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Show 9 MaVrti IK. 10.1(1 DAILY HERALD Over the Nation - - 'Round the World Two keepers were Injured today in a running fight with a maddened polar bear in th Melbourne too. A third attendant finally killed the beast with a rifle bullet through the head. The bear escaped from! an inner cage and attacked a keeper cleaning its outer pit. ij The man was dragged through an open door into the xoo's gardens., Another keeper tried to shoot the bear with a revolver. IBut the animal turned on him land A third knocked him down, keeper went into action awith a bullet ..rifle. The bear survived tnrougn tne ooay,: oui leu wnen shot througn tne neaa. The animal was valued at $1100. . j - !! 30-fo- ot , SEATTLE, WASH. A Coast. guardsmen today reported they had exploded two the Japanese floating mines off exRICHLAND. WASH. coast. The horned Oregon thousand soldiers were plosives were the third and In Richland todar for maneuvers fourth reported off the Pacific within the confines of the Han-for- d seaboard since the first of the ' i atomic "works during the year. ;. , : five weeks, next The troops, sent from Fort Lewis, Wash., will be part of a force 'which eventually will be permanently stationed at; Hanford as personnel. (U.R) i (U.R)-U- A ; i anti-aircr- aft LURAY, VA. U.R A pretty young redhead was free today of charges! that she murdered her partially crippled, of war husband. , The1 state dropped charges against .Mrs. Barbara Parks, 26, after, hearing lengthy testimony Robert Parks that j was shot accidentally. ex-priso- ner 39-year-- old -: j ' HI - - 4 i Made on City Planning Board Mrs. Vera Dixon today was reappointed by Provo city commission as a member of the planning group. Mrs. board, a non-pa- id Dixon's term was authorized to begin Feb. 3, 1950, and continue until 1956. Mrs. Dixon has already served a two year term which recently expired. - SAVINGS ACCT. - OF $5.00 OR MORE BEFORE MARCH 31 ,; . (; . . - ill (Continued from Page Ofce) controlled" 1950 cotton crop and on stepping up peanut acreage, by 100,000 acres. Both would add to the costly government price sup-oo- rt i k program; But the conferees! struck out another provision which would have upped the wheat crop by 4,500,000 acres. Cooley said this would be bandied in separata leg islatlon lateru w :; ; ; Statistics ; U.. . - - i - -- :iA :'''! ' j j" -- (if WS SALES INSURANCE 18-2- 4. SERVICE FINANCING - KITCHEN MOTOR CO. Rebecca O. Selman at 'A p- !!! I' On the road or off the road here's a truck with plenty of guts to go. There's 2 wheel drive for normal high drive for way conditions . . . plus selective , tough going. Trucks have plenty of traction Jeep' Wheel-Drive to climb steep grades . . drive through mud, sand and Snow . .1 yank out bogged-dow- n "j vehicles. like all And; 'Jeep trucks, they're exceptionally economical to operate and maintain. Wheblbase .118'; GVW 3300 lbs. See them today.! W 2. 1. ' i . . 170 NORTH FIRST WEST I PHONE 648 - PROVOJUTAH Payson Accepted On Millrace Bridge I Today's finer engines need ; $635. ONLY "EASY" WASHES Gubitchev WITH FILTERED WATER (Continued from Page One) condition of accepting the government's offer to let him go home under suspended sentence. Coplon In Jail However, he told reporters this morning that he had not spoken with Gubitchev until just before this morning's announcement.: Gubitchev was convicted with former government girl Judith Coplon on charges of conspiracy to steal government secrets and send them to Russia. Both were sentenced to 15 years in federal ' prison. The state and justice departments offered him his freedom, however, on the condition the he leave the country immediately and never return. An added stipulation that he also forego all right to 'appeal the conviction after leaving the country was made on Monday when Pomerantr appeared in court to complete legal arrangements for Gubitchev's Provo 3rd Yfard Birthday Reunion Set Friday Night Members of the Provo? Third ward will join with former members and friends Friday evening at 7:30 to celebrate the 101st birthday of the ward, according to an announcement by Arthur D. Taylor, bishop. A splendid program has been arranged under the direction of the ward bishopric, The im portance of the occasion has promptedan- tne wara oiiiciais to invitation to all who extend ever lived in the Third ward. Many 'old