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Show THE DAILY HERALD TC3 IirOALD J, L-ae- rtfk tat Tit aoe next L thaa bam r ya rent Usee U telL trade, tMir'-'-- f 1400 THE WEATHER IT AH Partly t Tuo.l:iy. irstinneic8t first in circulation, first in advertising, and first delivered in the homes. ITURTY-EIGBT- YEAR. H NO. 201. v an 0 in warmer south-ca- st portion tonight, PROVO. UTAH, MONDAY, MARCH 17. 1924. PRICE TWO CENTS. DEAD H 000000 odeeeoooeeoeooooooooeooeoo'oeoooooooG 6 0 0 CI cloud) tonight and Num-wKu- BRIBER Y OF SECRETARY FALL NOW CHARGEDSOCIAL BARRIER ELECTION OF OF BRIBERY SWEPTOUTOFT SUPT.H.C. FALL CHARGED Selected Social Clubs Ruled Out by President IN U.S. COURT I LEWIS! EUREKABOY YES, INDEED, SALT LAKE QUITE L. SHOT IN BACK ENTHUSIASTIC FOR PR0Y0- - IS ANNOUNCED Clias. ; of Grand Junction Found BY OFFICER SPRINGVILLE'S STEEL DAY Bristol and Wife - : Harris. Norval Griggs, 22, Injured by The meeting of Steel Day Suit Filed by Federal Gov ern-- j , All social clubs and societies or- President Olsen of School Bullet Wound Sunday Board Confirms Herald Recommittees of Utah cities was ment Alleging Bribery in unithe ganized Brlghain Young In The Sunday Herald reported of Election. Evening in Auto. cease must port to exist, accordversity by Doheny. and today Is reprinted the re-lr ing to an announcement made this In Lake a Salt as printed SPANISH FORK NIGHT morning by President Frank Harris. NEW SUPERINTENDENT ALLEGE CONSPIRACY newspaper so that Herald read"Xot that any members of these CORONER'S INQUEST HELD. WATCHMAN FIRES SHOT, FROM IRON COUNTY enthusiastic see how ers TO DEFRAUD U. S. clubs have may 'ever done anything coni An inquest into the death of Charles L. Bristol and his Salt Lake City is for a proper J to" the spirit of the Brigham trary Officer Claims Boys WTere wife, Doris G. Bristol, was held ' ' celebration, of a great IndusGovernment Charges $100,000 Young university," President Har- Formal Announcement Made in afternoon the Monday In Utah county. trial event at Meeting of Parents and Speeding and Refused ris said, "but In order that this Paid to Secretary Fall county court house. The coroner's jury includes L. A. to Stop. Teachers' Association. great democratic student body may Alex Hedquist and Charles H. Wright. ?.: for His Services. Salt Lake Tribune.) (From not cease to be as democratic as It Celebration of the opening of the Norval Griggs, 20 son of Mrs. has always been known to be. We The election of Prof. II. Claude mills of the Columbia Steel corporInternational Neirs Service. Charles L. Bristol, 31, and his wife, Mrs. Doris G. Bristol, have been unique In our democracy Lewis to the Ralph Sylvester of Eureka, is at of ation at Ironton, Utah county, LOS ANGELES, CaL, March 17. superintendency the Aird hospital suffering from a 19, both of Grand Junction, Colo., were found dead in their - r among the Institutions of the world, Provo schools, first annouueced in will be hailed as the biggest thing former of of the and we wish to remain so. We want Bribery Secretary bad bullet wound in the back. bed in a basement room at the home of Melvin" Fillmore, 320 The Herald Saturday evening was tlint has htmiteiicd In I'tnh indus- Inferior Albert B. Fall, by Edward students who come here to know-tha- t The young man with four other formally announced at the meeting triully since the advent of the rail East First North street, Sunday evening at 7:15 o'clock. S ' no Eureka are were there class a lu distinctions was boys L Doheny of the parents' teachers' association road or the development of the traveling charged today by or social small to barriers. automobile Provo. They The cause of death has not been ascertained but it is be-the government In filing a salt In Saturday night by President Ole E. Utah Copper company's properties i does not mean that girls Olsen, at the world Drug store in lieved that it was caused by asphyxiation. This stopped were to end of this Provo Plans board of at eduthe Bingham. the federal court to cancel the Cal with black hair a few