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Show TiZE PAYSONIAN, PAYSON, UTAH avIio might be kept alive by that NEW COURSE AT THE PAYSON HIGH SCHOOL food. Think that over and do your duty to prevent the Avaste A neAv course, Avhieh promises of food in your homes. to fill a long felt need in the Millions of Americans aa ill development of our high school this year be called upon to students, Avas organized at ihe shoulder the burden of many MRS- ALFRED R. WILSON. Editrea. leginning of the 2nd semester. jioav and heretofore unknoAvn will Paysonian deem it a favor if parties having or learning of The class is being given a thor- taxes. Shall avc, hoAvever, call WN Please hand or SjC1a ,nctions phone in the news to Mrs. Alfred Wilson, who has been engaged as ough course in oratory, debat- this a burden? Is it then a burSociety Editress. ing, extemporaneous speaking, den to support the great instituThis, tions in America that protect and in writing speeches. is only part of the and shelter us? Can it be a burhoAvever, The Afternoon Sewing club ranged a successful surprise last work offered. den to uphold this nation in a members wpre charmingly en- Wednesday evening. The occasMiss , Fonnesbeck, ' who has cause that is just? Shall AA'e contertained on Thursday, at the ion ay as made merry Avith games charge of the Avork, feels she has sider it a burden to support this home of Mrs. C. F. Dixon. Guests and singing followed by a dainty a group of real stue government to carry on a Avar exclusive of club members were Suppi r. The young friends of dents who promise to become that is to establish and insure Mrs. Frank Harris, Mrs. E. L. tli? honored guest present Avere rather efficient speakers. the freedom of all the nations Mrs. Will Amos Erma Reece, Melba EllsAvorth, McCormick, The folloAving speech Avas giv- of the earth. Some may call this Mrs. Henry Erlandson, Mrs. J. Marjorie Wilson, Theo Stark, en last week by Frank Backman, a burden but they are feAA The R. Vance, Mrs. R. A. Porter, Rhea Stark, Sella Curtis, Irene a Junior at the school. great majority of the American Mrs. II. S. Tipton and Mr?.i Man will, Elizabeth Simons, Lee OUR DUTY. people aa ill consider this as a Clarence Fairbanks Xebeker, Max BreAverton, WalWe are noAV engaged in a splendid opportunity for sacriMr. and Mrs. Flint McClellan ter Ware, Spencer' Amos, Willis great Avar a Avar that is to de- fice and for service, as an opentertained at 500 Saturday Loveless, Walter Daniels, Ned termine whether this Avorld shall portunity to shoAv the governevening, five tables being play- Xebeker and Don Xebeker. be a democracy or an autocracy. ment that its people recognize ed. High scores were secured uoav the great purpose of this Avar The officers of the First Ward And the countries that are by Mrs. Henry Erlandson, Mrs. the and are prepared to back the honorable and free among Henry Jeppson, Mrs. George Primary Avere entertained by nations of the earth Avill fight government to the last dollar. Jones, Pearl Smith, Will Amos, Mrs. John II. Francom at her on till their The pajing of a tax, the conright to be free is and J. C. McClellan. Consola- home Friday aftenoon, March 8. and till that serving of food, the purchasing tions were given George Jones The afternoon Avas pleasantly established forever, Avho made the Bel- of thrift , stamps aud Liberty men and Mrs. Mary McBeth. Follow- spent in seAving. A dainty lunch race of is placed bonds are all premiums AA'e arc gian tragedy possible ing supper games and charades was seved. Mrs. Francom was where can never it again force paying on the greatest insurwere in order. Present were assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Avorld. ance of all times, an insurance a Avar upon a peace-lovinMr. and Mrs. Henry Erlandson, Blanche Bixby. We, the citizens of the Unit- Avhieh insures us against conMr. and Mrs. Will Amos, Mr to ditions like those uoav ruling in Mrs. Ed. Bills and Mrs. R. B. ed States, have prepared and Mrs. Pearl Smith, Mr. and dedicatRussia, an insurance Avhieh proentertained Saturday dedicate, and are now Mrs. Henry Jeppson, Mr. and Douglass tects and preserves our families, measto the full cause this Mrs. J. C. McClellan, Mr. and evening at the home of Mrs. ing our Hats, our ideals, all that we Mothers devotion. of our ure Mrs. Orl McClellan, Mr. and Douglass. games Progressive sons to the na- are and all that Ave hope to be. Mrs. George Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Avere