timers' from distant points have! already, indicated their intention of being in atu tendance. ';'!.) The Third ward is the oldest LDS ward in Provo.' Its origin dates back to the entrance of the pioneers who founded Provo at a log fort on the Provo river ' ;f banks. of the ward The teen-age- rs celebrated: the occasion Tuesday evening and the children I have a celebration Wednesday night. All adult; members will meet Friday evening. fr ) For Whiter Brighter Washes : u jyf f - . ' ! ...... w, who has served as librarian for Provo public junior library for the past two years, has resigned her post and will assume duties soon at BYU library. ( Mrs. Thome's resignation is effective Saturday. Provo, city commission today authorized re turn of $99.30 to Mrs. Thorne Walter fromJ City i Treasurer Prothero. The amount is money which Mrs. i Thorne paid into Provo city retirement fund. ; 4 -- Wheel-Drive DEMON For HARD -- TO -- GO Places A i Dies Mrs.. Lucille 'Markham Thome, TO ALL WHO OPEN i 2: City Librarian Accepts New Post FOUllTAItl PEII a.i- ent :. - Hi ..c credit unions have been urged to be in attendance. ' Speaker at the affair will be Karl S. Little, managing director,' and other officers of the. state ' ' league.. ; Five ''desperate" federal prisoners were hunted today after they slugged and gagged a Fulton tower cuard. slid four floors on wall sheets and scaled a to freedom. ; Two others were captured before they could make it over the wall in a break which came shortly after 8 p.m. last night The five escapees manhandled a motorist In an attempt to commandeer his car,; but three of them finally fled to a nearby parked taxicab (and threatened the driver into taking them to an outlying Area. Police said all armed themselves with pistols after escaping. Re-Appointm- uke vtp.wF.i persns Interested in organizing CREDIT LEAGUE CALLS ORGANIZATION MEfcli.VG An organization meeting for Utah State League Credit union here lias been set at 7:30 p.m. Friday, in the Women's clubhouse. Third North and Univer-slt- y avenue. All officers of credit unions or , (U.P.) j (Central Utah News Briefs Claron Oakley, graduate journ- - Mrs. Donald George and family In alism student. Northwestern unl- - San Bernardino, where they were 111., has been also guests of Dr. and Mrs. Rusfor Mrs Priscilla Stephenson versify, inEvanston. his parents, sell Mortensen, former Provo Provo with visiting Madsen, 84, will be held Saturday Mr. tnd Mrs. He residents. Oakley. , Terry Closing quotations from the at 1:30 p.m. in Berg mortuary is enroute to Glendale. Cal., to! Mad-sen room Mrs. drawing chapel. Cordirect wire of Ken-L- o his affianced bride, Julie Mr. and Mrs.' Don L. Williams died Tuesday in a Provo hos- visit an- and daughters Tamara and Kay- Hansen. causes incident .to age. nounced The couple recently pital of poration, 265 W. 1st N. leen of Fort Seward, Cal., are for June plans wedding She was an active LDS church visiting: friends and relatives now worker and a long time resident 20. 'ameMaaaaasena in Provo. They arrived here Sun-- , Bid Asked of this area. I Men. A. Mr. and Keele .07 .10 day and will be here for two Hill Frank. $ Mrs. Madsen Big .04 u Bullion .....L 033i was born Aug. (Lasca Smith) and so'ns Randy weeks. While in PrOvo they will"I .36 .33 Cardiff 10, '18 6 5, in and Alan, accompanied by Mrs. visit at the home of Mr. Williams' .80 .98 ; sister, Mrs. Charles L. mother, Mrs. James C. Jensen, of Chief Con. Nephi a daugh- Keele's and her daughters ;Kathy Lake View, and with Mrs. Wil!.24 .23 Cornell, . . ter of Thomas Clayton Silver 1.26 in Utah liams' father, Otto Fotherlngham, .26 Colb. Rexall Paul and Jane and Caroline, will arrive Mrs. Williams will be re.20 Combined Metals Cobb Stephen- from their homes In Laramie, Provo. .20. .10 son. She at- Wyo., this week for a visit with membered here as the former Crescent Eagle Oil .08 .02 k 1.0234 East Standard tended Nephi relatives and friends. They will Juanita Fotherlngham. .16 t .15 East Utah schools and for be guests of Mr. Keele's parents, Perennial Plants. Must be sold .12 Eureka Bullion- ... .08 five years prior Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keele, Provo, from home sites. Field will visit Mrs. and with Keele's .11 mar.10 Con. to Eureka Lilly herwas em- and Mrs. Cornell's parents, Mr. Grown new Clumps, bargain prices. Great Western .. .04 Va 1.05 riage Smith in Santa- - Also Peatmoss. Irene's Gardens, 12 .15 . Horn Silver ployed as a and Mrs. Clifford ' West on Fourth South Orem, ' 01 Vi e quin. e houseke r Indian Queen p ;.oi 1 Utah. adv. .13 .15 . . for Heber J. Madison Mines Mrs. Frank Proctor and Mr. !.05 04 Miller Hill late Mrs. Madsen pGrant, 08 r e s i d ent of (Annetta Nelson) have returned Mt. States. Dev. . . .06 to their home in Provo following the LDS church 1.20 New Park ...... 