minutes Fork for may not associate cation. Spanish in When a room at the was initiated in meeting entered V the no Saturday evening after ifornia oil leases of the and then continued on their way. together If they wish to do so or That the selection met with the the lxard room of the state capltol, About a block and a half north of response had come from within, a gas heater was found can Petroleum company obtained that congenial people may not get approval of the most Governor called and by Mabey. parents the drug store. Kels Ferguson. burning and no air was in the room. The temperature was . together for parties or for a good teflchprs in tha hiirh Kfluvtl nndit-orI It was predicted that anywhere . through FalL J( i. j but it does mean that purely num Saturday evening was made from 30,000 to 50,000 persons will time, night watchman of Spanish Fork, extremely high due to the burning of the heater during the On the basis of testimony brought was standing on the railroad tracks entire day without social clubs made up of selected I verbal endorse-membe- attend the celebration. the f, ' by apparent any window or doors being open. ont in the senates oil investigatof the Orem line. chosen arbitrarily from nients of all who know Prof. Lewis, The thought was expressed at the E. S. HINCKLEY. A on ; the floor was almost bulldog pup lying but dead, Clnrence Stapley, 18, who was ion the government ounsel Atlee the student body are not to exist) That Provo citizens interested in meeting by E. S. Hinckley, secretary Chairman of Steel Day Central revived when taken into the fresh air. & driving the car, claims that he did school affairs mnv become the bet- - of the Provo Chamber of Commerce, le?' Committee. Pomerene and Owen J. Roberts de, Mr. and Mrs. Bristol had only lived in the room since ; not This announcement, to call hear the President Ferguson boys ter armmintwi with lt time "as th.ir that passes, possibly t ,; clared that Doheny and Fall con: a. , i i uaius wuuuuueu, UUB auunug iu uoj intendeut The Herald reprints will be definitely shown that the LaMar Nelson, represented him at and the other boys also claim that Saturday afternoon when Mr. Bristol paid for a week's rent ' spired to defraud the United States with clubs such as the Dixie, Idaho, from in advance. Shortly after they came to the houseMra the Sunday issue briefly the steel industry is the greatest thing the meeting of the committee which they heard no orders to stop. "Without warning us at all, FerfnllAi&'ofl tha canorfll At aaiaalnlt through the leases had that Doheny or Sanpete clubs or other organi high spots of Prof. Lewis' educa-- . in the state." Bristol became very ill and Dr. J. C. Clark was scut ibr. ff I i l ti i n. .,BnH uouu uo zations of kind where all that the U Vail tinnnnn tnr Wa currlrwa ' How to give proper recognition that meeting it was arranged that " V""1 tional career: auiv found the ,""? from 01 mem young woman extremely nervous and prescribed ' are lne y8 " "e cai that vicinity People to the event was the problem before various state-wid- e Name H. Claude Lewis. organizations of in giving the of,!)erk. lt hM no .f o one wns hurt and medicine to to the In thanking the rep- business and industrial interests, to-- foW me tha the at quiet her nerves. He also asked Mrs. Fillmore ' Cedar Yes, meeting. Family living which Doheny Is president, control Block Y club or the second shot to prepare some milk toast for her. from various sections gether with similar organizations debating clubs or City; will remove to Provo. : J resentatives J?en .... t.;. , , over the oil bearing lands In naval other Griggs who was sitting organizations which stress Father, Prof. T. B. of the state, Governor Mabey said from the counties most directly nf-- i ws he"red. Parentage to Mrs. ill woman the was so According Fillmore,' that ba at the rlert oil reserve No. 1. As In the suit filed achievements as the creiterlon by Lewis; mother, Martha Coray the celebration, as proved by the fected, should be asked to send rep-- ! ' s,uce he it was