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Show THE PAYSON GLOBE.! cannot bo run, except r.t a loss, unices thu city uses tho lights. fuMitlir.1 ry Suim l.i by This we believe will be a step Globe Pub isbing Coxpan;. backward and a seiioua blow to the citys advancement. If there C. N.J.H'JtJkO.V, fcVflsr. is anything that gives a town a fit imuluHire the tit ii iitreil tbliwr traitHailMtioii through tbft modem Hpenrnnce it is electric tajmju, Curia. lights. In speaking to one of the t.iuil iiiiitter. ails i ntsiut the matter he 1 that siii proposed to use the they SL'HsCKIPTI HX; J! money to improve the streets, if itui Mia mouth. the lights were shut off, and that ' MuKiefDiilnllttmi'.k. a mass meeting would be called to let thu people decide what course CIIUKCK DIRECTORY. to pursue. Such a meetiug would bay Hahit. not amount to very much for we I'A.ir. Jr. llUhopa. JohnHl'K 10 ft don't Iwlievo one third of the at ia. ward in ftrluiol eaeh 8iuliay 2 1. m. inrctirj innt inlrititrie tn. jieoplu can be got out to a meeting of this kind. We have heard no I'lyiAjyff'HtiN a'Uttrck complaints about the city uaing Key. W. SiiiiK. 10 u. m, ft 11 ft. the ndftf lights and hardly understand nt. (M'li'ty nf Cbrutuu hu- mftiMlat iy. 2avoratp.iii. why stejis leading to a result To thna wtvuh nil are fiuviitali which will pluce the city in darkMethMtifit Hpiaenjml i'hu ir . Mr. ness should be taken. iILMM iilKlriY, IWor. Servians riimduy: Sui.ilay school 10 ft in. Daniels informs us that if the Pmslilur II. follow r. ly rl:i tiioHtiiif m. Crwirliinic t p. iu. plant is shut down it will very Epwonli laiftif Prayer Vlstiutf WiNliioduy eipiiiinr. likely be moved hi some other city. Mny it not lie so. McKinley went iu witli b grin, while Cleveland went Thu bill introduced iuto the oat with a case of the gout. Legislature providing that all notices retpiired by law to be It ia true we need street improveall nil in addition be ments hut the lights should not posted published iu a newspaper of general he sacrificed for that purpose. circulation in the county is one It is that should be passed. to Great men are not necessarily mi just exjiect people to be of informed legal notices which great talkers. Corbett mid Fitzthem concern simmons to the contrary notwithby simply postiug such notices up in two or three standing. plnces, with no assurance ihat they will remain posted during the It seems that the legislature required time. It seems to us wants to destroy one of the cnief that it is just ns necessary for one industries of Utah, the wftol legal notice to be published as industry. auother, and we think the bill introduced by Dresser should law. The first half of tho first day of become a March was decidedly Inrablsh, but the other half turned out to be How's This! extremely linnish. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that Just mark our words Hanna: cannot be cured by Hulls Catarrh There will be wailings and gnash- cure. ing of teeth throughout the land J. F. Cheney Sl Co., by the disap poi n tod office seekers. Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years Woodruff President Wilford believe him perfectly honorand celebrated his BOlh birthday last in all business transactions able May he live to celeMonday. and financially able to carry ont brate the 100th hnuiversay of his any obligations made by their birth. firm. West & TurAX, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Alongin December and January Walding, Iyinnan & Marvin, the farmers were entertaining Wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken infears of a drouth next summer, but now they have reasons to be in ternally, acting directly upon the fear of floods.- blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testamoninla sent free 75 cents per bottle. Sold It is not very gratifiying that Price all by Druggists. the Rolhchilda are highly pleased with tho ntterances of President McKinley on tho financialquestion Ths Eys a Ferfist Camara, iu his inaugural address. The eye is a perfect photographers camera. The retina u the We wonder if Grover Cleveland dry plate upon which are focused (lont entertain a strange suspicion all objects by means of the crystalthat the gay wont laugh when he line lens. The cavity liehiud this is gone, nor "the solemn brood of lens is the camera. The iris and The care plod on" uml that each one pupil are the diapli-ngThe the is will cease "to chase ids favorite eyelid of the room daik optical draping phantom, as before." is the only black membrane in the eutire body. This miniature Tom Cooper, the spepdy bicy- camera is self focusing, self loading clist, is to get 845.000 salary this and and takes milyear for riding a certain wheel; lions of pictures every day, in which will be almost as much as colors, and enlarge to life size. President McKinley will receive William Georoe Jordan os the chief executive of the nat- March Iiodies Hume Journal. ion. We would rather be Cooper than McKiuley. aMconl-i'lit- lfrr nl I'wn-Mu- r . 7 . enu-fiile- nt m. drop-shutte- r. The seggregntion of the Oregon Bhortline & Utah Northern from the LTuion Pacific will take place on the loth of this month. The headquarters of the road will lie in Salt Lake and it will he under the management of an efiiirent and capable Bet of officers; men who are thonrotighly acquainted with the system. s Corbett-Fitzsimmo- na We understand the city council csulemplates shutting off the clric street lights, which means i ..t the electric light plant will be ' libelled to close down, os it Packard of Springville and Gus 31miieiitlial of Irevo engaged in a glove contest fit the latter eity Inst week. The fight whh MUipMd nt the end of the fourth round, the county sent lad being considerably worsted. Charles Willing and Carl O. Peterson, two tie cliopiers, were buried in a snow slidb in Deer Trail gulch, near Marysvale lat week and crushed tn death. Their bodies were not discovered for several days aftei the accident Oue (lay this week a babe in Brigham came up to its mama, and putting its chubby hands up in her face said: (), pin sticky, Looking down tli fond mother was horrified on finding that one prong of a sharp hair pin hail penetrated the tmlm of the hand so far that it pushed np a pyramid of flesh and skin on the back of the hand. The hair pin was drawn out with greater demonstrations of win on the part of the almost fainting mother than from the plucky little yenr old girl. ISngler, Payson City estray pound at 2 oclock pi m. on the 8th day of March 1S07. Dated at Payson City, Utah County, State of Utah this 25th day of February 1897, Also one iron gray horse with no brands visible