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Show ;V ... - ... ' i . . - r - ft s City Nqniesf! Two Firemen V.Three , appointments were made by. the city commission Monday : night, two in the f ire'department - and - one to the .-. Provo Metropolitan'-Water 'board. '' 5 Henry, Brimhall ' and ; Golden , Jackman - were ; appointed ; fire men, : for- the I regular probation period, effective June 1,,. to re , place ; vacancies 'created by the resignation of former 'chief Earl Tc Flnlaysjra and former Fireman M. . I. Snyder.1 The-- men. 'were f - j, t ' - picseo. ironx me. . eugiDie - civu service ' list. Lloyd B. Dickson, member of the i- force, is now serving as com . unaer a temporary tempor-ary - appointment running; -. until JuneLu : " : ; , , ; s ,- f !Y Frank" W. Deming: was- named to the .Provo Metropolitan:: Water board 4o fill the; vacancy, caused "by the resignation some months ago of O. R.1 Thomas. The board, created to. administer water v for Provo- city" received.- from r- the xieer- t-recK project, aiso includes John -O. Beesley,? B vE. " Allen; X: E. Bullock, Leroy Olsen, Frank J.,' Earl - and Waterworks "--Com missioner J. Earl Lewis. . Mrand Mrs Jess" Scovill took their son,, Keith, v-and .'his': friend, Wayne Brownf marine: corps en listees, to Salt Lake City' Monday. After completing" induction, the tW(oVl)oysleftforvS4n:piegc.t6; begin boot trainings ' . .. . if ' BY - R F. REniSCimSSEL ti The ' rose weevil , is herel Already Al-ready many .roses .have been attacked at-tacked by this one-fourth inch long, reddish colored. insect with a- long snout. Its long' snout, makes small deep holes in buds of roses and. some other garden plants. Infested buds usually fail to open. Examination of the blos som will show that the petals are! full of holes made by the feed . . . i . rog oi xne insect. Daily hand-picking of the in sect is helpful or the shaking of the beetles into a shallow- pan of kerosene. This should be done whenever the adults are numer ous or whenever the infestation occurs. Destroying the fruits or hips will lesson the infestation for "the coming year, for this de stroys the larvae. The young weevil lives in the hip until it emerges as an adult. Destruction of nearby wild roses may be advisable. The" burning burn-ing of the dried buds also destroys the larvae. Since these weevils are likely to be still abundant after the blooming season, the plants may be sprayed with lead arsenate, using four tablespoons-f tablespoons-f uls to a gallon of water, to- which have been added two tablespoons- fuls of a sticker such as wheat flour of casein. Plants that are regularly dusted with sulphur containing lead arsenate are well protected. This insect is not as a rule troublesome on the hybrid tea roses, but wherever it occurs, this insect should be controlled. GifwBriets WPepsr Drive.- r llets 05,700 Lbs. 'it Mrs.' J. E. Buck waiter .arid fam ily left ; Provo today ' tosjoin Mr. Buckwalter at ;SaltLake City, where he was recently, transf err red as district manager for . the Mountain States Telephone , and Telegraph company. Mrs.' Ci; Humphries vand two sons, Ronnie. and Rickie, of May- wood, Calif., have arrived in Pro vo to visit for a . f e w weeks with her mother, M ' Bobwrt Sauer, and relatives and friends. Mr. Humphries willl-join his -family later. Mrs.' A. E. Halsey of Los Ange les, Califs has returned to her home - after visiting for 1,0 -days in itovo witn Mr. ana Mrs. Wil liam Minger. Mr. Minger is Mrs. najmeys zauer.' . . - Mrs. -Shirley Bee left Monday night for Denver, and Longmont, C0I04 Where she will visit her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Williams, and little son, for two weeks. Mrs. Williams is the former Joyce Bee. A. T; Martin- and wife, of Har mony, Utah, are .visitors in Provo. Charles Rowe ' of Clearfield. Utah, spent ' today in .Provo on business. , . Myrtle E. Henderson - of St. George,' visited ?ih' Provo- today with -friends.- , . Mrs, H. vT(Zelpha) Smith un derwent a' major operation at the iajS hospital. Monday. Reports indicate- that the operation was successful. J. H. Maughan of Logan is here today with business friends. Ken Howard of Ruth, Nev.