with difficulty that any food was forced into her. last week in Cheyenne to cancel the which prospective members are to Lewis; both pioneer educators in spirit of the meeting, will be an un- resentatives to the central commit- - "f .thlcar' ?ld m t0 mtB : ' ' be judged. ; It has reference only the state. success. Sunday forenoon, Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore went to Salt Lake Teapot Dome lease to Harry F. Sintee of twehtyflve hlch will meet funded Just as I stopped less than 30 City, but before leaving home went down to see how clair the based its to social societies aud -- clubs that I would like to have you carry inAT, t government Educated Utah Agricultural col. the fron where. we were when the roomers were are in effect sororities and fraterni- lege, University of Utah and Joiin to the communities and orga-- v charge an illegality of the transitRepresented on the central com-- ! Jf ' -getting along. Mrs. Bristol was then feeling ' ' . ion on the ground that the execu- - ties. nidations you represent," said the mittee will be the Columbia Steel first shot was fired, the night Hopkins university. and better smilingly told Mrs. Fillmore that she was greatly tiev order Issued by the late Presi President Harris was followed by Teaching experience Branch nor- governor, "the enthusiasm you have corporation, the Associated Indus watchman fired another shot at us, f H. mal 'school, Cedar City ; principal. displayed here. Let's make this the tries, the Utah Manufacturers' as-- , uu' " weni,,,a- dent Harding on May SL 1921 to President-Emeritu- s improved. George n ufii r erisuHoii ,jearneu, inai. e state sociation, the Utah State Farm pre the secretary of the interior unmnau wno gave one oi nis ennr Millard county high school; head biggest day of the year In About o'clock Mr. 12;30 Bristol i. had been shot, he told us to eernion- - normal department Branch Agriculcontrol of certain oil lands was acteristic of Utah." inspirational Bureau, the Utah Bankers' assocla Griggs came upstairs and asked Irene FillruKn hh and that all "doctor were Governor Amerl-without legal authority because it ettes. Those t0, ! tural college, Cedar City and superpresent tion, the Utah chapter of the more, daughter of Mr. H. Claude intendent of schools of Iron county. Mabev, E. S. Hinckley of Provo, L. can Mining congress, aKlnt us would 1 Superintendent-elec- t was obtained by Fall through re the Union charges Mrs. Fillmore to call Dr. J. C and P" as Lewis Provo of A. the W. school, & of F. and Salt Lake, Rains Rio Grande city Lewis will Superintendent-elec- t Knight the Denver presentations which were false T Clark and ask him to come quickly Aldous spend many of his week-end- s well as Superintendent untrue." Tb ,1I"K',('S, ,of BPniHh this of Lehi, Charles Tyng of Suit Western and the Salt Lake & Urahl D.ras the' wife was seriously ill again. Fork which young in Dixon made Injured brief remarks "The representatioons made by han,1,,Kr' Was the double death of Mr. and Dr. Clark was spring in consultation with Supt. Lake, J. W. Peters of Boxelder, J. railroad systems, Utah county, Salt performing an operatO W8S he nml taken toTroll Fill the government bill said were they expressed their attitudes .,tv H. A. Dixon going over the plans of E. Earley of Salt Lake, W. L. Hoist T.ol.0 mnnlc Wolw.r Mrs. Charles L. Bristol, who died tion at his clinic and could not to the effect that said order was wards the B. Y. U. (the Aird hospital 'n Provo. An op- - In the schools until the end of the of Boxelder, Thomas Coddington of county and Carbon county. the basement rooms at 320 East leave at that time. t trinnuu nflH -iMM lorilH'll line rUIMlHV' i...it American Fork, C. W. Parker of proper, necessary and for the best 11 WHO JUUlCUlfU j IUUI IUB OTP present school year. ' Man Faints. ,bc whlh Fiist North street, the result of a American Fork, J. II. Snell of Span- bration will probably be held late llfhf interests of the government of the While Mr. Bristol was waiting lodge .1 Use f al)i.t half an inch suicide