which will be sold on the 10th if above conditions are not complied with. Thomas Cloward, Poundkieper of said city. Wmr-Hll- burst forth ont in Great Salt IjHke about 15 miles west of Corrinne. Eruptions occur Blmut every 15 is it and minutes, said, smoke and ashes shoot up a distance of two and three hundred feet. It is also claimed that nphenvels of the earth oil the west shore of the lake near the Little niountai.'is have been discovered. Tins is evidently the cause of so niniy earthquakes which have been felt iu and around Brigham city recently. PAYSON arfiair . EXCHANGE Rubbers, Overshoes. Knee and Hip Rubber Roots. iIUiuitiiI Daubing and wink I mm m E!3 HCEMC LINK Gents Mackintoshes, TJts ill. UNION ALBERT S. HU1SH PACIFIC ..SYSTEM. LOCAL TIME CAUL). In rlKl, Ar. 5. UN, Traill. Arrlv. anil IVpart at tb. Ynrluii. Tiswake, btatlou. a. Follow.: Ouiith HohimI Ly. Lv.T SroiiTixG Goods 'sTJtfluN" Hardware. JU (30 i r Tin ( III 3 Lot rest It etui I House Iu PAY CN Utah, - - - m T T Jnnetlou Ihl ihi hi IT IU I Iti 119 til 33 2 I !V 3 l'i 3 ii:T PftlVO 4 13 FpriiiM klift 8miiiaJi Fork A) Kl 43 . Amoriinui Fork (Srotft H fed T 1 Ptl All HIM TUI I 1 - SI I 4 s II' I. plule. Prim muoiialila emwUlnit with Lsttiri good work and material. Solid Gold the' in at llemaining jxidtoffice Pomdain. Alliiniluiim and Mi lnr Crown., Tli Hnnrt of llrUItf. Work. Give m. a Pnsyou March 1,1897: trial. Part trade tukm iu xrmiucw for ilMitul wurk. Mary A. Barnett Electa Heninger II. Costrello T. C. Morris Bull Building, Bain Street, Fanney Fishnet George G. Hardy Utah & Simons Ellen Sofa Flanders Payson The above letters will be held 90 days; those uncalled for will The U. S. Qov't then lie sent to the dead letter iAov Rcyd Baking Powder office. avpsrlor to all others. C. W. Wright, P. M ... I Mil. Eatt.l D. R. Rurlny. Gph'I Art. Pamirr. City Tlek- -t OHIppSiI Main St. Salt H. Stark. Arrul I.ywHi, Fi rd publient ion Feb. to obtain ffRriS EASY. Higgler. 27. 1 81:7. rot? tints. (sMiierai S . I.oiiU VI Bf Phh. A o. Ticket Afl mccaw, F. andjewelci iFinaUapainncr a Specialty . . Ktrirmen. Finnntiim and jran Pmon aiumilnw. 8otH Mrasmgand SaaapMmtaL.asfgiAlLk.AtAy(a,iml.m.jp Phlrty-gr- o - - HtH it boom lIIOFJ.S.IAUK&BOX. I Stop at SoCANNE v A.AOvJ.1.4, 1 TRAD! MARKS. DtSICNS. eOPVRIOHTS Ao. Abtmi. mtlni a 3trh .nil dwerlKlea la an lamtlnuat, auirklTMeR.ln, frww ' Ar Ar lSHr 10 IJJOft llooa untitha. AMERICAN, id Ik s Everything neat, Comfortable. TraSU Manarwr. York. and first-clas- SAMPLE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. Is nwluya jrovitleil with grsin hri! 1 1( (30.1233 (AM40:i3U PM Dpp (S111S yonr teams will be well fnlim ani nr riga are alwnvs ready 40 llaul J 0U nt reasonable rales. 0 i 1 0 L La iry 'us aucl oe Coiraiucsc. Youre, . McCANNE & CUSHING. II OTEL W IGHTMAN. D.C.DODGI, Uan'l Mrr. 8. H. BABCOCK, CO.. (nr IC3 M 13 40.2 10 I 31 I W Bur.ka Mammoth Jet. Silver City 11(3 40 i.'X in 'i 32 1 CanouSiilinr Ar Tiea-Pna't.- A hoi XraoAddnaa MUNN A RSI HrMdwaY, II lM PM (33K 3 itatatlon. wlutr.no tlra. I. ihnwn train, do not .toil. D train, run dally. S K traiu.ruadnllypxc.pt Sunday. Hparinn MPiwudiiAiA oi I'.Tiirn li AM 'PM! I14JSMI wh-t- brr rimnittiiloatloii. Mitotlr own.lmilaL Old-Awwawlna paint, mkia Wwklnftoa hav. H. ItmmIi ukn tlutNuk Muui a tU uflliw noftit SCIENTIFIC 4O-- : Hillniilo Imitniida I WU.iiIrM., UiTAM. 