145 .30 She was married to James a honeymoon trip to California. 22 North Lilly Madsen Jan. 25, 1888; in the Lo While there they were guests in DIVORCE ASKED .05 North Standard . . .02 i.28 gan LDS temple. Mr. Madsen Pacific Grove at the home lof Mr. Park City Con. . .27 and Mrs. Lloyd Day (Joy NelEugene Pari Dixon from 12 died in August, 1949. .13 Prince Con. 1.35 1.25 Rico Argentine Mrs. Madsen was active in son), where they were honored Martha Bernard Dixon, mental Married Provo, Jan. 27, .04 .05 church work1 and held many po at a dinner party. Mr. and Mrs. cruelty. Royston Coal'n 1939. Plaintiff asks custody of one Paul of Lloyd Day, Day, 3.10 parents Silver King Coal'n 2.50 sitions in Lake View LDS ward. .03 Silver Shield .... .02 She served? as president of were also present. Mr. and Mrs. minor child.' 12 .13 Tintic Lead YWMIA. president of the Primary Proctor returned to Provo via BORN At the Utah Valley hospital: .78 Angeles and southern! Utah, Tintic Standard . . .75 Assn., president of the Relief so- Los are making their home now Boy, Tuesday, to Clyde D. and . .04 .05 West Toledo ciety, as teacher in the Sunday and Joyce Hansen Crump. SALES FOR DAY school and for 30 years was a at 394 N. 3rd W. Girl, Tuesday, to Jack Edwin Central Standard. 1000 at 3Vi; 55 member of the Old Folks commiti Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Madsen and Melba Hall Burton. tee. at 2hi: 2000 at 3V4. Combined Metals, 500 at 20 Surviving are two brothers and are scheduled to leave Provo FriCommonwealth Lead, 1000 at 2Va; a sister, Charles E. Stephenson, day by train for St. Louis, Mo., LECTURER TO ADDRESS 500 at 3000 at Nephi; David C. Stephenson, Salt where Mr. Madsen will attend a SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP Lake City, and Mrs. Eliza J. convention of National Music EduCroff, 1000 at 4. cation groups. Mr. Madsen, presiOREM The second in a series Smith, Idaho Falls, Ida. Dragon. 1000 at 9. Friends may call at the place of dent of the state organization, is of lectures by E. L. Whitehead Grand Deposit, 2000 at 2V. funeral Friday from e to 8 p.m. the official, delegate from? Utah. will be given before members of Howell. 500 t 10. and .Saturday prior to services. The conference is slated fori March the Special Interest group of the Miners Gold, 17,000 at AVt. 4. Burial will be in Provo city cemeNorth Lilly,: 145 at 22. Timpanogos MIA at the regular i tery. Park City Cons., 5000 at 27. meeting tonight, according to Mrs. 1 Park Premier, 2000 at Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bush- Lloyd Petty, leader of the group. Plumbic. 2000 at 12. man and daughter, Carolyn, Pro- Music for the preliminary session Prince Con., 1000 at 12. vo, returned to their home Sun- of the meeting will be under the Prosper, 3000 at day following a vacation spent in direction of Lavon Harward and Rico Argentine, 2100 at $1.25. California. They were gone for a Kent Beagley. The special interweek. While away Mr. and Mrs. est group feature is open to all Royston Coalition. 1000 at 4. Silver Standard, 4000 at IV4; 2000 Bushman and Carolyn Visited interested. at IV. Mrs. Bushman's sister and YSON PA Funeral services for with brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. L. Swansea, 1000 at I','. Mrs. Rebecca Olsen Selman, 47. O. ; Tintic Lead. 500 at 13. and family, in San Peterson, formerly of Provo, will be held Diego. They were guests at the Union Chief, 2000 at 1.