compact or an accidental United States and the public, all of ish Fork, T. IL Heal of Provo, in May or early in June. Mr. Rains for the girl to telephone, he fainted which Scott P. Stewart of Provo, M. O. said that the company hopes to 1! to,the riht of ,he l'ud of the fl'lual death? representations were false, That is the question which is now over a chair and complained of betradulent and untrue and at the Tackard of Springville, J. O. Bees-le- making Iron-bthe latter part of C0Ji,Imi1, others l.ys were ques ioned Ierploxing the officers ncd the ing very 111. He also sent another time known to Fan as false and untof Provo, Myron E. Craudnll, April He added that it is desin'd little girl down stairs to see to it m "1 " e "v Ai physicians who are inves:l.c.r.: rue and were made by Fall not in Jr., of Springvilie, George S. Glen to have the directors nf the rornor- - "l that his wife was covered over nnd of ation present nt the celebration and torney Martin M. Larson and Sher- the case. of Ogden, J. F. Mendenhnll (ood faith and for the benefit of the Did the yov.n.t 'conpb d 'cid.' to kept warm os the had chills. H. L. Springmeyer of that a date toward the end of May iff .1. I). Boyd. All of them claim public interest, but for the unlawful Springvilie, According to Irene Fillmore, Mr. end all of tin ir imaginary troubles James Emery Phillips Passes Provo, W. II. Tulhurst of Spanish would in all probability lie more that they were not exceeding the purpose of enabling him to effect a lives or (I'd death Bristol only wore a pair of trons-ir- s their limit. taking by speed W. F. F. of Away After Lingering to tradulent transfer of rights in said suitable one in Provo, Fork, them thnn Demniing and a shirt which was unbuttBesides Orlggs ami Stapley the come to them unconsciously through County Commission Hears C. Ashworth of Salt Lnke, II. D. He will write bis associates April, bnds to defendents. Illness. and other the eilminiUion of oxygen from oned. A few minutes later she of the m:':ii'i;rs auto Con and Pro party C. of T. of Lester Roliliins to ask them Arguments fix a suitable time. Murray, "Subsequent to the making of the again called Dr. J. C. Clark who were Janu-22 Lawrence their room. James Emery Phillips, well known in New Town Case. aid order, Fall and Doheny did Murray, J. W. Horsley of Boxelder Something of the program to bo came to the place about 1 :30 21 ; HcKinrd rcnnclL 20; all is ndv:i"cd of that Pleasant (:ie theory and farmer fruit they grower Harper. W. P. and Mr. followed was also discussed. combine and Epperson of Kaysville. conspire to defraud View died at his farm home in that h;:d deeid.'d uiwmi siieid and thai o'clock together with Dr. Stanley the United made chairman i Rains suggested an address by Gov- of Eure!;;:. States. Oratory flowed unrestrained at of Mr. Hinckley was after taking some kind ;f poison, Clark. illness. a after suburb Satnr-'ernolong r Sunday "On or about November 30, 1921, the committee which met Mabey for the state, another the meeting of the Utah county When the two doctors opened the the trace of which haa not been dewas born 6, Mr. May In Phillips a v.a a furtherance of the conspiracy be- commission Monday forenoon when day and Mr. Crandall was made by some representative of Utah tected as yet, the man awakened door and looked in Mr. and Mrs. 1866 New Canada, in Brunswick, : .1 . tvoon l." I disJ ii and secretary. After considerable county and one by W. E. Creed of a large group of petitioners t.i and experiencing a change of heart Bristol were both In bed, apparent- """ u'" 'coming to Utah, with his parents in "?eny' r uuiu ran tnau appeared in the Linden cussion, steps were taken to arrange San Francisco, president of the corprotestors had derided to seek help for his ly in deep slumber. Rather than to certain rewuru J.OIA. Hid J J tUlO a program by the naming of a com- poration. Heretofore promised town case. awaken them from what seemed toj to wit, lived in Provo, wife. him, to his removing toe sum of Music will be a prominent feature A