2.00 pox Diiy. OTHD! C ;PII, -- John, Idea LIVERY All luu! Dap Salt lali. (00 ( 33, Drp bprinrvillo Fork ((u(4d Spuui.k r5 Paywm (3i( T 03.1 Sai.iaiiiiu On. lieu U. 8. 1 and Office Attorneys. Oa H. C. An simple tUiiKtipat(niT Frptecl yrmt Mns : they mny bring CO.. I Writs JOIISt WKDhEHBuhN nrys. WNSiitiurton. I k. for tiKflr pries offer aad asw lki el uus Ihmuaud ftbYsnUous wsnivd. lPit.. Uk.l'lly. GOOD a Lorenzo Gardner, John .T. Loveless, Henry Sargent, John T. Moure, all of Clinton, Utah Co. Utah. Byron G non. II. H. KOOU3M, CnitiDerciul KralfflA Am. kgi, Ucrluii blurk, Salt Ukt Clli, 3Ii:r. I,. CLARK, Succeasr to II. S. McCaune, IS YKARS IXPHIBNOI. Holice for Publication. viz: address Whn mb think 1 No. 3194. He nnines t he following witnesses to prove his mntinuni nsidcnce noon and cultivation of, said land, jt!l on or T rain No, I Wyc I )ulnti 1 n. in. Fait f .aUa a, m. Color', 7Ha. iu.. arrivaiit lfiielilt m. 7:D a in.. adoSpriitipi Train Xu, 4 IravnOjfilMi 6;:i5 a. iu. Sail Uku 1 :4U. tn.. nrriva at p, in.. Color-- ; Hilo Spriiiutt G:l$ ii, ui.. Iirurr p. in. inutfct nt I'lirlilc. Coiorfulu CoiiDM'tioiM SprinirH and lienver m iili all Iimm nurt. Kl-- 1 uml I'niiiiian aliuir rant ilav 0:1 nil trains. TmI.v flu Ponvir A KioliraiMlrNiid liuiftnconifoM.iliU'Trip and enjoy tha linait wtiMry onthtt,nnti;;r:il S. K. HiMlPK'l. S. MCiiilKS. Traffic Man U. P. T. A. fkniYPr, Colo. Mint'r, Colo R F. NKVJXS, C(iii. Ajft. S;tlt ULe. City. H. M.Ciuliiu. Trav, IV Ajft. 1 Ryurt K1UI1 t 139. EFFECTIVE APRIL 20th, n tivkeu ! oimratlui; only par pr ipp platm. nuiiliiiml mnul nud rulilM-- r platiw, Th. bbnrtmt and FmImI I.lua from Halt ('outliii.iMia Klim work .wl all rulriior Luka to DaiiYor.XruwiCity. Ouiulia am1.il d rirfftint uml TlioroucMr yoJftra Rulpm itiui IiH'iiiiiusr ( hiir Care in vklufe I hUth itrci fro to ImUfra NiAir tri 3 III Ooal - John T Moore, Lnrei.zn fbrd-ne- r, John W. DmUiiigrr. Henry Sargent, all of Clinton, Utah Co. U'ah. Also. Notice is hereby given that the following-namesettler hna filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made liefore the County Clerk of Utah County Utah, at Provo City, Utah, on April 10, 1897, viz: John W. Drol linger. H. II No. 12901. for the S 1 S W See. 2d. and F, J 8 E J Sec. 27, Tp. 10 Toihruretit rit inaiui AUiutU maumkI. i .Sill t t'l I SU i 3; tt Ncplii UTAH tali! North Hound f Ar. Ar (IwiIfm 31 I And Puitivuly the (jdiukeat Bonks Rapomfras. PkAH 1 10 2 Ml 3 10 ft to Ijeadville, Aepi'ii, Pueblo, Colonulo Springs anil Denver. Wanted TIim. tmliia will ba .lagautly qulid pura-Ij- r local Mid al way. outlma. PatruiiUe tU.ua wlaau jruii truvrl. I iLl-Tli- Watchmaker New Train Service AND WOl No TireKome Luyovara, Close Connect ijna In U u ion Depots. a 10 ;si i;i Krltr-- j UT: 4 43 nearly frozen to death. i J. Tiison, )R"Doe" Dennis took him in charge Pour train ilnilr from and worked with him 21 hours to DIITI"T. Ofilra ro Sail IjiHo. Two fut train, dally Huh tn all Kilnt. naat. keep him from dying, then the Oldest eaUibl.bhed piactitiorier In fnnn Iiniimvm Tuuriat Slwirr..iol fro. fellow arose and went on his way PavBon. Ollioe ovar Bank. Ik.tn riiUutowlfhni.l rt .liar. Klpsaat Day Cuarlip. rejo icing. Tiute Picnee. Extructiuc anil flllin. a Jniiir. SolU Gold lino Th iliniiiv A uF TIIK i Finest assortment of