played, the prizes being are giving their Think of Belgium, systematiAvives are tion, bidding their Frank McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. aAvarded to Ed. Bills and John husbands as ruined, its people taken by cally they Will McClellan, Mrs. Mary Mc- F. Harris, the latter the consolathe as slaves! Think Germans of sail for France. Millions Beth, Mrs. Henry Elmer, and tion. A dainty lunch Avas served Americans are toof tasks Armenia, a nation massafacing to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. cred and murdered by an ally and and are hard, neAv, Mr. and Mrs. Will Madsen, Mr. day that of the lluns! Think of these them and are facing they Mrs. N. K. White Mas hostess and Mrs. Samuel Francom, Mr. bitter, remember that by doand smile. a with things at an enjoyable afternoon func- and Mrs. C. E. Drake, Mr. and The one great question on ing your simple duty you place tion on Tuesday, her guests Mrs. Jasper Hill, Mr. and Mrs. the n another barrier betAveen your lips of every man and numbering the members of the E. C. Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Harones loved and such unspeaktoday is, What can I do Entre Nous club and several ad- old Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. to as these. horrors able Avhat Avhat share of bit, help, ditional friends. Mrs. George F. Quigley, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bills is necessary that Ave all do It conI service can and sacrifice Wilson entertained the club last Jr., Mrs. Jasper Taylor, Ed Bills tribute to my country and to my our part in this great crisis, for Wednesday at the home of her and R. B. Douglass. Sometimes this question America uoav stands at the suflag? mother, Mrs. Eustice Mendenmoment in her history. Mr. and Mrs.R. B. Douglass is ansAvered by enlisting. But preme hall. Mrs Kenneth Dixon, Mrs. She has been chosen as the keyto to the the great majority, Frank Selman and Mrs. Rodney and Mr. and Sirs. Ed. Bills bulk. of in the arch of civilization stone the American people, the Is Wilson Mere invited guests. pleasantly entertained the Her is us different. strong arm, her fertile I club last Saturday evening at part assigned to her great Avealth and vast consists of a the in brain, paying The young "matrons compris- the Douglass home. The evening It must bear the measresources in the to conserve helping ing the Elite club Mere pleasant- was spent in games and a polit- tax, of the mightiest, the attack ured in food nations joining ly entertained last Wednesday ical contest at which Mr. Ed the Red Cross supply, most sinister and the in and the blackest, purchafternoon by Mrs. Wayne Gard- Quigley Avas declared to be the most diabolical Libthe military mamost badly stung by the spring asing of thrift stamps and ner. ever chine has that bonds. But however small destroyed bug of poetry, said bug bringing erty and chal worlds Ave the the and peace inconspicuous part a as of him bottle a Miss Thelma Peery entertainperfumery Avorld lenged its freedom. ed the following girl friends at prize for his efforts. J. F. Harris play in Avinning this great Americas great hour has as a we consider it should Avar a slumber party Saturday even- says he will try and put his the tragedy and ruin of struck and rare splendid privilege. ing: Miss Carol Poulton and prize to good use before he un- Even the small Avould be as great, as failure her the duty, prompt Miss Madge Thomas of Provo, dertakes to Avrite potry again.. as irrevocable as and and ungrudging payment of a complete Miss Lala Burdick and Miss Eva success. her of the glory tax, the conserving of a small Mendenhall. ONLY A BRANCH be So all lets becomes a of real Americans, let food, OF THE RED CROSS amount us do our duty to the last, and service. For and an honorable Mrs. Henry Jeppson gave a if you waste food, let it get into then this great nation, our oavh A number of people in Pay-sofamily party at her home last the garbage pail and be throAvn United States, Avill not perish are very much concerned Wednesday, the older members aAvay, that amount of food is from the earth. sewing during the day with an regarding the Red Cross organ- subtracted from the Avorlds e quilting bee in the ization in this city and, justly food If a Payson man is satisfied subtracted and lost supply evening. Dinner was served by so, feel that Ave should haAe a as a Avith the little, that is Avhat hes for winning the hostess. chapter of our OAvn