petitioon signed by HI out of mittee to designate a central com$100,000 lawful money According to this theory the be a restful sleep, the doctors Pleasant Grove farm 19 years ago. 165 eligible the United States of America," voters iu Linden was mittee which shall have active of the celebration and a movement ; woman wns dead when he returned closed the door and left He is survived by his widow, Mrs. was initiated to have every band to the commission asking charge of all arrangements. When Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore re--? to room presented the after for telephoning two sons, Minnie Jensen Phillips, On the committee named Govern- available present establishment of a town the doctor, and so gave up again turned from Salt Lake City about - Arthur and James, both of Pleas-an- t for the the state, between or Mabey represented Ample parking space for automoTwo automobiles vrere badly dam- and joined the dead wife. district the 7:15 o'clock Sunday evening, RES comprising the;' View; five daughters, Mrs. Orem on the south and Pleasant Mr. Rains the Columbia Steel cor- biles will be provided along the hill- aged Sunday evening about 10 The fact that no odor was first question that was asked by Virgie Ekins, of Pleasant View; Grove on the north. Speeches in poration, Mr. Tyng the Salt. Lake side and a piece of property now o'clock at lie corner of Fifth North noticed by Doctors J. gas C. Clark and Mrs. Fillmore was regarding the; Mrs. Leila Edwards, of Charleston ; favor of ; establishing such a ton Chamber of Commerce and Mr. owned by Salt Lake interests, the and Fifth West street in a collision. Stanley Clark when they opened condition of Mrs. Bristol Misses Pauline Etta and Susan were made by County Attorney Glen the Ogden Chamber of Com- Alderman Real Estate company, has "Boli" Bullock raid his wife were the doof at 1:30 o'clock Sunday Find Couple Dead. ' , View; Pleasant of by all been merce. as the site turning south af the intersection afternoon and that the bodies were Phillips, formally offered When Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Martin M- - Larson, Benjamin Walktwo brothers, Mathew and Heber, er, D. B. Thome and Alf Keetch, Since Governor Mabey was called. for the celebration. It adjoins the when his coupe v.as struck in the In exactly the same position when knocked on the door they received both of Provo and by four sisters, Sr. awav unavoidably, his secretaary. plant. rear fender by ntiother coupe com- Dr. J. C. Clark returned six hours no answer. Entering the room and irs Enter Hardware Mrs. Ettie Sterrett, of Indepen who those appeared AW ing south and driven by Glen Boley later seems to substantiate this turning on the light, they beheld Among BODY EVANS FRANK OF store of W. H. Freshwater oi dence, Mo.; Mrs. Alice Lariow, of American For'.?. The compact theory. the young couple in bed. the granting o( such a against AND FOUND IDENTIFIED JenLaura Mrs. Cleveland, Utah; sent the Bullock car spinning , However, no trace of any poison ,'"My God, they are both dead!".' , lion were unua x. ouiuu, Sunday; Take Nothing. 17. March But CASTLEGATE, both kins and Mrs. Flora Richards, around and sent it forward on the has been found in the room. The exclaimed Mr. Fillmore. ing the Los Angeles and Salt Lakej Contracts have been awarded by one body remains in the A street aud was struck again by the fact that the bulldog pup was also Dr. J. C. Clark and Sheriff H. P. Mack, Robert Black-- 1 railroad, burglar broke Into the W. H. of Malad, Idaho. No. 2 mine. The of Franklin held body The funeral services will be overcome seems to contradict the J. D. Boyd were immediately notirWhWatpr Loader, cim.in the Elks lodge for renovating and Evans was Nathaniel Boley car. horHn-1Q hurst, to surface the brought WOO. " U.l. DIUIC, 'I of the oc npants of cither suicide theory and point to the fied. The gas heater was still Wednesday afternoon; at 2 o'clock Tomlinson, Fred Newman, Thomas remodeling the Procter academy ter street bo and Identified late Saturday even- carNone