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Show THE PAYSONIAN, PAYSON, UTAH chance of some day collecting a bill against him, but the editor has some cash news every day, telling the patients many friends how he is getting along. And then if he dies the editor gets the most valuable news of all. Not that he is ever glad of the misfortune, but the news is worth money same. Maybe j to him just the i the undertaker gets a little subscription price: than the but it is m0re editor, One year, in advance $2i)0 the has chance had at he Six months, in advance only $1.00 the victim during his whole Lawrence jorgenson career, while the editor has Editor and Manager. been pUljng somethiug Out of him all along the line. Copy for ads or will positively not Your Interests this Bank can THK nearer to being your kind Come in and See the Famous u : bank indispensable and helpful to you in the highest degree the nearer it approaches the ideals of its management. of a ' to render you a definite personal service in exchange for the business you give us a service that will be useful to you in the furthering of your interests. Our aim I MfiSWUMB is cepted later than 10 Wednesday morning. We Have Secured the Agency for this Wonderful Machine for Utah and Juab Counties, and Have a Car on Exhibition for Your Inspection. Expert Battery &harjin To kill the rat is a patriotic duty. The U. S. Department of Agriculture is distributing thousands of posters calling attention to the destructiveness of , the rat and urging a war of ex- termination upon him. In the1 interest of the conservation of Sell Good health and life, the conserva-- l tion of food, and the conserva-Accessories tion of natural resources, every rat should be destroyed. He serves no useful purpose. He is cowardly and filthy. To feed such a creature is bad enough but he destroyes ten times as much as he eats. By spreading tatal diseases the rat has killed more people than bullets have. He is just as destroy is usually' less than the The wise Payson man uses the filthy and dangerous as ever, cost of when lie desires to tell telephone to save it. heating says the government poster. Present some other man what he thinks prices, however, will of him. He is the most destructive and dangerous of animal pests. probably justify heating that While America is trying to feed would not be profitable in Now and then you run across the Allies this pest annually de- normal years. a Payson man who looks as tho stroyes tood stuffs worth $200, This publication is being dis- he was observing a smileless 000,000. tributed free of charge by the dav. Rats, says another authority, Utah Agricultural Experiment destroy grain while growing, Station, Logan, Utah to all who Sotue Payson mens arguments invade stores, destroy flowers; desire it. music, they Every fruitgrower :a,e 1ke classic, laces, silks, carpets; eat fruits, should have a dont dare as it may'solm(l 'v,,(,nK copy, vegetables, meat, etc., in the mean the saving of fruit that! 10 market; destroy by pollution will , add greatly to our food ten times as much as they eat; supply at this The old fashioned girl who critical time. s used to pin kisses in her love cause conflagration by draggnow ters a who matches into their holes; ing daughter gnaw lead pipes and floors of As far as Payson is ooneerned, knitting em into sweaters. houses; ruin artificial ponds and every citizen is to be found hopIf Patrick Henry happened on embankments by burrowing; ing that the man who predicted an early spring isnt the same a rth today about the first thing and destroy eggs young poultry; one who last fall that he would cry out would . he : damage foundations, floors, 'we were declared not doors, piers; in short, they have mild winter. going to have a Give me Liberty Bonds or give give me death. become the wofst mammalian pest among us. Rats are chiefly responsible for the spread of the dreaded Bubonic Plague. Trichinosis, usually contracted by man through eating raw or undercooked pork, would probably soon disappear it rats were eradicated around slaughter houses, butcher shops, hog For pens and similar places. Rats frequent garbage cans, sewers, dumps, etc., and then visit our storehouses, pantries and kitchens. In this way they convey . typhoid and probably other maladies. Poison Rats! Trap Rats! Never Let One Go! Make houses, stores, granaries, elevators All Kinds of Repair Work Guaranteed. Savings Bank Payson Exchange The Home Imlitulon Strong We 1 i Saving War StaniM Buy T hem Often- - HELP THE OLD FOLKS. TIHE TABLE A Effective January 6, 1918. Helping ..Hand Extended to Many Old People in Payson. Tlie infirmities of old age are many. Most old people have a had hack. The kidneys are often weak Or worn out with years of work. Backache means days of mis-fiy. Bladder troubles, nights of unrest. Doans Kidney Pills have helped to make life easier for many. They are doing so for old and young. Payson people are learning this. Read the following Payson endorsement: Mrs. 1. II. Marsh, Depot St., says: When a person gets along in years, the kidneys are apt to cause trouble at times. Often my kidneys have become disordered. My back would ache, too. I have always bought a box of Doans Kidney Pills at the Iluisli Drug Co. when 1 have suffered like this and they never failed to rid me of tlie aches and pains and strengthen my kidneys. Price (0c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doans Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Marsh uses. Co., Props., Buffalo, Orem Electric PAYSON to SALT LAKE CITY -- Leaving Payson Mileage Book will save you money, Investigate Ask tlie gent. A The Interurbnn can give better service on your freight shipment whether it be n hundred pounds or a carload. Through rates nud routes to interstate poiuts iu connection with the Union Pacific System adv X. Y. and allied lines. Some Payson men have been to advocate doubling salary and then go Some Payson folks are figur- everybodys home and raise a riot because ing on this springs war gardens theyre asked for f0e more a week for the table. and others on this years taxes. ( known PROGRAM Being greatly interested in and in sympathy with the move-- ! ment to promote the sales of government thrift stamps and war savings certificates, we listened the other day to a speaker who was generously giving his time to promoting their sale. In the course of his talk he frequently repeated this remark: The first principle of money making is money saving. It was a neat phrase, and we remembered it. However, there is one thing seriously the matter with the phrase, and that one thing is that it isnt entirely true. If the the first speaker had said of money saving is principle money making, he would have turned equally as neat a phrase and there would have been the added advantage that it would have been actually the truth. Earning and spending depend directly upon each other. If people stop spending, earnings eventually stop. If people spend without earning the spending supply runs out. There is no mystery about it. We spend because we have earned and are abe to earn because we spend. Money is made, governments are sustained, war is financed, homes are fed, clothed and made prosperous, not by pinch-mone- y hoarding, but by trading by buying and selling. There is no question or the desirability of real thrift and actual economy, but there is a very grave danger to the public of shortsighted thrift and false The economy we economy. need is of the products of nature. Money is quite a different thing. You may spend money for whatever you like, whenever you like, as you like, and it has not been destroyed. It is undiminished. It has passed on to still other hands. And it is precisely this process of passing money from hand to hand that puts life blood into business. And business in turn is the thing that thing the only gives employment to men and women and enables them to buy the necessities of life.--E- j Year and Firestone Tires and KNOWLES MOTOR CO. I j ! Si1-- let-l.a- COLVIN-REEC- E Are Headquarters Farm Implements Lawn Mowers Garden Tools Rubb er Hose rat--proo- f. HOW THEY WON FAME It lies with the power of any dealer, declares the advertising manager of one of the great nationally known firms, to mount to great heights as a of industry if he will THE EDITORS ADVANT- - captain use newspaper advertising judiAGE All the famous comciously. modities won their fame by Did you ever stop to think of advertising. how many more whacks the editor gets at his victim than Orchard Heating any other businessman in town does? With the editor the The Utah Agriculture Exwhacking process lasts from the cradle to the grave. When a periment Station has just issued person is born, even before the Bulletin No. 161 on orchard preacher gets a chance to bap- heating by Dr. F. L. West and tize him, the editor has congrat- Mr. N. E. Edlefsen. These men ulated the happy parents and have spent several years study has specified in extravagant ing this problem which they phrases the weight, sex and have considered from two pedigree of the new arrival. At angles, the possibility of prothe christening the editor often tecting the fruit, and the manages to squeeze out a per- economic advantage of dissonal item of interest to his advantage of protecting it. readers. When the victim The general conclusion is town the reached from in most while that high graduates school the editor generally ex- cases it is possiple to protect pects to reap about a column the fruit, yet, at the prices of good reading matter ceived for fruit in Utah during often prints a picture. Then if the last few years, the cost ot the victim gets married, the heating is, in most cases, gets five dollars and er than the value of the fruit dol- - saved. In other words the the editor gets twenty-fivs worth of surprise for his iijg price of the fruit is so low readers. When Mr. Victim gets that the value of the fruit on sick the doctor gets a faint the tree, which the lrost would COLVIN-REEC- E x. Week Commencing Mar. 25 MONDAY. VIRGINIA PEARSON in en Honor, and a two reel The Film Spoilers. edy Stolcom- TUESDAY. BILLY Daughter, Bobby BFRKF, and in Eves Pietograph Tank. Bumps WEDNESDAY. W.M. S. HART in Primnll.ure and Triangle Comcdv. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY in lluck PIGKFORD Tom, and a two reel Mark Taming Target Fomedy, JACK Sen-ne- tt Center. re-an- great-preach- 2K SATURDAY. The ELSIE FERGUSON in Song of Songs, and Ford Educational Weekly. ; e i ; sell-lar- d er See Our Complete Stock of New Wall Papers Pretty Patterns Best Quality Low Prices j?i,.lk;,tlIUapCrS - -Papers, 20-2S- C 20-2- 5c Heavy 3Oat IVIeal Rap- SOe bolt lni Hands, Borders, Ceilings to matcti, - - 25c Call andSeeUs. It Pays toTrade with the PAGE FURNITURE CO. Payson, Utati |