to England and served Was City Official ' as pfesident of the North London , Serving as city commissioner branch and leader of the choir. for eight years, Mr. Whitehead Other activities with which HEBER Mr. and Mrs. James can look back on a career of pubWhitehead has been identiPatterson were honored at a lic service which extends into Mr. of the fied include president wedding reception in the Daniel civic and church activities for Provo Commercial Utah club, hall on Friday evening. They over 50 years. As a city commisfuel administrator during were married in Salt Lake LDS sioner from 1929 to 1937 he was county World War I, census- supervisor in charge of waterworks, recrea- in 1930, original temple Wednesday. of the The bride, formerly Hilda tion, parks and cemetery. His board of directorsmember Deer the for Thacker, .is the daughter of Mr. church activity has been contin- Creek project, also serving as and Mrs. Ralph Thacker of uous, culminating in a term of vice president and president of Daniel. The groom is the son of 16 years as bishop of the First the board. In his early years he Mrs. Bob Patterson of Heber. was ward. The new ward chapel a grocery store and operated was Mrs. Patterson new The built and dedicated while he was prior to that time worked for radiant in a white satin and net bishop of the ward. Since his the old Enquirer Printing shop. gown with finger tip veil of net retirement as a bishop he ha.s " Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead have and lace that fell from a crown served as a member of the high trimmed with seed pearls. She council. In recent years he has three children: Walter F. Whitehead and Mrs. Ray (Edith) Bush carried a bridal bouquet of pink of Salt Lake City; Mrs. J. Melvin carnations and white chrysanthemums centered with an orchid gowns of blue and yellow and (Mary) Duke of Springville and all of whom and tied with long silver stream- carried bouquets of pink carna- eight grandchildren, tion anrl white ehrvsanthemums. expect to be home to help celeers. Attending her was Mrs. Zina The corsages of Mrs. Patterson brate the Whitehead's golden Jenkins and Mrs. Aleen Giles as and Mrs. Thacker were orcnias. wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead reGuests were entertained with matrons of honor and Miss Marva a that there be no presents and short Miss Donna and quest dancing program Beuhler, Young for the occasion. bridesmaids. The attendants wore followed. cele-biati- Hood received' euests at a birthday party Monday even ing at her home. Games provided the entertainment with Shirley Davis, Mar-jor- le Harding and Eedel Farrer the Jucky prize winners. Others present to enjoy the evening and refreshments were, Jackie Brady, Carline Snow, Jean McDonald and Norma Schultz. -- Gold Wedding Event Set for Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Whitehead ne entertained mothers and daughters of Mrs. Norman Mooney Monday was arranged to honor mothers of active and alumni guests. served tinder the direction of 'Pal Unger and Eleise Bergquist. Corsages were presented to ' the mothers. , The natural setting of the garden was enhanced by vases of pink and white flowers. Other decorations in the same color scheme were arranged by Veda Dearden. Committees arranging the charming social were the new officers of Val Norn Barbara Winkler, Carmela Tanner, Sally Edwards, Carol Scof field and Janice Taylor. Club Notes I r Free Movies) Cooking Demonstration, Household Hints, Gifts 12-- 8 June p. m. Monday, XUTm VQLLIV CENTER SH0W ROOMS - N & SENSATDOM' Xll TT , UE 1950 NEW 1 Swimming was the diversion at H a club party recently at Saratoga. Mrs. Lucile Christopherson and Mrs. Nita Hinckley conducted the activities for the following girls: Sylvia Vincent, Mary Christopherson, Nannette Hinckley, Gloria Fisher, Ruth Ann .Para-mor- e, Ruth Mary Braithwaite and Linda McKell. ; The next meeting of the, group will be Thursdays at 2:30 at the home of Mary Christopherson. FIGIDAIRE . . I SEE THE NEW FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR ers l 1950 rlHfliilll- - Gome in, let our experts explain every fea- Clerk or need! FREE! NOTICE June 7, 1950. Ml Will f Provo Frovo's leading Women's Wear Store, The Smart Shop, takes drastU action to force out a large part of its