time dnr-- 1 in ftie Pleasant View chapel Bishop Fenton, Will Green and Richard were injured although the Bo- lack of oxygen iu the room as the burning as Dr. Clark- - arrived a i. Bjnday. property. in Workers was carried the Nothing ing. continuing minute or two before Sheriff J. D. None of the protestants, ley car was badl ? damaged. The cause of death. Walker. by the burglar as far as can E, 3. Walker presiding. The contracts were as follows: retrace work and it is thought other car was damaged but not to of Mr. Mack, re' The came to Bristols first Provo Boyd, Deputy Otto Birk and Police the with exception ertained of the that last the by the management body 5 the Rtnra C. H. IIMler, carpenter work, probable 117 ft MT FOP about two weeks ago. Until Satur- Officer James C. Snow. side within the proposed town. will be the extent of the 3oley car. victim of the explosion Mr. Bristol was lying with his e Boley was arreted by Officer Ed day afternoon they had been' livMost of the protestants were $1067; Jones & Cox, cement work, found some time today. burglary was detected Sun- - If III. If Van Wagon on a 'barge of operat- ing in the home of Mrs. Celestia right arm over the head of his wife Pleasant Grove residents who own- $009; William Frisbee, electrical Of the three bodies which are now while under the Stront PJO E. Fifth South street. and with his left hand holding her ed land within the district. None work, $500;. P. L. Larson, sheet lying ln the temporary morgue at ing an automobile tm.te8?w"ter- - Proprietor of the Influence of liqiw With them had been Mrs. Bristol's left arm. At first glance it looked of those who spoke against the peJTW. when he made his - the amusement hall, one is thought BlunienH. II. regular work. metal He was fined mother, Mrs. Susie Davis, Mildred as though they were only in deep $340; mto see that the store was tition were opposed to the establishto be that of Thomas Pelly Jr. influence of liipio and Ta court Davis,' a sister of Mrs. Bristol, aud slunilier. heating, t ment of a town government but thal, plumbing, $1535, made to have rela- $100 by Judge " ker in city flooring, Efforts are being Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry- - Stahl. Parley Hafeu, Mrs. County Attorney Martin M. Lartives identify the remains, as it has this afternoon. Willinm P. Wnnlass. age 60, well merely asked for the exclusion of $455; Mark fmmj fh $94S. Kirhy, painting, withiu the $1675: Stahl was also a sister of Mrs. son and County Physician L. C. of the been ascertained that this body was establishment open and known miner of Eureka and who his particulad property New bids will be asked on brick Potter were notified. After thorBristol. FORMER PROVt MAN five district. nraiise is that the in found for the the past Trovo in place lived approximate cornleft due to the building burglar w store LAKE CITY. ;The Bristols and Mrs. Davis had oughly investigating the case the DIES IN S in thnt manner. to The lands iu dispute are mainiy work and. where young Felly, mouths, died nt his home 543 E. on pinsinittcos rejecting the bids bodies were tirdered taken to the 65 yoars of ago, been silling a furniture polish, Mir'"virume to nn inorfi William Cooks-dieth.f Fnnrth South street, this morning situated on the lower.. section ofi the De re- - be working. e Hatch Funeral Home. aale by Police Officers James at 11:30, following a lingering ill- - proposed town on u e cs oo m tering, new quotations will Salt Lnke CiU" ror Luster, making a nt his home A thorough search of the room by canvass of the city. to the north adjowiu, (piestert. They .came s : of Bvights and line March dry Sunday,. an,l WALLPAPER ness. NEW Archie enLS? lK'en Sellers, Work by contractors on the Elks here from- Price, having, previously the officers and the physicians, reGrove Lohi in Mr. ease. of born rieasunt was STORE PAINT formerly AND Wnnlass Mr. Wined by climbing to rl ?d of any poison. A hall remodelling began Monday vealed iY Here'. for- 3) lived in t.'rand Junction. f'P "f the back of John and is survived by his widow Mrs. it hniing Ernest ' otiUon has opened a reI Taylor's of the morning, and will le pressed to mi The father of Mrs. Bristol is L. F. grape fruit and some sugar together to- Salt lit? 