-, is here today on business. E. M. Crawford Of Castle Dale, Utah, spent today with friends -in Provo. Mrs. Reno Memmott has returned re-turned from a three weeks' visit in Sheridan, Wyq., where She took care of her grandchildren while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli . Clayton, : went, on- a- trip to new . i oris. Mrs. Jean Bambeau left Monday Mon-day night .for Colorado Springs, Colo., to visit 'her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bird (Beth Rambeau). She plans to take the plane? from Colorado Springs to Los Angeles, and will spend the summer visiting her - -'. .The waste, paper,, drive , staged by;;.th Daugtefi.' of Jutah Pioneers last, : , weekend - netted 99,700-pounds s. in 'Utah-V County, according to Mrs. Hilda Cherring- ton' ot Spring ville,' county presi-tfent,and.;Mrs.'Lovina presi-tfent,and.;Mrs.'Lovina Johnson; of Provo paper drive cna trman. ; ' 'Proceeds from sale of the paper wiUi be used-to- publish the 1947 pioneer histories compiled by the Daughters. ' t. ' - f . v . DUP officials issued a - statement, state-ment, thanking all ! those who saved paper, helped advertise the campaign, 3 gathered, hauledi weighed, or loaded the paper. ' Paper from vail cities or the county was pooled and loaded into one huge rail car at Provo, Mrs. Johnson, said. Women of the DUP . themselves stacked the paper in the .car. ViblaHohOf Probation Brings Prison Sentence Because he broke his probation by leaving the state and 'his em ployment, without consent jut. knowledge of the probation board, Billy. ' Long, 20, Provo, ' was sentenced in district court Monday-afternoon to serve one to 20 yeamin the state penitentiary , Long was on probation for a second degree, burglary - offense some months ago. He was return ed Monday from Nevada' local probation officer. by a Children Warned To Stay Away-From Away-From City Dump Parents of children living in the eastern part of Provo were warned today to do all within their power to keep them away from the city garbage dumps near the mouth of Slate canyon, because be-cause of the danger from attack by rattlesnakes. The warning came from Argyle Evans, superintendent of- the waste removal department ' who pointed out that rattlesnakes are being killed quite frequently by city employees at the dump. Last fall one of the employees was bitten by a snake, he said. PENNEY MANAGER RESIGNS POSITION SPANISH FORK G. V. Robertson Rob-ertson for the past seven years manager of the J. C. Penney store here, has tendered his resignation, resigna-tion, as manager to become effective ef-fective June 1st. it is announced. 'Mr. Robertson has been with the Penney company for 18 years, working for a number, of years in Ogden, later in Morgan, Utah, and being assistant manager at Murray for some time. A succes sor to Mr. Robertson has not been announced. Mr. Robertson states that he intends to go into "business for himself in Spanish Fork, where he has won many friends. " Red hair is the heaviest of all hair. Blond hair -weighs less than brown, and brown less thn black. IF YOU'RE BUYING FLOWERS for Memorial Day YOU SHOULD PLACE YOUR ORDER IMMEDIATELY. CALL O100R1 orem floral : and . . NURSERY . Yi MILE NORTH of. scera bldg. , Statistics BORN. Girl, to Glen and Wilms Pierec Case, this morning. Girl, to Reed and Tilda Leavitt Lowe. Monday, night. Girl, to- Theras Q. and Mar guerite Strickland Allied, Mon day.' ; Utah Valley hospital. Girl, to Willie and LaNell Wall Knoetfle, - Sunday, - -Maud Park home in Orem. ,..,F. IJ Physician Comes Back After Study On Fellowship Dr. Roy B. Hammond has re turned- home 'after spending five months in the east - doing postgraduate post-graduate study under a fellowship fellow-ship provided by the Common wealth foundation of New York, under its agreement with the Utah Valley hospital. Dr. Hammond spent part of the time at the Margaret Hague maternity ma-ternity hospital, Jersey City,- N. J. in study of obstetrics. Later he attended the New York Post Graduate medical school in study of ! pediatrics and finished up at jviempnis, Tenn. at one John Gaston Gas-ton hospital on the University of Tennessee campus where he studied obstetrics and caudal anestheisia. He was accompanied by his wife and child. Home Service Exhibits To Be Shown in County Home 4 i demonstration 4 service exhibits., designed to help women of Utah .jcounty .in-; their, home-r making problems; are: now . being shown .throughout the county, ac cording td Alys Price, home dem- onstrationi agents ' The "exhibits include nmu in food, preparation, nutrition, j- clothings home' man agemenV home ' planning, ' house, farmstead and community beautifies beau-tifies tlon.j family hearth and economics eco-nomics o home and family, and are being shown by the follow ing in each community: Mrs. William Trinnaroan, Lehi; Mrs. A. G. ; Bromley. American Fork; Mrs, Leo P. Harvey. Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove; Mrs. Myrtle Kitchen, Orem; Mts. Ray Peay and Mrs. Bertha Angus, Benjamin and Spanish Fork;' Mrs. Mary Aitken, Lake Shore and - Spanish Fork; Mrs. Wmj Nielson, Palmyra and Spanish Fork. Motion Denied To Return Law Suit SALT LAKE CITY, May 28 (UJK Federal 'District Judge Tillman D. Johnson today denied a motion to return I a suit against the -Ken-necott Copper Corp. and the Utah Copper Cp. back to Third district court.