instead Avar. Aveapon pretty sure to get. of only a branch organization. United the Herbert IIooAer, Mr. and Mrs. Alva J. Moore We are glad to note the pride Maybe the reason some felloAvs at taken by' our citizens in this States Food Administrator, says: haA'ent ansAveml their countrys entertained on Thursday their home in Springlake for connection, but in times of war He who Avastes food is no bet- cell is because the call Avas for their mother, Mrs. Vina Moore. you knoAV the nation is making ter a patriot than if he destroys nun. Others present were Mr. and every effort possible to IIoov-eriz- some guns and ammunition, and When a AA'oman aSmits she is Avho wastes food that might on funds as Avell as on he Mrs.' Reed Moore, Mr. and Mrs. 40 she ahvays hopes that youll be shipped to the allies is reClarence Moore, and thirteen food. she doesnt look more then insist sponsible for the deaths of those grandchildren of the honored By having the chapters of the soldiers 29. and women and children Red Cross organization centralguest. ized in the county seat, it conThe class of 1919 can be cred- denses the Avork in a good many ited with the most successful Avays and also lessens the corburden of the Junior Prom yet given in Pay-so- respondence at Division office The Payson Pavilion on Mountain Denver. a Friday evening presented It Avould take perhaps a year charming appearance, a most artistic decorative arrangement in before any branch organization pink and white having been could furnish enough of any one d used. Forty par- kind of goods for a standardasols were suspended from the ized shipment, and Cross material such Red so all Avails rods, and the surrounding the entire dancing floor were as knitted goods, gauze, etc., furnished by each branch, is Avith decked to the chapter, Avhere it The and mirrors. shipped boughs large band stand Avas into is sorted out and sent from The there in large quantities, each a boAvery. programs also carried the chos- class of goods by itself, to th This seasons most beautiful and chic en colors. The croAvd present Denver office, Avhere it is again Avas the largest assembled in the shipped to France Avithout the styles will be on display pavilion in several years, more laborious Avork of unpacking than 500 dancers being present. again You will find a variety that will suit all Another feature of economy The committee in charge of the of the reason is effected by big successful affair consisted of tastes, ages and purses, in the cleverest in buying yarn, Jennie Reece, chairman; Rctta advantage conceptions, and at the lowest Cutler, Roscoe Douglass and O- gauze, etc. in such large quantiliver Clayson. The patrons Avere ties, thereby saving a good deal prices possible Also, through this Mayor apd Mrs. Henry Erland- of money. son, President and Mrs. T. F. arrangement the supply depot is much closer Tolhurst, Principal and Mrs. for all branches Mrs. SorThis is what the visiting ladies say: Denver than the office, and Melvin Wilson. when our organization needs ensen has the smartest styles south of Salt Mrs. T. E. Peery of Springlake some goods Ave have easy access Lake. entertained last Friday for Mrs. to headquarters. There may be other reasons Anna Jasperson of Goshen. DinBe could be given, but in vieAvj that Mrs. and Mr. to serAred ner Avas Avithout T. E. Peery, Mr. and Mrs. Alva of the fact that Ave are, question, saA'ing a good dead of( J. Moore and Mr. Lee Peery. money and labor for ourselves' and our country, should satisfy birthIn honor of the tAvelfth Remember, Mrs. F. A. Sorensen, Mon. Mar. 18 avIio might be interested anyone of her daughter anniversary day Aft on, Mrs. L. V. Nebekcr ar in Red Cross work. In Social Circles snjHSHHniiiii:::::::::-::- ; SEAMS THAT KH ARE SEWED rm - mm mm TO STAY RH FH Dubblebilt m Avide-aAvak- SUITS FOR B0YS "DUBBELWEAR F II II II F II II II ! m ii F is !II II II I: g E 5 are reinforced at every wear seam. Every pocket lining is double stitched, each pocket double-locke- d. DUBBLEBILT is guaranteed for six months against rips, holes or tears. Should it fail to make good it will be repaired without a cent of cost to you Priced at $8.75 Let us tell you about DUBBLEBILTS 20 Points of Strength and Service Let us show you why DUBBLEBILT gives you the geeatest values ever known in Boys Knicker Suits. P1F3 iS is God-spee- d The Clothiers fMTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT- In the District Court of Utah County, State of Utah, Fourth PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHJ? avo-ma- NOTICES. Judicial District, Probate DiConsult the County Clerk or vision. the respective signers for furEstate of Jonathan S. Page, ther information. Junior, and Lilyus Millicent Page Deceased. Fourth Judicial District Court Notice to Creditors of the State of Utah, in and for No. 2808 Probate Utah County, Probate Division. Creditors will present claims In the matter of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob Bessan, with vouchers to the undersigndeceased; and in the matter of ed at his office in Payson City, the Estate of Rosine Bessan, de- County of Utah, state of Utah, ceased. on or before the 31st day of Notice to Creditors. December, A. D., 1918. Notice is hereby given by the The estates of said deceased of persons are undersigned, administratrix being administered the above estates, which are Letters of Administrajointly, being administrated jointly, to tion with the Will Annexed the creditors and all persons havhaving been issued to the undering claims against said deceased signed upon the admission to persons, or either of them, to exhibit such claims, Avith the neces- probate of the Last Will and Testament of Jonathan S. Page, sary voucherspvithin four months deceased. Junior, after the first publication of this Jonathan S. Page III, notice'to the said administratrix Administrator. AtR. A. at the office of Porter, and first said for published torney administratrix, Signed in Payson City, County of Utah, this 28th day of February, A.D. n old-tim- e -- - n. MONDAY, MARGE flovrer-covere- floAver-covere- d , IS At Mrs. F. A. Sorensens com-crte- d floAver-covere- d Come and -- aAlXtXXXLUlllilXXXXX..... State of Utah, which said office 1918. the undersigned selects as her R. A. Porter, place of business in all matters Attorney for Administrator connected with the estates of P. O. Address, Payson, Utah. said above named deceased persons. Notice to Creditors. ' MARTHA HOUSER, Administratrix of the Estates Estate of John Llewellyn, deof Jacob Besan and Rosine Bes- ceased. Creditors will present claims san, deceased. Dated and first published Feb- with vouchers to the undersigned at Goshen, Utah County, ruary 21, 1918. State of Utah, on or before the Fourth Judicial District Court 20th day of May, 1918. of the State of Utah, in and for Dated at Goshen, Utah, this Utah County, Probate Division. 14th day of March, A. D. 1918. In the matter of the Last Will R. W. LEWIS, and Testament of William H. Administrator. Taylor, deceased. BOOTH & BOOTH, Notice to Creditors. Attorneys. Notice is hereby given by the (First, pub. Mar. 14, 1918.) undersigned, executor of the Last Will and Testament of William PLENTY OF PROOF. II. Taylor, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having From People You Know From claims against the said deceased, Payson Citizens. The greatest skeptic can hardto exhibit such claims, with the necessary vouchers, within four ly fail to convince by evimonths after the first publication dence like this. It is impossible of this notice to the said execu- to produce better proof of merit tor at his office in Salem, Utah than the testimony of residents of Payson, of people who can be County, Utah. seen at any time. Read the ANGUS D. TAYLOR, case of it: Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William II. Taylor, Mrs. A. R. Potter, Depot St, deceased. Payson, says: Not only myself R. A. Porter, but others of the family have used Doans Kidney Pills. I knoAV Attorney for Executor. Dated and first published Feb- from the good results Doans Kidney pills gave us that they ruary 21st, 191 J. are a remedy of worth for kidney weakness. Sometimes my Notice to Creditors. back has been weak and lame Estate of Lucy S. Wilson, de- and would ache dreadfully. My ceased. kidneys would he inactive, too. I Creditors Avill present claims have bought Doans Kidney Pills Avith vouchers to the under-- i at Iluishs Drug Co. and they signed administrator at his resi-- ! have always given me the desired donee at Elberta, Utah, or to relief and strengthened my kidBooth & Booth, attorneys, Knight neys. Block, Provo, Utah, on or before Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont the 15th day of May, J918. simply ask for a kidney remedy J. C. WILSON, get Doans Kidney Pills the Administrator- same that Mrs. Potter uses. Booth and Booth, Co., Props., Buffalo, New York. Attorneys fol-loAvi- Convinced - j Fos-ter-Milb- ng |