'me the for reason before ofg .niing (laughters, store three at years, ig tail wallpaper and paint Kn,cery store and from had early completion. Duvis, a rancher living at Colburn with a bottle of medieine-whicgovernment w three years go. !le t the back" 275 West Center street. Mr. l'onl-sohardware Mrs .Vila Van Louven. of Eureka; town for miles cast of Grand Junc- been prescribed by Dr. Chvrk were about of an up- (i) installment one the 'V From tl,.,rn.J... ills .,. is .surMvi ,ond nf Trom.rs. wife, lie Mva Livingston. conies to I'rovo from Salt Luke ' . . I'ROi'.E TRUNK MURDER. niniRS II on a chair close to the lied. "" W"- - T.ri,nrn ... IU SVStl'lll. nn , .rntnrwork t Ftiner.il tion. S'ii; 1 'nL' roof indicated Mont.-- Mrs. Jennie Clement, or los Citv, where he has been in the Imsi- - daughter and o MoThe surmise is that on account or reason Uehn, i some For another tioMulated! thicklv t ii im.re be Provo the Ewell services vill (lis! h"d 'l'mlH?d to a win- - AucpIps for the past 15 years. The two sons, William Uw Z" OGI'KN'. March 17. Although beof Mrs. Bristol's condition, her hus- it ensued sometime tion Friday although el ro,u .if the wiu:d AmVlo is nan and Frank, irsday ,fi,in.r (ti.fii.ii,. ih'veloiK'd on the! store here is stocked with a new Fourth at. 2 story of. the Wanlass, of Los w ""','lssecond tween the Bristol and Mrs. Davis. aitd as extremely anxious to keep not cover as large an area. p. ' in front of a window V. Waning of Colouin Juriiez. Me- - dn W. line of painis and wallpai r. Mr. ternoon lodav r,f Kcnnct-W ',; l.n. It is known that they quarreled a her warm nnd for .that reason be en "iilsou iiivitt s the puldic to all. ,i,. u na n etniVnt. lit the removed and en- assistant district attorney L'l'eaf di al Friday a ternoon Robinson, I SI'KVU'IN. and turned on the gas heater, closing all TN'3'R OLSEN thn-'h mnntteT t0 Young university and now is sources of fresh air coming into the Bristol Mrs. An- - j..f Denver, to invest icftie tie- crneMr. .f and that evening ,.,,, store s. fll The v.Kni school in Mexico, lie U also room. in rooms ii t left and the others died who , l be A meet ing drew P. (l.cn and Jack- M:.ther, hs ln 'he "now showed survived by two brothers, three siswoi'nanv bed'v wa-- - f .nnd "crump!, d V..;y that thl According to Dr. J. C. Clark, the mi up town hotel. be held Tuesday nf- north-west- , of will Homes Ma.Mia from the men wo children. tie young ., trunk which "nB "earing o. ( ters and eight grand had not changed position" hi Bristol Dtwl i Mr. afternoon Secom couple V I'rovo Saturday . Will l'e lo b! ,v evening 1"CS. ternoot, ill the r, f, , ii,,.,ver if is ill - were ariosicd Saturday aflernoo:. Announcement of funeral services IS bo came to the Herald office and asked from the time he saw thein at 1:30 1 o'clock instead lo. ; o'i Chamber 7 at Chanel nt :.'!) for Birk ward (Mto Sheriff Interment i d cei'iaiti by thnt " Ieput hur".i that the body 'iy the officers that will be made later. o'clock until he was called back at ..i of Commerce. a few lu xes of crackers from of at 2 o'clock as previously y w"8 committed by a probnblv will be made in the I'rovo frnvn i, wife of a taking 7:15 Sunday evening. of Mrs. Kivd .l'at--(Continued on Page Two.) MarSuton of onnounced. of truck direction the delivery '.PIWI-!',' former church jamtoi f Denver. ,dentity at this city cemetery under the . oUno the Dead In Basement Room rt Cul-berts- FA. Pan-Ame- ri , . . ni.nr. 1 T T " m r ..'' j - f a" nf.. f i to'n- i , , drop-Pacifi- c, WAS IT SUICIDE? - - n0" I PLEASANT VIEW PETITION FOR FARMER DEAD y i UNDON TOWN ' j s ,, n LAI .1 A' KJ L 11 . ovn i'-- J A. ELISION HWATER !- 1 BURGLARIZED . ACKdELIX0 d c "J miff illLEuJ PASSES AWAY . ! . , i house-to-hous- dis-wy- ivlt'' Cooks-Provo- -- ; ri-- y liri-llfl- lll I te.n-h-in- - u ...-.-- .,..:-;.- e, tt l - . ,. |