- .'; Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in Payson home of Mi, and Mrs. Eldores Second ward chapel. Smith, former Provoans, in San Bid Mrs. Selman died Monday eve, j Gabriel, and visited with Mr. and ning at her home after a long bara James, Provo; Miss Beth illness. Selman, Mrs. Dorothy Spain-howe- r, She was born in Provo July 2, Misses Joan, Mary Lee, Three bids were received today by Provo city commission for the 1902, a daughter of Olaf H. and Georgia and Patsy Selman, Pay-so- n; two sisters, Mrs. Leonard construction of a bridge over the Sophia Johnson Olsen. She was Millrace at 150 W. 5th S. The married to Roy Selman in 1920, Goddard, Miss Olive Olsen, Procommission accepted the lowest and lived in Benjamin, until vo; one brother, Herman Olsen, bid which was submitted by Max moving to Payson. She was a Oakland, Cal. Friends may call at .Valley Jones Construction Co., offering member of the LDS church. to complete the job in 12 days Surviving are her mother. Pro-- , mortuary in Payson Friday aftvo; her husband, Los Angeles, ernoon and at family home Fri for $595. Other bids submitted include: Cal.; three sons and seven daugh- day evening and Saturday prior Harvey Mendenhall Co., who of ters: Bud E., Richard and Frank- to services. Burial will rbe in fered to complete the project in lin D. Selman, Payson; Mrs. Bar Payson cemetery. 30 days at a cost of $1156.80; Prothero and Boardman, 10 days, Exchange MELBOURNE: Australia 1ATLANTA (U.R) Rites Set For Salt Lake Stock. Lake View Woman j See This! New I x I "EASY" ii i )' i $199.95 at 1 Appliance Dept. - Kti7 ACCOUNTS 1 VJELC0I71E In Any Amouit 100 to 25,000 Assured Safety P IK-- ArtarnooB (Cxoptla ; urday) and Sunday WINDOWS Metal Weather Stripped, UniU. Sash and Sash Frame Of All Sizes. Outside Door Frames Inside Door Jams All ROSS L. JENSEN LUMBER A BLDG. SUPPLY 496 N. 7th East, Prove Phone 1918 V TONY WHITE CLOUD Nationally Known Indian Dancer who, with CLEMENT YOUNG EAGLE and? VAL CLOUD HILL, will dance at the ; U. A. L THIRD SOUTH & UNIV. AVE. THURSDAY EVENING AT 7:00 P. Ml This famous group are part of a troupe of Indian dancers who were invited to Madison Square Garden to dance in the World Championship Rodeo with Gene Autry during the month of October, 1949. Last fall when they were faced with the necessity , driving back to New York and Boston, they purchased a Plymouth Special iDeluxe Station Wagon at A. L. Duckett Sales & Service which carried nine people and all of their personal luggage. These fellows were so thrilled with the fine performance and wonderful service .which this Plymouth has given them that they have graciously offered to perform their dances for the friends of Ai L. Duckett Sales & Service ' at this time. i . ' i Provo Established 1919 They will give dances that are annually performed in the Pueblo and are an important part of the social and religious life of the tribe. They will give dances which are associated with war and personal; deeds, dances pertaining to hunting rites and ceremonies, dances having to do with fertility and growth of the crops, dances concerned with healing, and finally, dances of--a purely social and enter- tainment value. 'i ? weersaieM Get lubrication plus cngino protection with Phillips 66 Premium Motor Oill DUCKETT SALES & SERVICE t Cee4 Seaetfceaylitf J Tl::; ! ! ITSSUns-TO-PO- P --" when you try to get by with cn inadequate motor oiL . : Mourn fM!& T I j showrooms of advance i. YOUNGSTERS WILL vN 1 THRILL AT SEEING ! 'i ' YOUR - WISE AUTO MECHANICS WILL TELL YOU you're csking for trouble j BS Sunday Harald Published Sunday Mornlna PubUahcd by Tb Harald Corpora Hon. 80 South first Wast Street Provo Utah Entered a second class msttei at the eostorfice In Provo Utah, undei the aot ot March S 1879 Subscription terms by carrier In Utah county SI 00 the ' month SS 00 f oi stx months In advance SIS 00 the rear in advance By mall anywhere In the United States or Its posses, siona SI 00 the month SS 00 to six months SIS 00 the year ta Sli-Ty- pe ' ' i A. L. Duckett cordially invites all of the people of this area to visit us on Thursday evening and see Tony jWhitecloud and his fellow dancers at 7:00 p. nu I Your new automobile, with its finely machined engine, is designed to give you years and years of trouble-fre- e performance. But that same fine can: give engine you plenty of headaches if you don't protect it with a quality mot or oil! Phillip 66 Premium Motor Oil does mote than just lubricate your engine. It contains valu- able additives which provide protection against sludge and varnish which can raise hob with highly finished engine surfaces. You get "Lubri-tectio(lubrication plus engine protection) when you use Phillips 66 Premium Motor Oil. It's a wise investment! n" PtliLtlPS G6 pnEmBurn mm p PfigMimi MOTOR GET IT AT STATIONS WHERE YOU SEE THESE SIGNS Lvbrka for Softy Evry IOOO Mitt I OIIL : |