- ! The suit was brought against the two companies by nearly 800 present and former emplyoees seeking back "overtime pay involving in-volving nearly $1,000,000. They seek the pay from the time thejK reported for work on the property rather than from the time they reached their place of work. The women of Celebes renew their attire twice annually. Provo Jaycees To llesr Jhorri Grant ThornN Sprlngyille, candidate can-didate for president of the United States - junior cnamner ox v commerce, com-merce, will address, the Provo Jaycees at their ".dinner-meeting at Keeley's Wednesday at 8 p. m., announces Rajr: Murdock, presi dent. , - - . . . ' Business of the evening will include in-clude election of a member to 'fill a vacancy on the board of 'directors. 'di-rectors. Appointment ' of a summer sum-mer activity chairman, director of publicity, and executive secretary also will be announced at the meeting. . New President Of Payson Lions Assumes Duties PAYSON Bert Cheever, newly elected president of the Payson Lions club assumed his new duties Monday night at a dinner at the Clite - Cafe . attended' by 28 mem bers. As a special feature special awards were presented to the following: Past president's pin to Floyd Harmer; ten year chevron to Dr. Merrill Oldroyd; 20-year chevrons to Darrell Brown and Dr. L. D. Pfouts. Reed Money discussed plans for the State Lions Convention at Cedar City June 19, 20, 21. W. W. Hansen reported on the Emergency food drive and the Lions will canvas the ward with each member, being given a List of homes in which to solicit. Musical program was in charge of Grant Gardner who presented a group of juhior high school students. Negotiations In Smelter Strike x' '- h;- .-- X - 1 i SALT :. LAKE , CITY, May, 28 0.R)-iOIf icials of .the . CIO Inter national Union of Mine, Mill arid Smelt'ei' Workers and of the . U." SJ Smelting' Mining .-and Refining Co.( resumed ' negotiations here' for day-pa secondary issues! involved in a four and one-half month old strike. yHii$;X'-At- the, same; timetinioi:''of- f icials reported that negotiations between the union and operators of Head- -silver and zinc? mines m. the TinUc district; progressed favorably. yesterday in Dividend, Utah... : - . CHOIR REHEARSAL . " A Provo stake , choir rehearsal will be held -in the tabernacle . to night at 7:30. All members are requested o be present. - DAILY HEPAIX).. ."vfJfi PAGE 3 ELKS MEET WEDNESDAY Aiemoriar day, :theTegulaf meet ing pt the Provo Lodge" No. .849, BPO Elks will be held thir. week on Wednesday night; It was - an nounced today by , Ralph 'Thomas, exalted ruler of the' lodge. ; - Experience Shows ' See ;1ICIST First, , For Electrical Service , . MOTORS -WnUNO .' .REPAIRS ttt N. th East : . PHONE 414 &0HCE THERE. WILL NOT BE A GARBAGE PICKUP ON . THURSDAY, May 30th. The Thursday pick-up will be made on Friday. Waste Removal . Department YOULfii. YOU LIKE YOUR VAtCII fo keep ACCURATE TIME? If so, bring it to DEPARTMENT We Have The Finest Workmen; Obtainable Seven Day Service Six Months' Guarantee Crystals Fit While-U-Wait Operated by Clyde BIUls Honors Awarded In Rose Show SALT LAKE CITY. May 28 U.R) Mrs.- Coy, J. Hay ward of Bountiful, Utah, today had tak- brother. Sam Mitchell, wpraerljrjsdciety Rose show in Salt Lake of Provo. . rnt - City. , The-. blue, ribbou - was awarded award-ed to Mrs. Hayward for ' her picture rose entry. . Second place 'honors went to Mrs. Claude L. Shields of Salt Lake City for her hybrid teas. Both winners received trophies for their entries, Thunder accompanies every flash of -lightning, although you maynot always hear it. New Method Of Traffic Control SAT.T T.ATC1C r?ITV Mi 3 fllPl salt Lake pouceTwxiay were; trying a new method f con-; troiling traflc. ! stalled in the police -cars and -is used to talk to errant pedestrians and motorists. RUGS and UPHOLSTERY Shampooed - Mothproofed MAYBERRY'S Catering td Particular People Phone 1487 or 2138-W is HorP.8 ;mBtiffl ' lt' . "niODi-- t h kjkl i -' . r 4 nn- a now-type gasoline developed liSKelTfei New Shell Premium is a radically new kind of motor fueUUscs only the higher-efficiency 4Towcr-Heat't,, of the gasoline. For the first time gasoline is freed of the power-reducing elements present in even the finest pretfar gasolines! r ... r This new "PowerHeart' refining method makes it possible for your engine to feet the maximum efficiency out of ocwt war- ' developed fuel boosters. With this nW W-aroje gasoline you. . can start your engine in a flash . . get swift, even pickup . . . drive all day through t varying heat anjd cold without the whisper of a knock. ..enjoy smooth powerunder all temperature conditions. Such t radically new kind of, gasoline costs more to make-yet make-yet the costtayotiTisfid higher thin for ouer premium gasolines ! SMI X'lCQM$fr Oil ghes premium PnUctiou far ttdatf sustained sfieed drivtm-like New Shell Premium, it stemifrem eentinueus Shell Research i is , 4 1 4r 7 - f 9 .- " Try a tarikful of Ife Itn Frcmiuiti todav -. . ' wrrj - ak .? m-rXii9 j4 JH--- -jr . " v ? Vr. - - . . - ;.- -" .j" jS' . |