huge stock in the quickest wtth possible timel Watch for the full page ad tomorrow-pack- ed en avalanche of values Never before equalled in this eroal K5he i the Respective. Signers for Further Bids will be received by the Purchasing Division of the Commission-of. Finance of the State1 of Utah, 147 State Capitol Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, until 10:00 A. M. on June 14, 1950 on the following f.o.b. destination. UTAH STATE HOSPITAL; 24 doz. Prs. Bib Overalls, 24 doz. Blue Chambray Shirts. CENTRAL UTAH VOCATIONAL SCHOOL: 100 No. 100 AA Imperial Desk" Chairs, 30 Chairs. As per complete specifications at 147 State CSpitol Building. Salt Lake City. Utah. . The Commission of Flnanca reserves the right to reject any or all bids; or to accept or reject the whole or any part of any bid; or to waive any Informality or technicality in any bid in the Interest of the State. AI) brds will be rejected or awarded within S days after bid opening. Only bids ing a firm quotation and definite be accepted. delivery date will T. S. CURTIS. Purchasing Agtnt. Published in The Daily Herald u l3 ture and help you select the appliance you Probate and Guardianship Notices County Information. DISPLAYED AND DEMONSTRATED Here's a chance to see and investigate the performance of the new 1950 FRIGIDAIRE! Legal Notices r Tfoert APPLIANCES 4-- Consult PR0Y0 J od 4-H- lnudsens Entertain " 4 Types, 3 Mm, 10 Sixes te ctie hm . . . 4 cu. fl. ! 1 7 w. ft. Shewn bv Is 9.2 cu. ft. Matter Medel. O A Door Prize For Every Lady! O Pin X Wheels For The Kids! look Insldel O And A Beautiful 32 Pc. Silverware Set With Can't Match a Frigidairel Every Major Appliance Purchase! Terms to fit your particular needs. REMEMBER! We'll be open 'till 9 p. m. Friday nlte and every Friday nite hereafter. Don't miss the big Appliance Shewl o) JO , Look Outside! You SALES 32 ( SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN FRIDAY NITE TIL 9 P. M.) SERVICE EAST FIRST NORTH ' PROVO PHONE 2378 , J At S6n'day Dinner FRIENDLY 20 Members are invited to meet Mr. and Mrs. N. William Knud-se- n with Mrs. Orvil Davis, Thursday, entertained at dinner Sun8 p.m. Mrs. Royal Hunter and Mrs. Wesley Jarvis will be the day evening in honor of their son. William C. wbo is leavinc hostesses. for Wisconsin soon, I. AS VECINAS Meeting scheduled for 2 p.m. i Bowls ot roses were used as Thursday at the Hugh Nuttall decorations, and dinner served to the host and hostess, William, home. and Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Lemon, T1MPANOGOS CAMP D UP Will have their monthly meet- of Marion Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Crandall of Rlchfieltt, ing at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Grant Utah. home of Lillian Salisbury, Couple Honored - Swimming Party Enjoyed by 13 7, 1950 Huh Combining regular meeting (With a going-awa- y party, Val Norn social unit Nueve club members were en tertained at the home of Mrs. in the lovely gardens afternoon. The affair Lynn Searle. Honored member was Mrs. members and to greet John Stewart who is moving to Refreshments were The first meeting of the' new Women's Council board was held at the Women's clubhouse. The new president, Mrs.' Clar ence Greer conducted the session and introduced all of the new officers. Plans were discussed for the annual summer party scheduled for sometime the first part of August. Mrs. i James S; Judd was named chairman. Also discussed was the cancer drive now being conducted. Four ladies from each section were appointed to aid in this work. Mrs, Phil Snow reported on the bon'd drive and a few bonds were sold among the group present. A report of the recent state con vention of the organization was made. Next meeting of the board will be July 11. X-r- Wednesday, Jun Val Norn Social Unit Fetes Mothers At Charming Combine -- . In a marriage Tuesday the Salt temple, Barbara Winkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Winkler, Provo, became the bride of Robert W. Gates, son of Mrs. Myrle Gates of Antimony. A reception the same evening honored the couple in the Grandview school. The receiving line stood in the auditorium and included in addition to the bride and groom, their parents and Phyllis ' DAILY HERALD Nueye Members JL 135 WEST CENTER, PROVO, UTAH , , . |