Ornaments for fancy work in the city. A. M. Kino wis only Ih.r mi.nlii; and Childrens Toques. iu Unclaimed s Ladies Mackintoshes, Misses Caps -- hm Facile E'y, A SPECIALTY. Misses & Childrens Underwear. i b tbroark grainiiMt k.H.ry of Mia Ko4 iniuiuraiu.. Im aura to au lor a link.! that rand, via th. COLLECTIONS Ladies' Underwear STOVES City, St. Louis, 0 per cent Intervut pa ll on lime tlepaail. Gent,s Underware, giving his nnmc as E. 13. made his wny to the Dennis Kyle ranch lost Sunday afternoon Kansas F.y.un, Utah. ITriiu-l- t Ag It A N I - SAVINGS A man search of employment, and was directod to the Dennis mid Wilburn tie camp, where Willing and leteraon, unknown to any one, were lying dead, anil from the fact that the camp was buried about two fntlioms under snow, lie wns unable to make connections, and wandered luick to the ranch nt 1 If you tHre gttfrn? ul $10,000.00. ! FOB- Xnyson i l'Mlit.il Stork Ailtburiu-- It ia reported that a volcano lias nn have in my possession , the following described animal impounded as estray or for t rose pass: One black and white 2 yenr ol.l heifer branded fi on left hip. If damage and costs on said animal lie not paid within 10 days from date of this notice, it will lie sold to the highest cosh bidder at the II. S. HEADQUARTERS -- ' WKUMCR I'mldiml. W.H. TAVW.lt occurred. land, viz: 1st ray No tics. T.Q. J. U. DOUGLASS Ilo.v Salt Luke City Utah. February 23, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d asitler 1ms filed notice of his intention to make SEVERAL FAITHFUL final WANTED pmof in auport of his claim, women to travel for and that said proof will le made responsible established house in liefore the County Clerk of Utah Utah. Salary $780, payable $15 County Utah, at. Provo City, Utah, Position ou April 10, 1897, viz: John J. weekly and expenses. I.oveieaa, II, E. No. RfilHl, for the permanent Deference. Enclose W S E 3 and S N E J Sec. 13, stamped envelope. Tp.iaS.lI.3E. The National, Star Building, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residChicago, ence and cultivation of, said I of the Nevada to ask for an intends egislature ppropriation of $3,000 to bear the xpen8e of presenting the winner of the fight with a belt worth that amount. This seems to be carrying the thing a little too far. The next we will likely hear of Borne Sage Brush state legislator wanting to pass a bill to boar the traveling and training expenses of pugilists who come to the state to engage iu prize fights. A member i casi-of peculiar s few nf which came near resulting fatally, occurred in American Fork last week. The poison is supp iseil to have lieen iu the food the fMrtiis hail eaten. Several poisoning, a ciiunr-iliiici- - a Throughout the State. v F. A. WADLKIG11, G.u'1 Poik ATkkrt. Art. What a lot of advertising the Bnrlingfou Route must resoivt, if it is (rue, as some people say, that "a pleased paaaengrr is lailroads bust advertisement ! Omaha Chicago Kansas City Louis ALL points east and south. -- Sb Tickets and time-table- s at all 11. G. W. ticket offices. F. McM ILLAX, General Agent. Ik F. NESLEN, Tray. Pas. A Freight Agent. 11 Walker Block, Balt Lake City. VI li v: ryt': i ?;, 25 rooms bingle or cu-snit- e, r.: oJc rn and up tc duie FREE HACK meets all trains Livery Stable in connection. Idnrjyc line sample room I J. WIGHTMAN. Prop.. y |